Ruby is so fucking hot
Shame shes a worst protagonist on her bad show though
Ruby is so fucking hot
God this show is just dreadful.
No one cares about the show except the porn it generates.
Why not just look at the porn of a show that isn't terrible? Then you can do both and not have to deal with this show at all.
I miss JLullaby
When you're too invested in a character in a good show, its just feels wrong to jerk off to it.
It only feels wrong if you're a bitch.
Is this how tumblrinas to insult someone ?
pathetic. Go back or lurk more.
>Is this how tumblrinas to insult someone ?
Did you want to try again, but with the words you forgot to use?
Based schizo
>Ruby is so fucking hot
Explain. Her outfit may be good but her personality and morals are complete shit.
She's on the wrong side of history, Ironwood was right, and Salem is about to rip team rwby a new asshole.
I never said her personality was good. She just a good jerk off material for me.
Weiss is better
Her voice is insufferable.
Volume 7 was unironically the best the show has been in a long time
What happened to him?
>generic anime design
>good jerk off material
I'm so glad I'm not a normie.
>Flashy Wiafus with an under done setting of magic, sci-fi city and monster hunting
>Going for the weeb audience to guarantee sales of merchandise
>Show was serviceable as an action show at first
>People only still watch it because of the Wiafu farm
>Me and one other person in my D&D group hasn't watched this before and don't plan to
So, how does it feel like to have a character you like be in a garbage show?
Your post reads like you're a fatty.
I want to cuddle with her and watch movies
Blake and Yang are hotter.
Until they fucking cut Blake's hair, anyway...
It's sad that the porn is getting slower and slower now too
2nd best but yes.
At the very least chapter 11 was the best single episode of the entire show.
He's right, you know. The last third of Volume 7 equalled and perhaps even surpassed the final third of Volume 3.
I know it's a faux pas to openly like RWBY on here, but I cannot deny that 7 was a major improvement.
>No more pantsu shots
I'm glad I dropped the series since the 1st season
>When you're too invested in a character in a good show, its just feels wrong to jerk off to it.
just lift bro, and you're lack of self-confidence will go away soon after
Their new outfits don't have anti-upskirt tech.
eh, it'd be nice to see them both gangbanged back-to-back
>placating to SJWs because they threatened to bring US Legislation into this
What a bunch of pussies
>But they're not black
Uh I think you quoted the wrong post.
And possibly the wrong thread.
>You can literally see her ass better now
>before it was just a black hole of dress floof you couldn’t see through
>somehow this is pandering to sjws
Take your meds /pol/-kun.
Because I want to see Yang fucking Ruby with a big futa cock, not some other characters from a different show, regardless of the quality of the source material.
wtf I thought /pol/-kun was dead?
God what a shit costume design
v7 is a mistake
College apparently?
Got raped. Still recovering from the trauma.
Her voice isnt that bad though. I probably already watch too many dubbed animes
Its her fucking gothic lolita outfit that makes her soo hot god i want to see bad guys rape her
Hey man, I'm right there with ya, that corset is just FFFFF smokin hot, but you gotta calm down.
Can't unsee mono-boob
Came here to say this. It's almost like the only thing RWBY had going for it was it's character designs.
And every volume the character designs get worse and worse.
Red White Black Yellow? More like Red Blue White Brown
I’m just here so that i can stick my dick in both Ruby’s mouth and in Yang’s biceps.
return to /trash/
For me, it's Weiss Schnee.
The weirdest thing is how there are several knockoffs of him now trying to corner in on that niche brand of fetishes he ruled over.
Victory lies in a simple soul as ____ lies in _ ____ _____.
>Tall boots over spats over stockings
Imagine how musty her sweet sweat must smell running down her perfect pale legs.
Literal cuck
God I just wanna lick her musky sweat after a long day I wanna sniff her smelly pits and worship her
I like her sister better
>Hair down Winter
user post the next page
The design was great until Vol 7 was announced.
God what a trainwreck.
at least its not as bad as Weiss, god I hate that big ass braid.
Blake also get a mention for her catsuit that has nonsensical zippers.
I wanna get her pregnant and feel her belly
Yeah but its still shit compared to previous volumes
I wanna stuff her with cookies and feel her belly
Tumblr purged the porn, so he decided to go to college for a more stable carrier
>Fat Ruby sitting on your chest
Everything even remotely good about this show died with based Monty.
He look it's another thead to show how pissed trolls are that rwby is so popular. How dare people like thing's they don't like.
Looks like we found the Adam stan fag. Get over it he tried to kill them but instead it just help them come out. Bumblebee is canon.
But they have pants on so it's okay.
(formerly Yang's)
the porn was what got me into the show. knowing characters is what makes it hot.
her personality is cute but yeah she needs to tone some stuff down.
RWBY is good and keeps getting better.
kys yourself
HOW is Ruby worse than Blake
I liked this show better when it was just about high school romance and cool fights. This heavy handed plot is trash.
Why does it matter either way?
You could say some pretty awful things about Monty Oum. But you can't deny one absolite fact.
The man knew waifus.
I sympathize with Ironwood, but only unironic /pol/tards think he's the voice of reason
Why do people hate the S7 design, it seems less generic than the V4-6 one
>we're never getting Yang's workout or Weiss's
Realized he was a shit artist for drawing NTR so he fucked off to actually do sonething meaningful
Is that the guy with the rape mindbreak comic? The outfit he came up for Ruby is great but the rest is ehh
He is by default. ruby has offered to alternative. She did not even word it like, lets hold off on the launch for as long as we can. Her plan is to basically launch the tower that does not work and call for help then hold of salem long enough for people who hear her call for aid and come help. She would be dead in an hour.
>editing out her injuries
I don't like seeing her in pain and it's neat to see her hair down without the battle damage, but she looks so cute with a dirty face
Im mostly ok with it. Blake's zippers are retarded
>She would be dead in an hour.
I guess we'll just have to see since now they will be dealing with Salem directly
prob an asspull
Also her semi-exposed thigh
Her outfit is too conservative in my opinion. Give her a japanese style school outfit, while retaining her gothic lolita aesthetic from the first three volumes then your good to go.
What’s so bad about Ruby’s personality? She’s a really friendly girl who looks goth.
I don't think it was her personality that was necessarily bad, rather it was more of her personality being bland and one dimensional.
>shonen protag is not a deep character
Imagine my shock
Or how she’s supposedly the MC but gets the least character development out of team RWBY or JNPR
Yeah, same user here, Rooster Teeth was trying way too hard to be a Shonen anime.
She's had more focus since S6
the original outfits where built with cosplayers in mind, Monty went to hot topic and took notes on what would be easier for cosplayers to find and make, they where kept simple and eye catching with the art-style, now it's all a parody of anime designs, the worst aspects of FF design with belts and zippers overtaking everything and otherwise over designed to hell.
Ruby in the early seasons was adorable as hell
>”I drink milk!”
And it was actually good focus.
Unlike Weiss in volume 7 who arguably became a worse character because of how bad the Jauqes stuff was handled.
Winter ryona doujins when?
>kys yourself
desu Ruby gets little to no character development throughout seven volumes. There were times where the writers could've matured Ruby multiple times (i.e. witnessing Pyrrha die, her team separating, finding out Cinder was the villian this whole time). Instead we still got "Quirky girl Lolita, so KAWAII XDDD!!!" If the writers got their shit together they could've made Ruby's character similar to Jonathan Joestar.
Weiss was always a bad character
She would be good if they actually addressed her flaws both as a fighter and a person instead of trying to sweep those issues under the rug and essentially just make her into a Mary Sue who jobs.
She was the only half decent character in the first few seasons
T b h she does have to make more decisions by herself now and I can only recall a single humorous moment with her in the entirety of V7
I thought she was rubbing her nipples in the thumb and let me tell you, I got the weirdest boner
>Mary Sue who jobs.
these buzzwords don't mash together
I know.
That’s what I’m saying.
The only thing keeping Weiss from being a full on Mary Sue is the fact that an actual Mary Sue would actually be able to win a fight against a bunch of Literal Whos.
how is Weiss a Mary Sue
Even if she weren't a jobber she still wouldn't even come close to being a Mary Sue
At the start of Volume 7 Weiss had never beat a human opponent and almost killed a woman back in volume 4 and used her powers to throw a drunk racist in the trash.
Now I’m not one of the /pol/ faggots whining about “da poor poor wasist” but the group was trying to be subtle and Weiss blew it.
Now if someone like Winter had directly brought up these flaws so Weiss could actually grow as a character, that would be great writing.
But no, Weiss and Winter’s interactions were all, “uwu Weiss you’re so amazing! You’ve grown so much!”
She’s not Mary Suey because she’s perfect. She’s Mary Suey because the show acts like she is and she has no flaws.
She had character flaws early on.
It's just that after having a bunch of off screen character arcs she "worked through" all of her flaws.
Since volume 5 she just jobs and says sarcastic/"mean" things from time to time.
And remember, no matter how much she jobs against literal who henchmen she’s still “Best Girl” and is an amazing fighter.