Here's your new She Hulk bros
Here's your new She Hulk bros
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perfect i want her to shehulk me
Angry black woman racist trope uh?
Well saved me money. Maybe I'll pirate probably not.
Mah nigga
>fake link
Yet, I know this’ll probably get a bunch of replies. Good work OP.
Hope her sister dies in that surgery if this is true. It would unironically make me feel better about it.
Jen is white. Enough of this fucking shit.
FUCK off, she is hot!
>hulk sit on face!
>hoping someone not involved in a project dies because you hate a casting decision
You are just the worst fucking type of human, aren't you?
She's green. Or grey.
She can be hot as a more suitable character. I mean christ hellcat is a redhead she's perfect for the role.
>she-hulk like every other character can be black
Nah. And if they want to keep up with the culture war I hope there are casualties - even if they come via botched surgeries.
When she's She-Hulk she is. As Jen she is white.
Jen isn't supposed to be hot. That's quite LITERALLY why she chooses to be she-hulk full time.
>Jen isn't supposed to be hot
Are you retarded?
Have you ever read she-Hulk? The entire point since Byrne made her sensational was that she preferred her Hulk form cause it's hot and she isn't.
>it's fake
Thank god
Why do this? Why discuss a character you know nothing about?
Go cry somewhere else, kiddo. You don't belong here.
Too short and petite.
Needs more beef.
Why? Who cares about the Human form? They will cgi her anyway!
Of course it's a nigger
>Why discuss a character you know nothing about?
>fake link
I see we're just here to shitpost then
How do I get a hot black smart gf bros?
>CGI muscle
Yes, Mark Rufallo got real muscles and became a green giant
Kill yourself faggot you don't belong here.
>lel im here to shill!
You too. Stream it.
Fuck. Off.
Does she bang white guys?
Forgot pic.
>Jen isn't supposed to be hot.
Did you even read the thread?
So I'm guessing Sheriff Walters will get BLACKED so she can still be Mark Ruffalo's cousin, right?
Her height is the only fitting thing about her for the role.
>posts savage she Hulk
Why do this? Nobody wants her to be savage. It completely defeats the worthwhile character that Byrne found after they moved on from that.
Yes, I'm here for Hot Black woman.
>Why do this? Nobody wants her to be savage. It completely defeats the worthwhile character that Byrne found after they moved on from that.
My point is, even in the worst iteration of the character, she's still hot. Byrne's version of the character is obviously the best. We all know that.
It's a series not a film.
These aren't going to be premium quality, user.
Your point is flawed because it's prefaced on the exact change Byrne made. He found the way to differentiate between Hulk and She-Hulk.
Jen being frumpy and forgettable gives her a reason to want to remain as she-Hulk. It flips the "hideous monster curse" trope on its head.
Posting OG savage she-Hulk just proves you don't have a history with the character and see them all as interchangeable.
Not him and this is why i think they should do the ferigno thing and have a female body builder who they do some light CGI on and vocal dubbing.
As bad as buscema and Lee's she-Hulk is it isn't nearly as offensive or flat out bad as Jason Aaron's or even Soule's not quite as bad but still atrocious run.
Faggot, Hulk will show up.
The only things I see as interchangeable are your head and your ass.
>Faggot Hulk
Why not just be less offended when fans of a character tell you to stop LARPing as a fan?
Meant for Only shills delete posts.
How about you do us all a favour and just kill yourself right now?
I mean.... I guess I could try. How do I do that? What should I read so I can be a real fan? I've already read the original Savage She-Hulk, Byrne's Savage She-Hulk, Byrne's one-shot Sensational graphic novel, and the 12-issue series from 2004. Anything else worth reading?
>not even muscular
Fuck off.
The villain from Samurai Cop made the transition, I see.
>what the link really is
I appreciate OP's subtle joke
Read the entirety of sensational even the non-Byrne issues.
I love Natasha but she doesn't have the boobs - and I'm generally not a "GIMME DA TNA" type. She's stunning though.
I want Natasha to destroy my face with her pussy.
No muscles ,no boobs why did they pick her again
Because pandering to minorities is more important than staying true to the character.
Is she mixed?
Imagine ever being this bitter of a faggot. I honestly can't.
you people are fucking stupid holy shit
Someone posted the rumored cast for an unmade Fantastic Four movie from 2002 last week; everyone replying except for two people thought it was about an upcoming movie, even people who greentext quoted everything the OP had said.
>another redhead turned into a black
in all honesty, it is kinda weird how this keeps happening.
the girls hot though, ngl.
>o-open ethnicity doesn't mean anything, th-that's just what they do with mosty c-casting
Who's really the idiot? /pol/ for sperging out or you for giving the Hollywood Reporter clicks?
She Hulk is powered by fear, not anger, you filthy casual
Because redheads are way less of the population than the media depicts. And it's hard to pull off or find redhead actresses because of that small population. Comics add in redheads because it's considered the unique white character.
awwww, I was hoping for Alison Brie.
Troll thread aside, Allison Brie might have been a good pick a few years ago. She can go from demure and shy to giga-slut in a second and she does comedy well. Doubt she would have bulked up enough, but who would? She-Hulk is a difficult character to transition into live-action because you're either going to get a CGI abomination or some chick painted green.
>White washing is bad
>Start black washing
>say mean thing on word light box
>walk away
Boom now you know how to be that bitter.
so it's
> jumping on as headline because black people in media is the only thing you get emotional about in life
> giving a fraction of a cent to some internet rag
yeah no, the first is dumber, sorry
I tried
Fuck. At some point you're so much of a Chad, you can't even be considered part of any race.
>posts savage she Hulk
>Why do this? Nobody wants her to be savage. It completely defeats the worthwhile character that Byrne found after they moved on from that.
"Savage" She-hulk never was really savage in this comics.
But I guess I should't expect Yea Forums to read comics they talk about
God damnit people, its not even true. At least try to look like people capable of independent thinking before jumping onto fake headlines.
This bait will work because its so believable.
Welcome to outrage media where their own goal is to generate outrage.
We know faggot! We are here for two things :
Hot Black woman and shitposting!
She looks Hot as fuck. Give me
She’s cute. No idea who she is. Seems kinda young would be my note
more like sheboon lol
I'm very fine with this.
Are you implying the name of the comic wasn't savage she-Hulk?
dude no the article's reporting isnt the thing that's fake
the article EXISTING is what's fake
Obviously not true, but why wouldn't they just reverse what they did for Captain America and put small woman's head on a big buff body?
Calm down faggot
the link opens up to Joseph Campenella's death.
shame on you OP.
because that looked like ass
it'd be better to do it like they did with hulk, only using a base model with giant knockers
ME thoo
>What even is a Scotland or an Ireland.
Jennifer Walters is a brunette, though.
I'm okay with this. Much better than that skinny twig we saw a few weeks back.
So it's fake? Huh
I hope you bite the inside of your cheek and it bleeds and swells up and you keep biting it over the next 2 weeks and it gets worse and more painful all the time.
It's a fake guys, you got duped by shitposts again
>Who's really the idiot?
You, obviously
>casting a short negress
It's fake, they aren't this retarded. Even if they did, this thread should've been on Yea Forums because at that point it would hold 0 connection to the comic aside the name
>You don't belong here.
The rest of Yea Forums would say the exact same to you. This isn't a SJW safespace. Mayhaps you'd feel more comfortable on tumblr, or twitter.
>not even muscular
Jen's not supposed to be muscular. She's a timid, physically weak and physically unappealing woman.
>another ugly nigger
It's all so tiresome.
She'll be green in the series. Who cares what color she is in real life?
yeah, let's cast some white wankers in the role of negro's, but put on some make-up, gonna fare well brother
Bah, Daddario looks way more superior than her!
This is likely fake but sadly it isn't beyond the realm of possibility, hell probability at this point. Honestly, why does anyone even get hype foir these adaptations when this is going to be the outcome a good percentage of the time. They don't care about the character, or the characters true fans. It's all about how broad we can make it to ensure the highest amount of casuals possible watch it. It's a hype killer. What is the point of already well established black characters at this point if you're never going to adapt them and instead play this race swap game instead.
All the Hollywood weirdos who constantly bitch about the evil straight white men oppressing minorities in 2020.
What is the reversal term for white washing?
I know it's fake, but more like She-Mutt lol.
Good. I love niggers.
Why do you keep posting this? Do you really relish in retards responding to your bunk link this much?
You god damn niggers didn't even click the link, did you?
>This isn't a SJW safespace
Yea Forums is a right wing, christian website. We love Trump and love America. Anyone who doesn't like it needs to fuck off!
Holy shit, she's hot af. I approve of this niggress.
/pol/fats aren't human.
better pick than Larson
>Yea Forums is a right wing, christian website.
Why do we have so many sneedposters, SU spammers and "Why can't Problematic Western thing be like Progressive Anime thing?" shit on here then? It can't all be trolling.
So is Brie going to turn into a big black woman?
>clicking the link
Dont feed shills
You all need to go back.
>Jen is white.
Jen is Green.
Yes she is hot, she could play Storm instead, I would download that shit if she wears the fucking white leotard, other than that no.
So Bruce is black too. So Hulk is a black man with rage issues being chased by white men in the military and goverment.
Oh, the optics are going to be great with this. Lmao.
This is a fake link
Fauck off
How pathetic
I hope the MCU becomes unwatchable for racists
It IS fake
It's already unwatchable just by itself. This is just more Hollywood pandering without a clue.
Cool, does this mean we can axe Aaron's pointless shit?