Tuesday Carolthread

The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #13
Strikeforce #7

Also, Carol is one of the main four heroes in the mobile Marvel Heroes replacement.

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Also, #20 cover from C2E2.

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>Marvel Heroes replacement

It has the Secret Wars Civil War costume though, so that's something.

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how about you only have carol threads on the days starting with a "C"?

Welcome to the thread user!
We used to have Monday threads but Kelly Thompson started posting previews on Tuesdays. So that's why it's Tuesday now!

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#18 interiors

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4 hours 3 Ip's get lost

I want the next Iron Man writer to get Rhodey on lock down and far away from Car-Ell.

I see nothing but horror coming from the Skree empire, there's going to be a half breed with a skrulls shape shifting and the life draining succubus powers of female kree. The cotati are the heroes in this, they're just tryin to spare the universe from monsters.

>Ms. Marvel meets a new hero named Amulet
Yawn... another story where Kamala gets jealous because the new hero in town is more liked than her.

Wake me when Outlawed starts. At least that's going to be spun into a semi-comical tale of Kamala having to juggle identities to avoid both her parents and Dum Dum Dugan figuring out she's an illegal teen superhero.

So that Carol can finally be with Jessica, sure.

Why would two straight women want to be with each other? Especially when one is already hooked up with a writers self insert?

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So let's say hypothetically that Marvel eases up on Carol's position in the spotlight and decides to push another female character instead. Are we gonna continue to have Carol threads even if there is a sharp decline in new Carol content or will we shift focus to whoever the next girl is (assuming their is a next girl, it's something I hear anons mention from time to time)

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>implying the Carol Yea Forumsrps are disloyal
That's where you're wrong kiddo.

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I wasn't Implying anything its just something I've been curious about. Alot of anons seem to think Carol's days in the sun are limited so I always wondered

They might go back to being monthly affairs if there's little news
But the end of her MCU trilogy is still years away

Friendly reminder that these threads are just that Rodstvow tripfag using multiple IPs to pretend to be multiple "carolfags" because he will never accept the absolute fact that nobody else on the planet likes Carol Danvers and she deserves to be murdered as brutally as possible.

Hi IP user
How was your week?

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They’ve been pushing Carol as their top female hero since house of m ended, I don’t think that they’re going to stop anytime soon.

That's what people said about the last chick the pushed, and the one before that. They've been doing this since the silver age in a desperate attempt to compete with Wonder Woman

And now they won

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Well, see you next week.

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Carol content will vanish. Now who should next girl be?
>real She-hulk
>An X-woman
>Muslim Capt Marvel

It's just gonna be Carol adjacent weekly Kelly Thompson threads

oh boy

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I will become Captain Marvel threads where we post about all the women to have the name...and Marv

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Poor junior.

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If we get A-Force back I'm okay with this.

See you for Kamalatime!

Hope Amulet is cool.

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