I've got a really hot take for you guys: It was fucking fun

I've got a really hot take for you guys: It was fucking fun

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Fuck capeshit

What ps1 game is this

Seething Shazamfags

Why user this is Bosslogic's exclusive poster for Endgame (he works for the mouse now)

Have sex

I really loved the scene were all the lady superheros assembled!
And when Captain America passed on his shield to a person of color! Such a great ending!

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So on a scale of 1 to 3 billion, how butthurt will you be when Avengers makes $3 billion at the box office?


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>Repeating tired memes

The right is so tiresome


But here they'll hate on it anyway because it's cool, hip n' trendy to hate on popular things. Faggots.

so you want Disney to continue taking over the entertainment industry until they have a monopoly, essentially? Then they’ll just churn out shit after shit and retarded mouth breathers will eat it up and movies as an art will be set back half a century at the very minimum.


Sure it was, millennial.

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I want to see you cry more, desu

>so you want Disney to continue taking over the entertainment industry until they have a monopoly, essentially?

Wasn't this guy making UFC posters

Someone saw him on the red carpet at the LA premiere for Endgame. He finally made it

Imagine living in such a consumerist society full of such shallow people that your political views rely on watching one shitty movie or another.
Imagine being so shallow that you make your life choices based on superhero movies.
Imagine being an American.

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But who the fuck is he? Some Yea Forums sperg?

It was alright, i did roll my eyes so far back into my head that i think i strained something when all the girls assembled to take on Thanos's army with girl power, but it could've been worse, i was afraid that Cap Marvel would go "Pft, i don't need help, i'm not a white male" and then go rocketing through Thanos's armies, beating him, and dabbing on his corpse. But instead she needed help, and then Thanos dabbed on her when she tried to beat him with her unga strength.
That girl part was also in Infinity War(when Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and Bald Bodyguard woman) fight that big bitch, but that didn't make me cringe, maybe it's just because Brie Larson is a bitch.

>Shazam was a dumb movie for little kids
>it was still smarter than this
really made me think

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that's an old promise, capeshitter

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user hates anyone who isn't him

delete this I feel bad for those doggies

>It was fucking fun

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Artist who got big on Reddit and shit by doing posters for things.

>All these butthurt hipster zoomers
This board needs to be purged