This movie was god tier prove me wrong

this movie was god tier prove me wrong

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god is not real

you're wrong

Second hour pretty much did. Also that cringer girl power line up, when it should have been an Avengers line up shot with BP or Wanda replacing Scarjo.

I'm pretty sure after Spiderman that the MCU is going to start losing to the DCEU. Everything was great until the progressive bullshit broke the Star Wars containment zone.

It was a big step down from infinity war

Not OP but I agree that the power girl shot felt forced.

The rest was fun

>implying existence is real without God

Too many plotholes

>implying existence is real

This, Spider-Man is excellent but the new woke direction is utter garbage, and even Spider-Man actually needs scrubbing of shit like Zendaya.

Does Cap finally say Avengers Assemble?

Good end to the Tony Stark saga.
A lot of people will use it as an exit point for the MCU.

the whole movie was a recap

more ironman circlejerk

Tony creating a gauntlet to take advantage of the stones single handedly ruined the movie. There is no way (despite how smart he may be) a man made glove is able to utilise whatever power these stones contain.

Yes, final battle scene

can’t without crying “WAHHHH CAPESHIT”

>americas ass! (LOL!)
>girl power scene in final battle! (WOOO!)
>Cap can hold the hammer! (OMG!)
>drunk and fat thor for comedic relief (ROFL!)
>the fact that snapping fingers automatically destroys and brings back life

Yeah that was stupid. To say that Tony's nanobots are as strong as something forged by that massive dwarf in the heat of a sun or whatever is fuckin retarded.


1) That filler scene with Tony and Nebula in the beginning. Their relationship was never mentioned or reincorporated in the story again. What was the point?
2) Captain Marvel saving Tony and Nebula. We all thought that Iron man would save himself which would be consistent with his character but no its Captain Marvel the literal Deus Ex Machina (More on this later)
3) So they then kill Thanos but the snap can't be undone. Why did Nebula and Rocket stick around Avengers HQ for 5 years? They would head back out to space and move on. Suddenly they decided to become Avengers? This is so out of character, especially for Nebula.
4) Scott Lang trying to make sure her daughter's name is not in the San Francisco memorial is such a dumb scene. With half the population gone, he would have to look at millions of names.
5) Professor Hulk while being the highlight of the movie, didn't at all resolve Bruce Banner's/Hulk arc from Infinity War. So he just decided to shoot himself up with more gamma radiation to become Banner-Hulk? Lame. The character itself was pretty funny though. Same goes for Fat, depressed Thor.
6) So they then decide to go back in time to retrieve the Infinity Stones using the Quantum Realm and a limited supply of Pym particles. They decide to go back to the Battle of NY because 3 stones would be within close proximity of one another. Why didn't they just go back to right before Star-Lord threw a hissy fit and ruined the plan on Titan? They could just knock Star-Lord out, retrive the gauntlet which has 5 stones, and get the final stone from Dr. Strange and then teleport back home.
7) The Ancient One on the rooftop of the NY Sanctum taking pot shots at the Chitauri soldiers is just dumb. Firstly, The Ancient One is the protector of the Kamar-Tajj Sanctum. The NY Sanctum has its own protector and disciples (Kaecilius massacred them all in the Dr. Strange movie remember)

Remember when Thor had to utilize the power of an entire sun and magical dwarf metals to make the gauntlet that got fried from the snap?

Well Tony just made a better one out of regular old earth metal alloys. Go fuck yourself, fans

8) 2012 Loki managed to get a hold of the Tesseract and teleport himself away. This makes zero sense whatsoever. In Infinity War, Thanos had to crush the Tesseract and obtain the stone within it, place it on his Gauntlet to be able to use its power (i.e. teleportation). Loki somehow was able to just teleport with the Tesseract even though his whole arc in the first Avengers movie was getting the Tesseract to create a portal with the help of Dr. Selvig and some rare meteorite ore.
9) That scene with Hawkeye and Black Widow at Vormir is just dumb. Firstly, it's not really one character sacrificing another if they both just compete to see who can commit suicide first. We see in Infinity War that Gamora tried to kill herself to prevent Thanos from sacrificing her so he doesn't get the Soul Stone. Secondly, it was completely reckless, what if they both ended up commiting suicide. Then no one gets the Soul Stone.
10) Then we have a scene where all the Avengers keep insisting that Black Widow is dead for good. What? They have access to time travel. They could just go back in time and bring her back. This is literally what they did with Gamora at the end of the movie.
11) This brings us to the final battle where Thanos attacks Avengers HQ. Thanos had his massive fleet point all their artilerry to the earth in a last ditch effort to win the battle. Then Captain Marvel came back from space (no idea why she left in the first place) just in the nick of time and destroy his fleet by going through it like butter (Same way she did with the Kree fleet in her own movie). What a literal copout. Captain Marvel is the most overpowered Mary Sue character ever. Even Superman is not written this badly.

>prove an opinion wrong
Well, I mean, your entire argumentative setup is shit?

Not a fan of the GIRL POWR stuff in the movie. This movie marks the rise of the DC UNIVERSE .

It was mediocre/subpar. The film was actually really depressing and kind of stupid if you think about it. The only ok Marvel films were the Captain America films. Everything else is stale AF.

/capeshit/ when?



i just saw it at a midnight release with my girlfriend. Needless to say,the movie was dampened by all the needless WOOOing and LMAOing of everybody. I think infinity war was better, but damnit i can't stop smiling. The movie was just plain fun. A lot of cringe here and there, but ultimately it was good fun.
Tony didn't use his cool armour nearly as muchas he should have, and im pissed off that his wife could use hers so proficiently with 0 training. And also why wouldn't he have made suits for everybody at this point? The girl power shot was so forced, but it didn't upset me. Let girls have their fun, im sure more of them cringed than you think. Im happy thor is joining the guardians, and tony dying was inevitable. The main thing i can say against this movie, despite catering so much to normies, is that literally everything i expected would happen ended up happening

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Am i a faggot for enjoying Wanda soloing Thanos for awhile out of pure hatred?

Question: who’s in charge of the avengers now?

Captain marvel of course

No one was ever in charge, which is why it fell the fuck apart in the first place.

Shut up. It's just a movie

thank god for 1xbet. russia you okay.

He did less, he just typed words. Untwist your panties.

12) Then we have the most cringey fan service moment in the movie (in a movie filled with awful and cringey fan service) where all the female heroes grouped together in one shot to fight. Ignoring the fact that this makes zero sense whatsoever. There is no strategy othe than "we all have vaginas, so lets fight together". Infinity War had a girl power moment that was executed infinitely better than this garbage.
13) Valkyrie is flying around on a Pegasus despite her not having one when she abandoned Asgard. Not to mention, Asgard was already destroyed so where the fuck did it come from.
14) Tony fought Thanos in the end and somehow managed to swipe all 6 infinity stones without Thanos noticing. Thanos then decides to snap his fingers and then realizing the stones were not in the glove anymore. I'm sorry this is just ridiculous. There is no way Thanos would not notice the infinity stones being gone. There is no way he would not notice Iron man now wielding the 6 infinity stones. He could have either looked at his hand or Tony's hand and he would have seen it. Such garbage writing.
15) The most egregious scene of all is the ending where Captain America went back in time to return the Infinity Stones to their original timeline. He decided to stay in that timeline and somehow managed to grow old and meet Hulk, Falcon and Bucky in the main timeline. This makes zero sense.
16) How the fuck did Thanos manage to teleport his entire army to the future when he had just a tiny bit of Pym Particles he got from Good Nebula.
17) Pepper suddenly joining the fight feels so awkward and forced. They didn't set that up at all in the movie other than a throwaway line about the suit being an anniversary present from Tony. Jesus, the writing in this movie is abysmal.

[Spoiler] More like almost ripped him apart into pieces if weren't for the airstrike distraction[/spoiler]

black panther and i say this without meming

Why is Thor fat now? I don't plan to watch this tripe

it just felt like nostalgia bait. i felt a little disappointed after infinity war. they spent that entire film developing thanoe's character and motivation. he's barely even in this film. he just becomes a generic marvel bad guy that wants to destroy the universe.

He got depressed because for 5 years because he couldn't undo the snap.

Her cleavage during that whole scene was just sublime

>Infinity War was better
No. Endgame captured everything Infinity War did decent but improved it a thousand times in only its first half with the mellow tone and actual entertaining humour, not to mention the stellar pacing
Infinity War's pacing is so fucking garbage and hamfisted, you'd have to be subhuman to consider Infinity War good, jesus fucking christ

>literally figures out time travel
stop doing mental gymnastics you fucking shitlord

I agree. They turned Thanos into a pussy. Darkseid can be awesome without competition

Damn, you're dumb as a rock

Once Cap returned the stones, the timeline autocorrected for him. this was explained in the movie

what? that makes zero sense. he cannot go back in time and live happily ever after with Peggy because that contradicts what was already established in Captain America:Winter Soldier.

anyone got a CAM of this movie yet?

Infinity war had more of tony's armour in it.
one on one fights >>> large scale battles
This movie had the same problem as age if ultron where everything was very thinly spread
I really enjoyed the movie though, few normie magnets make me this giddy. The movie is full of atrocious writing, plot holes up the ass (and they have the audacity to criticise back to the future and other movies on their silliness with a straight face) and not to mention the utter amount of cringe in it, and despite it it made me smile like a kid. Also infinity war did not have this much cringe, only wakanda foreva came close to this movie's level of cringe

>implying they give a shit about continuity
They're going to retcon this shit anyway.
We're about to entire OFFICIAL comic territory now.

MCU have been pretty good about continuity and consistency up until this travesty of a movie.

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it doesn't contradict anything in winter soldier bud

Oh yeah, it’s already up and streaming on solarmovie

I'm so glad your collective childhoods were destroyed in only 3 hours, and a snap of the fingers of course.
Thats what you get for being brought up by (((comic books)))

As an ultimate Casual movie watcher, it was alright. Some parts were kinda meh. Some parts were SO on the nose that it was groan-worthy. Like that scene with every female character coming together. Honestly, there was not even a hint of subtlety to it. Which I guess was kinda the same thing in Infinity War as well, but still. But I gotta say, the only time people in my theatre clapped was when Cap finally wields Mjolnir and I think when he finally says "Avengers Assemble". That shit was legit pretty hype. Then again, I am a fanboy of that character so maybe I was biased. Needless to say, I didn't watch it in America.