This movie never happened now

This movie never happened now.

how is nebula still alive if they killed her past self?

past Gamora is now in the present

Where did loki go with the tesseract.

my brain is hurting.

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>When you stop reading comics because they got too fucking weird and confusing and now all that bullshit infests capeshit flicks

Yeah it did. Captain Marvel just shrunk her face again and time traveled everything back to normal.

>watching capeshit
Your parents miust be so proud that their child hasn't emotionally developed past the age of 10.
LIke seriously, imagine dying in combat while cutting niggas heads off to defend your country and then you're in heaven looking down at the culmination of your legacy, and what is it doing?
Watching manlets running around greenscreens pretending to be comic book superheroes and shooting CGI beams at each other while quipping. If you could commit suicide in heaven, then you probably would at that moment. You would regret ever having children, having dozens of generations of descendants, all because of one manchild in the 21st century.
Atleast you could rest assured knowing that your genetic lineage dies with this incel ass.

I'm thinking the TV shows will explain it. They have to. Vision and Wanda series have already been greenlit. Same goes for Loki. Maybe they are from a parallel reality like the stones are. Or time displaced.

They don't go to their past, they go to alternate realities. In an alternate reality, the guardians never meet, Loki gets away, and Cap lives to be 100. None of our reality is affected. Literally read a fucking comic book and learn about the different Earths (specifically 616).

This. Plus their What If show can expand a lot on the timelines

>gotg3 gamora won't have experienced gotg and gotg2
Biggest disappointment about endgame for me.

thanks doc

>Where did loki go with the tesseract.
He stole it in Ragnarok. That happened on screen.

In endgame. A1 loki steals the tesseract and disappears while future Tony is trying to take it

time travel fucking sucks, prove me wrong

And thats a good thing

>more capeshit threads

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He puts the "Jew" in why people hate Jews

Also who was the blonde chick cap kissed in Civil War, his granddaughter?!

Is this bait? There's literally an entire scene in Endgame dedicated to spelling it out to your dumb ass. ALL the time travel sequences in this movie happen in parallel universes and the prime timeline stays unchanged. GotG still happened, original Gamora still got Thanos'd in Infinity War and the one who ends up alive in this movie is from the alternate universe where GotG didn't happen. It also doesn't matter what Loki does in his timeline since they jump to yet another one to steal the tesseract and extra Pym particles there. How much more obvious did they have to make it?

>If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?
>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
>If he was able to solve it without knowing about it, why didn't it ever occur to him earlier?
>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established how did he make it back to normal Earth?

then that means gotg didnt happen cause the is all implying this is one time line cause cap got old in main time line parallel universe

TLDR Thanos is now a big dumb bigbad guy with no purpose, logic, or reason

THor is no longer developed, matured king thor and is now a goofy scrub basedbutt

Cpt Marvel is teehee female pwwrrrr silly boys im so stronger than u

and to make things even more stupid, teehee timetravel cause we were too gay to put in some new chars like the living tribunal or something to solve the snap

then why the fuck is cap literally an old man in their reality?

why is her not knowing about gotg 1 and 2 so bad? she’s deffo gna get with quill and that’s not even unrealistic, if they were mutually attracted once why wouldn’t they be a second time?

yeah it dosent make sense

present nebula didn’t disappear when she killed past nebula which means other timelines don’t affect the past timeline of the mcu it all doesn’t make sense okay desu they fucked up on the time travel

I guess its implied that whatever Loki manages to do with the tesseract in that reality, Cap is able to undo when he goes back to replace the other two stones in NY

Or, Loki managed to pull some shenanigans and ruse Cap/the Avengers... That would be cool, they could make him the next big villain

i agree that most of these good questions but:

>if tony and steve...
they went to a different parallel universe, similar to why killing past nebula didn’t erase present nebula.

but then this leaves us with why is cap on the bench in our universe and the reasoning for that is complete utter bullshit.

>how was stark...
back on titan it was thanos gauntlet while on earth it was a heavily damaged one made by iron man. in infinity war they told us thanos gauntlet was made by the dwarfs that make superweapons so it’s likely it was much better at retaining stones because of this. with so much bullshit utility nanotech crap that tony had up his ass in the movies it wouldn’t be surprising if russo bros said he commanded the nanobots to slide it to his hand

Now you understand why they always pull out the time eraser button in the actual comic events.

Most of these questions are answered by the film if you pay attention

>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?

The initial gauntlet he built (that Thanos put on) AND the one he built into his suit at some point were both made of nanomachines. He probably programmed a function into both gloves for that very situation

then why didnt he tell the nano bots to disolve when thanos tryed to put the gautlet on or why didnt the A,I do that or turn it into a ball or somthing?

Probably wouldn't look as cool or work as well with the setup with Strange and the final line and snap

When you're writing a screenplay at some point you have to stop making decisions on what would be absolutely the most practical/logical, but also make considerations for what is going to look good on screen and fit the bigger picture

Do the stones have to be in a gauntlet? Do they have a minimum distance to work together?

i think in order to work they need to be in a shape of a gautlet or can be used indviualy

How can you not fucking get plot points made for children? Cap stayed in a different reality and time to live a normal life with Peggy then went back when he was old.

i understand that but then that just makes it seem dumber

It doesn't matter if it happened or if it made sense. They already have your money, plebshit capetards

then why didnt he end up on the platform if he went back to his time line like how everything else did cause it was programed too

That scene is pretty weird, the fact that Hulk and Bucky didn't even tried to walk closer made me wonder if it was shot separately and perhaps an afterthought.

Cap returned to the main timeline after he lived his live with Peggy in the alternative one. Is this so hard to understand?

i lit said nanotech crap pulled out of starks ass learn to read bro

>tfw ntr'd by your parallel self

>how can you not get something that isn’t stated or implied in the film hurr durr

shut the fuck up bro, if he time travelled back to that moment he would still be wearing the time travel gps, so did he time travel to that bench and just throw it away for the sake of it? did he time travel to that reality a week early and take it off? did he universe travel when his wife died to go back to this reality and just live there for 3 years rather than the one he lived in for most of his life?

You’re saying it’s a plot point for kids but it lit makes no sense no matter how you think of it. it’s either extravagant time travel shit where the old man returns to his original universe and quickly throws away his time travel gps before anyone sees, which kids wouldn’t jump to. or it’s a fuckin plot hole.

>tfw when you rape your wife

>how is nebula still alive if they killed her past self?
She's a fucking robot, she can get repaired

How is Spiderman back then?


>the best movie of the MCU never happened


u trollin

....then why do we have an old Steve if he went to a parallel universe as what is supposed to be a default thing?

just turn your brain off bro, there was a dude literally shooting lightning out of his fingertips, a human throwing lightning with a hammer, a woman flew through a ship that is capable of surviving FTL travel, a giant green guy smashing stuff, oh and a talking rabbit also the best part of the movie was 2012 new york where current year hulk half heartedly smashed shit

>tfw the whole of Endgame was literally just so that all of the What If? timelines are 100% canonical

Truly based and redpilled