So, is Brie /ourgirl/ after all?

so, is Brie /ourgirl/ after all?

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anyone that defended these before can now see how bullshit they are

Yeah, but what if she drew Scarlett?

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ok, what exactly are these things
I never gave these threads any attention

Bottom of the barrel of celebrity gossip.

They're called blind items (leaving names out of rumors until someone guesses gives a little legal protection or something idk), and this one's AGC which just aggregates them from other collections.

blind items, basically celebrity gossip without the names of the people involved. the website in the OP posts them from a couple different websites along with guesses as to who they are about. here it is if you want to check it out:

oh really, it's just gossip?
I always thought it was some lawyer things since the name on top

probably wasn't the chad she expected

Yeah pretty much gossip. I'm sure somewhere there is a few that were a bit more plausible, but most of them are just too outrageous to be genuine.

Because Brie TOTALLY wouldn't be screaming at the top of her lungs to every media outlet if something even close to this had happened.

Kill yourself newfag
Kill yourself spoonfeeding reddit nigger

>source: B. Larson

I'm sorry I'm not as invested as you in celebrity gossip, but no worry, you can keep your little club a secret, cause I don't care about it

That one sounds like a bunch of bullshit.

Of course not. (((They))) wouldn't be ok with it, and her future income would dry up faster than JLaw's.


>his robot dogs attacked one of his housekeepers

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This. She would wait until her movie deals dry up just like Asia Argento. Someone store the screencap and we will check again in a few years.

It sounds like bs fanfiction, but if it were true I'd bet Disney has it in their contracts that none of the stars draw negative attention to the franchise by babbling about something like that. They'd have to keep a leash on a massive cast like that.


>have dated
No, user, she's not. She only refused when Sam Jackson's name wasn't pulled.

It's like something straight out of The Boys.

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blind items revealed actually turned out to be pretty reliable from what I've noticed. they leaked Jussie Smollet's charges being dropped a long while before it happened.

Most likely bullshit. You really think Don Cheadle would be on that list?

WTF this feet are Crypt Keeper tier.

It's some random asshole who LARPs as an insider entertainment lawyer. He's basically your average tabloid columnist, he reports whatever's a hot topic in entertainment gossip intermixed with shit he just makes up

respect her now after she gave Ellen the stinkeye over calling her Captain America. She can pretend all she wants that she hates men but she probably despises wrinkly annoying dykes even more

From CDAN, sure, but a game of adult spin-the-bottle, in Hollywood, in the current year, involving top names? Was the source Ralph Wiggum?

hollywood is so fucked. nobody should have to do that. if they did theyre a retard

the boys ran a train on newbies

Shes a lesbian irl dumbass

more like her PR team are doing damage control, the blind sounds like a fairy tale.


And that man's name? Albert EINstein.

Yeah. I was specifically thinking of the "it ain't gonna suck itself" scene.

It completely sounds like something a women would make up. Something she thinks men would actually do.

>Implying she wouldn't be lucky to get with any of them

CDAN works in a single way, by submission, that means the breakdown is like this

>Blinds submitted by PR to propagate a narrative
>blinds submitted by fans to propagate headcanon
>legit blinds submitted by insiders (very rare, things like abuses and shit)
>wild shit made up for clicks (murders and conspiracies)

Thats how CDAN works.And the reason its a tool for PR people is because the interest and attention it gets from fandoms and shit.

Would watch this movie

gossip site shilled by here
this specifically is faked because the same site mentioned how brie larson got casting couched by kevin feige

If Enty believes Anthony Bourdain was killed by Mossad agents sent by Harvey Weinstein in retaliation against Asia Argento, and that Asia Argento was meeting with Harvey Weinstein to deal with Jimmy Bennett, why didn't Enty break the news of Asia Argento's affair with Jimmy Bennett?

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Dude, Larson clearly did sleep with someone, it's the only explanation for the safety net that she have

What I gotta know is, what's with the comments section? The people getting upset at the rumors getting called out come off like "Listen and Believe" people.

Because the Eye of Sauron would've just shot the eagles down

Surely that is bullshit? Making people pick names out of hat and then expecting them to fuck that person.

Nobody believed the sex cult. Until 5 years later everything that he said about it turned out to be true.

The comment section is where the meat is, most of these blinds are just that..."blind items", the appeal is that the it involves the readers to guess, be involved in the gossip.

Its a really powerfull thing, mainstream tabloids had a story a few years back about the fear HW has for CDAN and Enty, it is THE gossip avenue of today, where yesterday it would be tabloid rags like The Sun or TMZ.

With Feige. That's all she needs to get her role and be pushed the way she is right now. Can still be hated by the other actors.

To expand, the way PR suits use the site is, for example actor A wants to divorce .

In the mainstream they have one narrative, everything is fine, lovely with the spouse but in the gossip underbelly you have things like cheating, drug abuse from one spouse or another, the dark stuff.

This gives more dimensions to a narrative that leads to an end result, the divorce for example. And when the divorce happens it is in the news for a few days and it goes away, because everybody knows everything, the mainstream knows the official story (friendly divorce bla bla bla) and the gossip hoes know the "real" story (the dark stuff).

Its really complex from a PR pov, its all about control.

secret club! secret club!!

Anything juicy come from those blind items lately? Is there any fast way to browse because shits a slog

Wildest items you remember?
>Rita Hayworth was a child prostitute
>Jackie Chan/Jet Li is running a massive Triad drug-smuggling ring

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the scariest thing about this image is that she seems to be showing true emotion for once.

>is secretly gay
>was caught using coke
>was embarrassingly drunk
>has relapsed on any addiction
>cheated on their spouse
>cheated on their spouse with a co-worker
>fucked a director/producer/executive for a role

90% of the blinds right there

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more like 100% of what Hollywood is

Yeah but did anyone think differently

Some old ones

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yikes. literally BIG OOF. its almost sounds true, if it was underage female co-stars being chosen from a hat I could maybe believe it

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Wholesome and based if true

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its not, "Kindness" shit its 100% PR.

>but don't tell anyone

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David ran over the girl?

Last one

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So do the dolls have AIDS now?

>random name chosen from a hat.

Is this how actress and actors have sex?

IDK if they're all just gossip
The site always links them to sources when they come true/become public.
Of course, not all of them comes out with source, so you always take all of them with a fucking sack of salt.

Oh I remember this gay shit. They had one for Hunger Games about how the cast was all sleeping with each other (even the MCs sister) except Woody, all he ever did was smoke weed apparently.

I think it's just hot people in general user

Dang! Hollywood is in another level m8.

What people don't get is that all of entry's legit pieces come from police/public prosecutor information.

All other gossip is just him unloading a bunch of bullshit intentionally to hide his I'd

Man I had to re-read that, I thought it was about a male co-star named like a hat, like John Panama or something.

Emma please be well!

No, it was Broderick on one of his vehicular rampages..

Who did Scarlett fuck? I like to think it was Karen Gillian.

'twas Samuel El Jacksonel's BIG BLACK DINGUS

Hot people won't play sex roulette if it can end up having them hook up with ugly bastards like Don Cheadle or people of their own sex.

Has Scarlett fucked every male in the MCU?

what kind of world do these people live in that they would expect us to believe there are robot dogs available for purchase

Obviously cheadle wouldn't have been in the hat

Ha, I knew it

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You should have some sex, incel, that is what normal people do.

>the capeshit board
>literally the capeshit board
>actually believe a gossip website
You can't make up how fucking sad this place is, just nuke it.


It sounds like they are making shit up to justify Brie just being an annoying person to be around.

That sounds more like a punishment for the other actors.

That all just sounds like he was in character.

>they don't like me because i won't have sex with them

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Based Chris hooking up his buddies.

Boston dynamics has developed robot dogs retard.

they leave the names out because none of it is true and it's all libel otherwise they are facts and there's nothing wrong with saying them. the only reason you'd need legal protection is if you're spreading untrue things which defame someone

>one of these things attacking housekeepers

would be utter kino to watch

That technology doesn't exist. Just look at the slapstick of the cherry-picked Boston Dynamics robotards videos.
Somebody painted a couple of pitbulls silver and sold them to Leo for a hundred grand, or these articles are shit.

Black Mirror S4E5

Allison Mack being in a sex cult was a blind item about 6 months before she was arrested for it. Was that plausible?

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>Don Cheadle or people of their own sex
Don Cheadle is fine and are you implying that actors aren't all bi?

>could easily have sex with one the numerous chads in the movies
>"eww gross why would i want to have sex with a good looking man!!"

Shes legit autistic.

They occasionally get it right, I'll give you that

But there are a LOT of misses. He either has personal grudges, gets fed nonsense, or gets caught in the middle of gossip wars a lot of the time

eg: Enty has been predicting Tesla is just about to go out of business any day now for about three years now

I still remember that gigantic secret movie allegedly being made that I think Chris Nolan is directing? A whole bunch of A-listers and it's about Traci Lords (?), allegedly

he just puts out every rumor he hears and takes credit for the few that turn out to be true, it's really that simple

That's fucking funny, I hope it's true. I recall hearing that a celebrity posted on reddit about how much they hated their life, and people thought it was him

Based Scarjo and Olsen giving the lads what they want.

poltergeist girl one, sounds true and mostly checks out as far as they can

Probably the Nickelodeon producer who has a underage harem at his kids shows.


Enty obviously has law enforcement sources, most probably fbi.

Here's what he got 100% right lately:
>actress got caught with a shit load of drugs (trafficking) but is ready to give bigger names to avoid doing time. Rose McGowan, 10 months before she started the whole me too thing.
>a list actor is in trouble in the wake of me too, but his willingness to give names (and he had a lot of heavy names to give) will let him out of jail at least - kevin spacey
>the whole investigation on the sex cult back in 2011

Dan "Hold Her Tighter, She's A Fighter" Schneider

Hero or Villain?

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not reading all that. bullet points?

go back to Yea Forums if you're too sensitive to handle Yea Forums's lack of moderation, you retarded faggot

They predicted the Louis CK scandal by a full year though

>friendly reminder Enty is always rigth

As a avid CDAN reader (don't shoot me, I know it's stupid, but this is my guilty pleasure) I find interesting they never reveal dark blind items about Miranda Cosgrove. Pretty telling if you ask me.

And NXVM scandal with Keith Ranier and the Smallville girl


Nice try jew. She is a bitch and not a rape hero

>Miranda Cosgrove isn't a good clean Christian girl who wont even hold hands before marriage
nice try user but i dont believe you

well that's wholesome

wot if your robodogs ate your maid scary innit

He is behind all those black women /pol/ threads, not saying he should stop.

Hi, Dan.

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i would rape a million babies just to smell her feet


Knowing Brie Larson someone made a slight advancement towards her and she chalked it up as sexual harassment.

She will never be your willing fucktoy never again. Just forget her and move on, dirty Dan.

How so? Do you think Cosgrove is a Enty's source?

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It's almost as if those in power and those with secrets flood these things with false reports so you can easily miss the big ones that are real. Maybe there are some major ones, you just have to cherry pick them.


>>a list actor is in trouble in the wake of me too, but his willingness to give names (and he had a lot of heavy names to give) will let him out of jail at least - kevin spacey
Totally fake news.

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the child abuse ones are pretty fucked up
the spielberg/heather o'rourke particularly
fucking big if true


Child abuse rumors are just homophobia from Republicans. Their homophobia is the real evil. None of those rumors are true.

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If that’s true then I suppose I respect her a bit, since she respects herself and her principals. Odd since that’s a pretty rare trait in women who just sleep/manipulate their way to the top

Now that I think about it, she’s pretty much a man in a woman’s body with how aggressive with her stupid “feminist” philosophy she is; which is most likely why conservative people like me instinctively dislike her

>Blind Items Revealed #1
>April 16, 2019
>The dam is starting to show cracks. One of the victims of the should be disgraced Nick producer is finally speaking out about the things the producer made them do on set and off.
>Alexa Nikolas/Dan Schneider

Enty just posted this reveal. Hi, Enty.

They are called "blind items" and they are just celebrity gossip. Yea Forums is a mixture of reddit and lonely middle aged women. They have nothing to do but read gossip pieces.


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Lawyers gossip amongst themselves and to others. Get one in a good mood and ask them to tell stories. They'll ask you not to tell anyone else and may drop the names, but they'll tell secrets and things shared/known to them through client privilege, discovery, sealed from courts, inadmissible evidence etc.

>gets fed nonsense, or gets caught in the middle of gossip wars
Yeah he's often reporting gossip, which is gossip-tier. Sometimes gossip is hidden truths, sometimes it's bs.

with feige and weinstein, there´s a reason she didn´t say shit about weinstein even tho she´s all about feminist empowerment

There's a disclaimer that some of the blinds are pure ficiton.

There had been articles about that for years before it was ever mentioned by blinds items.

Based, that's probably why he isn't doing The Lion King btw.

He looks haggard and all sickly like he's got AIDS
all actors are bi? What a bunch of sodomites

if this is true, my respect for chris goes up slightly. I presumed he was the typical liberal, SJW faggot who took dick secretly, but this... this makes him somewhat better.

RDJ fucking saving cinemas and bagging that MCU cash, too

hahahah, I really wish I was there for the filming of Die Hard 3. would've been amazing to hear his mouth pop off when Sam Jackson came around to shoot...

>implying this isn't just a rumor started by Brie herself to shame ScarJo and the rest of the cast because they didn't like her frigid personality