What's so great about her again?

What's so great about her again?

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Kind of a bitch but she got a good heart
weird edit OP

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Literally a westernized version of Diana from Little Witch Academia

Was Drako Malfoy ever as based as Diana, or was he always a supreme bitch?

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She was right. Luz is a bully.

She's easily embarrassed.

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she's a cute lil' tomato

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I like her hair a lot

Short with locks a tiny tail in back

Watch out you'll pass out


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That's TTG Raven's face isn't it?

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way too fast redemption ruined that thou, RIP Amity


Mint chocolate chip bush

redemption for what? Amity is just more complex than the average bully.

She’s got sexy twins that bully, tease and dom her

>Owl House hiatus in only a few more weeks
>no news on Amphibia S2 premier

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for fucking with willow in the middle of the woods? for being bullying her for a while? shes Pacifica on 3 times speed

>shes Pacifica
I didn't watch that shit show

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Nigger are you serious

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like most things in this show, she's a bunch of check boxes
>be bully
>there might be another side to her
>find out about character hard situation
>find out the good on each other so we can be friends
why even make her bully to reveal her other side 5, episodes later? 4 if you count the fuel episode. people saying she's a refreshing character but she is the most by the numbers character in this show, they did nothing new and took no risks with her, Amity is a very hollow character

I want Luz to bully Amity with her pussy

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Haven’t watched the show, but I kinda want to because of this cutie.

And Diana is easternized rule 63 Draco.

She's in love with the MC.

Why does her face look like Teen Titans go

See and .

Female Draco Malfoy.

Nothing, it’s just the typical "mean rival is actually sensitive and ends up as the protagonist's friend". It’s a cute trope. And she’s certainly more interesting than the other two shitty friends Luz has.

The problem is that by rushing the reveal she’s not just a bully makes the character hollow. She’s a mean bitch for like 3 episodes and then she’s nice out of nowhere.
In LWA the mean bitch who antagonizes the protagonist only mellowed down with her at the very end, after multiple episodes of them clashing and getting to understand each other. In Owl House, Amity barely knows Luz and hates her until she doesn’t.

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>you'll never be a brown girl getting sexually bullied by a pure aryan-elf girl
Why does Disney want to increase the suicide rate?

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Nah, Draco is way too one-note. Nigga has no depth whatsoever.

this and "they're just kids, tom" made me laugh

witch cunny

Diana wasn't that much of a bully in the first OVA. She had a sense of honor as well and tried to help everyone when shit went south.

Congratulations for noticing.

Smug and pointy ears

I remember him as a rich bitch boi buttt now as an adult I think Harry was a rich ponce who was always headmasters pet. So kinda a toss up.

She wasn't even a bully in the show. She just saw Akko as that annoying person while she was taking everything too seriously. Even early on though she did realize Akko had some potential. I.E. The Moth episode.

Thank you. Luz is the perfect example of being kinda a bad person without trying.

Show up in someones life fuck up all their shit, and then act surprised when she is not embraced with open arms.

It boils down to people judge themselves by their intentions where others will judge by your actions.

A lot of it was on the teachers too who were all up Diana's ass.

>Akko you fucked shit up again! Honestly, I am not surprised. Damn, I Wish Diana was here. She'd fix it!

yeah, that was a bit much.

That's just what British Boarding Schools are like. The Teachers will always find one star student of theirs and latch onto them so they show them off as to how good of a teacher they are.

It's what stuffy toffish boarding schools are like in general, except a cartoonish version where the teachers really do like their star student and said student is a genuine hard worker. In reality, the golden kid just has a dad that all the teacher's knew.

Yep, and I like that they called her out on it too. I feel that kind of stuff (i.e. unintentional bullying) is closer to reality.

But what do I know, I graduated high school 14 years ago.

Diana also represented their last real hope that a new generation would continue the old ways. The teachers were a bunch of dumb bitches who refusal to let go of the old ways and change with the times ran their school into the ground. Magic as a whole was already starting to fall behind with technology. The Roomba witch and Constantine should be the future

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>Leaving your future to Germans and Italians

Naw, they made the right call.

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I really hope they're not going for the lesbian route between her and luz. Let them be freidnemies and let them get other romantic options

Personally I want Amity to get "humaned"

God, I love Witch Sunset Shimmer...

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I want Amity to get BLIGHTED and BLIGHTED


Amity develops a fetish for Luz's human round ears and can't stop licking and nibbling them when they're fucking

He was a real bitch boi who started losing relevance with each entry and ended up just fucking off in the final battle

Do you think her mom & dad were angry when they heard she lost a magic duel by cheating?
Did her mean siblings tattle on her and watch (laughing) while Mittens gets her ass spanked?

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Did she really lose, though? It probably was seen as a draw.

>probably was a draw.

But that's not how E&E would have told the story if they wanted to get Amity in shit. And Mittens really has no defense...what's she gonna do, tell her parents?
>"No, it wasn't me who cheated with the temporary power tattoo...it was the head of the Emperor's Coven! Honest!"

Then, while mom is whupping her butt with a hairbrush, her siblings record it and post the magic video on Penstagram.

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I would rather have a subplot where Luz and Amity fall in love than ever seeing the fat and black kid ever again. They are the most boring characters ever.


When will we see Luz actually learning magic?
We only saw her doing the light spell but them nothing more heck, what about Eda teaching something?

Colored hair is cute, matching pubes are even cuter.

would it tatse like mint choc chip though?

Yes because magic
Mint in the front, chocolate in the back

Sunset Shimmer was only a bitch in the first film tho

Fuck off

Very few magic systems are fleshed out enough for a character to be shown actually learning how it works. The magic circles and hidden symbols explanation is likely all we're getting, and we'll be left to infer the rest from that demonstration.

The twins were better.

Reminder that Amity debuted on January 24th and there are still no drawings of her pubes matching her hair.


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I bet she'd make delicous pasta sauce

I wonder where Dana got the inspiration for them?

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This. The only reason Luz wanted to stay in the bowling isles is so Eda could teach her magic, and she’s not doing it at all

Her hips fit together with mine perfectly.

fucking kek

Well there is this one

cute, but er, watch out for the mods

Fucking cute

I’ve commissioned an artist and it should be done...whenever I guess? I’m in a que so no idea really

Wow, after seeing OP's edit, I have realized how beautiful Amity's real eyes are. She's precious.

I'm sure an actual commission will be better quality than the one I did too.Worth the wait.

this show sucks, luz better grow a magic dick and fuck amity or I quit disney

Amity is probably fourteen, right?

Fuck off reddit

Sunset fags are pathetic.
Wake new up when there is a starlight glimmer in the show

She never did anything wrong. Willow is a fat incompetent bitch

Nothing now that we've seen her molesty siblings; they're way better.

I think closer to 12

Luz's fourteen and she looks similar to her.

Yeah, gotta imagine they're meant to be the same age.

Never. Luz broke her phone and never uses it again. Theres no point in Eda trying to teach her magic if she cant draw out symbols

are you tiny?

He's underage.

I'm just noticing the Nightlight book.

still a more believable couple than korasami

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Well Luz is 13