Watching HDCAM 1XBET version of Avengers Endgame

Why does this shit pop up constantly?

Attached: 26-evil-captain-america.w700.h700.jpg (2557x1053, 213K)

Other urls found in this thread: Endgame&category=0&page=0&orderby=99

to piggyback off of avengers and advertise their service


Pay to watch it or stop bitching.

>watch Last Jedi russian camrip with no subs
>online gambling website commercial cuts in every once in a while

>dont mind me, just pirating this wallet

Attached: depositphotos_1833626-stock-photo-stealing-from-back-pocket.jpg (680x1024, 139K)

I'm afraid the shitty gambling scene was part of the movie user

get your parent's car keys. get some duct tape. got to the garage, seal up all the cracks real good, all the windows, the garage door, seal that shit up. download this movie and start drinking a case of beer. if you've never drank beer just steal something like coors light or whatever thor drinks in this film. lock yourself in your parents car. make sure that garage is air tight. start that engine and start watching all your favorite evengers movies at once. back to back, leading up to the endgame

haha fag :DDDDDD

Attached: FUG.jpg (400x395, 30K)

>download JAV
>Chinese gambling or camsite ad at the start

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>Stop them! They're stealing this painting!

Attached: image.jpg (620x330, 41K)

Attached: 1555904231122.png (976x658, 237K)

Could u post more screens op? Wanna see if its worth a download


Attached: - Avengers Endgame (2019)[English 720p - HQ DVDScr - x264 - 950MB].webm (1280x536, 1.98M)

kek, what garbage.

my theater actually had a very audible moan of annoyance and a few booings with some "what the fuck is this?" when the scene came up

that painting is too old to be used as an example. You are a retard for posting that. Pictures are copyrighted. Hell just look at stock photos

it seems pretty forced

zoomers first camrip

So how long until a leaked screener or a non shit cam gets released


Nigger wouldn't care because he'd still have his wallet with everything in it.


And they all failed

So it's only stealing because of some arbitrary date?
Don't mind me, just pirating these gold filings from corpses. They are dead so they don't own them!

>and then... everyone in every room of the theater got up and clapped.

Brie larson maybe had 7 minutes in the movie tops
They cut out a ton of her

search DuckDuckGo for the movie + openload. You'll find a working site.

kek ain't it just cute? Its like we are going through it ourselves all over again.

First scene with Renner and I'm already annoyed. Thought that would have been way, way, more aggressive.

honestly i have such a strange nostalgia for watching camrips that i tend to do it for every major film.

As a women, let me tell you nothing pisses me off more then forced shit. The only female character I like is Scarlet Witch because she doesn't act like a stuck up asshole. I was seriously hoping Scarlet Witch would be the one to get the glove off Thanos since she deserved revenge for Vision. But then she gets blasted away by a Deus Ex so Captain Marvel could swoop in and look like a fucking prick.

Fuck that whore.

Is comfy, right?

please be in london

they did it fine in IW with but this kills it

Unironic hat tip.
(But I don't hate Black Widow.)

Attached: neckbeard.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

and worse it has loud ads out of fucking nowhere

Any torrent link?

>a women
Biologically born with the female sex organ type of women, or neowomen?


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it's actually a kino experience coupled with some pizza in the early hours of the morning. massive nostalgia for pirating the third Pirates film. i also watched the first Avengers on camrip


Personally i'm starting to appreciate the Found Film quality a good Camrip has, it really transports you to the theatre and adds a new interesting Malkovitch Malkovitch layer to the experience.

This. This right here is one of the reasons I will never watch this movie. My head cannon that Thanos won and a lot of people died works fine for me.

Just search DuckDuckGo for the movie + openload. You'll find a working steam site.

I get it. MCU is a business and Disney obviously needs your sweet, sweet, money. But if MCU just cared about the art of storytelling...

Attached: D4-Ks3ZXoAEIQhB.jpg (539x1200, 84K)

>tfw first avengers camrip was out the first day it came out
>got to experience like that too

lmaoooo this bitch dropped her phone

Nah, senpai.

Choose your poison Endgame&category=0&page=0&orderby=99

uh yes? copyright has a time limit

I was just fucking masturbating to jav

Attached: 1347FF33-C885-40BC-BA11-54E0AFE51CDA.jpg (763x1023, 142K)

If you think about it a good Camrip will include people walking in front of you, the sound of laughter and crying, people crunching popcorn etc A Camrip is in many ways superior to the DVD in that it gives a more immersive, authentic cinema experience.

unironically this. Hearing people laughing at the bad jokes in IW then watching bluray rip with no reaction was awkward

Literally what the fuck is with people standing up and walking in the middle of a movie

>live in a duplex
>sometimes hear alarms going off next door like the Germans are dropping bombs on London

Sometimes you just gotta stretch those hammies

Got to refill my hundred ounce drink and got to take a piss after drinking several of them.

>watching camrip
>someone in the theatre shouts "yo, this nigga boutta dabbed on"

Attached: WwW.SeeHD.PL__Avengers Endgame 2019 NEW 720p HDCAM-1XBET-00h35m17s067t.png (1280x536, 703K)


>wtf? why would they put ads in this?? wat do they stand to gain WTF
Money, user. They put ads in a popular movie with the intention of it making them more money.

"I went for the head."

Wow. This is worse than I ever expected.

cope user, a cam rip is just what cheap asses do or those impatient to wait for a propper rip

>Thor never gets redeemed ever since IW
The worst part of it all. Hope he gets his Ragnarok again.

Pizza and beer at like 3 AM for the complete absolute kino experience

Attached: Hulk Dab Avengers Endgame 2019 NEW 720p HDCAM-1XBET.webm (1280x536, 342K)

they're their to remind you that you're wasting your one life watching shit quality rips of manchild movies

hulk finna dab on thanos

And you're here wasting your time on a korean origami site

You kids are lucky. Back in my day we had to reformat our windows xp desktops at least once a month from the plethora of viruses/adware caused by days worth of downloading a single ripp off gnutella, kazaa, limewire... *sip* ah.... those were the good days, using those 24 kb/s connections... Yep, you kids sure are lucky.

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that's not a dab
that's Guy Fieri's signature move

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Does cap going back in time ret con the agent carter series?

All hail the Negress Queen of Asgard

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so many plotholes, where to begin

After the credits.

Attached: ezgif-5-c8dd9dd9592e (1).webm (640x360, 1.48M)


Great ghetto hulk


What's Asgards tax policy

>If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?
>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
>If he was able to solve it without knowing about it, why didn't it ever occur to him earlier?
>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?

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only whites are taxed

Why didn't the call Superman?

Black Iron Girl confirmed!!!

Attached: ezgif-5-bfecc6683868 (1).webm (640x360, 1.56M)

More like zoomer Hulk

Attached: Thor Korg Fortnite Avengers Endgame 2019 NEW 720p HDCAM-1XBET.webm (1280x536, 544K)

Attached: ezgif-2-fc05312b59be (1).webm (480x360, 1.73M)

>tfw he's moving but that stick is on the left side

For the love of god, people willingly pay to watch this shit?

Oh god that scene actually happens? I thought that was you faggots making up shit as usual

Attached: 1549945255466.webm (532x300, 2.97M)

fucking zoomer scum

You're a fucking dumbass who can't understand this simple ass movie.


Ha, you know, it's funny. I went to go see the first Iron Man with my fiancé, we loved it, sort of ended up seeing most of the Marvel movies eventually, except Thor, Captain America kind of stuff. Not really a huge fan, I just like seeing movies, and have always pretty much seen everything.

Anyway, this was it, the moment when it just hit me so hard that I was watching a movie for little kids. How would this even happen, in a battle? That all the women would somehow know to converge, and Falcon or somebody wouldn't not read the moment and show up? It just makes no sense, unless the whole thing is just a cartoon for kids to ooo and ahh.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-24 at 10.50.58 PM.png (204x241, 82K)

Das rite

Attached: Old Man steve rogers gives falcon his shield Avengers Endgame 2019 NEW 720p HDCAM-1XBET.webm (1146x480, 1.01M)

I like how Capt looks like Joe Biden

>posting disgusting males
who cares lmao, WE NEED MORE YAS QUEEFS

Lmfao is Disney starting to spam fake spoilers now to try and stop people from seeing real spoilers? This has got to be a new low for them.

>just now realizing you're watching a movie for kids
You're a slow learner aren't u?

>>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
>>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
Because the Stark Gaunlet is made out of nanomachines like his suit, so he moved the stones from the gaunlet to his suit when he touched it. BRAINLET

>Anyway, this was it, the moment when it just hit me so hard that I was watching a movie for little kids

Your brain is pretty slow. It looked past all of the guys in colored tights flying around and talking cgi animals to let you know?
Strange that a scene with women specifically triggered it for you.

can you really not figure it out yourself?

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>muh magic maguffin machines

It's a capeshit movie, what did you expect?

I'd try something funny next time. Faggot.

People watch this shit? On purpose?

I used to get a popcorn refill at some point every time, when I was with a girl or something. When I went to see Spring Breakers, I'd shot up a bunch of heroin right before and kept leaving to get more snacks, like a pretzel, some candy, whatever. Ditto Django Unchained.

If it's a crowded theater, it's just the numbers. People don't coordinate bathroom breaks, so even if 4/5 of the people never leave their seats, in a big enough theater, there's still somebody wandering around every few minutes.

This scene nearly made me die of cringe. I wish I had been spoiled first to lighten the blow.

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So uh do you think a civil war thing will happen again? Gets leaked day of in good quality ?


Mayyyyyybe but it would have happened by now.

Civil War II in MCU? i hope not.

Attached: civil war 2 marvel iron man.jpg (360x553, 49K)

I don't really know any kids, and I guess I haven't watched as much Marvel as I thought I did. I didn't get the feeling Iron Man was for little kids, at least not the way this is. This was like Batman Forever / Batman and Robin as far as the target audience goes.

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>More Captain Marvel Please!

camrip was about 20 minutes short (including missing credits)
Did the scene where they are talking about the pager and CM shows up behind Black Widow actually happen in the movie? Because it wasn't in the rip

>"More Captain Marvel please!"

IW would insert ads with drums louder than the movie

not downloading this shit again

>yfw he one shots Captain Marvel

Attached: Doctor_Doom.jpg (600x917, 310K)

Movie is fucking trash
Infinity War is a masterpiece compared to this movie

>Babbys first telesync

The releases without shitty poojeet watermarks always pop up first in private p2p tracker list circlejerks i think

>Friend who works at Cinema gets me ticket
>Movie isn't as decent as infinity war but whatever can't complain about free
>This scene starts
>Start audibly laughing
>Go take a piss realising it's not worth holding it back anymore
>Decide to just leave while i'm already out
>Read the end on Wikipedia
And nothing of value was lost.


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He says Dab in the fucking movie

Yeah, whatever date Disney's lobbyists decide it is.

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welp im done

was hoping slavfu to finish her revenge arc, not "spidey learns to sit down and recognizes the power of cuntiness"

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I don't know, I haven't seen Captain Marvel or anything, but I kind of want to fuck Brie Larson, even though I'm pretty sure she's a lesbian. So, I could stand for a little more of her.

Really shittily used, though. I figured they were going to have her play some huge part, with Samuel L Jackson paging her when the apocalypse is hitting, but it's like she was only introduced to get Tony Stark back to Earth. Feel like if there was another way to get him home, they wouldn't have bothered with her.

Attached: Brie-Larson-Sexy-Legs.jpg (736x1020, 113K)

Attached: Avengers Spoiler Thanos Death.webm (300x366, 444K)

Holy shit. Forget the women thing, the composition here is beyond horrible. It's like the directors didn't think for a minute about how to frame these shots in an interesting way, as long as you can see all the characters who're supposed to be there it's fine. They manage to make this huge battle look uninteresting because there's no harmony or cohesion in the shots of it.

The shooting style is literally like something a tourist recorded with their phone at the running of the bulls in Spain. Hell, even an amateur tourist would probably come up with better angles than this.

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>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
the arc in the only mcu hulk movie is banner being able to "aim" the hulk
by the first avengers, banner is pretty good at aiming the hulk but can still sperg out and be the rage hulk
age of ultron has black widow having enough of a calming effect on hulk because of banner's feelings for her to turn him back to banner
it's really just the life or death situation of space/sakaar forced the hulk to be out for so long and the length is what drove banner so dormant

nice braps

Attached: iron man thanos snap Avengers Endgame 2019 NEW 720p HDCAM-1XBET.webm (1146x480, 1.39M)

Free Punjabi Movies HD No Virus 100% Working Free Movie 2019

what happens in the post credits scene? the PB rip didn't have it.

There is no post credits scene

Any MEGA links?

Does Carol get blacked by War Machine?

This one seems legit. Haven't watched the full thing yet, but checked several points and it looks good, no ads except for one at the beginning, no audience heads, has credits. Also doesn't jitter like OPs.

tits or gtfo

post credits

Oh he cute.

>no audience heads
But I watch camrips for those.

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Litterally trying to copy Shazam!
Fucking pathetic.

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Attached: thanos headbutt captain marvel Avengers Endgame 2019 NEW 720p HDCAM-1XBET.webm (1146x480, 207K)

how do you download this shit

>I didn't get the feeling Iron Man was for little kids
agree with this but wasn't yet a disney acquisition

>how do you download this shit

Here you go user

Attached: 1402167421488.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

connect to wi-fi

By that logic, you stole that image from depositphotos. Somebody better call the cops!

This is Thanos.

Attached: 48f7RI.gif (320x180, 2.2M)

Why is the first pirated copy of any blockbuster film to hit the internet completely unwatchable?
For anyone about to "hurr durr pay for movie, you bitch", hol' up there a sec. I'm not complaining. I'm asking is this some unwritten rule of the universe.
It's like they formulate a plan that goes:
>Buy cinema ticket "check"
>Wear big puffer jacket so I can smuggle my camera inside "check"
>Remember to always only ever use that shitty VHS potato handycam i bought from the flea market 12 years ago (with the same tape inside it) "check"
>Sit to one side of the auditorium so the screen is now a fucking warped polygon instead of a rectangle "check"
>Sit behind the fat bastard wearing a hat indoors (who the fuck does that?) "check"
>Place camera so that the horizon isn't level "check"
>Re-place camera so the horizon isn't level AND now half the screen is missing "check"
>Forget to turn the camera on until ten minutes of the film has passed "checked"
>Proceed to eat the food you bought, so the only audio we get (which is, of course, going to be terrible anyway) is "MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH"
>Go home and immediately upload the results to openload without even skimming through the recording to see how shit it is "check"
Every. Fucking. Time.
I tried watching the endgame cam last night. Blurry picture "check" Shit sound "check" action freezes for ten seconds every minute but sound carries on so it cutjumps to something different WTF???
It's not how can one person make that much shit and still expect a pat on the back. It's how come that person ALWAYS makes it to the internet before the guy who was in the same cinema but made the concious effort to NOT do all those things. Is there a god up in the clouds who's re-directing traffic to make sure Mr Shit4Brains makes it home first?
Is this Loki's idea of a joke?
Why every time? WWWHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????

The chinese one is the only one avaiable at the moment?

Attached: big bewbs disco.webm (720x1280, 1.87M)

So this is the power of America

You just know she only fucks black guys

No one like to fuck niggers

It would be interesting without Tony, he's kind of crucial.

What they could do is: make a Civil War 2 with only female characters, like Pepper instead of Tony, etc, but make it an almost exact copy of the comic book storyline.

Imagine all the incels seething at women doing stupid things "because they are women" which are actually the exact same things the male characters did in the originl.

The embarrassment.

Attached: visionwhatthefuckamireading.png (719x492, 234K)



>Dabbing in 2024

> Why does this shit pop up constantly?

Because he an actor...

the "original" is the comics. as long as it's adapted from a comic book story, nobody cares

Just paste that on google, lad :^)

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how can any grown-up man watch this...

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have sex.

pure shit

Weird, I kept getting some feminist advertisement

>How would this even happen, in a battle? That all the women would somehow know to converge.
This 1000 times.
Such obvious pandering is so pathetic to watch, I don't remember the last time I cringied as hard as after watching this scene.

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gottem there

PLEASE post puse