Can we have a comfy Secret of NIMH thread? What's your favorite part of the movie? Mine is when Mrs. Brisby escapes from the cage. No, not because she's naked, I just thought it was neat seeing her determination and wit to get out of this man-made contraption.
Can we have a comfy Secret of NIMH thread? What's your favorite part of the movie? Mine is when Mrs...
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That's my favorite part of the film, too.
Because she's trapped, panicking, and in peril during her escape.
She looks cute in this picture.
She always looks cute.
Probably the section when she descends into the rosebush. I could only vaguely remember this movie(rented it once when I was really young) but that part always stuck out to me.
That's a really good part. The guardian chasing her was really tense.
Let me guess you all want to fuck the mouse girl. I hate you people.
>Wait, Yea Forums I smell an opportunity. Threads of this nature are dangerous. Accidents could happen.
Like what? Posting anthro girls? Hate how you can post plenty of garbage and low quality threads, but post a female character with some fur? Deleted.
Who else here has read the book? Be interesting to discuss the differences.
You utter retard. Stop posting.
I only read the sequel, Racso and the Rats of NIMH. That was a long time ago but I remember liking it a lot.
Some may disagree but I felt some elements were handled better in the book while others were handled better in the film.
Main things for me are that Jenner was more interesting as a mysterious, deceased background character in the book rather than a typical villain, while Mrs. Frisby/Brisby was better in the film and got more of the spotlight, as the book spends more time on the rats' backstory.
For me they complement each other rather well, and I don't really mind the mystical elements that were added to the film.
Did the original book go much into detail about Jonathan Frisby? I recall the sequel having a chapter or two from his perspective helping his friends escape NIMH.
The film only has the short scene but the book has a whole chapter on the escape plus the aftermath, before they find the rosebush. Jonathan has a few lines(all in flashback) and Mrs. Frisby talks about how they met.
If you like the film I'd recommend checking out the original book as well, it's not very long.
So if only the rats of Nihm gained intelligence, then how are the other farm animals able to do stuff like read and wear clothing?
It's not just rats, Jonathan was a mouse. He probably taught the others to wear scraps of fabric for warmth, and Mrs. Brisby says Jonathan taught her to read, but even then she's painfully slow at it. I think a few threads back some anons theorized that cum from NIMH creatures can make other creatures intelligent. I think it's just that natural animals are dumber than humans but smarter than real world animals, while NIMH animals are beyond Einstein levels of genius on average.
The only one besides the Brisby family to do that is the shrew, who was a very minor character in the book and was never described to be wearing clothes. Neither was Mrs. Frisby/Brisby, although I think that was a good change.
Then again, I don't think the rats wore clothing in the book either.
More important is the family's house, which is definitely unique to them in the film.
Do you think Mrs. Brisby puts out?
She definitely would've fucked Justin if given the opportunity or at least would not have been against it.
>it’s a Jeremy scene
Has best available versions of the film in widescreen and fullscreen, a bunch of foreign dubs, and the original soundtrack.
Mrs Brisby was 'stronk female' character done right, she was vulnerable and scared, and thus the all the risks she took to save her family actualy resonated with all the viewers.
If Secret of NIMH had been made today, she would have saved her family by coming up with some fantastic invention to move the house, then she would have fenced with Jenner and won, saving Justin as he was about to be killed, and finally moved them all to Thorn Valley where she would juggle parenting while ruling over the rats.
Thank you based user
Also it would have been revealed that the serum NIMH used to make the rats intelligent would have been created using her DNA.
It may still be on youtube officially with ads if you're an idiot
I finally saw it that way a few months ago.
Was interesting, but not at all what I thought it would be like.
I can certainly see why folks like Mrs. Brisby. She's kinda the perfect wife from a lost time to our culture. Soft-spoken, but still determined and willing to do anything for her family.
Though, the climax was a little weak, and the story felt unfocused at points.
Fantastic film, but this is all I can contribute to this thread.
I’ve *only* read the books, but that was years ago. Should I re-read before watching the movie or go straight in?
Watch the movie, then read the books again if you feel the urge.
It's not really necessary. Do note that the film takes quite a few liberties with the source material, and doesn't focus on NIMH as much.
Yeah ok but what about Once Upon A Forest?
It's always bothered me not knowing how light/glowing special effects is done in cartoons. Obviously this film didn't use any computers because it's from the 80s, so it must've just been really clever coloring and camera focus?
So, what is all that glowing, sparking electrical stuff supposed to be? Is it fiber optics? It almost seems techno-organic. Did the rats invent it?
Also, how does Brutus spear create electrical sparks? Is there a button cell battery in it, or something else?
They used some kind of transparent gel and a backlight for the glowing eye effects and some of the sparkling in the film. This is the kind of thing Disney hadn't really done in a long time, so DBP put a lot of focus on effects like that.
If you like special effects in pre-digital animation look up those used in Fantasia, which used a ton of techniques that are basically unique to that film alone.
Thanks user this can be my new computer background.
It isn't made explicitly clear and I don't have proof, but there are some indications that the whole encounter with Brutus somehow got warped in Mrs. Brisby's mind. Mr. Ages waves it off and near the end Justin throws a rope to "Brutus" who doesn't look anything like his earlier appearance.
In the book Brutus is just some regular guard who stops her from entering the rosebush.
How do I achieve the kind of mind that can imagine such beauty?
This film has some of the best background art I can think of in animation.
Not from the US, only saw this movie a few months ago.
I liked it, cute and with a bit of suspense but still a happy movie with a happy ending.
What i really loved was how rats were put under a positive light.As someone who loves those cute critters it's quite nice seeing them as how they actually are rather than the stereotype evil everyone believes them to be.
Does cel animation have better upscaling ability than digital animation, provided you have the masters?
Literally a light under the cel to make it glow.
There's a pretty good video about this.
Do you know how upscaling works? Nothing is "better".
35mm is better than most original digital recording formats because 35mm masters have an equivalent digital resolution of about 6k
Does the youtube version use the original soundtrack?
>What's your favorite part of the movie?
The Great Owl and Dragon scenes are pretty amazing. I'll always appreciate the old Bluth films for letting kids that watched them feel emotions like fear and sorrow. Everything tries too hard today to shelter children from real human emotions they have to learn to deal with in life.
>The thread is cooperating beautifully. Get ready...
If I recall, Jenner’s death is the catalyst in the book for how NIMH knows the rats are in the area.
Okay so real talk, what’s everyone’s opinion on the amulet? As a kid I never questioned it, but now I just see it as a bullshit macguffin that totally bumps against the plot.
True shit. I watched the movie recently and thought the very same thing about the owl scene. It’s funny though because I hardly recall being scared watching it as a kid, but now look at it and feel amazed at my kid self. Probably for the same reason you stated that they just don’t do creepy shit anymore, so little scares seem wicked intense.
The library scene voiced and animated: never.
Shrew has clothing because she is friends with the Brisby family. Elizabeth (her name, deal with it) had the best reading teacher. No one else has clothing.
I can accept that it's only there so Bluth could flex with his big flashy ending. If I wanted to justify it in the story, I could just think of it as a typical hero's journey macguffin that detects Brisby's courage and love for her family and rewards her for all the bullshit she's gone through.
Very dangerous and hostile.
Disney's CAPS films were made at 2K resolution, and are hard capped to that resolution. Disney has done 4K releases for a few of them but that required redrawing some elements.
35mm holds more detail, but you will have to deal with age, film damage, surviving elements, film negatives/interposites/internegatives etc.
In other words, 35mm can look a lot better than early digital, but that depends on the materials used, the state of those materials, the quality of the scan and the restoration.
>the owl's movements were based on John Carradine's arthritis
Referring to a good female character as a stronk female kinda defeats the purpose