Cobra Kai Season 2. Moon qt edition

Was very good. They even set up next season to be even better.

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bump. Fuck this stupid board and its obsession with capeshit

When will 007 reveal his plan to beef up Sam?

Can Any normal fags here explain to me why would Miguel and Sam did the shit in the pool? especially Miguel who has a hot gf like tori, fuck.

they still have a thing
if you could emotionally connect with someone you'd understand that emotions aren't something you can necessarily just turn off while you're fucking a different pussy

>When will 007 reveal his plan to beef up Sam?

this season was a bit of a trainwreck specially on the last episode but I still liked it.

I wonder if Ali will really be back for S3 or if Johnny just stays with Miguel's mom.

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Stingray with prep time > Miguel > Robbie > Sam > Tory > Demetri > Hawk > Myagi do fodders > Asshole twin #1 >Asshole twin #2 > Cobra Kai fodder

Too fat, un-athletic and lacks flexibility/manoeuvrability to ever seriously be top upper tier

He has to resort to stealth, sneak attacks, outnumbering opponents, and blindsides

Moon>Amanda>Tori>Sam's cobra kai friend>bantha poodoo>Sam

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im still at episode 6 stop posting spoilers

thats some DSL right there

Watch the rest you lazy faggot.

So what's Johnny's plan lads? Why did he just suddenly walk off the beach at the end?

Moon is a carpetmuncher now, she's forever ruined.

she can moon me anytime

stop posting here and finish the damn season.

Miguel never got over Sam. He was forced into getting with Tory pretty much because she's a psycho (she knew damn well poor Miguel didn't get over Sam)

Sam and Miguel never really talked it over about what happened in season one and had others tell her what to think.

Throughout the season there was signs that Miguel was still a good boy and she may have felt a bit of regret, especially when Robby lied about Miguel.

She got super drunk at the party and stopped thinking right, let down her defences and stumbled into Miguels arms. There was just so much unresolved feelings that they forgot everything and kissed.

It's a newly released season, why are you here if you don't want spoilers? Of course everyone is gonna talk about them

Hawks character became shit to me when he stole a medal of honor and caused felony levels of property damage to daniels property. I mean seriously, what the fuck? His ass belongs in juvie, and I’m disappointed daniel didn't immediately call 911

where can i even watch this? i dont have that stupid youtube red shit

She was clearly addicted to the CAWWK that she put up with his cringe. Hopefully Hawk can bag both of them.

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who did more damage this season Kreese or Demetri?

both contributed to the bad blood between the dojos.

Still the best girl.

Hawk got shit on pretty hard by the writers this season.

how will he ever recover?

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Kreese shouldn't have ruffed him up. Even if Demetri was and continues to be a huge faggot.

>gets cucked by a woman
kek what a bitch

I really though Demetri would man the fuck up in this season, he lost me completely with that Dr. Who comment.

anyone have a fucking mega?

literally worse than being cucked by a black guy.

poor Hawk.

it's on the bay with Pirates.

I think the whole 'turn a lesbian straight' thing is a huge meme, but this is THE definition of a phase. Moon's that girl that picks up some stupid bullshit life change every other week.

Demetri is just a kid who doesnt know how to deal with his best friend becoming a huge douche at him for no reason than being a nerd. Which is hypocritical since hawk his a nerd too. Kreese is an adult who manipulate fragile minded youngs into soldiers because he has ptsd and nothing else to do it seems but conditioning kid thinking youll always have to fight dirty anyway if you dont want to lose. Thats dangerous stuff. At worst Demetri told everyone Eli pissed himself in bed. Kreese is literally creating a little terrorist cell because he got bored.

>tfw you pick the same character in a fighting game

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that's the impression that I got, she's an airhead afterall.

tried to pirate, got dick caught in ceiling fan. need mega

Why the fuck did they let the little zoomer fortnite faggot beat BERT

I love how the only fight you see any security breaks out before the incident is this one.

that final school fight was so campy but I loved every minute of it.

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I legit like the action more in this show than most Hollywood movies. They're sparse with the cuts and the shaky cam is very light. There's this one part during the final episode where they're all fighting in the hall and it's just a long continuous shot panning down the hall of everyone beating the shit out of each other. It's great.

I think that in the context of the story, all the little imperfections an actor could make replicating martial arts moves can passes as the mistakes a kid learning to fight would makes when taken into the action. That final fight was fucking awesome

is it me or did Sam seem more THICC this season? she looked borderline fat in some shots.

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The trick is just when your enemy thinks you're retreating you strike the hardest

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This desu

Never fat.

But she went from wearing dresses and conservative clothing last season to wearing a bunch of tight workout clothes.

Miguel was absolutely based this season and robbie was a lil bitch. Hopefully he recovers from this.

It ain't you

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I considered it one of the most entertaining fights I've ever seen that wasn't choreographed by Jackie Chan.

It had so many dimensions and cuts of comedic timing, without being too all over the place. It was so fun.

they must've been feeding her good on set since she lost that weight already

Learn to use kodi

It was sporadic but when they showed a scene they committed to it. It felt like a montage of really short but satisfying fight scenes. Having certain characters faceoff was literally what everybody wanted and they gave it to us.

Reminder that the kid that plays Demetri has his own website

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Robby was all over the place this season,
ever since last season everyone agreed that he was the character with the least development.

I guess he sorta made up with Johnny at the end, they didn't made it clear.

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Whoa. This kid is way too cute.

Kinda, Johnny probably hates him now if he knows Robbie's the one who crippled Miguel.

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God fucking damnit Johnny. Fuck Robbie, Miguel is your real son.

I'm going to say the N word!

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>Put Tommy in a body bag.
This show is fucking terrible.


some episodes were hit or miss,

Season 1 was better.

who is amanda?

It does make you wonder what they were thinking. It's supposed to be this really sad moment, and it was, and then you see the body bag and start laughing.

Gonna off himself

her ass is nice too. They dont show it because they are fags though

hes such a retarded boomer for leaving his car like that. Just get a paint job

shes an angel of peace. She was seduced by that ghetto mexican

I thought it was kino

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>He was forced into getting with Tory pretty much because she's a psycho
>ywn be forced into a relationship with a psycho rollerblading qt

She has the diabetic



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>Kreese or Demetri?
That hot mess tori caused Miguelitos fall... I dont blame her though, not getting a good dicking by the pseudo badass miguel

>Put Tommy in a body bag while the ending narration is "Cobra Kai never dies"

don't know if kino or not.

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Based and Brumination pilled

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they should have had a double knockout

Because Miyagi shit is OP. Luckily Cobra Kai's got Stingray to even the odds.

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All the miyagi do in the world couldn't save robbie from the asswhooping miguel gave him. johnny>daniel

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its a shame that these actors are not required year round karate training.
Imagine they actually had skills?

would Yea Forums try to win Sam back if they had a hot QT psycho girlfriend like Tory?

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should post red pills about the jews. Make sure its 100% accurate. Stick with the ancient cult angle and symbolism

It was great if you ask me. Did not even see it coming

Daniel's a dumb cunt for not having security cameras at such a nice place filled with mint classic cars.

It's implied she called the cops right? The party didn't seem that disruptive to the neighborhood and seemed to have calmed down at night.

Daniel’s wife

>don't know if kino or not.
it definitely is kino
only weakness of the show is the fighting. Just like the original movies
Zoomers are supposed to be gay as fuck so dont come at me with SJW shit. Its the culture that the jews cultivated for them, if you dont like it than expose them

Seriously, not even Miyagi can stop Stingray Blanco

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I didn't even realize that was the guy that said that line.

Speak for yourself user.

It happens.

I don't get it. Are him and the glasses kid both just really small? Or did they like skip grades? At first I thought they were in middle school or something but then they appeared at the high school at the end.

Post Tory butt

I thought I was going to get tired of this guy, but they used him in the right parts.

Fuck Sam. She's a wishy washy slut. Tory is true wife material.

>Kreese gets the jew landowner to fuck Johnny over showing that he is a true disciple of the tribe as an American soldier (servant of Israel)

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Post characters that literally did nothing wrong

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Demitri didn’t do shit. Your question should say Kreese or Sam?

Seriously, how redpilled is this show, the way Johnny tells off that Jewish quasimodo and then gets backstabbed.

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She has a quality rack.

Oh my god I’m reading it in his voice

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I wonder how she lost her headband at coyote creek?

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I'm curious to see what Yea Forums's verdict is on this.

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She's hotter and less thottier than Sam
Sam can't make up her mind. Always wants to have her cake and eat it to. Tory at least is honest. She wants to be strong, and wants the strongest male in the pack, and fights to protect what is hers. She lacks honour, but she does not lack courage, bravery, and a willingness to fight for what she believes in without mercy. That's a rare trait in any person, let alone a beautiful woman. She's not even in the same league as Sam, Sam is nobody in comparison.

It was Stingray.

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She is literally a Type 1 Diabetic, all those daily insulin injections fuck with metabolism

like for real shes a diabetic?

Okay I'm done. This season is only a 7/10 for me. Suddenly this show is now a martial arts shoujo romance. First season was better

>She lacks honour
Not really. As she said, there are no rules in a street fight.

that bothered me a lot,
Robby and Sam were smooching for like 3 episodes straight and almost at the end she still has feelings for Miguel?

wtf, make up your mind.

Why does Robby have a hot mom?

Micky needs to forget about cockgobbler Sam.

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See this? This is what Miyagi-Do does to people. Don't be a wreck like this guy. Be a cobra!
This message brought to you by Cobra Kai™ Dojo

that's the general consensus, some episodes were weak.

season 1: kids are there to support johnny and daniel's stories
season 2: johnny and daniel are there to support the kids stories

what does Yea Forums think about Johnny getting with Miguel's mom? do you think Ali will come back in Season 3?

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She bodychecks Sam deliberately with her rollerblades. If you're in a street fight that's one thing, starting shit with a customer at your own place of employment over a romantic tiff is silly. For a 17 year old, totally understandable, but it indicated she lacked a degree of honour. She wanted to start shit on principle. Johnny realized that how he taught Cobra Kai is wrong - yes, strike first, but only when provoked. Sam is an enormous thot but she didn't start shit at the rollerskating rink and so didn't deserve that.
Sam is a THOT. It's that simple. She wants to have multiple boys because they validate her in ways her daddy can't, because Danny is kinda a shit parent.
Tory is obviously hotter. But she's also crazy. Fuck I wouldn't stop that me from being with her, but shit she needs someone to help mitigate that "start shit" mentality because look at how it spiralled - end of the season, she has none of her own objectives. Expelled from school, boyfriend/object of affection in the hospital (possibly paralyzed), romantic rival almost certainly in the higher views of her (now ex) boyfriend, her Dojo likely to be riven by an internal split and taken over by a legit madman. Yeah, she's hot as fuck but her decision to go and start shit hard caused a spiral effect that lead to this Greek tragedy of a season ending. Which is great writing, but if she's with Kreese clearly her character has an arc to learning wtf was retarded about that

just like Karate Kid > Karate Kid 2

Jacob Bertrand as Eli aka Hawk
Bertrand has more experience (per annum on Earth, at least) than his older costars. Having started karate at eight years old, Bertrand advanced to purple belt before moving on to other interests. That doesn’t mean he gave up combat sports — he switched up to grappling training, which he did for two years. And then he discovered skateboarding.

Fortunately, “Cobra Kai” producers brought him back to martial arts. Two months before filming, producers set the kids up with private karate lessons.

“We learned so much,” he said. “We did so much training for the show.”

These days Bertrand is mostly maintaining his stretch game, though he wants to put on a bunch of muscle for a potential third season.

Tanner Buchanan as Robby Keene
Before “Cobra Kai,” Buchanan learned taekwondo “just as it seems most kids around the age of 10-12 do,” he told TheWrap. Not us, bro.

“I got a couple belts away from black and then quit because I was too busy,” Buchanan said. “Then, before I booked ‘Cobra Kai’ I had been training Muay Thai for around eight months in Toronto, Canada while I was filming ‘Designated Survivor.'”

As most teens do.

Demetris fucked

Xolo Maridueña as Miguel Diaz
Though Maridueña is the star of the show and the reigning All-Valley Karate Champion, he has pretty much the least karate experience of any of them.

“To be quite honest, I had minimal experience when it came to karate,” he admitted. “I had taken a year or so of karate when I was very young. I never really got into it until booking the first season of ‘Cobra Kai.'”

“Now that we’ve filmed almost two seasons, I have more karate experience, but the majority of what we practice is stunts and boxing,” he said. “I can say confidently that I am more comfortable doing those than traditional karate.”

Miguel's mom seems like a generally good fit for Johnny, but him being the indirect cause of Miguel getting fucked up, and possibly permanently crippled, might've completely killed that relationship. Ali will almost definitely show up, and will probably be the one who does surgery on Miguel. Her staying beyond an episode (or two) is really a matter of if they decide that her marriage is on the rocks, which gives her room to flirt with either Johnny or Daniel.

Why would i lie about something like that

You, my friend, have some next-level autism.
It's appreciated

I'd suck his dick

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Replace all the actors with Koreans, change the music to ballad pop songs and this show would look like a kdrama. I enjoyed some episodes but some felt like filler.

Wtf, he doesn't have a lip deformity IRL?!

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She's probably gonna interact more with Johnny, but I hope she gets a good moment with Daniel next season

>brings trivial pursuit to a party

>She's hotter and less thottier than Sam
shes hotter user.

Dont fret. Its all setting up Shues return. Shes gonna fuck, on film, Daniel AND Johnny

To me, the season felt like it was progressing, but not towards a specific direction like season 1 with building Cobra Kai up and trying to turn Miguel into a champion. Sort of like this season is mostly just setting up for next season, which will work towards a goal of Johnny/Daniel's dojo(s) vs Cobra Kai in another tournament. Which is fine, but I'm also hoping for more all-out karate wars in public places.

>Tory is obviously hotter. But she's also crazy.
shes only crazy because Miguel wasnt loyal. Crazy is no problem when you are loyal (just kidding)

She's visibly less of a thot. She doesn't run around visibly cockteasing multiple dudes like Sam has since the beginning of the show
Hehe, y-yeah

Reminder that Hawk is on the spectrum so really Dimitri is the bad guy

I hope though that all these setting up of character relationships and arcs will be used well for a more action packed 3rd season.

It was following an anime love triangle. There's even a yandere girlfriend.

Hopes for season 3:

>Chozen shows as part of some business deal in the U.S and finds out Daniel is still doing Karate
>His son is a karate tryhard and Chozen encourages him to enter the all valley tournament and redeem his defeat
>Johnny destroys that Boomer Kreese and gets his students back
>Miguel's spine is BTFO and he needs help from Ali
>Ali also helps mend fences between Johnny and Daniel but no cuckery is involved and she doesn't get together with either of them
>Robbie is missing for most of the season, and we find out at the end that he's being trained by Terry Silver
>Eli overcomes his edgy phase, redeems himself and rises not as Hawk but PHOENIX
>Stingray is the most powerful character on the show
>Demetri gets hit by a bus and his last scene is being put in a body bag

It's like pottery

>>Demetri gets hit by a bus and his last scene is being put in a body bag
and he will be reborn in a parallel world

>>Robbie is missing for most of the season, and we find out at the end that he's being trained by Terry Silver
super dope user

Tory looks like shes down for anal.

Because Sensei Lawrence only gets with hot babes.

Yes but you would have to be the one to bring it up. Girls like that enjoy their pussy stoked too much to consider anal

she a cutie

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>She bodychecks Sam deliberately with her rollerblades.
And this incident happened after Sam falsely accused Tory of stealing her mom's wallet and then grabbing her by the purse when she tries to walk away. I'd say the body check made them even on the initial aggressor chart.

>a goal of Johnny/Daniel's dojo(s)
Miyagi Kai?

>stingray fucking hipchecks a dude into a locker
holy fuck

Probably at this point literally everyone hates Robbie.

It's a phase m8. If your only boyfriend was Hawke it would be Expected of any girl that age.

The age difference makes it kind of icky for me

>in season one, Johnny said "his friend Tommy got brain damage because of the fight" with Mr. Miyagi

the jews have become masters at their craft because I read this line and yes I too believe the hispanic dweeb is the true heir to the blond haired blue eyed johnny lawrence, you got it jews you got me rooting for racial intermingling and I want tory to emasculate and step on me during our wedding

robbie's new sensei season 3

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And in the roadtrip episode he was the one who ended up in the body bag.

Excellent post, hearty Kek.

>not Terry Silver
it writes itself then you can bring back the Bad Boy of Karate himself

Demetri should have been the one who got crippled

This show looks Reddit as hell. Might give it a watch tonight and see if it's any good or if Yea Forums is memeing as per usual.

It's redpilled
Campy as fuck
and fucken awesome

I'll be the judge of that

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double chin

I've seen plenty of kids his size when I was in high school, some are just late bloomers

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>Demetri doesn’t use the obvious Dothraki example or letting the Lannister army into Kings landing

>though he wants to put on a bunch of muscle for a potential third season

oatz and squatz eli

THIS is the guy calling you an incel.

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kek, I just watched ep2 and this diversity is going to give me a hernia

yes but the great thing about this show is that it makes fun of diversity

>kek, I just watched ep2 and this diversity is going to give me a hernia

The fuck? Johnny Lawrence is the most non-reddit character since Ash in Ash vs Evil Dead.

>Yes, we have afternoon classes but they're filling up fast.
>Yes, we accept girls and boys.
>Gender what?

Those 2 were very underrated, I hope they get more screen time in Season 3.

>wait all season to see Hawk kick the shit out of Demitri
>it never happens

I liked Bebop and Rocksteady. Bebop looks like that kid from Stranger Things hit an extremely awkward age and puberty was taking no prisoners.

episode 6 ending; the show must go on
ultimate kino

They were retarded and took up too much of the season 2 screen time.

They were like an american crabbe and goyle but put against each other

How did he get so good so fast?
>that high five
They better hire him.

Chubs/Stingray is the most Reddit-tier character ever. A overweight 80's loving literal manchild. He sticks out like an unfunny sore thumb in almost every scene he's in. Can't believe so many people, especially here of all places, actually like him.

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>likes best Turtle
>is not ashamed of himself
>doesn't give up on Cobra Kai despite it being harsh
>flips the script
>wins Red vs Black
>kicks ass in the rumble
Stingray is the man.

Who else thought danny was gonna fuck up the ice breaking?

Hawk is so fucking hot god damnit i dont wanna be gay

Demetri better get his ass kicked next season. I can't stand that shitter

But he's the good guy! He told everyone about Hawk's bed wetting and that's cool because he's the good guy!

I’m only 2 episodes in, but I get the feeling Daniel never realizes that the reason Miyagi didn’t want to train him originally is because that just escalates the violence, and the only reason he changed his mind is because Kreese was teaching his students to keep escalating regardless. The only reason shit keeps happening is because Danny boy keeps sticking proverbial hoses in to bathroom stalls and provoking retaliation.

Threadly reminder.

>80s Cobra Kai chads rode around on motorcyles
>modern Cobra Kai Chad's ride around on scoots

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Only way to get back at Moon's lebianism is to get with another guy!

>next season is a year from now

I wish my dreams were like White Snake videos

Going to be a long wait. Time enough to learn karate for real.

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What Car will Hawk drive when he gets his license.
Is it? I mean I get why season 2 had a year gap.

Also it really shits me about the filming location/setting changing from the first season to second season.

It really felt like shitty LA, now it feels way too clean in nice quiet 'burbs


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An economical Toyota Corolla his mum buys for him

This is true suffering

and the pavement is burning, I sit around

use 2 pass, your webm looks horrid bro

He will rise from the ashes of his shame and humiliation as not Hawk but
P H O E N I X!!!1

Johnny deserved better, he pretty much lost everything.
Cobra Kai

This is just unfair. How is Wimpy Kike so much better than hardworking Hawk?

Sad we didn't get enough Johnny and Miguel moments.

and his car

This is what I wanted most in this season I think.

It teased it a little but it was left pretty much alone because Miguel was dealing with the slut drama Sam.

I think next season they will come together much closer, much to the dismay of Miguels mother. After Johnny gets over himself they'll work together and try to get Cobra Kai back from Kreese and Hawk


he is the one in a body bag now

Hawk and Robby are both dicks who lack honor.

Hawk absolutely didn't expect Dmitri to tap into his hidden power. Plus the Miyagi-dos had been kicking the living shit out of Dmitri in training and Daniel had been giving him special attention in training his muscle memory. It all finally clicked for him in that scene.

And threw his smart phone away before seeing that Alli had sent him a friend request.

I kinda want Johnny to go full papa bear on Kreese and just beat his shit in. Preferably for calling Miggy a cripple or something.

>Literally got thrown into the pit every time they did circles until he learned how to block
>Hawk is literally just an offensive fighter so whenever he's on the backfoot he starts to wilt

I will accept this.

how do i get rid of the ISIS subtitles?

>Miguel who has a hot gf like tori
Sam is cuter, actually, she might even be cutest

He should be able to kick like that tho

I mean we only got the "I think you'll do better than me" and the " I'll always have your best interest at heart" speech but last season when Johnny gave Miguel his gi was great.

Sam a two-timing shit and she deserved her beating.

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You're right, but we're only talking about looks here.

kill yourself hashtag faggot

You can’t get rid of them, but they are a lot less noticeable if you convert to Islam, learn Arabic, and praise allah.

Allahu ackbar.

Literal manface

>where the fuck is team stingray?

la ilaha illa llah muhammadun rasulu illah

Sam has better feet.

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He would win by default, consider this poll the 2nd place award.

I will accept this. Give the kids a chance.

>"Must be take a worm for a walk week"
>Tommy literally takes a walk with worms (dies)

wtf did you make me watch Yea Forums
Is she even 18?

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>Gets put in a body bag

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She's 22. Happy fapping.

Sam beat Tory yet she ended up in the hospital.

thanks bro jerking it as we speak

Kreese was practising by culling the hobo population

The character, probably not. Actress probably would've been ~20 when they filmed the first season, ~21 when they filmed the second.

It is filmed in Georgia, I think.

>she's only 15 years younger than the actress playing her mom

His whole life was foreshadowing his death.

That's what I think too. Johnny and Daniel have nothing now, and Robby and Miguel have nothing either. Naturally, Robby, Miguel, and Sam will form their own little dojo, with Danny and Johnny both being co-sensei's, and there will be differences in how they teach and act, but at the end, they will learn from one another's style.

Cobra Kai will be the big bad villains, running the whole school like a gang, and when the tournament comes around, they'll defeat Cobra Kai for good and it'll come crumbling down, and Danny and Johnny will probably fight Kreese or something (but I'm not sure how they're going to do that, because Kreese seemed pretty old and half of his action shots were stunt doubles, and Danny seems pretty out of shape too).

I mean the fight was pretty crazy.
Can see Kreese killing bums at night while have PTSD from Nam and getting his life destroyed by a 17 year old and a thousand old Nip

They almost always hire people in their early 20s to play high school kids. It allows them to bypass labor laws and enable guilt free fapping.

He's /ourguy/ so the only acceptable step forward is for him to start fucking a hot trap

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>characters get along
>simplest thing makes them all aggro again

jesus christ i'm getting REAL tired of the same shit

>tfw you think you finally figured out the boss' pattern but the AI outsmarts you

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Tori was fighting with sharpened fist spikes. Sam might have won the fight but she still needed stitches and will bear the scars. Plus, Sam probably has great health insurance and Tory, not so much.

The show will be called "Cobra Do" for the final season.

Truly, he was playing the long game.

This is a trap? I will spring it.

Generally they get guys that look like high schoolers at least.

Except for Dutch

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Tory was hotter even if she was flatter.

>Final Season.
I could see this going on for a while. The episodes are pretty short and they still have plenty of material to work with.

>implying you wouldn't go nuts if your daughter disappeared and you found out she was in the house of your high school bully

>"I call it the silver bullet."
>Literally is a silver bullet
I can't get enough of this type symbolism.

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Miggy and Robby aren't coming together

They are going to be feuding all season if Miggy ever recovers

We were talking about this last night. Princess vs the whore. You want to commit long term to the Princess but you will still desire the whore. The princess is what is good for you in the long run but you still want a girl who will pop a finger up your ass and surprise you. You need the bad poosy to appreciate the good.

We don't know what happened.

Tory landed pretty hard on the stairs and was knocked out and that was the last we saw of her.

I think she will be written out of the show 2bh.

Sam also had broken ribs

Not much of a feud when you're in a wheelchair with a permanently flaccid dick while the other guy is fucking your girl on the regular.

Looks like Hot latina salsa sensei mommy is on diaper duty for the rest of Miguels life.

Dimitri I KNOW you're in here!

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He looks older and scarier than me and i'm almost 30

>getting excited for a female Doctor
I am hereby revoking Hawk's Cool Guy Card.

>if Miggy ever recovers

Alli is a pedriatric surgeon. It is pretty much guaranteed she will be around for Season 3. Miggy will recover over the course of the next season.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and Cobra Kai never dies. His spine will grow back even stronger than before and send his nervous system into overload giving him bullettime powers. Just you wait


If they do the tournament gimmick it will focus on Miggy trying to get healthy and in fighting shape for it to either fight Hawk to reclaim/destroy Cobra Kai/Kreese or to fight Robby for revenge.

This is the only way they can make it a fair fight because before the injury Miggy was already the best fighter and has bested them both easily.

she was in the dojo at the end you simp

how can a show in 2019 be so based?

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Nah, screenshot this. I'm calling it.

Johnny and Danny join forces with Miguel, Robby, and Sam. They have their differences, but learn to compliment each other's styles in some sort of montage-style training. Cobra Kai will be hardcore and run the school like a mob, and at the very end, the tournament will be won by Miguel and Robby and Sam, and Kreese will go nuts and Danny and Johnny will take him out blood-brother style (but they'll have a lot of weird angles and stunt doubles for a lot of the actiony parts because Danny and Kreese are out of shape as fuck).

Miguel will get with Sam, Robby will find a place with his dad, Danny and his daughter will have found a new-found respect for one another, and yeah.

I'm just glad Danny's annoying "epic gamer" son was out of the season for this one. God, he really rubbed me the wrong way on season 1.

>all you faggots not purchasing/using the free youtube trial to watch Cobra Kai should be ashamed of yourselves.

We want this show to continue and be bigger and better.

More you pirate this the less incentive for them to keep it going.

What if they can't get Elizabeth Shue? Can Gillian Jacobs be her doppeldeaner?

Good point. Him being out of action is going to be a major plot device.

>Gives a logical reason to include Alli in season 3.
>This will lead to even more tension and rivalry between Johnny and Daniel even though they will be on the same side.
>Miggy will be completely removed from Cobra Kai, leaving zero element of good on that side.
>Kreese Cobra Kai will be allowed to fully turn heel with no sympathy from the audience at this point.

fuck off shill

Made by boomers for boomers.

>Great writing
>No wasted scenes.
>Stories get carried to logical conclusions and resolution.
>New characters are introduced into the story that we as the audience actually get invested in and care about.

>>Kreese Cobra Kai will be allowed to fully turn heel with no sympathy from the audience at this point.
Aisha is still in it. I dunno if they're just gonna let her go like that.

>high school bully
>still caring about that at your 40's

hawk is being setup to be the leader of the group of 'bully' kids that forms a new dojo under kreese. daniel and johnny will have to combine dojos and teach their kids a balance between cobra kai and miyagi-do to beat kreese's kids in a tournament and just in general

If I could purchase the episodes like I could with Season 1 I would but since I have to pay for a service I have no interest in that's not happening.

Except Robby is probably going to jail for having priors and sending Miggy on a one way trip to Snap City.

Daniel's entire life is built around who he was in high school with the karate and the bonsai trees in his company.

Will Ali put lies in Miguel’s head about what really happened in KK1?

I did. For some reason youtube fucked up last year and I got to watch all episodes for free. This year, they fixed that and I got the free trial. Too bad, I'm going to be cancelling it because they don't have shit else I want to watch on youtube premium other than Cobra Kai about 5 more times.

>psychological torment - the youtube show



Amanda has said no more karate for both Danny and Sam.

Robby is probably going to revert to being a street thug as he for sure will get expelled/charged for the fight at the end of S2

I can see Sam maybe continuing to train in secret with Aisha, Demitri and some of the other Miyagi Do because of the Cobra Kai bully presence at school.

They wouldn't have filmed that final scene if they hadn't talked to her and confirmed her interest in returning.

She's always spoken of her fondness for KK1 and her kids are big fans. She'll be in season 3.

It's gonna be a batman-style thing where he has to get better over the months in time for the tournament or something, taking the ball out of his court since he was already the best fighter.

Robby will run and hide with his father, OR Daniel will help him out, and then he'll show up as a surprise contestant at the final showdown. Just because he snapped his shit up doesn't mean he's done for good. It'll be a slow, miraculous recovery.


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>not spending $10 to watch the episodes and cancel it within the month

Everyone was unoccupied.
And even if not, after that succes the will make time.

In season 1 both main actors weren't sure about it.

Was she shown in the Dojo with Kreese in the last scene? She could still defect to Johnny / Daniel's side.

Why spend when I already have a free trial? The point is I'm not paying for the service no matter what. If they sold the episodes like S1 I would buy them.

>>still caring about that at your 40's
Try 50's.

This is taking place 34-35 years after High School.

Who else is about to watch Iron Eagle?

*Makes-Everyone-Happy-Before-Ruining-Their-Lives in your path*

Haha sorry, bro. Life just shits on you when things are going great, bro. Haha.

It's why they left her profile picture blank, just as a failsafe if they couldn't get the original actress back.

But regardless, it's confirmed she's coming for season 3.

Johnny also knows Kreese's strengths and weaknesses better than anyone.

>Was she shown in the Dojo with Kreese in the last scene?
I recall her being there, yeah. Even stared angrily like Hawk and Bebop.

Neither does anyone.

literally the scene where you know you needed a next season

I reviewed the footage because I swore I saw her.
She wasn't there. I don't think she'd be about it.

Jesus fucking christ, is half of Yea Forums complete idiots?
Every other thread is Marvel and every other post there is a begging for links.
Im a boomer and they depict me as an idiot in that show?

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He didn’t fly so good

Fuck off, Eli was constantly making fun of him and his nerd shit even if thats their common points as friends. And thats even after He tried to beat Demetri up for nothing. He tried to be a gangster and got smacked by somebody his size

1 year. We can wait that long, user.

What are you talking about? I got a free trial and watched the show, I am not asking for any links.

What kind of fucking retard goes to a party, grabs the mic, and tells literally the whole school about a kid wetting the bed? That shit is insane.


Yeah she's not there.

You might have mistaken her for the pudgy dude with the jewfro, but she definitely wasn't there. Tory was there off to the side though.

>for nothing
For trying to destroy the dojo as a business.

All Demitri had to do was not put up a fucking Yelp review

Dude it's okay he's the good guy.

Actress is 22.

Dmitri was drunk at the party. Also the most annoying character. Even Daniel had to take a deep breath at times in order not to lose patience with him.

It's Tory. With a Y.

>spend $10 to watch the season
>spend $1+ per episode to watch

are you retarded


Attached: elisabeth-shue_wikicommonsjpg.jpg (300x300, 15K)

>spend $1 per episode, can rewatch whenever I want
>pay $10 for Premium, lose all content as soon as I stop paying

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I think everyone who Kreese invited to the Dojo in that final scene were /hisguys/. Kreese was around all of the Cobra Kais long enough to figure out who was all in and who was going to be on the fence. The Cobras in the dojo are going to be the core villains in Season 3.


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You gonna carry that weight

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Yeah just noticed Tory there, I have a feeling her and Hawk are going to team up as the power "bad ass" couple.

But who knows now that every knows Hawk is a bed wetter.

Anyone else wish the Daniel vs Johnny fight was a little longer? Also I don’t know if they’ll be able to top the school fight in the finale.

10/10 would bang


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Tory is a psycho, she probably will overlook it since Hawk will become the alpha prime with Miguel out of the picture

>Daniel literally breaks and enters
>also wrecks Johnny's TV
Reparations when?

They're going to keep teasing it as long as they can. When the show finally ends the very last scene is going to be like that third fight between Rocky and Apollo at the end of Rocky 3. The one that took place between two friends behind closed doors just to see who was better.

Who is that? Correction, what is that?!

the show promotes underaged drinking just a bit too much?

Does Johnny look like the type of person who would call the cops?

>ever needing to watch it again until next year???
Then just torrent it if you need to see something specific
Support the show

I would support the show but I don't have that option.

She has an amazing pair of tiddies. If you haven't seen them, you should see them.

It is pretty realistic. Kids drink in High School.

>next scene
>johnny fitting a new TV

Yeah, and it doesn't give enough fuck about gender, race and sexual preferences.

I demand satisfaction. Johnny went to jail in episode 1, Daniel should experience this too for his violent, criminal ways.

Genuinely surprised at the total lack of orange man bad propaganda.

Ali has been eating Grapenuts or something. She looks like she could chomp through a coax cable with her mighty jaw muscles.

Kreese probably voted for him, that's enough.

He doesn't have a job anymore, so I don't know if he could afford it. Thankfully, he still has his laptop, so he'll probably be shitposting in all caps on Yea Forums, starting Iron Eagle 2 and Bloodsport threads.

They know their target audience for this 80s karate drama are a bunch of dumb drumpf supporters who can only live in the past.

Shit, isn't that the fat kid from Community?

i'm coming for you BITCH

Capeshit is better than this gay tween soap opera.