Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
(Actually) Thread #418
Previous Thread:

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First for wholesome smiles

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Requesting a screenshot of hurt Alita crawling after fighting Grewishka

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Attached: whoisthat?.webm (960x402, 2.47M)

Race fast gremlin

My meetup is gojng to be chad central

is it your meetup?

Attached: onthehoriozn.webm (404x720, 1.6M)

Hello new bread. Please be healed by Arita's cute eyeliner.

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It's fucking unreasonable that she can have so much eye and still have perfect eye liner

delete and post again with a good file name

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Let's not kid ourselves that Alita's eyeliner is "cute." That's top tier delusion. Despite what the purity zealots will claim, it's sexy, nothing more, nothing less.

I feel like I can smell this scene, and it smells like sugar and farts.

Seeing her in that state of pain makes me joyous for some strange reason.

404million, baby, wooohooooo!!!

it doesn't even make sense because her butt is disconnected from her at that point

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Things can be both user

>a tiny amount of eyeliner is sexy
I guess so user. It's so mild it doesn't register as that to me.

You can say the eyeliner itself is sexy, but I think it's cute that she applied it to make herself more attractive and appealing to Hugo

It's impossible to go through my folder of reactions and not smile. I love all the OC in these threads

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God I would pound Alita's ass if given the chance. She'd be walking funny for a week after I was done with her.

I have so many images and so many webms. I'm amazed how we're at the point that we have so much that using old OC would be almost jarring.
much better c:

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Contrary to what you might think, user, I'm not concerned about Alita's 'purity.' That's an outmoded concept. I only care that you gentlemen respect my little girl.

This user, however, won't make it through the night.

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Good morning /alita/

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Good morning, fren. Australia?

good morning but in America it's night time

Attached: good-morning-alita.jpg (4176x3056, 1.23M)

>Don't care about her purity

wish I could keep my eyes open longer but I was up stupid late last night and had to get to work early. Running on fumes. Stay comfy /alita/.

Attached: sleeptimeraintime.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

Night night, fren

sleep well fren, stay comfy

The floof

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a reminder that faces are the most difficult thing to draw right, apparently

I'm sad because I had some OC for 420, but I'll miss it because of school

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ha, nigger

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her entire body below the head is mechanical, except for the tummy?

Maybe Ido is a belly fetishist

I think it was an artistic choice by the artist
Her tummy is mechanical too

>French review site
Endgame may edge out Alita by 1 decimal in the user score so far (very hardcore fan heavy in the early days), but it's a bit of a change on the critics side from rottentomatoes

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we need more seances obviously

Hello just dropping in to say hello before going to bed.

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hello fren

Attached: alitasitsmile.png (667x665, 316K)

Capeshit doesn't have much of a hold in France, Alita on the other hand had the benefit of being a manga/anime adaptation and France was like the biggest weeb country in Europe in the 90s/00s.
nighty night


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I was gonna do a color, but got caught doing other things. Maybe tomorrow if I'm not busy. But for now a good night to all of you.

Goodnight /ALITA/ I love u

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night frens

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>cheap cosplayers do a better job at recreating alita's hair than a 100 million movie

why bros? this hurts

Attached: download.jpg (640x631, 90K)

because they're simulating every strand of hair and they'd have to recode it for more floof

More like Alita SHIT Angel. Basedboys

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hello can we help you

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why not just add double the hair


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Based filter going over this jabroni clean

Ahaha,imagine if Alita became mainstream and girls cosplay as her at halloween haha

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>3dpd cosplay posting
not comfy
very comfy

lets pray for it
it wouldnt be too hard for girls

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I actually like this, sans the bare arms

im trying to will it into the universe. lets combine our minds and will it

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wouldn't it be crazy if you met one at a halloween party and she put her feet in your face as a prank haha wouldn't that be funny

>wouldn't be too hard for girls
Excuse you
it would be super difficult unless you just got a cheap shitty printed bodysuit
otherwise I'd do it


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This. It wouldn't be easy to do WELL, only easy to do in an extremely substandard fashion. It's like EVA plugsuit cosplay, it sets the dedicated apart from the rest.

wear a leather jacket to cover arms

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its just halloween girl, dont over thinking it

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I'm with you, go big or go home

Alita is pure and special. I don’t want IG cosplay thots to ruin her
I’m sure there is and would be some great cosplayers but it’d only be a matter of time ‘til some thot put on the war paint in a thong and claimed it’s an Alita cosplay.

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this is simple

Attached: Alita-Battle-Angel-Alita-Leather-Jacket-600x800-800x800.jpg (586x664, 90K)

I look as tired as this Alita. Good night frens.

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>Excuse you
VA you're identifiable by your sassiness

Also she's the only verified gril in the threads

Yeah, just be a petite skinny brunette with pale skin and big round eyes

Good night fren stay comfy

>VA confirmed overweight sassy black girl

These are the type of girls that break you’re heart the hardest

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except everyone has seen pictures of her proving otherwise

>people on the internet never lie

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She was at both LA meetups so at least 5 anons can confirm it

I wanted to save this picture many times but it's so sexual it wouldn't feel right.


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It’s not sexual at all user
It’s just Ali’s “wow” face
It’s cute

>hey user
>that grape juice you gave me is making me feel funny

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and there's pictures
I'm not even that sassy!
I'd probably do tan trenchcoat outfit with the damascus blade

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How much pepper spray do you bring to the meet ups?

Reminder none of you even talk about the movie and the memes are cringe.

Lmao not her but she told us she carried one in her bag in the last meet up

Oh shit that's right, thanks for the reminder. Damn, idk what we would do without you.

Just be thankful he's not reminding you you're an incel

Based and sensiblepilled

I have a extra-super strength pepper spray that never, ever leaves my purse, so it comes with me to meets

>not carrying a gun as well

Honestly I would (I have a stalker that has repeatedly expressed a desire to, in this order: Murder, taxidermy, and rape me) but I don't have 400$ for a concealed carry permit lmao
Carrying a gun to next meetup tho cause:
>Range meetup so I wanna bring it for to shoot with ofc

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what the absolute fuck dude

Last screening in my town tonight. Seriously considering taking the ferry to Copenhagen next week for other touristy stuff and catching one last screening.

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Why have you not gone to the police

I open carry to them

DO IT user
You can't miss it!

Attached: surprised.jpg (317x347, 23K)

where is the picture

They're up above in this thread

Me too buddy.
Wants to keep my corpse as a sexdoll and "See my bright face every morning"
The fuck am I gonna say?
>Someone on the internet said mean things about me, idk what he looks like or where he is or anything
attaching a second, but

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save the original
less sexual

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I never knew Andre was a fan of Alita

wait VA, which one are u?

The one in a croptop and shortshorts, of course.
he's a nice guy!

Not Sechs

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>he's a nice guy
OUCH, sucks to be him

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you calling someone a nice guy, implying he doesn't have a chance with you?

The lack of context for this gif just makes it even more magical.

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Saying someone is nice has no bearing on if I'd date them or not!
This is an excellent gif
What is the context?

>being a woman on the internet

Fuck that shit. You're braver than i ever could be.

If nothing unexpected turns up, I’ll do it.

I really wish it wasn't even a thing to worry about desu. But on the flip side, like, I see no need to hide it when relevant? And obviously I'm not aboutta try to hide it at a meetup, you know how hard that'd be?

>Saying someone is nice has no bearing on if I'd date them or not!

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Ok so I'm not here to purely compare films after watching Endgame it was ok I'm so fucking thankful that Alita didn't have any pop culture references in it. Like the appearance of fucking fortnite made me want to commit not live when it showed in Endgame.

it's the "nice guy" meme

>And obviously I'm not aboutta try to hide it at a meetup, you know how hard that'd be?

Idk, after all the "tranny" shit you get thatd be pretty fuckin funny desu

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Ido yes

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Looks like she's wearing a bread suit.

My meetup is going to be a testosterone fueled rager full of Brawndo and LIVE BEES

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If anything it means more likely, nice people are nice boyfriends.
ahhh, thanks.
Lmao can u fucking imagine
>There was this weird guy at the meet...Honestly, his voice sounded kind of familiar. I think VA might be a reverse trap.

I thought that CC permits were impossible to get in any liberal, urban CA county unless you're a big Democratic donor.

Yeah it's funny, in order to get away with a textured suit without looking unauthentically bulky, you'd have to basically be anorexic. Which would ironically make you weaker than an ordinary meatbag.

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Eh, they probably are. And if you do get one, you're limited to like half a dozen choices of "Cali Approved" handguns, anyway.

>in free states we just CC AR pistols in our trenchcoats

You can't have a meetup with just one person user

mfw got called an asshole by a girl and ended up railing 2 weeks later. There is nothing worse than being called a 'nice guy'. There is no chance when called a 'nice guy'

With only bread and fish, we will feed all of Iron City.

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She's a big girl

for you

Out of state user from Iron City here, if I were to fly into LAX on Saturday will anyone be coming through LA who could give me a ride?

More Biblical themes brought to you by cosplayers.

They're REALLY HARD TO GET. But I have a REALLY good reason and proof of it, so.
Yikes! I would never fuck someone I called an asshole.
Some people should be, keep asking around. It's pretty late in Cali now, they might be asleep. I'm comin' from the other side, sorry

>If anything it means more likely, nice people are nice boyfriends.

it is proven by science and by studies that women are drawn and pick aggressive alphas as their mates.
it is not even about looks
nice guys means passive, boring, beta
nice guy means feminine....

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why are you up so late

Hey that's cute

actual Sechs

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Personally, I like effeminite guys. If I could date a twink or a trap I'd be one happy camper. 9S is WAY more attractive then, say, Jason Momoa
nice digits
I get off work at 4 AM so I'm used to staying up late.

just found it around

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>date a twink or trap
big yikes

this is the life that /fit/ told me i should lead

>9S is WAY more attractive then, say, Jason Momoa

Gurl you better watch what you say about my man.


Is the guy who requested Alita eating something sour still here? Because I've got something cooking for you soon!

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Need a picture of sleeping Alita.

Attached: ALITA BATTLE ANGEL OFFICIAL HD TRAILER #3 2019.mp4_snapshot_02.10_[2019.03.06_20.53.30].jpg (1920x1080, 445K)

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better be careful, their suicide rate is extraordinarily high

Sure, back in like high school with the slutty bitches.

Attached: Gally5.jpg (1000x750, 616K)


Attached: ALITA BATTLE ANGEL OFFICIAL HD TRAILER #3 2019.mp4_snapshot_01.36_[2019.03.06_20.52.50].png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

up to 30 years old, at 30 women get over bad boys

we know this because Keenan is a good lad

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why yikes? I like feminine guys
fight me, it's the truth
It's all relative buddy

>Personally, I like effeminite guys. If I could date a twink or a trap I'd be one happy camper. 9S is WAY more attractive then, say, Jason Momoa

you just have some small lesbian tendencies. thats ok

Attached: vector.jpg (1456x1000, 354K)

I'm bi. I WAY prefer girls to guys.
So, yeah

feminine guys is fine, i meant the traps with

>Keean is married
>And not to you

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Alright here's some wholesome home stuff since I've been doing more depressing things lately. I hope sour-user is here because his suggestion was good inspiration. I hope you all have a lovely day/night!

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Isn't it just trans people with the high suicide rate? Traps too?
I know a guy who traps on grindr now, we were friends from back in elementary and middle school, it's so weird
Excellent work as always~ very cute!

Although it is not so funny as it seemed to me yesterday.

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I like it user.

Cheers, I felt it was time for some cute. It's been too long.

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>some chicks like feminine guys

There is still hope for me

Lmao I'm 22 and only even ever Talked to one feminine guy
he was WAY too thirsty for me, and I'm asexual, so

a guy who traps on grindr? does he go back to being a guy after? that sounds like crossdressing to me, unless trap/tranny doesn't mean dressing/acting like a girl 24/7

Yes he does. AFAIK trapping is just crossdressing.

early and quiet thread tonight

here, have some shitty oc

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Lol if 2019 could be summed in one post, itd be this. But also, what does asexual mean user?

these are primo late-night silly

>general number 400+


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snowflake talk for "my brain's wiring got scrambled and now i have no sexual desires of any kind whatsoever towards men or women"

A time will soon come when the discs are released

yeah, we need more room for captain fungus and speculation on star wars twenty nine

And then we'll never leave. It will be gold.

what said only phrased less rude. Basically I don't wanna fuck anyone.

You are literally just as bad as them.

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Ooooh. That seems boring, but i guess more rational when dating.

It's one thread, it's a general. There are twenty Game of Thrones threads up on days when there isn't an episode and fourty when there are.


points for gif use but we're really not as bad as you think. we're a community

Trust me, I wish I wasn't asexual. Makes it a fucking bitch to date. Usually a year in guys realize I mean it when I say it, and dump me even though I was completely honest about it from the get go.

Why would he rape you *after* killing you? Takes out half the fun of it.

Try your local retirement home?

Generals exist to contain popular topics in one thread during new releases and events.

The purpose of a general is not so you can have your own sub-board, despite reddits continued use of it that way.

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He didn't come from these threads did he?

Probably would wanna do both.
I'd Rather Not.
Nope! From a waifu claiming thread on Yea Forums back in the day

It actually still is in some theaters.

Normally I'd argue with you but the thread is pretty cancer right now, with at least half the posts dedicated to /soc/ shit.

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Bitch, please. It's still in theaters next week in based places like New Mexico, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland etc.
also see

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Wrench it back on topic. Tossing some old OC in the mix.

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I wonder if the jannies will nuke us once it's not. Guess we'll find out.

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I don't know who made this one but I love you for it

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>one year anniversary
>get home from long day at work
>rose pedals lead into bedroom
>partner is dressed as Hugo
>bowl of popcorn on bed
>Alita Battle Angel Extended Edition in 4k ready to go
>partner "this doing anything for you? ;)"
>you "nope"
>watch Alita
>go to bed


Attached: image.jpg (736x756, 404K)

/trek/ threads have been going on for years and years when no Trek shows were airing.

You're joking, but
I would ask partner if I could have the jacket, though
Almost bought one but the only one that actually looked like his jacket was like 3k
Love me some cuddles though.

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That's the sort of decision that'll be made by a mod, I would think. And it's not like Alita would be verboten, just that each thread would have a more specific topic than just "general Alita"

If worst case happens and we have to scatter, whenever a new thread is posted I'll be there. I'll keep watch

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this is great kek ty user

I've been researching Latin American Cathedrals for fun (autisum) and came across several Ecuadorian and Venezuelan churches that resemble the one in the movie. Noting that the fictional space elevators are near the equator is it safe to say Iron City is in South America?

Lol no sex, but i'll take that $3000 jacket.

Also, anytime "jacking cyborgs" comes up i immediately think of the zapan "jacking off cyborgs" meme and can't help but laugh.

It's a nice jacket.
It's a pretty great meme. When I was watching the movie at the meetup most of the memes were flashing through my mind as I watched, good times

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your reaction during the hugo scenes

Attached: Alita Laugh Tom Cruize.jpg (650x366, 40K)

dude zapan's entrance was the worst/best


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his character is so badass

this part was the priceless

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I just realized Rob is riding bitch. I think that's pretty funny. Rosa cute as always. I like Hugo now, but when he first rides away on that damn unibike i rolled my eyes and chuckled.

What’s up /ALITA/? It’s not a comfy night for me. Just woke up. I’m sick as fuck and my voice sounds raspy because I’m pretty sure my vocal chords took some permanent damage from all this intense coughing
On the bright side, I permanently sound like vector now

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favorite scene, no question asked. Seeing the two of them together is just so cute.
Playing a TERRIBLE ps2 game when I should be recording voicelines!
Try some honey with tea, that can help me. Obvi lots of rest and fluids...Feel better soon, okay?

Attached: Alita Kiss scene.png (1920x1080, 218K)

The bar or when hes walking in the street? Either way i think he's the only one who can steal the spotlight from Alita.

Thank you VA :)
Honestly I kind of like being sick. That numbness you feel all over and vulnerability? It’s sort of comfy because I’m always active.
And also I like my new voice. I did some vector lines before, but now I don’t even have to try to change my voice. I’m making myself laugh by paraphrasing some of his lines from the movie

Falling in and out of sleep. Hope you feel better soon bro.

Right lads and girl , need help deciding. Which one do you guys think is better?

1: imgur.com/a/zzAYMkY

2: imgur.com/a/DmjLsq5

(Posting again for burgers)

Also no rest for me since I’m going to the Avengers premiere later, got a birthday party tomorrow, and then meeting some /ALITA/ frens Saturday lol

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He likes to self-insert as Alita in those scenes.
honestly his bike is just dumb enough to be really cool
Sure thing buddy!
Mmh, well, if you like it, that's good to hear then! Coming to the meetup?
Beserker, to be honest. Her pores look a little weird in the first.

Yes, they switched places, and Rosa's expression is so goofy. Might be my favorite set photo - that or the "I'd bang us" one.

2 for sure.
Jealous of that social life

if you don't have honey, anything that'll coat your throat like marshmallows will work, also hot tea

i mean it's a good scene but there are so many other good ones too, like pic related i don't have the non meme version

2 but they're both really good holy shoot

Attached: fuck your shills.webm (1000x540, 2.96M)

Of course I’m coming to the meet! Can’t wait to see my /ALITA/ frens again!
I only come out of my comfy fort like month or during special occasions to socialise so I make it count!

Yeah. For me, it's bridge, then sewer fight, then barfight for my top three scenes.
Ayyyyy, glad to hear it! Gotta be ready for me to outshoot everyone, though~

You have a telepresence chip, someone's riding you.

Is there an unedited version of this?

Yeah Idk shit about guns though, but some user (idk if it’s you) said they’d lend me some and teach me the ropes. I’ll pay for ammo after of course

Yeah the voices (nova) are telling me to ship brilliant minds up to zalem and my eyes are blue now

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Couple people did. I'm one of em! Shooting's just a good time, and I'm always happy to introduce people to a hobby of mine.

Yeah my weapon of choice is Panzer Kunst because guns are outlawed in my part of iron city but I’m so hyped to learn and get into a new hobby! Also the arcade after sounds like an awesome time

Are guys printing out centurion, zapan, and captain marvel targets??

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Yeah! I'm super excited for DDR and everything too. Love me some lightgun games.
I'm super tempted to print a Zapan one. We'll see if I do or not. He is a bitch of course

This needs to happen

You guys should of got some matching t shirts printed, or is that gay???

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Only a little

Not a big fan of the leo pattern.

Imagine Alita in leotards

Some of us have the purple shirts.

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i only have the meme version, would have posted the original if i could

It does have a sort of Peggy Bundy/Fred Flintstone vibe for me, yes.

I have some more Alita shirts coming my way but fashion sense we’re all very different

With those knee high puffy socks and a sweatband.

If there’s ever a zombie apocalypse or shit hits the fans I’m forming a survival group with the /ALITA/ meet anons

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>bawww obey my invisible made up rules
shut up wannabee-jannie

You should all go with short shorts and a tube top. Thatd be a funny picture.

More of a Zebra man I take it.

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But user, I don't have a tubetop. How about a black tank? I have lots of those and was planning on wearing one.
Really wanna go for j-fash but DDR is hard in a skirt

Just though it would look cute

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>but DDR is hard in a skirt

I would of thought the opposite but ive never worn one so idk. Just get some trip pants and call it good.

More just that most of my dresses have pretty short ones so if I'm concerned about it not flapping about while I play, which I am, I can't go too hard
just gonna go for shorts

sleep time, i'm up way too late, goodnight/goodmorning everyone
be nice, stay on topic, no lewding, etc you know the drill

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Sleep well fren

But user... I’m not VA.
I’m a guy LOL
I mean I do admit my custom Alita shirts are a bit fitted but shorts and tube tops aren’t very high in fashion for men rn
Got a god chuckle out of this

I’ll probably wear some timbs and a hoodie. I wear hot clothes during the summer because my body temperature gets pretty low when it’s hot.
Might bring a facemask too because they look cool.
I’ll wear some normal stuff under for when we get to the arcade

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>I wear hot clothes during the summer because my body temperature gets pretty low when it’s hot.

What the fuck are you?


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>nothing personal mousey

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Oh gotcha. Didn't think about that. Shorts? Nuh uh missy, turtleneck sweater and cargo pants so you can carry extra pepper spray.

You do realize Endgame will make 3 billion right?

Fuckin seriously though haha

What are you?

Not even demons or reptilians would behave like that.

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Nope! Shortshorts and a tanktop with lace sides. There's some in my purse, it's fine.
OR maybe a nice ensemble with a longer skirt and a straw hat.

Will you eat the bluray if it doesn't?

My doctor said I'm not supposed to do that no more or they'll have to take the rest of my colon away, but I'm so confident in my victory I'm going to say yes.

I’m just skinny bros
Also when you drink something hot in hot weather or something cold in cold weather your body temperature stabilises

The guy who promised to eat a Blu-ray if we reached 100 threads haven't even done it yet.

You could literally show up in a cardboard box with the word "girl" written on the outside and these dudes would be all for it.

I meant to say wear, not drink

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buddyboy I wear fashion for me, not for guys

A cardboard box?!

Fashion is for oneself, not others

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>show up in a cardboard box with the word "girl" written on the outside
Thanks for bringing the booOOx, that will save us some taaaaiIIIm!

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>I meant to say wear, not drink

Fuckin lol for a minute there i was at a loss for words. But i get what youre saying, wasnt trying to make fun of you. Just curious.

Still got a couple images to go but someone should start working on that new bread graphic

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Sorry, wasn't trying to imply anything. Just saying what comes to my mind at 4am. You do you sister!

You're not fooling me. Photosynthesis is the one thing that turns heat cold.


Plant person confirmed. Case closed.

Heading to bed Hugoless, for shame
Se y'all tomorrow, keep it comfy

Don't think this has been used.

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S'all good dude! Don't trip. gnight~

Night fren

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Well the bluray isn't out yet


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Any disney bluray of his choice

Pretty sure he meant eating Alita blu-ray