Is Helm's Deep the epitome of battle kino? Discuss

Is Helm's Deep the epitome of battle kino? Discuss.

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If you ignore the ps2 cutscene CGI it's great

it's the best they could do at the time

Nope, that would be the Battle of Winterfell in Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 premiering this Sunday on HBO.

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Helms Deep, Ride of the Rohirrim, and hopefully the upcoming GoT fight, which is apparently the longest one in film history, filmed over 55 days consecutively

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Obligatory thread music


best battle speech?

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I gotta go with Theoden. Crazy bastard told his boys that they were all going to die, and they still charged in to buy Gondor precious seconds.

Neither of the above.
This was my favourite, I found it to be very profound, almost ethereal

All the other ones are your average chest beating macho bullshit, Theodens moment at helms deep was soulful

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my boy Gamling deserves some credit for serving him great lines too.

>To whichever end...

>The Horn of Helm Hammerhand will sound in the deep, one last time!

achtyually these are separate speeches.

Aragorn's speech is pretty inspiring.

>Fell deeds awake! Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn!
So badass. Theoden was amazing

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>Waterloo exists
>Gettysburg exists
>Zulu exists
>The Alamo exists
OP is a huge faggot

The Alamo exists
I hope we're talking about the John Wayne version.

they were just innocent refugees wanting over the wall

>orcs are seizing a castle
>lets bring spears that aren't even a quarter of the height

It hasn't aged well. None of the LOTR movies have.

>awful cgi
>reddit tier quipping the entire time
>retarded shit like legolas skateboarding

i fucking hate legalos and gimli and all lotr battle scenes

the first movie was actually good because there were no big battles and they focused on the actual plot instead of le ebin elf n dwarf ebin kill count

>none of the LOTR movies have aged well

u sure about that sweaty


You're an idiot.

I'm afraid to ask, but, what other version is there?

the kill count stuff is in the books
it seems like it wouldn't be but it is

>>Waterloo exists
>>Gettysburg exists
>>Zulu exists
>>The Alamo exists

boomer garbage

I like how it stays pretty faithful to Tolkien's vision

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There's the 2004 version with Billy Bob Thornton and also in the Davy Crockett King of the Wild Frontier movie there is an Alamo battle scene.

The battle scenes is what makes TT and rotk forever miles behind fellowship, they are all retarded without exception. Fucking hackson couldn't just follow the script.

how is Aragorn mowing down 50 elite Uruks at amon sul any less retarded

2004 version had it's budget cut from theatrical movie to TNT network movie and they reused stock footage from the john Wayne version

>le ebin elf n dwarf ebin kill count
But that shit came straight from the book.

what? who's sweaty?

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why is the thumbnail that insufferable shit from twd

It's Morgan Freeman from Kevin Costner's Robin Hood.

Lol no way

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yes when ever they they look over the wall it's thousands of Mexican soldiers form the 1960's movie

i agree. the death! bit always gets me

Theoden and it's not even close.

you're too jaded.

yup - one of the most rememberable fight ever

it was 100x less obnoxious and prevalent than in the films and should have been the first thing to be cut when adapting it


yea its actually quite good. it's a large battle, but not retard-tier huge like the battles in rotk. the rotk battles are just fucking awful, way too big with too much crap going on.
there are only two terrible things i can say about it, the legolas surfing down the stairs thing, and the horses plowing throw cgi orcs when they ride out at the end. everyone always shits on the surfing scene but they never say anything about that awful horse scene.

I'm really partial to Treebeards "many of these trees were my friends" comment. Then he sees what Saruonman has done to Isenguard and loses his shit. That with the last march of the Ents playing with the children singing always gets me.

Based and Henrypilled

even normies recall this scene. its entirely non-forgettable.

Is it my imagination but when the Ents attack Isengard a skinny one who looks like xman warlock runs up with his head on fire and ducks into the water. I think that must be Quick Beam.

In my novel rings Chicks he gets drunk with thornwen and she become "Gravid with pods" thus the other etns call him Stiff Beam



Théoden without a doubt

theoden and not even close


The worst part is that even if you're even being ironic this will be true next week. Helm's deep will be dethroned both in terms of kino and length.

Part of me is sad, I thought helm's deep would remain the champion of battle kino forever.

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Zoomer genocide when?

Yeah I was gonna say his "Arming" speach as he is being dressed for battle. I stole the feel of it for my anime themed epic as the Queen of the Cloud Kingdom is trapped in the museum with her court and putting on power armor taken from the displays before the Stryf King attacks


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CGI is never ok no matter the year. I watched both blade runner movies recently on 4k bluray and it is amazing how much better the old one looks than the new. It is so pretty.

Also this for fun

I got the dvd watch it every few years, there was a good copy on you tube a few months ago 900 mb to a gig once downloaded

Some people think it is to slow but other than yarn for chain mail it's a fair representation of a small fort of the time

What is this, a Sopranos thread now?

It won't dethrone Helm's Deep because Helm's Deep is in the context of an excellent film, and no matter how "amazing" this Winterfell shit is, its in the context of a show that jumped the shark years ago and is just a pathetic piece of trash now.

I mostly agree, and vastly prefer practical effects to CGI. I honestly believe overuse of CGI is one of the prime reasons movies have turned to soulless, mindless garbage. But CGI did have somewhat of a place when used sparingly and appropriately, once upon a time. lord of the Rings generally made good use of CGI amongst its otherwise incredible practical effects/sets and locations.

This is why i did not like the transformer movies the hobbit movies and more and more the marvel endings

Ha ha they are using cow hide fur on wall hangings to cover the tower no more protection than a leather jacket. Oak tanned saddle hides from a large cow is what they want very hard and dense and up to an inch thick

I completely agree.

Nah, 300 was.

Pic related has the best battle scenes. Almost impossible tor refute.

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Game of Thrones post season 3 is zoomer-tier trash. But the Battle of the Bastards is unironically probably the best battle scene ever filmed.

It does what Helms deep does (Building a tiered layer-cake or pyramid of character actions from bottom to top) and flips it (Puts Jon Snow in the middle of the action, letting it dictate his actions).

They are both going to be used as ur-examples of both approaches to film battles.

>green screen
really, Mel?

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I agree. Some of the long-take sequences from Battle of the Bastards are unrivaled in cinema. This applies to Hardhome and the one where the Lannister’s get torched on the road. I’m not sure those types of long-take sequences have ever been filmed before, centering one character’s frantic actions amidst a large battle.

The closest scene I can think of is the ending scene from Sword of Doom, which doesn’t rival any of them in terms of scale.

Someone explain this to me: why is that in this scene and all movie war scenes, archers are told to synchronize their volleys? what benefit is there in that? especially since after the first volley all synchronization goes out of the window and everyone is just firing at will

>I’m not sure those types of long-take sequences have ever been filmed before, centering one character’s frantic actions amidst a large battle.
Is there any vidya that captures this feeling?

Because back in the day of slow loading and firing ranged weapons, coordinated volley fire more than made up for any inaccuracy or enemy movement. The effects of a successful volley are sudden and debilitating. Commanders are literally ordering a wall of projectiles onto the enemy at once, "firing at will" is pissing in the wind in comparison. The only reason we do not do volley fire in the 21st century is because of automatic weapons.

>Aragorn suggested riding out in the movie, and not Theoden.
There are some things I like in the movies, like the Elves showing up at Helm's Deep, but taking that from Theoden was a dumb decision.