Was it a mercy kill?

Was it a mercy kill?

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Vertigo had been essentially dead as a name brand for years by then. The only people still writing for it were salaried DC writers and no-name literally who's, because its stance towards creator rights were shit and other publishers offer way better deals. Getting most of its staple characters like John Constantine and the Doom Patrol poached by other imprints just made things worse.

Yeah, at the end Vertigo was being marked as the imprint for people who don't read comics

Whelp meant marketed*

It was basically dead even before losing Berger.

I'd hardly call Doom Patrol a staple. They'd had three non-Vertigo ongoings even before Young Animal.

I feel like Black Label and DC should be reversed. DC set up nuVertigo to fail with lukewarm titles and with those titles came controversies they weren't prepared to deal with. Black Label is a better successor and has more widestream appeal than say Young Animal.

Yes and no. Vertigo stopped being a niche. DC has been doing some high level horse trading lately and created like 5-6 new imprints and vertigo was killed off, in part, because they no longer had a niche to fill.

It also didn't hurt that none of their recent releases fucking sold and they had to cancel that cry me a river mexican modern fantasy story when the SJW creator got me too'd before a handful of those completed issues ever made it to print.

Their best years and titles live on in the form of trades, so nothing of value was really lost. And like everything in comics, nothing really stays dead. Give it 10 or 15 years and we might see it rise from the ashes.

I think black label is used as a sort of cherry on top for attracting top talent. It promises a kind of "we take a step back and let you write the book you want to write" no bullshit tie ins with the main flagship product, no extra issues halfway through, etc. It's probably a very exciting prospect for a writer looking to create a book that he can sign at cons for decades to come.

Stjepan sejic did these absolutely amazing B covers for the most recent hawkman run, then magically he got to do the art and the story for Harleen.

Attached: hawkman.jpg (1242x1464, 206K)

it was perfect for Yea Forums then

Yeah, but the only time people actually gave a shit about them was the Vertigo run.

Which is ironic because Grant Morrison's run wasn't published under Vertigo. It was only added to the imprint after his run ended.

>we take a step back and let you write the book you want to write
Good they got that vibe going for them now after the Batdick incident right out the gate.

Yes. Vertigo was dead. There's nothing there that Black Label and Young Animal weren't doing better.

Heh, fucking hell, you're right. The first actual Vertigo-issue was the beginning of Rachel Pollack's shitty tenure.

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Young animal is trash.

And yet still better than Vertigo in it's final days

We read comics, we just don't like them

Not even.

I respectfully disagree.

>Was it a mercy kill?
yes, yes it was

it was a bit of a letdown that they didnt stand by the batdick harder. I think more of the industries top talent would have perked their ears up if the suits weren't so quick to apologize for offending people who purchased a book from an imprint designed to push some boundaries.

Ok. My point still stands.

Change BL to Image and you got it.

DC DID pull the plug, and I hate them as the next guy, but we have to get real - why would anyone, with an original story, give it to DC and get nothing in return, instead of Image, that can cut a better deal where you even get to keep your own IP?

Image is crap though.

Didn't say it wasn't. I'm just talking facts.

it was indeed.

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