Everyone's going to remember us by our names!


Admit it Yea Forums, this was just tripfaggotry with extra steps.
Has anything beyond those first 10 minute ever been released?

Attached: 1568332364816[1].png (1143x1200, 260K)

Let Channel say faggot

It was an autistic discord circlejerk that labeled criticism as shitposting. If this is what passes as a Yea Forums project now, I’m disgusted

Band geeks reanimated was from Yea Forums, it was a success

Enjoy your vacation

I'd rather we be known as the board that can't make anything than the board that made this, the funniest part was the discord conversations where you could tell how some of them were using green spinel as an emotional crutch, it just got sad at one point.

Why is this board obsessed by Discord?

what did he meant by that?

If Channel doesn't call Stevanon a Nigger or a Faggot i will be very dissapointed.

Attached: Spinelchan.png (450x450, 93K)


Why are trannies so obsessed with Yea Forums? Nobody wants them here.


But user...that's her name!

It proves the Spinelfags and Channelfags who have been mass spamming the board for months are brigaders from another site and that no one here truly likes Spinel or Steven Universe

She is Channel

>Tfw no Spinel thread..
Guess i'll settle with Channel for now...

I miss the old Channel threads. And I love Spinel.

Attached: 633.jpg (988x984, 64K)

How long till the mods delete this thread?

Attached: mhmmm.png (608x708, 254K)

Remember when those retarded trannies thought this shit would replace Yotsuba?

Attached: 1578146801871.png (2025x745, 419K)

actual cringe.
please stop posting discord shit.

Stop posting all Steven Universe threads they are all spam

search this guy name on the pol and you will get a really good laugh

Anyone who's not autistic saw through this and called bullshit immediately. This is Sonic OC-tier embarrassing, and anyone who says otherwise is delusional.

Even for SU fans, these guys are bottom of the barrel mouthbreathers, and the fact that they lack the self awareness to see it is even funnier. (that doesn't change even on the off chance it's all an elaborate troll, which based on the anecdotal evidence in these threads I highly doubt. HAHA WE WERE JUST BRETENDIGN)

Spinelchan died cus the discord trannies got too comfortable in their server

They forgot why they were together, they made an awful movie and stopped bumping our girl...

The real spinelchan warriors stand proud in the shadows

Zatara has like 3 tulpas and is making a human sized white diamond statue... i don’t think he is the right person to quote

Yea Forums likes the show stop entering threads about this fucking show user.
Why do you keep posting?
I don't like "Death battle" or "The flash" threads so i don't post in them. why do you?...

Is it so hard calling her Channel?
Spinelchan is the name of Spinel x Channel

No we don't, you retarded tranny.

ok reddit

>Why do you keep posting?
Because you make 20 fucking threads at once and then brigade into other threads and claim you are Yea Forums when everyone else on both this board and site hates SU


Attached: dissapoint and digust.png (680x585, 158K)

Not that user but I can't help but smile everytime I read spinelchan, it's so bad that it's good

Attached: 1573631612850.jpg (480x480, 22K)

>ok reddit

>he actually believes this

Attached: kenanwhat.gif (220x248, 81K)

Because it's made for trannies and Yea Forums happens to be filled with them.

Your little channel discord project was claimed by you to be Yea Forums

>Look mom i posted a link this somehow proves my point XD
ok user. You win.

>250,000 subscribers
Steven Universe is a Reddit show only spammed on Yea Forums by Discord brigaders and isn't welcome here

Well all of the faggots that made the shit tier project came from Yea Forums then they made a shitty discord but i never claimed anything i hate the movie.

idk why i called it movie, it's not worth calling it that the channel "video"

No, they didn't. Yea Forums might be awful, but not even Yea Forums could produce cancer of this magnitude.

Ok user, you're right.

Channel wasn't made by Yea Forums, it was spammed here by the existing discord

user..what the actual fuck are you talking about, you clearly weren't here when this shit started
were are you getting this completely wrong information from?

>Movie comes out
>literally on the same day
>Very 1st Channel thread
>Anons like the idea and start making Channel edits
>Drawfags start making concept art for channel
>it grows from there
>not made by Yea Forums

Attached: huh.jpg (600x623, 68K)

No I saw the first thread and how they kept compiling, the character was fully made by the time the op to the first one was made
It was very, very clearly not a Yea Forums creation

>Yea Forums shits on calarts bullshit
>Yea Forums shits on tranny bullshit
>somehow expect anyone to believe Yea Forums likes Calarts Tranyverse, and not that it's discord trannies flooding the catalogue with their shitposting spam

Alright then, you're just baiting me no. I'll stop replying if you're just gonna keep making shit up.
have a nice day retard.

Yes one user came up with that design and then everyone went with it making edits, drawings and shit. What's so hard to get user?

FUCK SU i just want Channel and Spinel back

this but unironically

1. Steven Universe is for fags, even 60% of this board will tell you that despite being the one with 11 threads about it up at once at any given time.

2. This is a cancerous forced meme traced over an earlier cancerous forced meme, making it twice the tumor it would ordinarily be. It's forced by people who don't belong on this website to top it all off.

3. This was just a basic flash animation someone could make in a week where nothing interesting happens.

Yea Forums fucking fails as usual. Even Yea Forums and Yea Forums make better original content than you, just go back to dumblr.

Attached: 1581455341588.png (640x960, 166K)

>Yea Forums fucking fails as usual
This isn't Yea Forums oc

If that's true then the fact that someone would make "Yea Forums Spinel" despite not having anything to do with the site is retarded.

it absolutely was, is and will be. and nothing you tell yourself will change it.

Those anons that started the first several threads created it on discord then forced it here. They are the same people trying to keep "spinel general" up now. Others of course followed since it was a trend but it's inherently a discord meme. It's like calling Sneed a Yea Forums meme

Channel is way uglier than Spinel


i can't believe the channel movie we waited for months only showed channel for a minute

i can't believe no one said fag or nigger

Attached: spinelchanpain.png (1260x898, 843K)

I can't wait for the VN to come out...

Attached: waiting 3.png (1679x934, 2.6M)

Fucking kys I love Spinel

This is now a Spinel thread

Post what you love about your QUEEN

Attached: giphy.gif (480x270, 531K)

I... i'm sure we can live peacefully as one happy family.... r-right?...

Attached: O O.png (1378x745, 987K)

Love eachothers

Attached: a83ffca5a2101083481f544bbfef0f5087015095.png (570x645, 125K)


Yes, love is in the air

Attached: 5ac6b1012127060561d308e73de200f8c57be66d.png (954x621, 178K)

So this is our thread now, right?

Attached: 614.jpg (1024x1024, 82K)

>Fucking kys
Underage and this is why no one likes you

Damn y'all been living like this since September??

Attached: 1579908630241.png (404x144, 129K)

let's see what happens.
I heard some user wants to start a real Spinel thread that's not the concept art one.
So let's see what happens

Attached: channeltryme.png (612x547, 141K)

Noone likes gatekeeping losers like you

Attached: image0-5.jpg (532x593, 24K)

Unfortunate the mods have encouraged the mental illness for this long solely because it's Steven Universe related

Spinel thread got banned yesterday so we're stuck on /trash/ until the ban lifts

Attached: 09d.png (1920x1047, 860K)

Why don't you stop gatekeeping like a little bitch and let us live our lives with Spinel?

Attached: channelumadddd-2.png (521x506, 91K)

You can do that over at /trash/ where you can have a daily general

That's great! Also
>Not the concept art one
What? Where is it? Didn't see that one

Attached: 61.jpg (1422x1422, 80K)

But /trash/ is trash, user. Yea Forums is better

Nobody knows it's there
I just want 1 fucking thread on Yea Forums for her but NO you fucking troglodytes can't handle her GLORY

Attached: 1583220865499.jpg (604x604, 55K)

And i though this shit was cringe

Attached: 1582814335624.jpg (2520x1650, 1.55M)

Basically it's a thread that criticize Spinel's concept arts
Nothing really Spinelish

Attached: channelandspinelgames.png (558x547, 111K)

You get people to go over there, look at that SU general
You don't want "1 fucking thread" because you've had that many times, you want a continuous general. And if you want a continuous general /trash/ is where you're allowed it

Quit gatekeeping and let us have our daily /bread/

Are you seriously butthurt that Spinel is that popular?

Other boards have generals, why can't this one?

Oh wait, gatekeeping faggots like you

>Other boards have generals, why can't this one?
Because you haven't seen the horrors that Homestuck, Steven Universe and Loud House generals brought this board. It was so bad that generals got banned outside general drawthreads and stuff

That shit is cringe, Channel was actually fun with edits, drawings and some bizarre greentexts. Channel went to shit after we got kicked, and then the movie and discord happened.

Ok that's it. im taking this thread down with my meme injector

Attached: punished gem wants to destroy the board.webm (1920x1080, 382K)

While I don't doubt that was fucking gay, I just wanna talk about how much I love her without having to be in the coloured side of /4/chan

We just want a place on Yea Forums like everyone else

Spinel threads aren't even cancer,, most of us just wanna talk about how we feel about her

Attached: 1583182338104.jpg (1326x2048, 211K)

This but unironically.
Drawnons and editfags actually put out decent content during the threads...

Attached: rip.jpg (1200x718, 734K)

I can't believe Steven Universe fags could make something even worse then channel
Unironically the worst posters on the site

>That shit is cringe
Tranny detected

I miss the actual Channel threads...

Attached: Wolverine Channel.webm (1280x720, 637K)

Never post that shit again

What's this? i've seen it around in Yea Forums but it looks cringy so i enver bothered looking into it. spoonfeed me

>That sonic OC

Attached: 869.jpg (1052x1052, 96K)

Doomguy and Charlie fucked and had Steven and Star.

Attached: 1583179536188.png (900x900, 81K)


Attached: 1583253186742.png (2860x1650, 3.4M)

Uh oh

I thought this was an /i/ project

No, YOU are a faggot. Where's Dante?

Attached: 639.png (500x460, 155K)

With his wife and son

Attached: 1583168615687.jpg (1038x1038, 133K)

This is a blue board user.

Attached: 755.jpg (620x620, 35K)

>Other boards have generals, why can't this one?
Because they’re explicitly disallowed and deleted by mods. Unless you’re RWBY

no I saw it on [s4s] first

started in Yea Forums
then channel got banned after miss Yea Forums
moved to s4s then to /i/ and here we are again.

Good thing we don't have a /sping/, we just make our daily casual spinel threads, right anons?

Attached: 506.jpg (1024x1024, 83K)

Sorry guys wrong pic
I meant this one

Attached: 1583220482684.jpg (1080x1056, 102K)

You delete the post, unless you want a promotion

Can't I'm phonefagging

Attached: 1583212699058.png (650x700, 17K)

I’m banned kinda

Attached: 931870C2-2878-455C-802C-78F440156648.jpg (400x400, 95K)

you can delete posts on a phone

So long as noone spergs out I think 1 NSFW will be okay

Attached: 1583263333331.png (800x569, 278K)

A little bit on the left of where your name is, there should 3 dots, you click on them and then delete.

Let's bury that pic with some Spinel pics

Attached: 342.jpg (1400x1600, 216K)

Cease your faggotry and never associate yourself with something Yea Forums made that was actually funny ever again.

Attached: 291784391823.png (334x346, 105K)

I didn't add Ruber to that shit

Announcing a report is against the rules faggot

Attached: 9ae45dca8046bd2a5b62fc1d2f3867a3068ab5cer1-727-605v2_hq.jpg (727x605, 44K)

eh well cya later then

Chris-chan was remembered for similar reasons OP. Strive to be better than this.

You faggots ruined a perfectly good joke between Doomguy and Charlie. Eat a dick

Heterophobic bigot

But its not?

Attached: 576.jpg (588x588, 26K)

You're shitting on a nuclear family raised on Christian moral. That makes you a heterophobic bigot

I dont think you know what that word means.

Reply to this post to die instantly

Go back to /plebbit/ bro this board may be gay but it isn't reddit gay

Attached: channelbye.png (634x512, 136K)

Spinel's hugs are so lovely

Attached: spinelanonhugforhug.png (822x624, 151K)

Said by anyone other than Steven

Attached: CA408E82-B537-424E-A358-25326B178F4B.jpg (850x1300, 99K)

why do people give reddit such a bad rap
you know r/stevenuniverse has filled literally to the brim with spinelfags just like yourself, you'd probably get along great there

I use many sites including Yea Forums and reddit and I don't get what the fuss is

Attached: 1583042299467.png (1439x1799, 531K)

Looks like she will return in Homeworld Bound during the finale on 3/27

Attached: B14CCF82-6EA1-49E8-B00F-B17B28412110.jpg (725x1164, 132K)

Channel is for suicide

Attached: Part of the 41 percent club.png (1778x803, 97K)

They eventually will hug

Attached: stevinelhairlong.jpg (656x656, 50K)

It's a knockoff Yea Forums
Has anyone ever guided trip on LSD to meet their waifu?

Wanna try to meet Spinel


Attached: 1580058850547.png (1565x1565, 602K)

I am wondering who is behind this post.

in the last 4 episodes?
That's a crime

She COULD be in Fragments if that’s the “Diamonds fixing gems” episode
I did see someone about maybe “Together Forever” featuring her (though this is very likely to be the episode where Connie turns down Steven’s marriage proposal)

Post that image

Either a cameo ion fragments with the Diamonds or Homeworld Bound

Pls more than a cameo I’m begging you sugar
Have her warp to earth for an episode

We want Spinel and Channel lol. Fuck su and fuck discord

Attached: 1583269580103.gif (600x338, 2.96M)

This is oxymoronic.
Go to your non-discord

Attached: 86.png (592x702, 26K)

channel can pab

Attached: 1568437809814.png (285x823, 19K)


check these!
Also what's that Pearl?


Spinoodles/Chanoodles are good for your physical and mental health.

Attached: 353.png (1574x1132, 3.01M)

Expecially if these noodles can hug you

Attached: channelxanon.jpg (361x465, 54K)

God i wish that were me

Attached: 47.png (328x289, 12K)


Attached: 676.jpg (1080x1350, 75K)

She nearly ended up looking like Megamind

Attached: D9D4A105-D78F-4CF7-ACC7-0A4B3B203D5D.jpg (3024x4032, 1.47M)

I would have totally abdandoned her if she looked like that

Attached: spinelthenperishchannel.png (400x225, 39K)

I'll take Spinel the hedgehog over this one. Though it gives me more male vibes than female, a boy Spinel could be interesting.

Attached: 681.jpg (750x421, 17K)

I just noticed something obvious.
The Punished Spinel in the right has a broken heart for head (symbol that's Pink Diamond broke Spinel's heart) but this heart is her whole gem.
So I think this may be the most ancient gem of all, due to being made with a single big and solid gem, basically the other generations gems always had smallest gems, and the first ones had a whole mineral into it.
So they were less practical as warriors or technicians but just objects and dolls to use as decorations.

Now that's not canon since it's a concept art but I like overthink things

Attached: spinelconceptheart.png (2761x901, 3.48M)

Unironically /pol/. Remember them trying to force the Coomer meme a while back, as some sort of weird crossover with their nofap nonsense and wojakposting?

Well, when they realized that this website (and especially boards like Yea Forums where they really tried to force it hard) were way too horny to buy into that one they decided to blame it on 'discord trannies' in lieu of any kind of common sense. The 'discord trannies' thing goes back further but it's an easy thing to toss out whenever anything needs to be blamed on something.

Oh yeah, there's also the fact that a lot of /pol/ and /pol/-related groups themselves organize on discord, so there's probably also a weird rivalry thing going on. I dunno, I'm not able to dive that deep into the broken brain of /pol/.

wait how do you know its her whole gem?

It's a "it can't not be her gem".
Look, assuming she doesn't have her gem on the back or on the soles she doesn't have a gem.

And since we see her head broken like a broken heart the logic conclusion is that it's her gem auto poof-shattered since gems light based body parts can't get broken like that

Attached: spinelconcepthearthead.jpg (720x960, 91K)

I think its just this one but more smol, just her "hair". But yeah her gem doesnt appear anywhere in that design, so what do i know.

Attached: file.png (720x960, 875K)

Attached: Channel_Hates.png (838x646, 37K)


That heart head is awful

Hold this snake.

Attached: 1571198779467.png (962x1070, 531K)

I think she looks kinda cute

Attached: 683.jpg (1080x1080, 71K)

>Spinelfags and Channelfags fused into a single group
Perfect, now you can all stay to your discord and not spam the board

but this place is our home, for all of us

Attached: channelpixheart.png (360x380, 3K)

I thought he was making a life-size pearl fuckdoll


He is also making a Pearl doll.
But I said too much

Attached: spinelfacesilly.png (900x900, 264K)

good night

Attached: spinelsleep.jpg (1080x1078, 85K)

I’m so excited to see her again for at least one last time
At least her time with Steven will be better than the last time

Attached: E4CF8E16-2C3F-486D-9D65-61DADA0B6292.jpg (1366x768, 114K)

Good night friend, its good to be back

Attached: 688.jpg (1080x1080, 112K)

Attached: 1497081659826.png (500x1151, 129K)

Oh shit
Idk if he ever watched the series but if he did and he was still around he’d LOVE Spinel

i feel like i 'm gonna have a panic attack. why you faggots embarrass me like this?

Attached: source.gif (624x352, 290K)

I think that's called "movie magic"

Attached: 1583200965309.png (616x595, 309K)

The real question is how does that noose support someone as obese as Peter?

oh you fucking faggot. I know you deleted it and then added it again just to fix one fucking letter.