Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time

Give me a valid controversial opinion as to why you have something against her, other than "She doesn't deserve to be with Marceline!".

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She murdered an entire race she created and never really gets called out for disturbing manipulation of her citizens. She also has no ass despite being made of bubblegum and I don't fuck with bitch's that have Hank Hill butt.

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in retrospective she did more shit than the fucking Lich

She a heo and she a lesbo.

There, two reasons to hate her as a character but two reason to enjoy her porn made by dabble and bumbblebee

AT shipping threads should get deleted on sight.

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Shes badly written and turned from entertaining to nausiating by becoming a vehicle for the writers who never gave a fuck beond pushing their poilitics and "abstract" artsy ideas for episodes.

This. She got boring.

That, and dykes should be only a vehicle for threesome ships with two girls and one dude.

Megalomaniac egocentric piece of shit, ruined finn's life. I think the reason I hate her so much is because finn is relatable

Marceline doesn't deserve to be with her


This. You can bitch all you want how in early AT characters weren't all "fleshed out" and "developed" but you can get by just fine as long as you have a good groundwork.

She also didn't get enough punishment for essentially fucking over Finn and offing two Fire Kingdom citizens.

She exploited and hurt many innocent beings. The Earl Of Lemongarb is one of her many unforgivable sins.

Bad character, badder show.

You know who else deserve to be with her? Her aunt.

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this amorphic ball of goo is only a she in the same sense a ship is a she, or a hurricane or a car. it's visage is a reflection of what it believes would, more often than not, garner a positive reaction from the being she interacts with. at BEST peebs is an amoral manipulation machine. gumbald was right

Authoritarian as fuck, to the point she electronically tagged her citizens. The ones she left alive anyway

Who's the guy?

She should have statutorily pity fucked that minor California boy illegally

Her character was basically rewritten in the middle of season 5 and nothing interesting was even done with it

pretend I attached an image of a vomiting anime girl to this post

What's wrong with Dabble? The artist is awesome and the drawings are great, not to mention the cute fat girls, Dabble make. :)

She wasn't even the best at being a dictator.

She was inferior to Uncle Gumbald, who upon his return in the span of only a few years (where Princess Bubblegum had centuries) created his own superior Candy civilization, complete with tanks, aircraft, and his own giant robot.

King Gumbald was the man to lead the Candy People to eternal glory. Not her.

Attached: Gumbald.png (340x324, 76K)

Look at this. A fully functional modern state. No silly faux medievalism here.

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They even have a space program

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The writers couldn't figure out what they wanted to do with her.

They teased lots of ideas and character traits that went absolutely nowhere, and whenever they started making her really sinister, they'd reset everything by putting her on a pedestal again.
It didn't make her morally grey or interesting, it just made her a completely different character depending on what mood the writers were in that day.

Early Season PB was the best.

Well, Early Season AT everything was the best.

It wasn't the same show after Pendleton, especially since it was literally conceived in his mind.

I should just make a copypasta for every time i answer this question.. Here's a simple list
>Almost exterminated an entire species of intelligence beings for her own gain (Twice)
>Caused an zombie Apocalypse (twice)
>Purposefully makes her citizens dumb so they won't question her rule
>Gave an entire earldom and later, citizens, to an clearly unstable man (Lemongrab I)
>Keeps Gumbald and Chicle as candy people even after she saw it's pure torture
>Arrested everyone in tree trunk's wedding for literally no reason other than her hate boner for koo who had done nothing illegal until that point
>Kept extensive surveillance on everyone, even her supposed friends
> Thunder Warrior'd her robot soldiers for being too good at their jobs
> Is generally a little shit
>Used Finn's crush to turn him into her personal political bludgeoning tool
>More stuff i forgot

>> Thunder Warrior'd her robot soldiers for being too good at their jobs
Oh damn which episode was this.

>>>Used Finn's crush to turn him into her personal political bludgeoning tool
This is at least justifiable.

Zelda does this all the time and so do most fantasy princesses.

You'd think a thousand year head start would've given her enough time to invest a superweapon for these situations

A thousand years of having no rivals and dumbing down the only competition will do that.

Vs Gumbald who put every ounce of his intellect into defeating a peer given the dire situation he was in.

The episode rattleballs.
Also It becomes less justifiable when she uses Finn for non-hero stuff.

Justifiable doesn't always mean moral or righteous.

Rational is the better word perhaps, if you're a princess out for power why not use your knightly lover to go and bash some skulls in of your enemies?

I'm pretty sure she can modify her body

Honestly, Gumbald was much, much better ruler. Bubblegum gets her power from inexistant competition and the help of the most powerful fighters in the land because she got a 12 year old and an vampire to like her. Gumbald, in a few weeks, turned a wasteland that was literally bombed into an fledgling industrial state. He only lost because that damnable traitor that is his wife tripped him over. He was surely going to make Ooo an better place, while Bubblegum turned It into an feudalistic medieval-level craphole and hoarded the cool tech for herself.

Sorry the show didn't want to be another randumb comedy and actually started adding depth to its characters. Bubblegum was a great depiction of a realistic grey figure ruler.

This is correct.

You're right, but we're discussing reasons as to why we don't like bubblegum, and this is one of them. Think of It like a judgement of character.

I would ask if being too dumb to do anything with said tech but obey orders from a totalitarian leader who uses you as cannon fodder is your idea of a dream life, but considering the people I see here sometimes, I wouldn't be surprised if it is.

Except she isn't a Grey figure ruler (calling her that would be too benign) and she isn't portrayed as that. She's portrayed as a good person, and that's just a fucking lie.

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>Kind of an asshole
>Openly manipulates her populace
>Denied the very clear existence of magic until she became magic

That’s pretty much it if I’m being objective
On a subjective level? I have always hated shippers

My dislike of Bubblegum derives mainly from her lack of consistent direction, especially the final season.

Her being a tyrant or a dictator wouldn't be bad imo, if they were consistent about it. But they flipped flopped her so many times.

Being evil doesn't make a character inherently unlikable imo. What makes a character unlikable is not knowing what that character even is.

Gumbald's citizens are clearly smarter than bubblegums. They are smart enough to operate vehicles and even planes - can you say the same about PB's?

Yeah, see, the denial of magic is also the worst one.

Should have just gone what Ghostbuster/40k did and come up with a rationalization of magic (i.e. psychokinetic energy)

I Just don't like her getting away scoff free. I don't mind evil characters, but when the show portrays them as good, it's another story entirely. That i despise.

Technically didn't he do it in under or a little over a year?

I am still pissed that they hit him with the retard serum after his development but the arguably more treacherous aunt gets to stick around all buddy buddy with PB

Should have at least had the guy sacrifice himself against Lich if they were going to remove him

She's an unironic Nazi.

Gumbald was the good guy of the gum war, an revolutionary inventor and ruler. He was surely going to industrialize Ooo, seeing as his plans clearly had modernity at mind. But because he lost, Ooo will continue to be stuck in an proto-feudal state, with walled cities as the only remainder of civilization, all surrounded by mile after mile of untamed apocalyptic wastelands where monsters roam and travelling heroes are the sole safekeepers of order.

The nazis don't come close to what she did, truth be said. At least they didn't dumb down their own populace and start multiple near-apocalypses.

With the amount of time Bubblegum had, you'd think she would have created nuclear weapons by now and give her soldiers firearms instead of those medieval like spears. I agree, if the Gum War were to take place, she'd have her army defeated in less than an hour. Gumbald is the true ruler of candy people, Bubblegum is nothing but a tumor to their society.

Yes, the problem is that she's supported by Finn and Marceline, and all the people that come together by proxy. Huntress Wizard, Fire Princess, Jake, LSP... Her army is shit, but she has "hero" units.

Yeah, that's true, she has the equivalent of juggernauts on her side. But if we were to use a more realistic scenario where the hero's don't destroy Gumbald's entire army without her's lifting a finger, they'd get overwhelmed eventually, though it won't happen without great loss of candy life.

Really all it takes is Finn giving up. If he gives up, which is unlikely but could happen if the war turned into a massacre and not just one battle, most others would leave. The only people there that aren't just participating because they're allied in one way or another with Finn, except Marceline and Lemongrab.

I didn't press abort fast enough

That would possibly be one of the scenario's. The war proceeds to drag out for a long period of time, candy citizens are being drafted to fight against Gumbald's army, eventually Gumbald's army making it to the Candy Castle and the battle turns into some Stalingrad level shit, however Gumbald's army emerges victorious after a long and bloody siege that results in the hero's (or some of them) giving up and try encouraging Bubblegum to capitulate. That;s just one of my personal takes on how it would go.


She became the most villainous character in the show and we're supposed to be okay with it.

Meanwhile Finn become a passive submissive bitch

Because the writers hated him.

Stop trying to bigbrain Zelda into this, fagbag. She should've gotten more than a slap on the wrist for manipulating him if she was supposed to go through a "I'm really good now and trying my best not to be a prick" arc. The show wasn't even supposed to have her be immortally grey either.

She wasn't "evil" in the eyes of the show though you dumbfuck. That's why people are complaining in the first place.

Doesn't have a penis even though she could easily give herself one

He should've cucked Princess Bubblegum by fucking Marceline, and then fuck her too.

>Finn has a girlfriend at the end of the show
>is happy to be still having lots of adventures
>people still bitch
Yea Forums is entitled

You don't have to be particularly smart to be able too do a specific task. And considering Gumbald had the retardation juice, do you really believe he wanted them to be smart beyond being useful workers?

>what is The Cooler

Gumbald had the retardation juice to use in the war, against PB. You have to understand, Gumbald wants an modernized city. You can't have that if all your citizens are stupid to the point of retardation. It takes an certain level of intelligence to operate a plane, a car or even work in an industrialized economy. His citizens had to be intelligence or else his dreams wouldn't be accomplished.

>great depiction of a realistic grey figure ruler.
She stopped doing anything besides doing vaguely evil shit for no real reason and lezzing it up, get bent retard.

You're not really specifying anything, what evil action did you think had no reason in particular

If an AI can operate a car it doesn't mean you can actually talk to AI and get a meaningful response. And while candy people are not AI, they might as well be robots with a single purpose.

And where did you get that Gumbald made his candy people as mindless automatons? Sounds a bit weird for him to put effort into making an nice-looking town with decorations, fancy suits and other similar stuff if all his citizens were just candy servitors.

A dictator in pink.
>Tried to control the Heir of another nation to subvert its government
>Built a WMD (Goliad) and its still out there
>Constantly puts her citizens in danger with her experiments while providing inadequate defense.
>Intense spy network on all her citizens.
>Constantly sent a little boy on dangerous missions which eventually culminated in bodily harm and mental trauma.

There's a few.

>Doesn't have a penis

Nothing is confirmed obviously but I think the princess cookie episode implies it. No girl-with-a-penis would laugh at and institutionalize a male for wanting to be a princess.

>A dictator in pink.
you know, i think pink is a pretty good color for military/totalitarian stuff. its like gap-moe, or something.

>No girl-with-a-penis would laugh at and institutionalize a male for wanting to be a princess.

He's a pleb, of course she(male) would laugh at him. Besides, maybe she only has it on occasion.

Only if you're going full El Presidente. Otherwise it looks kinda weird.

Maybe he just likes the decorations himself.

The way her megalomania is downplayed as being okay as is her constant invasion of Finn, Marceline, IK's, FP's, and just about everyone else's privacy. Or how her constant meddling makes bad things happen. Or how shes extremely irresponsible and too hopeful and does stuff like create Goliad and then decide letting her 2 extremely immature friends teach it morality, or creating the lemon kingdom.

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They went into the direction of making her increasingly evil but didn't commit. They should have made it so that she was revealed to be a monster in the end like Gul Dukat in DS9.

>not having it at all times

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That's what the gumball guardians are for.

She starting riding a stupid bird instead of Lady

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What girlfriend?

Huntress Wizard

¬_¬) youre being retarded on purpose

Am I?


she's a corrupt power hungry despot with literally zero empathy or concern for anyone other than herself. She has a god complex and sends Finn and Jake out on missions where they could fucking die just so she can obtain powerful artifacts and relics that only help HER kingdom. She's willing to deceive other kingdoms and destroy their shit just because "you might be a threat in the future" and she doesn't feel anything, and she gets away with it too. She also claims dominion over large swaths of land despite not actually committing her army to any of it to defend her inhabitants, while simultaneously collecting taxes from the citizens she doesn't even defend, but still claims dominion over.

Are you?

No, i'm not.


[email protected]
But looking on paheal is faster

Why must she corrupt these pure souls

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honestly i think that pb is a good character. from season 1 to 3-ish. like other anons have said, it's a shame the writers used her (among other 'characters) as a soapbox for their own opinions.

Right umm, who's the one to blame here, for writting PB like that? I mean is not Rebecca Sugar, then who is?

Her aunt doesn't deserve freedom specifically for what she did to her uncle at the end

>I mean is not Rebecca Sugar

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If she were an unironic Nazi she would at least be based, instead of being a pink girl power dyke

>PB x her aunt Lolly.
Ngl bro but that is really hot tho.

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Rebecca Sugar left in season 4, when the show was still pretty good. I get that it's cool to shit on Sugar, and Steven Universe is a trash series, but her departure literally coincides with the point the show went off the rails.

And it will take a thousand years for Princess Bubblegum to finally allow a city to form.

>"She doesn't deserve to be with Marceline!"

Marceline doesn't deserve to be with her, PB is a fucking utilitarian that loves science.

She got better.

That, and she shipped Finn and Marceline together.

She can be both a Nazi and a dyke user

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All my memories of the show are just sad ones now.

The ending was crap & the creators worked on the show to build to an anti-hero/anti-western hero ending.

They hijacked the original show.
Liberals are the death of a society & fembots took over Adventure time.

>Insulting on Dabble.
Wow user, who knew that you have a terrible taste.

Attached: Terrible.jpg (1280x720, 232K)

>AT shipping threads should get deleted on sight.
Me: ''Who's to blame?''

AT's fan anons:'' Who's to blame?''

Me:'' What's his name?''

AT's fan anons: ''We know his name, his name is Mr. Muto, Mr. Muto, Mr A-D-A-M to M-U-T-O, Any episode of show that made by him, you'll lose, so don't mess with Mr. Muto!''

Me: ''Oh Mr. Muto.''

AT's fan anons: ''Don't mess with Mr. Muto.''

Don't mess with Mr. ...

Don't mess with Mr. ...


Don't mess with ah-ah

Oh Mr. Muto.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


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why did I save this

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She used Finn to do all of her dirty work and clean up her messes because he simped for her and crushed on her. All of her subjects of candy kingdom are mentally retarded so she can easily control them all. Anyone that starts to get more control than here gets exiled from the candy kingdom. She's a cunt who uses everyone for her own advantage. If you don't treat her like a goddess she will shit all over you. She also constantly acts like a pretentious cunt because she's smart.

Oddly enough since stormo had Finns Dna is what made him less out of control and more heroic

I aGrEe

Show started going downhill so fast during season 5. The Simon and Betty story arc was the only thing that keep me interested

Mr. Muto?
That's the dude that ruined AT?

>"Rebecca Sugar is blameless and based guys"
>"She shipped Finnceline"! Even though that's a lie because she started shipping Bubbeline in What Was Missing by having PB & Marcy sing about how they were in lesbians with each other and still want to even though their incompatible along with making Finn suffer by being their bitchboy marriage counselor when he's still getting over his own issues.
>She also tried to give Finn a pity prize with FP but was too subversive for herself and needed PB to fuck with them in Burning Low. Muto broke them up later based on the subversive groundwork Sugar created in Burning Low.
>Comes back to make Stakes after doing her GLAAD/LGBTQ+ confrences about how stunning and brave she was to help ship Bubbeline.
>More Finn suffering and degredation so Marcy & PB can queerbait along with Marcy just being a ripoff of S1-S2 Finn. She doesn't want anyone's help because she's a strong independent she-demon against monsters that threaten all of Ooo. Finn learned late S2 that he needs others/teamwork to be a hero but Marcy & PB are too cool for that, YAAS QUEEN!

Becky shills are the worst. As saccharine as aspartame with zero substance and a disgusting lingering aftertaste to cover up a cancerous cocktail.

Attached: 91-ldV8DR9l.jpg (640x363, 42K)

>BMO made racially insensitive comments
>that Finn image with the pups
>slam poetry
>Lady refuses to pay reparations
My sides!


Your seethe is oozing off my laptop monitor holy shit. You do realize she didn't contribute anything to Stakes or the series finale (which I'm assuming you reference with your last point) aside from the songs, right? You just seem way too obsessed at reading into things what isn't there, considering she never actually shipped Finnceline or even Bubbline (which was more the fault of later writers, though I really wouldn't be surprised if she did have personal involvement in that; still, it's unconfirmed and purely conjectural). I remember her admitting that Bubbline in What Was Missing was incidental and only followed through because of fan demand, so if there's anyone to blame, it's the autistic fanbase this show got.

You couldn't be less cogent if you tried with your Burning Low point. All I'm reading is that building tension in Finn and Flame Princess' relationship is bad because... reasons? Isn't the entire purpose of having a plot to generate conflict? It's one thing to not like the episode (hell, I don't really like it either) but you, like a lot of the spergs who rove around Adventure Time threads, seem to ascribe malicious intent where there's, at best, barely any.

I don't know why I wrote this autistic ass post to reply to an obvious shitpost, but fuck. There are legit problems with the series' storytelling and you niggas focus on the most insignificant shit, presumably because of your own insecurities/weird vicarious identification with Finn

If they brought them back Finn's DNA would make Stormo attempt to fuck Golliad

Yeah those are all good points but what if I want to fuck me some pink bubblegum pussy.

Mother gum

>Rebecca shills Bubbeline in her Reddit AMA
>Muto admits that the "heavy lifting" for Bubbline and what followed was her idea.
>Muto says Bubbline was her idea and she wasn't taking no for an answer

Whiteknight all you want but Becky can't have it both ways. She and her coworkers say she's shipping Bubbline and their words beat your Yea Forumsntranian deflections.

The "reasons" Burning Low being an issue and I should have included it because you probably forgot she wrote them is "The Nightosphere Saga" and "Incendium". The Nightosphere Saga came first and while it only had light Bubbline tones, the aesop of the story is that people are not carbon copy slaves to their nature or their parents. PB, Finn, and Jake save Marceline from Hunsoon's magical brainwashing by reminding her that she's controls her destiny not her demon blood and definitely not her evil, manipulative father.

Next is Incendium which opens up with Finn crying over a piece of Bubblegum's hair and Jake trying to find a new girl to fill the void. He meets FP, she acts tsundere and almost kills him but they blush and hit it off in the end. Sounds good right? Well fuck you! Becky has to start the subversion train with Burning Low.

So Burning Low states that PB fears/sabotages Finn+PB because FP's unstable nature will lead to the demise of everything. This isn't good conflict/plot, PB learned that people are not slaves to their nature/bloodline a whole season ago.

You don't understand why people like Finn just like Becky does. Finn suffered the consequences of his actions and actually changed.

PB did none of that. She learned to hide her toxic behavior and repeated the same mistakes over and over again. For as much as Becky preaches change for the better, PB didn't.

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The mother gum is just a mound of bubblegum, at least Bonnibelle is actually shaped like a person.

Still fuckable

i actually only liked pb when she was with marceline
any time else she was a cold bitch

Got a better image? I cant see shit in this one, it's too small


Where did you get this from. And what year this from?

And redpilled.

Now you mentioned it, it does sound really hot. Make my cock rock hard by imagined it. Speaking of it, is there like any lewd fanart between those two?

How? By using the Spoon of Prosperity .

Attached: S5e38_PB_with_spoon.png (1434x806, 894K)

>Finn has a girlfriend
Hahaha no noo he does not.

What happend really. What did happend to Pen after he stop working on the show and dropped it?

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There is, but only just one and it's from rule34 paheal site.

Check it out:

Attached: Ooh Lalaa.jpg (1820x1704, 529K)

I'm still salty.

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then you only like the cancerous PB