ITT: Take a Yea Forums movie or show and rename it to match the current one word name trend

ITT: Take a Yea Forums movie or show and rename it to match the current one word name trend

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Bob's Burgers now becomes Grilled.

this thread has potential

>Steven Universe

>The Owl House

I actually like this one

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Wait fuck

Snow White - Fairest

Lilo and Stitch - Ohana

Nice. I'm trying to be equally clever but failing miseraby.

>Fritz the Cat



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>Spaniards 2
Et cetera.


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F is for family becomes Family


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then what will family guy become?

>Toy Story -> Toys



Ooh, that one’s much better. Forget what I said.

Ninja'ed could be a bunch of shows.


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Disney’s WET

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>not "Mermaid"

>Spaniards 2
Fucking lol

The Little Mermaid = Wet
Beauty and the Beast = Beastly
The Lion King = Lionized
The Hunchback of Notre Dame = Hunchbacked
Lilo & Stitch = Orphaned
Treasure Planet = Treasured
Home on the Range = Farmed
Meet the Robinsons = Forward
Princess and the Frog = Croaked
Big Hero 6 = Weebs

Mermaid isn’t an adjective. The trend is adjectives.




>The Lion King = Lionized
Not going for Pride?
>The Hunchback of Notre Dame = Hunchbacked


Emperor's New Groove - Groove
A Bug's Life - Bugs
Meet the Robinsons - Future

Star Vs. is now Shit

you got me

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Why are you guys bitching about this now? In the 90's every Disney movie was just the main character's name.




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0.01 shekels have been deposited into your account.

Naming a work of fiction after the lead character makes sense.

Calling a movie about Rapunzel "Tangled" is actually a decent pun.
Calling a movie about the Ice Queen "Frozen" is a far worse pun (she's frozen emotionally, while her sister's heart is literally frozen, so it still kinda works)
But "Onward" or "Soul" just don't work.

It's not the fucking 90's anymore now is it

Is it bitching? This sounds just like a fun idea following a current thread.


I love how stupid they think people are.
I hate that they're not wrong.

More like Shelved

It bothers me more that the fonts are so similar. Like they could have stylized Onward to make it seem more fantastical instead of like a Beleren font knockoff.

>adding -ed
Besides Tangled they never do this because it's the most lazy.

How about we do the opposite: Japanese-style titles...

Arabian Thief and Magic Slave Story
That Time I Betrayed My People For Waito Piggu Cock
Filthy Chink Woman Crossdresses and Dishonors Family
Super Happy Bara God Hekurisu
Phil Collins Adventure: Jungle King Taruzan


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They already did Pretty Woman so why not?

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Toy story is now PLAYFUL

Finding Nemo is now ADRIFT


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>Finding Nemo is now ADRIFT

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Steven Universe should be renamed to Shallow

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Orphan Boy Aladdin and The Magical Genie-in-the-Lamp Who Makes Him a Prince

Young Pocahontas of the Native American Tribe: Her Love Creates a Bridge

The Story of the China Girl Mulan Who Becomes a Warrior

Son of Zeus Hercules Fights Against The Forces of Hades

Jungle Man Tarzan Meets The Civilized Jane Who Tames His Wild Heart

And for good measure,
Rapunzel, Rapunzel~! The Story of Rapunzel and Her Magic Hair

The Story of the Ice Queen Elsa and Her Princess Sister Anna

The Two Brothers That Go Out To Find Their Father

The Musician Loses His Soul

honestly i'm not sure what to say about those last two but mostly because I don't know what's going on with them. Oh, hey, I just remembered one.

The Robot Janitor WALL-E Loves the Robotic Beauty EVE

Is pic related where you got the inspiration to start this thread?

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Do we know if Onward ever had a more elaborate working title? I only remember it being vaguely referred to as the "suburban fantasy movie" years back.

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It’s very well used title. Ratatouille is a French dishes’ name and it’s also a story about the rats.

The Story of Remy-san, the Rat Who Cooks Food in a Luxurious Restaurant in Paris While Controlling a Human Like a Puppet.


These read like mini descriptions, not light novel titles. ie
>My Land and People are Being Raped by a White Devil and I think I'm Falling in Love with him?!

No Way!! I Thought I Had Superpowers, But I Found Out I’m Just an Ordinary Dog From a TV Show.


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But he’s been dead for decades

I'm guessing the easy titles are for dumb kids only just learning to talk?



My Magical Quest to find the Other half of My Dad.

I think the formula is more that it's a descriptive noun, like Frozen.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs = Dwarfed
Cinderella = Shoe
Sleeping Beauty = Sleep
The Little Mermaid = Water
Beauty and the Beast = Beast
Aladdin = Wish
Pocahontas = Colonized
Mulan = Chinked
The Princess and the Frog = Blacked

World Master Piece Theater: Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli

Bear and the Bow isnt that great a title. "Meridia" would have been better.

Presenting an animated film based on Charles Dickens' timeless classic Oliver:

Disney's STRAY

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The Great Mouse Detective would be....?

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if anything

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>Phil Collins Adventure: Jungle King Taruzan

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Fritz the Cat = Pussies

some kind of mouse+detective pun I' not clever enough to think

Is that slime girl a character from the show?

The Lion King = PRIDE
Tarzan = SWING
The Hunchback of Notre Dame = HUNCH
Atlantis, The Lost Empire = LOST
Aladdin = WISHED
Pocohontas = WARREN
Mulan = HONOR
Hercules = HUNK
Beauty & The Beast = BEAST
The Little Mermaid = LEG



Aladdin could be GENIE




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WISHED is better due to less syllables.

Yes. That, or ‘Summoned.’

This trend has been happening for a while now.

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