Seriously, why did Sugar tolerate this? Do they not hire storyboard revisionists?
Seriously, why did Sugar tolerate this? Do they not hire storyboard revisionists?
I'd rather Steven have a few weird expressions than have him be a hideous chibi chimp version of himself all the time, it's to the point where I've seen people debate if Steven canonically lost weight or if it's just a artistic choice and no one knows no one can know
He’s definitely still chubby but he’s definitely slimmer and healthier than he was when he was younger
Funny enough the whole being off model stuff worked fine for Season 1, partly because of the lighter tone but also it gave it some fucking life.
Anything after that is just sheer incompetence, laziness or whatever, and it's worse beause the show tries really hard to take itself seriously, while doing shit comedy shows like Ren and Stimpy did for comedy sake.
Why are you still talking about Steven Universe when the show ended?
Talk about Steven Universe Future
What's the problem here? That's just a bobble head you stick on your dashboard.
same character, same season.
Shit show.
Shit fanbase.
Next thread, plz.
I think you may have missed the joke
Isn't it S2 Steven's Birthday?
Stop talking about SU and talk about SUF
These are 2 different seasons you dummy
lmao holy shit
This reminds me of a really shitty excuse made by an equally shitty person.
It's a Cartoon Network Studios, what do you expect ? Sometimes i think that Adventure Time got lucky because it was partly made by Frederator Studios, but no such luck here.
Dobson should kill himself
Well, that's true.
By an animator's stand point the artstyle just needs to be enough on model to be animated in various styles
That's season 1 and season 3 you dumbass
Consistency and dedication are toxic male behaviors
she is a jew, is what they do, i would recommend for you to look up the art from the art school that rejected hitler, more specifically the people that enrolled around the time they rejected him, it ain't pretty.
This is retarded, even by animation standards. There's a reason why everyone hates the Kennedy Cartoons version if Tiny Toons episodes because they're so off model and do weird squishing and stretching animations constantly.
If they think it's okay to go off model that much, why fucking bother putting any effort into it? Who gives a shit about the colours matching as long as it looks enough like the character? Who gives a shit about the story being good as long as you can just recognize the characters enough to know it's Steven Universe? Why bother animating it properly as long as you know it's Steven Universe? The minute you say it's okay to cut corners in the character modeling then it's okay to not give a shit altogether.
Shut up
Hitler's art was meh. The only thing he was good at was making buildings while rest of the image looked unfinished. He also was strictly staying within the realms of making it looks as real as possible when that had fallen out of style long ago. His limited viewpoint is what held him back. Also Hitler going to art school wouldn't have changed anything. He would have still enlisted into the army during WW1 and all the events would have played out the same. Him going to art school wouldn't have made Germany win WW1 and avoid being turned into a third world country by extremely unfair treaties.
You don't understand.
Animations and artstyles are 2 different things as whole.
when an animator is able to work on more than 2 different style all together that means the show has a lot more of creative freedom that many others.
As that Dobson comic said there is more than a storyboarder and an artist in a show, but usually they're forced to imitate perfectly the main style. The appeal of SU is that it gives to various artists more than that.
Because the off-models as you call those are just various artists making SU in their own diverse style by being still on model
im didn't say that hitler's art was some short of 1488th wonder of the world, i agree with you some look fairly neat, other could be a lot better, i explicitly said the people that did attend the school the school that rejected him, and i must say quite a few of the artist are jews and their stile is fairly unappealing(to say the least)
and i must add that a mountainous landscape painting of his looks fairly decent
>Because the off-models as you call those are just various artists making SU in their own diverse style by being still on model
That's fucking retarded. That's like saying "the proportions aren't wrong. That's just my style." which is what people who don't know what they're doing say.
Why do people keep discussing this show so much ? It's literally just an inferior Adventure Time copycat. Sugar misunderstood completely what made that show a phenomenon in the first place.
It's better than every he ever drawn
season 1 of animaniacs is 100 episodes and was made by 4 different studios in 1 year
And they shouldn't.
It's SUF that should be discussed since SU it's ended
no its not, its literally untrue
>"heh, you guys making a big fuss over some little differences in steven's character design, grow up! also Sugar, I'm sucking your dick, gimme a job goddammit!"
Yes it's true.
We're not talking about Dobson, but the comic that's not essentially in the wrong
It's almost like Dobson is a massive hypocrite on literally everything which is why every board on Yea Forums hates him.
>That's fucking retarded. That's like saying "the proportions aren't wrong. That's just my style." which is what people who don't know what they're doing say.
Is stylizations as concept so hard to understand?
Would you tell to Picasso or other cubist artists that they can't draw a woman because their "proportions" are wrong?
It's literally their style being so abstract and more on the concept than the realism of it.
You see this painting and you see the idea, not the reincarnation of what you think is the idea.
SU's style was abstractly cubist in the sense you can perceive the characters in more than one style, you see the idea of the characters in different forms and sizes.
It's one thing to be slightly off model, it's another when you cannot get the proper proportions right in the first place. Steven goes from having a normal body to having a body the size of Dexter but having the head be same size it always was making it look like someone hit his body with a shrink ray or something. This isn't fucking rocket science. It's sticking to an already existing model sheet that gives you the proportions of the characters. there's nothing wrong with adding some of your own style to it either as long as it doesn't affect the overall look. Plenty of people have worked on AT and put their own style into some of the episodes but the overall look remained the same because there's quality control being implemented. Here there is none because feelings can't be hurt and everyone's "style" is more important than the overall look.
Cubism is about breaking things down and viewing it from all angles and different points in time all at once. Picasso was also a master painter at age 19, got bored doing realistic paintings and understood what he was doing. There is nothing Cubist about Steven Universe's character designs since they all are being viewed from a single angel at a time. Don't even try to compare their laziness to Picasso exploring what it is to view something.
A lot of this can be blamed on Rough Draft's decline in quality over the years. People like to think Lamar, one of the boarders, is just bad but his work on the movie was good. Sometimes the animation staff just fuck it up. Lack of communication, lack of skill. I don't really know or care. It's not always the fault of the boarders.
>Lack of communication, lack of skill
From what I've read, this is all on purpose not a lack of anything. They want each person covering whatever episode to be allowed to have their own take on it be shown. It'd be fine if literally everything was reflecting that person's style and would make for an interesting concept for a cartoon show. But, instead they only apply this to the character models which just makes the show look inconsistent because the background art remains the same.
I hate the way this is drawn
>Cubism is about breaking things down and viewing it from all angles and different points in time all at once. Picasso was also a master painter at age 19, got bored doing realistic paintings and understood what he was doing.
That's exactly what I said, everyone can make a style inferiorly realistic as 19 years old Picasso.
But when you look at SU's styles you see a whole different pletora of styles used to give to each character more than one single form so you can see them like the artists see them.
>There is nothing Cubist about Steven Universe's character designs since they all are being viewed from a single angel at a time. Don't even try to compare their laziness to Picasso exploring what it is to view something.
You see Rebecca Sugar's vision, Lamar's vision, Jo's vision.
And sometimes both at the same time.
That's why they need to experiment various style instead of giving us one single vision. We're supposed to be able to see a whole different universe than the on a single artist see. Exactly as the abstarct artists did
>Why talk about something that's ended
Literally most discussion on this board.
By your logic all art is Cubist because it's various styles showing different things from different viewpoints. Please stop trying to defend laziness.
Cubism also isn't abstract art because it deals with an actual subject matter whereas abstract does not but instead displays emotion and thought through various shapes, forms, colours and textures. I know this because I went to art school and studied this stuff because the early modern period is one of my favourite art periods. You are flat out wrong in saying this is Cubist or abstract.
>By your logic all art is Cubist because it's various styles showing different things from different viewpoints. Please stop trying to defend laziness.
>Cubism also isn't abstract art because it deals with an actual subject matter whereas abstract does not but instead displays emotion and thought through various shapes, forms, colours and textures. I know this because I went to art school and studied this stuff because the early modern period is one of my favourite art periods. You are flat out wrong in saying this is Cubist or abstract.
That's not how my logic works.
I used the cubism example for saying that you can't expect a style to be realistic if the artist doesn't want to. Maybe you want Picasso's art to have human proportions, but then you will force a style to be broken.
And I went to art school too, and I made an essay on Picasso's art.
What I'm trying to say is that the pletora of styles in one single project is artistic in the sense there isn't just one person's vision but many people's visions that come together for something
styles don't have to follow the rules you want them to follow
When did I say realistic? They have model sheets to tell the artists what it's supposed to look like and they fail to do so spectacularly. Again the whole "allowing the artists to display their style" would be okay if it were everything in the show being altered to do so, but it isn't. It's just the character models which makes it look like there's no quality control among the character artists and it's pretty evident there isn't. And Picasso's Cubist art followed a pretty specific style which makes his work instantly recognizable compared to other Cubist works. Even his Analytical Cubist work used a lot of the same colours. Stop trying to defend laziness by saying it's "artistic." It's a cop out that no official artist would accept.
If someone made a typical hyper-realistic painting, did nothing to break the form and apply various viewpoints at one time, then told you it was Cubist but in their "style", would you accept it as being a Cubist painting? By your statement that "styles don't have follow the rules you want them to follow" you must accept it as a Cubist painting because the artist is saying so. We might as well not bother categorizing art styles since rules on what is and isn't a particular type of art doesn't matter. Also the concept of the artists determining what their art is has been dead for a long time that died when the post-modern scene came about and especially in the contemporary time we live in.
It's a disconnect between overall series tone and the artistic philosophy being used. Having each artist's personal flair be carried over into the final product is a great approach that I have no problem with at its core. I love it when I can watch an episode of Flapjack or of some anime, and go "Yup, that was totally done by [X]." It's the extent and the matter to which it is done that is at odds with how Steven Universe often presents itself, because it leans into the super cartoony Flapjack side of things where the model sheet is just a suggestion.
That shit works in Flapjack because Flapjack is a very surreal show that is built on Van Orman's love of making the audience uncomfortable before relieving tension with a odd joke. So giving the artists as much freedom as he did to diverge from the model sheets only added to the "off" nature of the series. Transplanting that into Steven Universe worked to some extent in the first season due to it starting as this lighthearted monster-of-the-week joint. But as the overarching plot revealed itself and things got more dramatic and serious, it became more and more of a hinderance. The looming weight and tension of Homeworld made it so that seeing such looseness in even the comedy episodes came across as sloppy and lazy rather than an additional joke to laugh at.
That's why people only started complaining about it towards the end of S2/early S3: SU was no longer just a goofy monster show at that point, it was a dramedy that reminded you every five episodes that alien overlords existed that would end the main characters' shit if they ever became aware of what was actually happening on Earth. But the art suggested that the stakes were still as low as "Steven is having trouble starting a band."
And no one on staff sees this disconnect as a problem to be solved. They believe that cartoony-ness can absolutely be present in all its forms no matter the seriousness of the story, and have stated as such in interviews.
A character looking weird or different simply for no other reason than the person drawing it is a bad artist doesn't "work fine" simply because a show has a comedic tone.
He's already admitted the NO BLONDE LINK thing is purely because he got bullied by some blonde kid in school and it triggers him
>When did I say realistic?
I was responding to the user that told me that styles can't be differents, not everything is about you.
>They have model sheets to tell the artists what its supposed to look like and they fail to do so spectacularly Again the whole allowing the artists to display their style would be okay if it were everything in the show being altered to do so but it isn't. It's just the character models which makes it look like there's no quality control among the character artists and it's pretty evident there isn't.
I responded at this before
Models of the characters are alternated because that's what the style is about
No one can be creative with the backgrounds such as trees and the sky, because that's static and doesn't need more than 1 design because making it in more that 1 style doesn't have artistic freedom reasons whatsoever
But the characters are free from being how an artist see them
You can see the visions of many artists in just one character, but the backgrounds don't need that. The backgrounds just need to be there at fullfitting the story.
>And Picassos Cubist art followed a pretty specific style which makes his work instantly recognizable compared to other Cubist works. Even his Analytical Cubist work used a lot of the same colours. Stop trying to defend laziness by saying it's "artistic." It's a cop out that no official artist would accept If someone made a typical hyperrealistic painting, did nothing to break the form and apply various viewpoints at one time, then told you it was Cubist but in their style would you accept it as being a Cubist painting? By your statement that "styles don't have follow the rules you want them to follow" you must accept it as a Cubist painting because the artist is saying so.
I used it as example for this reason
An artist that calls himself a cubist needs to have at least one cubist that tell him that he is part of said group that call themselves cubists, and in SU all the artists are part of the same group.
So if they say that the style is that then it's actually that.
>We might as well not bother categorizing art styles since rules on what is and isn't a particular type of art doesn't matter. Also the concept of the artists determining what their art is has been dead for a long time that died when the post-modern scene came about and especially in the contemporary time we live in
Even if I would agree with this....
SU's artstyle is just one: the SU one, how differents artists makes the characters in their style isn't an artstyle.
Steven is a boy for all the artstylists, but for a stylisists he can have something like a different size and a different look on his face when he moves.