I feel like I’m going to open a overly used thread again but as someone new what’s the deal with this guy? :/

I feel like I’m going to open a overly used thread again but as someone new what’s the deal with this guy? :/

Attached: 0FCD6970-C3F6-46D6-8273-AF7BEED5FEF3.jpg (600x826, 120K)

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all of the day bro

My Bad I figured but I have literally no idea.

Mediocre artist that is way too full of himself.

>but as someone new
imagine you used your iPad to google his fucking name you faggot

He was just an artist who admits he cant draw but also told other people how to draw. He was also known for having dumb opinions and using his comics as a soapbox for said opinions. He was mostly just a guy that tried to be preachy and respect women and minorities but then does the exact opposite by accident.

What’s wrong with Catwoman flirting with Batman? She’s a femme fatale, it’s kind of her thing. Isn’t it be progressive that the woman is starting the advance instead of the male? Dobson just hates sex.

So the typical preachy turbo cuck comic writer make sense. What do you think it is about comics that attracts these guys?

Don't attempt to make sense of his opinions, literally everyone on every side of every issue hates him

He treats the fucking Super Mario Super Show like it was the original fucking source material

Hypocritical piece of shit. I want to smash his fingers with a hammer so he can no longer draw

>as someone new
why didn’t you just google or lurk moar

I don’t like linking to tumblr on here if I can help it, but this one guy has devoted an entire blog detailing what this guy’s deal is and is an excellent source, even if a cringey one. Here’s his “master post” meant to get people started on the big stuff.


And here’s a copypasta of his tldr summary of who this guy is

>Tom Preston/Andrew Dobson is a webcomic artist in his late late-30’s that was somewhat popular on DeviantART over a decade ago for his webcomic “So You’re A Cartoonist?”. He’s notorious for his inability to take any sort of criticism whatsoever due to his ego, his creepy lesbian fetish that he hides under the veil of being “progressive”, and being a former inflation fetish artist under the name CattyN, where he pretended to be a teenage lesbian.

He desperately tries to fit in in the feminist club but no one wants to be associated with him.

And he's a fucking inflation fetishist, which is more demeaning to women than ANY of the crap he cries about.

He's basically RHJunior, but on the political left. With a dash of Phil Elmore.

RIP Carnivale poster.

>admits he cant draw
He went to college for it and got a degree. He lists his job as “freelance cartoonist.” He’s only ever shitty at drawing because he’s lazy.

He might occasionally self deprecate if he thinks it’s the hip thing to do or he wants to play off people’s pity, but he definitely thinks he can draw.

Sometimes you get brief glimpses of his actual life.

Attached: tumblr_plcwrdZ4Pl1r7r8ub_1280.jpg (1033x804, 246K)


Before this thread gets too crazy, anyone know if there's a complete archive of Dobson's work anywhere?

If no one here has it, then kiwifarms or the hypocrisyofandrewdobson tumblr would be the next places to look.

Someone post the picture of that powergirl cosplayer with dobson seething in the background

Imagine thinking you can mog a billionaire vigilante by being a preachy fat basement dweller.

Imagine a supervillain who is also a greasy fat basement dweller that ships two superheros together and keeps trying to force them to be in love with each other. And as an added bonus it happens to be the worst shipping possible.