Why didn't any of the kingdoms use their wealth to hire faceless men to do their dirty work?

Why didn't any of the kingdoms use their wealth to hire faceless men to do their dirty work?

Attached: faceless.jpg (2048x1365, 319K)

who's to say they didn't


because everything in Essos just exists apart and is essentially worthless to the overall plot except when you need convenient plot devices. It's the land of plot devices I guess I'm saying.

This. It's strange how little they matter to each other.

Are we ever going to learn why he was in Westerors? It seems like he was trying to get sent to the Wall but who was he trying to kill?

why didnt medieval Europeans hire some ninjas and samurai to assassinate their political rivals?

a man is afraid of getting caught by some lannister lackeys, evidently

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Because they charge something ridiculous, like literally an arm and a leg or your own life if it came down to it. But I also think they charge by % of your net value, so proportionally a rich guy would pay more than someone that's poor.
The better question would be why don't poor people hire these guys more.

Poor man good, rich man bad, simple as.

They’re outrageously expensive
They will also refuse the job if they feel like it isn’t worth it or the consequences would be too great

>Why didn't any of the kingdoms use their wealth to hire faceless men to do their dirty work?
Robert hired one for Dany member?

The Dutch did in Asia

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The eternal D*tch strikes again.

This. You might as well ask why there are real life assassins, but not a high profile assassination every week. Sometimes it's just not worth it to kill someone no matter the pay check

Also, you can pay the assassins to put you on a NO-Kill list, That was actually a thing ninjas did in Japan. You paid them a retainer every year and they didn't kill you because they worked for you

That's not quite how it works. They always make the person pay "dearly", so the poor guy would have to sacrifice a loved one for them for example and the rich guy who only cares about money would have to give them all his money.

that faggot with the wine?

that guy was a bitch, that bumfuck with the knife sent after Bran was more of a threat

ninjas were just spies not some super assassins theyre portrayed as so I doubt that

>spies can't kill people because I said so

what is it like being illiterate?

the amount of people talking out of their ass in these kind of threads is trully mind boggling

Yep it's like a different universe

because assassins and spies already existed in europe. the comparison is retarded, as the faceless men have knoledge to change faces and go unnoticed, thus making them more effective and deadly. not to mention their reputation. the only reason ninja and samurai are popular is because the japanese over romanticise everything.

if by romanticise you mean lie

assassinating a rival powerful man is difficult as they tend to be wary of such attempts, they have lots of guards and their own spyrings/contacts and if they find out who did it somehow then they WILL come after you. Not that this was not done in history, the hashashin had many very dramatic assassinations of seljuk princes including one in a mosque and saladin slept on an elevated guarded platform because he was scared of them, its also rumoured that Richard I hired them to kill Conrad of montferrat, of course being scary didnt save then as in the end they were btfo by the mongols who burned their mountain retreats.

What im trying to say is that martin is a fucking hack and at least one definitely should have hired a faceless man..

a) Because their price is absurdly high and contrived
b) Euron did


They were pretty much the suicide bomber of their day. The glorification of them in assassin's creed is almost as disconcerting as their gay rituals

Managed to land a role in GoT, this is the year!