
Where my oz bros at. Who's the best prisoner and/or staff member?

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I'm on my first rewatch, and I forgot how good this show was.

reminder that the success of oz prompted hbo to greenlight the sopranos


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Adabisi and his magical beanie and jk Simmons are the only decent characters

Peter, Peter Marie

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Are american prisons really Hobbesian rapefests

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I liked that scheming fuck Ryan O'Reilly

I liked the Muslim dude


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not since the prison rape elimination act

Why is that Ryan of all people managed to survive until the end? How? Was it just because he was loved by the fans and thus had plot armor?

He's the Mayhem Guy. He was there to create mayhem.

It's what real subverting looks like

Only if you're white.

When is the exact moment the show started to become shit?

Was it printing press bullshit or Adebisi dying?

My first time viewing, I distinctly remember the show plummeting in the quality when that one black guy took over as warden.
The show hit ground for me when they were passing the camera around acting all goofy.
That was the exact moment I was hurt by what happened to the show.

after adebisi death

telemarketing bullshit*

sorry i completely forgot about it because it was such a nothing arc.

Aging pills

He was the absolute best

double season was the end

>be an absolute massive cunt during the whole show
>after schillinger death becomes a target and seek protection to a black guy
>he let the black guy fuck him in the ass
>it's implied later that he had already aids and did it on purpose
Based and redpilled

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Best prisoner
>hatebreed is a shit band though

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Wait that doesn't happen, you don't see much of him after schillinger, he just drops off the show

>tfw almost no male-on-male rape on TV anymore to enjoy

I miss this show. That, and that one episode of The Shield where the criminal and detective spics have a cock-forcefeeding contest.

>Characters I literally don't remember because Season 6 was so shitty

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Why does everyone suck off Adebisi so much when Kareem is obviously the best character in the entire show?

I only remember him selling pills and fucking alvarez

probably because skillinger got killed in the last episode

Came here to post this

That crossover episode with Law & Order SVU was some good shit

>he let the black guy fuck him in the ass
Did you even watch the show? The only time he went anywhere the niggers was to buy some tits to cut his gums out.

Said was absolutely based for a towel-head

How do americans discourage faggots from being criminals? What's the worst that could happen go to jail and get rammed by everyone? Maybe thats why so many americans are fags

O'Reily is the best character, bar none. Adebisi was entertaining and Schillinger was a scary motherfucker but I just loved O'Reily, he was such a fucking psychopath. Honestly Said was a fantastic character too.


the only true part from oz that is real in real life is the aging pill. 100% realistic.