Who else is excited for the diverse cast of the new Ghostbusters movie?
Who else is excited for the diverse cast of the new Ghostbusters movie?
>little kid ghostbusters
Looks like lolikino is back on the menu
Yeah, this. Either it's gonna be Spy Kids-tier kiddie schlock, or it'll somehow try to put kids into the degenerate scenarios that the 80s Ghostbusters were in. Either way, boycott the hell out of this.
>likely diverse
What does that mean?
Ghostbusters is a stupid premise and without the chemistry of the cast, or Aykroyd's autistic passion for ghosts and the occult, it will never work again.
hope (GIRL) is gonna be cute
This board is just now recovering from GOT and marvel and fagwars trailers. Please just post pics of McKenna or fuck off.
>Mc in first name
Why do people name their children lile retards
>likely diverse
>What does that mean?
It means they're going to pair her up with a young black gentleman.
weren't the spy kids movies good tho, or at least 1 or 2 were?
Who would have ever thought that after 15 years we would would get TWO shitty Ghostbusters movies in a row. Harold Ramis is rolling in his fuckin grave so hard he could power CERN for a month
They're fine for kids, but they're really cheesy and kinda dumb. A mature adult would likely find no enjoyment in watching it for the first time.
diversity is code for anti-white
> likely not white
Why the fuck is there more than one Ghostbusters movie.
>little sister (GIRL)
what did they mean by this
They're aiming for the Stranger Things audience
As opposed to trans you bigot
I rewatched SpyKino 1 recently and it was surprisingly enjoyable. Stupid, sure, but much closer to the "fun for the whole family!!!" mark than I expected.
>he's passionate about auto mechanics
So he's gay and greasy? Is that really what they intended to write? Why is he flirting with a waitress if he likes quick lube boys?
I think they meant to write "he's into cars." "Passionate about auto mechanics" is not the same thing.
And even with all that, they could only really get it to work once.
>big guy (FOR YOU)
what did they mean by this
>>likely diverse
>What does that mean?
They will have mixed jews too