Hi, I'm the best superhero movie ever made

Hi, I'm the best superhero movie ever made.

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It's not even the best X-Men movie, which is X2. The prequel/reboot cast can eat shit

You misspelled X2.

Naked Mystique is kino


X-Men 2 > Logan > X-Men > Days of Future Past > X-Men 3 > The Wolverine > X-Men Origins > First Class > Apocalypse

Attached: x-men-origins-wolverine-03.jpg (2000x866, 115K)

i'd put origins before the wolverine, but i can live with that

What did you not like about First Class that you put it so low? I can agree with the rest of em tho.

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Not him but I despise First Class. It is horribly written, you can tell from the opening scene. Mystique breaks into Xavier's house cue best friends montage. Jesus christ what a shitshow, also the dialogue in the movie is just horrendous. It would unwatchable to be if not for Fassbender and Kevin Bacon

Not him, but my biggest gripe was setting the movie in the 1960s. Not only do i hate that setting but it ruined a perfect chance to reboot the series in present time. Like Xmen Evolution

Thats even the best Xmen movie (x2).

I liked it, but it was still a very disappointing follow-up to First Class.

There is only one Mystique and it ain't that tubby Jennifer Lawrence

oh yea. And they wasted Emma Frost

Apocalypse was fucking dumb, but last place? I dunno...

Top ten openings to any movie ever, desu

whats so good about X2

Like legit what is it

user here
it was very puerile, like a very watered down version of the first movies, and most of the cast was not likeable
the scene with the young mutants chilling and partying was so fucking bad
was also pretty boring

the tridimensional politics on every side is a pro

Brian Cox as Stryker, both a more interesting story and better action than the first, Romijn's Mystique has a bigger part, good guys and bad guys team up to take on a bigger threat, and the original cast is almost perfect. So much better than the fags in the preboot movies

I unironically thought Spiderman 2 was the best.

Attached: 4564846545156423.jpg (1920x1080, 407K)

The characters, writing, performances, direction etc. Everything that makes a real movie and not a capestti clapfest.

SM3 > SM2

unironically based

Amazing how MCU has spent billions of dollars and produced probably 40+ hours of content but still hasn't come anywhere close to this minute long scene from this no budget, self serious, sci-fi movie that came out less than 2 years after Batman & Robin.


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The first X-Men film remains my favorite. Character-driven movie with perfect cast.

and they even tried their hand on the whole political thing with civil war, which only showed their complete incompetence in handling the matter compared to the x-men films

I weep for the future of the X-Men in the MCU

sm2 and x2 were fucking kino capeshit needs to go back to these times

although I like fassbender, ian will always be mageneto to me.


Who was best?

Attached: Mystique.jpg (700x470, 128K)

In all fairness, they are both shit.
Rebecca was just the least shit by far

this is better

Gonna hijack this thread to ask everyone if they think Onslaught is worth building a movie around.

Attached: OnslaughtHeader.jpg (880x605, 131K)

rebecca hands down.
jen made mystique into a sappy character

Apocalypse was not that bad

Think about how much is conveyed in this simple scene:

>they have a past together
>they were close friends but no more
>Charles believes in compassion, Erik in superiority
>Erik suffered at the hands of man in the Holocaust
>Erik is planning something
>they will be enemies next time they meet
>this hurts Charles more than Erik

I don't see how they'd explain him in a live-action film without it sounding completely retarded. It's like the fusion shit from Dragonball Z

remember when YTMND was a thing and the guy said "i'm the juggernaut, bitch."

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I love the relationship between them theyre rivals in a sense but they have so much respect for each other and the friendship they had they wouldnt hurt each other

seeing how disney owns both xmen and avengers, i dont see why this wont be made.

onslaught kills avengers, fantastic4, and half of xmen.

Nah the blue penis man and rape woman and her rape child is better

No Rogue... I don't care about all this shit

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better timetravel movie than endgame

I still don't get this. How the fuck is Wolverine in the army for so damn long and it's not questioned at all?