DA comic storytime: All Dark University

Alright, it's been way too long since I did one of these. I won't say if this is good or bad, but I can tell you it at least won't be boring and has waifus for the more degenerate people on Yea Forums. It's still ongoing, but 8 chapters are more than enough to justify a storytime.

As usual, I ask that if anyone tracks down the creator, please be nice, You can shit talk a comic here all you want, but I don't want anyone directly or indirectly hurt because of these storytimes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Well, here we are.
4 pages in, and here we are.

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Would you forgive her Yea Forums?

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I mean I can't blame him, but at the same time, his GF is dead and her body is everywhere.

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Now where could this be going?

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Well, now we are doing this.
From murder to this.

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Time for chapter 2.

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And now we are in a isekai.

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Would you Yea Forums?

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Well, it was a good plan.

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dats racist

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I'm struggling to come up with something to say to this, so I'm just going to nod and keep posting.

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Oh no.

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Time for the next chapter.

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Sorry for the delay, had an extremely important phone call.

Back to the comic.

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Okay, now can REALLY go off on this comic.

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Perfect reaction image

I need to crop that last panel for a reaction image later.

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Yeah, this comic has a few reaction images.

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Well, that happened.

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>boss battle
I need to find some fitting battle music before it starts.

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One more chapter and then I'll take a lunch break.

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The slasher one is best girl

Attached: chapter_004_pg_01_by_kyrtuck_dd7coez.png (734x1100, 446K)

FIGHT! youtube.com/watch?v=PscIjD_Judw

I had a feeling Yea Forums would go for her.

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Now that was a beat down.

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Well, he's picked the girl he's siding with.

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Well, that's if for this chapter, I'm going to get some lunch. I'll be back to continue once I'm done eating.

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Good end

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Alright, let's get back to the comic.

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I don't even know what to think.

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Well, that was fast.

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Oh shit.

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Oh boy.

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Well, okay.

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So, yeah. I am not going to say anything about this.

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Of course.

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>this page

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Oh yeah, his GF did get killed.

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based and redpilled

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Oh, now it REALLY looks bad if you think about how he just ran out on her being killed and then just went to live in the woods.

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We should have saw this coming.

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And moving on to chapter 7.
I think I'll end it after this chapter. It's still an ongoing comic and chapter 8 isn't done yet so I think it'll be best to get to a stopping point.

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> Ghost beats Slasher
Knew it.

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Well about that.....
Oh you'll see it by time I post this.

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I'm very confused

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Confused as in you don't get the story, or confused as to why you have a boner?

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Not that I have a waifu or anything.
Okay fine werewolf is best girl.

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Attached: chapter_007_pg_15_by_kyrtuck_ddnz4gd.png (718x1100, 451K)

A bit of a cliff hanger, but this is the best place to end it.
So what did you think Yea Forums? Should I keep monitoring it and do another storytime once it's father along? Who was best girl?

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>father along
Oops, oh well, you know what I meant.

Now I'm off to find other comics on DA.

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I actually quite enjoyed it
Werewolf > Witch = Slasher > > > > > > > > > Ghost

I liked it's cheeky humor.
Werewolf is best girl.

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