When did the SMBC guy go completely insane?
When did the SMBC guy go completely insane?
Doesn't seem insane to me, just lacking a punchline.
Did he change his style?
>Do these cities really scare you?
in the same sense that a gun to the head scares me, yes, but i'm not a trust-fund manchild
>Does la really scare you
With their homeless colonies and the recent pandemic entering the states yes, it's the scariest place outside of china
He's a Jew, he's always been that way.
he went full no borders
How is this insane? Seems more like a lecture than a comic but what he says isn't unreasonable.
Not his book, he simply drew it.
You should blame this one on Bryan Caplan, who's moderately insane.
He's literally just saying "people shouldn't be too naive but also people shouldn't be too cynical" How is he insane? This is the most room-temperature take I've seen all week.
>Mentions shitholes
>Do these scare you?
I would guess that the trust level tracks actual trustworthiness reasonably well, and that the high trust inside poor areas is warranted.
Caplan is a libertarian nut who otherwise believes that people almost always rationally follow incentives, so it's a weird take coming from him.
>that graph
Holy shit, no wonder that guy lost his teaching job. How do you come up with that regression on that data and say "yup, that totally proves moderatechads are richer than everyone else".
This argument is always followed by believe in what I believe or you are cynical and don't believe in anything else or you are a conspiracy theorist
Around the time he made a book shilling for open borders
>Pretending he didn't take on the project because he actually believes this bullshit
>the high trust inside poor areas is warranted.
How so?
I guess in some poor communities the neighbors will lend each other a hand, but I honestly doubt that's the majority.
And most people in a poor community would not be very reliable for supporting a business venture with you.
Seems like it's a fair point that high trust is excessive and has bad results.
That'd make him a dick, but insane? Nah.
Terrible medium for making political arguments. Comics are for jokes. Write a book instead you hack.
I hope this is a command job, otherwise it's really concerning.
it's a middle ground fallacy that only pretend to be in the middle, because HIS following arguments will be, in his head at least, de facto the "intelligent person choice". The self validation of that thing is off the chart.
but why, though, iirc he was making enough money with his webcomic.
High trust is generally warrented in societies with high trust.
They stop beimg "high trust" when you change the demographics of those societies by adding people from societies that are untrustworthy.
This doesn't sound like a hot take to me, it just sounds like good, common sense.
I mean how long has he been writting this shitty comic?
If it's been 10 years or close already I would call him insane
Trust is a luxury you can either be too poor or too rich to afford
It's literally justifying turning your country into a divided multicultural shithole because of an imaginary rise in GDP, which would not even benefit the average person im the first place.
If I had to guess, personally knowing a larger fraction of the people you meet and traditional social structures that only work at a certain scale.
I do think that large relatively less trustworthy cities are ultimately more beneficial, because they have a ton of other advantages, but I don't think people are irrationally trusting.
> A highly religious demographic with lots of family values and traditions known for migrating and living in subhuman conditions only to send back money to their families to help support them is low on trust
>I guess in some poor communities the neighbors will lend each other a hand, but I honestly doubt that's the majority.
It is.
People don't have money in poor communities, so trust and verisimilitude are used as currency. Poor people tend to help eachother out more, because they *have* to. If your car breaks down and you don't have the cash to fix it, you're fucked, but it's okay, because you know Dave across the street knows cars, and he's willing to help because you helped him take care of his garden when he was sick a few months back. In poor communities, kindness and trustworthiness are necessary for survival.
In richer communities, you don't have to worry about that quite so much, because you can just pay for remedies to your problems
It doesn't sound like you're talking about blacks, nor arabs.
>words words words
just write a book niger
trusting people by statistic is the last thing in life you'd consider "common sense".
>People don't have money in poor communities, so trust and verisimilitude are used as currency
lol no, thats prewar era logic
nowdays they step on each other, rob and kill each other constantly
i mean europe is fucked already so who cares?
Middle class Americans trying to lecture you about how your poor neighborhood life worked will never not be absolutely revolting, holy shit.
T. never been poor.
dude. Did you just tell poor people there were "REALLY POOR"? That's where you are now?
Is this a MasterCard ad?
He did.
This is a "Clintons Cash drawn by Dixon" type of thing
This Desu.
Also the rich have to worry about everyone trying to scam them out of their money (E.G Number 1 way Lotto winners lose money is through that alone)
Everyone thinks they're poor, until they actually meet a poor person.
If you've never had to rely on the kindness of people around you, you've never been truely poor.
And if you *did* have to rely on them but you never got that kindness, then you're an asshole.
So who's commiting all the gang crime in cities?
Are they poor?
Gangs are a form of community, user. They're literally the definition of a community formed around necessity for survival.
When I think of Gang I don't think "High-Trust close knit" I think "fucking count the money and if it doesn't add up I'm blowing his brains out"
Then you get your idea of gangs exclusively from the media.
>I'm blowing his brains out
can *only* come from a place of extreme trust. Someone can only make that kind of threat and be taken seriously if all parties trust him to carry it out, and he trusts his group to not rat him out if he does, AND the event of "not having the money" is rare enough to be considered high-stakes enough to warrent a threat of force to begin with
Bullshit. You know what criminals my city do with the money they steal or extort? They throw huge parties at the beach or at a country villa, where they surround themselves with booze, drugs, firearms and women. They celebrate. They even tape themselves celebrating. Crime stopped being a poor man's business long ago. You can always bet that a group of armed robbers are going to be loaded in more ways than one.
It's okay, user.
I, too, wish I lived in the Grand Theft Auto universe.
And I wish I didn't. And if you don't, you'll get there soon.
His comic/picture book about open borders is being storytimed over on /lt/.
>do these cities really scare you?
See that? That emotional trick. The question was ‘are these cities safe with their low trust’ but now he’s turned it into an emotional qualifier, as in ‘why are YOU so scared? Why can’t profits trump your fear?’ He’s turned a debate on states on a means to make yourself look emotionally unwell or agree to his bullshit. It’s why talking to (((them))) is so pointless. They don’t want debate or societal cohesion, they want to brush you off as a lesser. All the better if you get flustered.
You don’t negotiate or debate scum like this. You disregard them, laugh at them, burn their literature.
Relatively small, homogenous communities where everyone plays by the same rules, and it's hard to break the rules undetected, are societies of high trust. If everyone agrees that bad stuff is "not done," then bad stuff becomes vanishingly rare.
Trust breaks down, and you get crime and awfulness, in societies that are too large to self-regulate, or where some people think bad stuff is "something people do."
I think the lawcomic is doing a long arc right now on the history of government that touches on this theme now and then.
Everything has an expiration date. No work should ever go past 10 years.
>medium trust societies are better than high trust societies
He's saying it because there's a certain commonality between high trust societies and a commonality between low trust societies and acknowledging these commonalities is very bad. Can you guess why?
>why would he want to earn more money by doing a little more of his current low effort work
so he is ok with theft too?
He's always been an unfunny libcuck shithead. He's just been more overt about it since the 2016 election.
Flyover cope
Come again when you are actually part of the people producing the activity and not a poor nerd
>coping fly over
New York born and raised living the Jewish life
because his job is 100% driven by reputation.
cant wait until corona exterminates you faster than the holocaust
I don't think Caplan actually fits in that mold
You're right I'm just cursing my reasonable cost of living and lack of violent crime and homelessness, It keeps me awake at night knowing that I could be paying several times what I pay in rent while living in a tenth of the space if only I moved to some overcrowded hell hole, you caught me.
Remember when he called out Obamacare but was too big of a liberal pussy to actually say it was Obamacare?
I'm not even american, but living in the teal part away from most people seems very comfy right now.
>stl getting recognition
I wish more people liked Saint Louis
I wish more asian girls who liked me lived in Saint Louis
The lack of infrastructure makes it a nightmare
Sure, you get to live in a comfy cabin--but then you have to drive 50 miles to get to the nearest hospital
And that's not even bringing up reliability of service. On the internet in rural areas (even ones in suburbs of major cities like New York or even Philadelphia) you could spend an hour downloading an HD movie, and whenever there's more than a stiff breeze you risk not just your internet but your electricity going out for a week at a time.
People always romanticize living in desolate, lonely areas
I have no clue why--the best inventions are the ones that make it easier to live. Why go out of your way to make life harder?
Can't find a girlfriend because your town of 10,000 has 10 girls you're interested in and none of them are into you?
Shit man, sucks to suck
I think the ones looking for peace wouldn't want a girlfriend.
They're also known for selling drugs, butchering people, committing crime, having low IQ, and generally shitting up entire neighborhoods
He's an open borders libertarian.
Since always.
He was always a cunt whackjob.
It just took a while for you retards to notice.
This isn't SMBC.
Super Meat Boy Championship?
Shoutout to all my niggas in the St Louis Area.
Have you gotten a chance to go to the zoo this season yet?