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It’s out
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glad my guy is blowing up. He deserves it more than a vast majority of the idiots on that platform.
yeah he’s also popular on he produces some legitimately good content
>we pissed away your gold in Gaul and come to borrow more
Who the fuck would actually wear that shirt? One time when I was twelve I wore a Binary Arts shirt to gym (it was that solitaire puzzle company that made Rush Hour and the shirt featured characters from the various themed puzzles) and I got laughed out of the class. I'd hate to think what sort of passive aggressive social engineering would happen around a grown adult wearing that.
kek I've made threads for his videos and it went straight to the bottom of the board
weird how things gets suddenly popular like this
seriously his videos are very compelling, even for a story we already know
Those kids were assholes to laugh at you user. Don’t you see that you’re doing exactly the same thing :(
is this the same rhyme as
>as the golden coin you sent him went his gallic whores to pay
I think that it has to do with the unique style it’s told in through blocks and humor, plus the no nonsense straight information without the unnecessary drama and corny “action scenes” a history documentary would have.
No, I'm pointing out how it is. I wouldn't bully anyone ever.
Anyone who can make you feel emotional about some fucking Microsoft Office drawing objects is an absolute master of Kino.
Ive been waiting! It is time my brothers
>almost 500K subscribers
>doesn't even say "be sure to click like and subscribe"
>doesn't even shill his own channel in text
This nigga changing the game!
I've been following his videos for a while now.
Is Gaius Motherfucking Julius Caesar the most based Man in the history of humankind?
this, disgusting format
before ceasars exodus?
I’ve been on his dick ever since I heard of his victory at Alesia
>Why can't everything be about muh Jesus
Fucking Murricans
He's the closest to an ubermensch I've ever heard from
Based and reform-pilled. So glad this guy is becoming so popular, I've tried getting people to watch his videos before and they just don't
I post about him over on /his/ every now and again. they seem to enjoy him as well
You do realize what we know as julius ceasar is actually three mens lives mashed together, right?
post yfw
was this when cato sperged out? what a fuckup
What event marks the shift from before common era to common era?
Please elaborate?
The foundation of The Kingdom of Aksum
You mean like Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu?
some of the best content on youtube. what the FUCK Labienus. also RIP Vercingetorix, you were a cool dude and didn't deserve that
>what the FUCK Labienus
Dude stood up for what's right.
Grad students
deret dis
quite a move after 20 years of adventures with the guy though. can't wait for the next episode
no one except *nglos use this stupid format made by jews
Sneed buying Chuck's.
He's all bite and no bark. Yet he's still raking in.
Yeah, pretty much
>yfw you realized after all these years the roman were nothing but an open field meme team
losers can't even beat the barbarian German, britbottle and chinese on horses.
Is this a "why did the romans not conquer sub-Sahara Africa? Did they fear the black warrior?" post in disguise?
>tfw you put your dog's name in a book just so people in the future will know its name.
>make the transition between ages based around a watershed event in Western history
>arbitrarily change it centuries later because athishits get triggered by anything relating even tangentially to Jesus Christ
Are they even real battles? What is it about Roman Battle Autism that drives them to build walls, earthworks and field fortifications all the fucking time?
it was their i win button. oh you have walls? i'm going to build a ramp. you have a fortified position on a hilltop and i'm about to be surrounded by your allies? i'll just build my own fortifications right below yours and it'll work out somehow. river in the way? let's build a bridge in literally like 4 hours. the shenanigans these guys got up to
I think it's a "doesn't understand that things can change and nobody is literally invincible" post
It is some looney tunes shit
Anyone knows where I can read/watch more about these wall builders? who was responsible? Did Caesar have an architect on hand?
>who was responsible?
>Did Caesar have an architect on hand?
The soldiers would build the fortifications, it was as much a part of their jobs as combat was.
Makes me wonder why they're so afraid.
Honestly the Legionnaires were even better combat engineers than soldiers, and they were pretty good soldiers. Caesar’s ability to rapidly create infrastructure is what facilitated his conquest of Gaul. Basically the troops could make a new Command HQ and barracks after their day’s march and finish it before dinner.
I unironically bought this shirt to support my boy HC and wear it as a night shirt because its comfy as fuck
The Romans routinely beat the shit out of Germans for hundreds of years. Marius beat them. Caesar beat them. Germanicus beat them, Aurelius beat them.
Absolute kino channel
So why did Caesar have those paintings of dying romans? He had been very mercyful to that point and always tried to make it seem like he was just defending himself and Rome. Did he just figure that the Pompeians were unpopular enough for the people to like the paintings or did he want to show what happened to those who opposed him, even if they were roman?
Roman political life was a balancing act that not even Caesar was immune from miscalculating.
*have those paintings made
Probably couldn't resist one last "fuck you" to his enemies
>pop history shit
Read a book faggot
Only problem I have with Historia Civilis is his fixation on Caesar. Caesar's exploits are among the most famous in history. I wish he gave more attention to other events.
I have never encountered anyone better at depicting and explaining military battles than HC.
t. Someone who reads Roman primary sources for fun.
Not the jews fault nobody likes you
I study Gayreek classical history and keep up with contemporary studies and one of his videos describing classical Greek warfare was outdated as all fuck.
Talking to scholars on the channel have told me he's okay when you consider he is a pop historian and not an academic.
I can already tell you're a WW2 autist. Go study for your history test. Its not going to be about all the types of tanks that the Germans used.
Which one?
I've read the most recent big treatise on Classical Warfare and i dont remember any discrepancies.
Its still about jesus....
objectively shit opinion
Legionnaires built fortified camps every single day, no matter how much they marched. Crazy shit.
>I have never encountered anyone better at depicting and explaining military battles
Scholagladiatora. The guy studied history and is a practitioner and teacher of HEMA (Historical European Martian Arts). By reading lots of historical accounts and by using his experience he has videos explaining battle/skirmish/duel tactics and debunking popular myths. From what I remember Historia Civilis is using these myths in his videos
here's a cheat sheet in case it is
HC and this guy are doing different things. HC gives an account and visualization of the battle while this guy describes tactics in general. Again, I don't know what myth HC is supposedly perpetuating.
can't wait for the inevitable e drama or the realization that he's a no nothing who researches everything via wikipedia and for Yea Forums to eventually turn on him.
I think Caesar just couldn't control his temper this time. Cato has been fucking with him for 15, maybe even 20 years straight at this point. He also probably thought that this was the finale part of the Civil War and so he wanted to make it clear what happens to those who think of rising up against him again.
All of his stuff is mostly Livy or Plutarch so its not there is a wealth of primary sources for the period.
It's clear that he is not an actual historian but his research isn't Wikipedia tire either. He has a decent if shallow understanding of the events he is talking about and I think for a youtuber this is fine.
Don't worry, he has plenty of other content and we're slowly approaching end of Caesar's anime arc.
There is a massive wealth of primary sources for the fall of the Republic. What you said is true about the Punic Wars, tho.
>The longest year
It's all about 708 AUC, isn't it?
Soldiers did, it was a big part of their training. They would also build civil infrastructure like roads and aquaducts.
Rome was such a multiculti cuck society. Glad it fell
We should be so fortunate
god i love the sheer love and autism that went into this visualization
>types like an autist
>calls history keeping autism
Holy autism batman
So, Julius Caesar with his right hand mand Labienus with all of their legion intact vs a mediocre force of Arabian Army with Khalid Al-Walid as their commander and with him is his own personal Mobile Guard
who would win?
the latter has never been defeated while the former is known to pull bullshit wins from decisive losses
Who here Bibulus squad ?
Blockade this
I hate how this faggot always tries to make excuses whenever Romans get BTFO by a foreign power. (The Hannibal vids were especially atrocious.) You can tell he's a biased Romaboo (and especially a Caesarboo).
It should be Caesar crossing the the Rubicon.
>Before Common Era
Even Black Science Man is disgusted by this:
>he's a biased Romaboo (and especially a Caesarboo
Every sensible man is
>t. Someone who reads Roman primary sources for fun.
where do I find this shit?
Just go to
They're all over the internet for free
Try here first:
Thanks anons, bookmarked for when I'm free (from Yea Forums).
Me on the left
Wtf no one ever told me black science man was intelligent.
>that complete look of confusion on rogans face by the end
Comedy gold
The history of Rome podcast by Mike Duncan is far superior and better researched. He listened to his audience and made corrections whenever he made a mistake. Even when he didn't and the audience felt otherwise, he explained his decision. I agree Historia Civilis presents battles better, but he's poorly researched and you can see people in the comments calling him out all the time on mistakes with no corrections.
He says
>"His dictatorship, which was due to expire in a few months, was extended for an additional ten years. This was unheard of, as the dictatorship was supposed to be a six month emergency measure."
Forgetting Sulla who was appointed dictator for life, even though he resigned voluntarily himself within six months.
Dicker Max had to be a joke name even back then
>obviously made just before the second world war
>france larger than Germany
People are in for one rude awakening
I prefer Germanicus.
Roman Legions marched at least 18 miles every days. An at the end of the march, they made an entire small city size fortified camp. Later on, Romans started making more permanent camps, that became cities with the years passing by.
It,s funnier with Russia and China
China was at the time multiple states ruled by warlords fighting for scraps, it would plenty of time before they became more than just a regional power. The Soviet one is funny though
I'm waiting for the guy who says "feel free to leave a comment I won't read it anyway"
>1, Historia Civilis
>2. Kings and Generals
>3. Invicta
>4. BazBattles
>5. HistoryMarche
you cannot refute this
The Greatest man who ever lived.
Before Christ Era
He doesnt hold a candle to the true republicans like Cato and Cicero