So apparently avengers endgame already came out in china in digital Any one got a link?
So apparently avengers endgame already came out in china in digital Any one got a link?
Im actually still waiting for HD Alita Battle Angel. My local dollar theater is playing it still, but i'd rather not get aids from the seats.
Double bump
I was gonna post a picture of the character link from the video game franchise with a comment saying "here's your link bro" but then I wondered how would link looked with a black costume so I looked it up and that made me curious on how a girl cosplay of link would look and one thing lead to another and then I was watching porn of the zelda characters and now I really want to play the n64 game
No camrip yet?
There is
>thinking Disney will ever allow Alita to get released on video
user, I...
>muh bogeyman
google putlocker endgame and you'll get it, the best quality so far out
I don't think HDCAM is digital
Yeah, they're going to relentlessly release shills online to discourage people from watching the movie and kill off the movies social media account and have dvd distributors change the release date from "may" to "unavailable" for no reason.
you sound like a fag
Where is it? im not goin to pay for capeshit nor a movie with brie larson.
Sent ;) Check your snapchat user ;)
some based chink uploaded the digital to yourube an hour ago
here ya go
she did not ruin this movie. This movie ruined itself
>If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?
>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
>If he was able to solve it without knowing about it, why didn't it ever occur to him earlier?
>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?
She's in it for like 3 minutes
>nor a movie with brie larson
why do people hate her? she's fine, plays the character well and seems pretty cool herself
Damn, Leo is looking good. I had no idea they brought him on for this one
look at the interviews
she is not relatable
Thor is relatable and super powered
Can't believe a Disney rat shill got doubles. Utterly wasted.
What are the best ways to spoil this movie? I really hope this website pulls a nice stunt soon.
i've seen people "reading body language" and editing videos to make her come off badly, but honestly to me it just seems like she's got a great sense of humour (eg. "I'm the strongest avenger" to Hemsworth) and is happy to be there
not every character is relatable to everyone, thor is probably relatable to you because you are similar to him
i've no doubt captain marvel is relatable to people similar to her
I just asked a question, the hatetrain seems super strange and unfounded
what do you have to gain from this? surely you have better things to do
I get to laugh which is all I need
>>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
Cause of Admin permission.
Touched it and he "ran" them over.
Its Iron man Glove, not a golden oven mitt
never said a thing about body language, she is so unlikable and + that "im sick of being interviewed by white dudes" is not helping her at all.
is spoiling other people's fun/enjoyment really entertaining to you? there are healthier, better ways to be happy user
That's true
but everybody likes Thor
Yes I agree with this point
I am re watching the movie again to understand the Time travel logic and see where I can find some BS
That's retarded.
>is spoiling other people's fun/enjoyment really entertaining to you?
>she is so unlikable
I mean obviously other people like her so what you mean is that she's unlikable for you
what is it about her that makes her that way for you? It seems to me that lots of people are on this hatetrain without questioning why they hopped on board, I'm just curious why anyone has
I do think Thor is super popular, but I think we can both agree he wasn't for a while (Ragnorok was huge for him). People were at best lukewarm about Thor after his 1st and 2nd movies.
I liked Cpt Marvel's bit with Spiderman in Endgame, other than that I don't know much about her character yet
Das rite
>is spoiling other people's fun/enjoyment really entertaining to you?
What website do you think this is?
Avengers Endgame (2019) HC HDCAM 720p [Love Rulz]
She's a serious cunt, totally obnoxious without cause.
Man I'd fuck her in half though.
Currently 50% killed by Thanos is in Timeline1, Universe1
The avengers steal stones from other numbered Timelines/Universes
Each Timeline is a separate universe because
Hulk says Past cannot change future, so each timeline is a separate universe
So Captain America going to past to deliver the time stones back to their respective universes.....
Then joining back in Universe 1 as an oldman
>what is it about her that makes her that way for you?
She's THAT type of person.
Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
Because its a new timeline and Thanos is different in this one.
>this doesnt make any sense
>new timeline/universe
>dont have to explain shit
>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
Think about dumb the average person is. Now realize 49% of people are dumber than that.
she's literally just answering questions and making joke here
you might just not like the way she comes off, that's fine and valid though I disagree
but there's nothing here that's worthy of the hate she gets ("I'll NEVER watch anything with her in it")
am I supposed to think that her bantering and joking around with Hemsworth (in this video edited to make her seem as serious as possible) is convincing?
not goin to fall for that shit
>tfw work at local cinema and just finished seeing the staff screening
isn't this obvious? this is a different, younger Thanos
Infinity War Thanos is older, more jaded, sombre (after killing Gamora especially). Endgame Thanos has seen himself succeed in the future and then be murdered by the same people who are now trying to undo his life's work. Not only that, he's seen that his plan of wiping 50% doesn't quite work because the remaining 50% will always resist. Of course he's going to be angry and vengeful, these little avenger fuckers are screwing up his entire purpose in life
I've literally never said this before, but go back to the older retarded brother of voat
>let me be irrationally angry about things
it doesn't have to be this way
this nigga got his head and arm chopped by thor holy shit
He is like five thousands years old or something. Four years is very little to him.
It seems like they just ruined his development and arc, really, shame. They could have done something alot better with the ending w thanos
It's out in a lot of places. I just saw it an hour ago
>plays the character well
She literally has no character in this film. She's a tow truck
>this is a different, younger Thanos
By like 3 years.
okay ignore the age difference, this is still a Thanos that hasn't had the same experiences
Endgame Thanos is angry, angry that his destiny is being undermined by the avengers. It makes sense that he wouldn't act like IW Thanos.
I thought it was going to be some stupid shit, but it was the actual movie though
>>If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?
Cause Nebula had the spaceship that would get them there?
>>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
Supergenius who worked 5 years on that.
>>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
Again, 5 years passed, he had a lot of time to focus on this.
>>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
NY - Timeline A - 70s - Timeline B
>>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
It´s a movie for children
>>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
Either a different reality Thanos or he was scared because he knows he won but the Avengers are trying to fuck it all up
>>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
It was his Iron gauntlet, he can control it.
>>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
They were sealed in the golden gauntlet
>>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?
That is different reality Thanos coming to fuck up this realitys Earth. So that this realitys Avengers don´t fuck it up. Like Dr. Strange said - this was the 1 in 14 milion where they win. So all the other 14 million are doomed no matter what.
>argument is based on assumption and uncertainty
>makes sense
They needed to reconcile why thanos' plan sucked balls in IW too, and didnt make much sense. Hes supposed to want to watch the sun rise on a grateful universe, and now he goes evil bad teehee xD.
Not the same guy but I agree with his logic... but the same time your point is why this movie just wasn't as good to me. Thanos having a arc and having legit goals is what made Infinity war amazing. This movie doesnt suck but in the end it just felt like another Avengers movie.
>assumptions and uncertainty
how is drawing obvious conclusions from the characters + plot uncertain? obviously it's an assumption (a valid one) because thanos doesn't 4th-wall break and explain everything to people like you
There's been a cam out for 20 hours now
Not gonna read all that wall but
>>>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
>Again, 5 years passed, he had a lot of time to focus on this.
He did in 5 years what he could never do since 2003
They had the chance to either explain why he duidnt just double the resources, have something like in the comics where he realizes his folly with the IG, or at least make him in some way more sympathetic, which they at least tried to do in IW.
Instead, youve got dumbo bigbad so evull, and it just seems goofy.
Hulk also had more time to develop as his own identity instead of being used as a meat shield. At some point hulk realized being banner would make him strongest there is
Because he wasn´t hunted by the agency and didn´t go on superhero adventures with his superpals. Maybe it was because Hulk was afraid of Thanos and weakened by this fear.
>it's an assumption (a valid one)
Why is an assumption a valid argument when you cant prove it is real?
>and explain everything to people like you
So now capeshit movies are for smart people... Damn i better finish that rick and morty show.
He didn't work on it for five years
After ant man and crew left, he did it in like an afternoon
>I assume Usain Bolt is faster than me, so he would probably beat me in a footrace
>hurrr no that's not a valid argument, you can't draw that conclusion on assumptions
Come on now user
Well then, if it takes him only an afternoon after they suggested the plan, then he is a supergenius.
No user, thats an hypothesis, you have real data and reliable information with which you can work unlike this major plot point on the movie.
>>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
He didn't and you're a brianlet retard who has only read spoilers on Yea Forums.
>>If the Avengers were able to detect Thanos' use of the stones on his planet, why did they have to wait for Captain Cunt to arrive with Nebula?
You got me on this one.
>>How did Iron Man solve time travel without ever having previously established knowledge of Pym Particles
The problem wasn't pym particles, it was the configuration of quantum space in the quantum realm, what they needed was the correct pathway to take which is all Tony figured out.
>>If he was able to solve it without knowing about it, why didn't it ever occur to him earlier?
This is actually one of the better technological leaps in the MCU in that it's actually set up. The first ant-man establishes that once you go into the Quantum Realm you can't come out. The second ant-man is about building the technology to make the QR safe to traverse and then finally Endgame shows that because it's now traversable you can use it to make a time machine because of the weird way space is configured.
>>How did Banner have enough control over the Hulk to merge with him when it had been previously established that Banner had zero control or even awareness when the Hulk was out
The Hulk isn't actually a separate entity, it's a psychological disorder. Banner never had to merge with him which is made obvious by the fact that he's never angry during the film.
>>If Tony and Steve went to the 40s to get the tesseract, how did they ever have the ability to lose it to Loki in NY, causing them to go back further?
They never went to the 40s, they went to the 70s and the movie clearly says that time travel does not change the timeline but even if you can't accept this the movie also clearly shows you that Captain America puts the tesseract back where they got it from at the end of the film so the timeline is maintained.
>>the Grand Wizard tells Banner that if he takes the time stone into "his timeline" that hers will be fucked up, clearly showing that they didn't time travel, but instead went to a separate universe, contradicting the very way the time machine works
What she says is that removing the infinity stone makes a new timeline - i.e. changing the past makes a new timeline, not the act of travel itself per se.
>>Why did Thanos go from "misguided dude with a purpose" to "murderous CGI monster who loves being evil"
He didn't, he just changed his plan to also include wiping the memories of the unsnapped half of the population this time so that nobody tried to undo his plan.
>>When Steve went back to return the stones, and stayed back in time, how did he appear on the bench in the present?
This is fair.
>>How was Stark able to get the stones off the gauntlet with his suit?
The gauntlet in that moment is actually part of Tony's nanotech suit so he could probably swipe them just by touching it.
>>If it was that easy to remove them, why didn't they just pluck the stones out when they had Thanos trapped on Titan?
Different gauntlet.
>>If time traveling really is separate timelines, like was previously established, how did he make it back to normal Earth?
All in all your complaints are Cinema Sins tier, rewatch the film.
absolute retard
this, the movie is shit
>Can’t answer the question.
>I-it-it’s a movie for children.