You can get banned from the theater for spoiling Endgame now

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Other urls found in this thread:


snape kills dumbledore

What is there to spoil anyway?

Not defending spoliers because people who do that are assholes, but the idea of creating a movie in 2019 that has a twist and hoping it won't leak is profoundly naive. If the fault lies primarily anywhere, it's with Marvel. If you make something in the days of mass internet usage then it shouldn't have, as a major component, something that shouldn't be mentioned. If the film was good then it would stand on it's own with or without a twist.

Yea Forums doesn't go outside so this is non-news

this, jesus. do people really give that much of a fuck about the plot?

>waited 11 years
>implying you knew this universe was coming to this ending
>movies made billions after second/3rd so they did it

Why does only capeshit get this sort of treatment? There's even a fucking sticky here, are Disney bucks that good?


Fuck your freedom of speech.
t. White/Jewish corporations

Stopping spoilers for endgame is a huge deal for the normal people of society. This is the cultural event of the century

What twist? Everyone knows that 2 actors are leaving and bad guy will be defeated because next movies are already announced.

How does that work? How do you ban someone from a physical theater for making a shitpost online?

Who else is going to yell Tony Stark Dies at people waiting in line?

Too obvious, his contact is over anyway.

>Be an asshole
>Get kicked out
Kek. Honestly should be the the policy all of the time. You try to ruin other people's good time, you get fucked.

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They use time travel to defeat thanos and iron man dies using the infinity stones.

>being surprised by a movie plot

Only time it works when they do something like 180 for no reason except for a twist

like some cop movie then last scene he shoots another cop and you realise he's the bad guy but was 0 hints before hand

>Waited 11 years for something that was only really set up in the movie that came out a year ago
It's like saying that people were waiting 50 years for Godzilla: Final Wars, just because you use an old character doesn't suddenly mean that every movie that character was ever in was leading up to this
This seems like an especially blatant lie when you think that the Marvel movies aren't going to slow down at all and we're still going to get 3-4 of them a year, we're getting another fucking Spider-Man movie in two months for Christ's sake. I don't know if Disney writes that many checks or if they're just that proficient at manipulating the geek crowd to be their social media defense force, but this entire fit about spoilers for a fucking superhero movie is just embarrassing

Wtf is there to spoil? Absolutely nothing in the movie surprised me.

There aren't even any cool cameos. It's the exact same lame shit with the exact same lame characters.

Hell considering the average capeshit fans attention span they'll forget the spoilers in a week anyway.

If it does not matter why do you need to go tell everyone the ending?

I'm not. But I certainly don't care if someone else does. This shit is the equivalent of telling a child Santa doesn't exist.


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Not like Hollywood hasn't spoiled the movie in interviews already or anything.

>pay money for product
>say word
>money is stolen
You're really ruining my good time here. Maybe you should get fucked.

Why didn't they sync theater release worldwide like they did for infinity war?

Nah you know what you are doing. You aren't accidentally dropping the ending on people in conversation.

>waiting 11 years

The movie was only announced a few years ago. Fucking retards.

cheap fucks

>Paying money means I can do whatever I want
lol amerifats

You don't get to actively ruin other people's experience, claim like you're ignorant to what you're doing and then say "b-but the only way I can have a good time is if I ruin it for others!!" you colossal faggot

> TGV Cinemas Sdn Bhd is the second largest cinema chain in Malaysia.

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I remember a while ago somebody wrote an article trying to say that spoilers can't actually ruin a movie, but actually make the movie better. I didn't read the article, but I can't imagine how knowing how a thriller will end could possibly make it better.

tell me, how can I ruin the movie for normies?

Nooooooo, you bitch!

Get a ticket to the movie

Get a shirt that spoils the film

wear it to the theater

Yeah you do. Stop crying.

Bring a gun and shoot them Dark Knight style

if its happened before itll happen again

yeah but what are the greatest spoilers. I haven't seen a single one of these movies

>You don't get to actively ruin other people's experience, claim like you're ignorant to what you're doing and then say "b-but the only way I can have a good time is if I ruin it for others!!" you colossal faggot
Uh, yeah, yeah you do, it's a free country - it's not illegal and it shouldn't be. You can stand there and get angry at him that he ruined your childrens' movie for you and your body pillow girlfriend, but the reality is he's doing nothing wrong by being a minor asshole. Infact your response to him doing that could very well lead you to your own consequences if you spurg out hard enough. Cool your boots and deal with spoilers - man child.

based as fuck user keep doing good work

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Why the fuck does this movie get special treatment?

Then it's alright for the owners to kick you out because it's their rules and it's a free country. You stop crying.

just like with books, retarded manbabies enjoy linear plot while themes and the actual stylistic decisions made in prose in a literary context and cinematography in a film context are completely missed by them. If your movie can be revealed by me telling you how it ends, your movie is fucking facile trash that leans too heavily on a OMG MIND BLOWN plot twist that gives those who have watched the film a sense of initiation.

People waited 11 years for infinity war, not this. There was a mystery to it when it came out which made it hype as hell.
>Will thanos get the stones
>Will he snap
>who will die

But endgame was fuckin spoiled by its own FIRST TRAILER, where they showed the title card getting undusted. Seeing goobers act like endgame is the pinnacle really says a lot about our society, it really does not in the meme.

Jannies do it for "Free"

>no u
You got 'em good. Heck of a job, kiddo.


What possible reason is there to tell people major plot elements or a recently released film unsolicited? It's done exclusively to lessen their enjoyment of the movie, and that makes the person who does it an asshole, regardless of if that movie is Avengers or arthouse.

How do these turds plan on keeping me out of their theatre? Last I checked they don't check id before you're allowed to watch a children's movie.

Children shouldn't be allowed to browse the Internet without parental controls and supervision. If your child had this movie spoiled for them then it's your own fault.

If you enjoy this garbage, you should be miserable and have the movie spoiled for you. Then maybe you will stop being retarded.

>People waited 11 years for infinity war, not this
Yes because when iron man 1 came out everyone said omg can't wait for avengers spin off after a few captain marvel movies and thor movies and in a decade that thanos guy see what he does

>Movie with superheroes where they just time travel to fix everything
>"Oh my God, don't spoil what happens"

Why didn't they travel back in time and stop Hitler? Do the avengers hate jews?

I wish people would stop saying "hurr its been 11 years in the making" no it took them a year max for both films and the script didnt even exist till 2017.

>release day
>don’t go on facebook or any kid of social media sites for a few hours
>see the movie
wow so hard to avoid spoilers

They could have at least given us a heads up about 9/11.

Fucking Soys

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>Steve Smith from American Dad, aged 18

I blame the chinks





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That's fine

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>cucking yourself by going to the (((movies)))

How would they ban people?

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Someone really needs to put up signs on roadways that spoiler everything in the movie. Put up papers on college campuses and in Starbucks, anywhere. Fuck imagine the asspain. They couldn't even do anything to you because you'd be long gone after leaving up the signs and shit

yeah in the real world you get punished for acting like an ass, WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY

can someone spoil it here so i know exactly what to say?

>People waited 11 years

People had no clue what was going to happen until the end credits of Avengers in 2012 - meaning a max of six years.

>Will thanos get the stones
In 2014 Marvel spoiled that Thanos would acquire all the stones

>Will he snap
Mark Ruffalo spoiled the snap in July 2017

>who will die
The cast spoiled that they would return based on contracts.

Try 'Black Widow dies' or 'Stark uses the Infinity Gauntlet'

Think they had analysts back then that knew blacked panther would obliterate the box office?

I work at Starbucks and if I see you do this I will pistolwhip your ass

your son is the villain

You won't. I'll be in and out like a demons whisper

Kek. That'll do it

Help me edit this webm by placing the pics of old cap, dead ironman, dead BW and dusted Thanos 8 seconds from the start, and your FB friends will get mad.

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This. It's like throwing food everywhere at a restaurant and saying it's okay because you already paid for it. You're still fagging up the place for everyone else.

You don't. They're talking about banning people from their website. The OP's either retarded or, more likely, just trying to stir up shit.

Unironically yes. What, you think the same company willing to stoop as low as buy out theaters, buy it's own tickets to boost perceived sales, pay off a site to cripple itself for showing too many negative reviews, and actively hire people to shill against Alita WOULDN'T spend some chump change for that shit? You'd have to be naive, at best.

It's about a being a decent fucking person dude. Don't be an asshole, don't be that guy. Be better

because it's the most popular stuff and nothing else comes close.

Why's that 56% race cunt so popular in porn. She's not even facially pleasant to look at.

Have sex.

Only Endgame? Could they make themselves look any more financially motivated?

>don't ruin my children's flick

There have been studies into this, people consistently enjoy works of media more when they have been spoiled. Something about how its easier to kick back and enjoy when your brain isn't busy trying to guess what is going to happen as the story plays out.

You're one of them faggot

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imagine this faggot is posting on this board right now, mad and shitting his diaper because his söyfest got ruined stark dies using the infinity stones time travel is used to defeat thanos


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Disney bucks.


she's 100% jewish and that answers your question

My fucking god, it's a movie. Everyone needs to take some fucking valium.


Truly a backwards shithole

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I thought captain marvel was supposed to win the day?

these movies are so fucking terrible
fuck you people

But there isn't a twist. What you assumed will happen.. Happens

I cant believe you are doing this, I can't watch endgame now

cap fights with thor's hammer

God I fucking hate that video, sheep screaming at every single goddamn sentence they say on stage


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>hey user, do you want to go out and see the new Marvel flick with us?
>no thanks, some guy on the internet told me the plot and I realized these movies are for children, my moviegoing is serious business and I'm above those movies now

It's good seeing you take steps to mature yourself in life.


how's the marathon doing?

any news from the marathon user yesterday?


who cares?

regards uncle dolan

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rate my gf Yea Forums

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Iron Man dying is confirmed
pic related
along with Black Widow (but she comes back)

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>(but she comes back)

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This, I don't get it. It's an adaptation of a decades old comic book with some slight modernizations and changes for their casualized version.

Yes, they have their hands in everything, including Yea Forums and reddit. They learned from the Harry Potter raids.

good, you faggots should be banned. Sad little people just want to make everyone as miserable as themselves


Even less if they had no idea who Thanos was or what his plans were. They just saw a purple man smile and were like "who's that?"

How? I thought it was destroyed and only Thor could wield it

Yikes good thing I'm not paying for this.

Are you trying to argue that in good books all plot points are equally heavy? Cause that's retarded, my man.


>tfw coworker got mad because I torrented and watched some shitty camrip of the previous avengers movie
I can't even remember the name, have some Hailee

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You monster.

It's not the end of the world, a great movie is great even if you know all the plot.

I know what happens in the movie and still fail to see any twitst. How they resolve the 1/2 dead problem was heavbily hinted at in ant-man 2 and the last trailer confirmed it anyway. Who's dying is easily seen by whos contract runs out without any upcoming movies planned. Maybe how the big battle gets resolved and that Tony snaps Thanos away?

Mentioned to a coworker that I hadn't seen many of the Marvel movies and he looked at me like I just dropped trow and laid a shit on the floor.

Thor retrieve it from the past. Also the hammer can be wielded by anyone "worthy"; in Avengers Age of Ultron there is a scene when the avengers compete to see who can lift it and Cap can move it just a little bit. When that movie was released some people thought that Cap could wield it but didn´t to not make Thor feel bad, maybe they were right.

>Playing Guild Wars one
>Post a couple spoilers in alliance chat
>People actually get mad
This might be my favorite thing this year

this, sad little incels

>Guild Wars one

Not after IM, but Captn America and Thor made Avengers a possibility with Thanos apperaring for the first time. iirc they made the Avengers movie dependant on how well Thor did.

Incels don't understand how big a deal this is for normal people

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Changing the time doesn't influence their reality. It's another dimension in the Marvel multiverse.

Gotta afk those rings

>banned from the theater for spoiling Endgame
cringe and dat ass pilled

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>spend 11 years obsessing over capeshit flicks
>spend 11 years pretending to hate capeshit but watch every single one of them anyway
In the end we all lose the game

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Nice one, gonna post in my 27k sub group

Imagine waiting 11 years for this.
To watch yet another cgi warzone clusterfuck where everyone just flails about for half an hour and there is absolutely no sense of emotional struggle it's just "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE"
This is supposed to be the ending right? How come they couldn't try something a little more ambitious instead of just throwing stimulus overload onto the screen for the millionth time after having no impact the first nine hundred times?
NPCs will force themselves to be excited over this anyway and pretend that they were invested.

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I remember saying this aloud to some friends as a joke after the fucking movie came out, and they still got pissed because 1 or 2 of them hadn't read/seen it yet

well this is unexpected.
Hello fellow malaysian user

kek this. i watch the camrips at least for the memes.

Fuck this gay earth

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It’s weird that the Red Wedding in Game of Thrones didn’t get spoiled like this.

>waited 11 years for this
Get a fucking life and this is coming from someone on Yea Forums at 3 in the morning.


How would they ban you?
Just roll up to the theater with a megaphone and say whatever you want then leave.

Unenforceable posturing garbage

Aerith dies


pretty sure that guy is joking

This just invites spoilerfaggotry.

God, they are dumb.

Has anyone tried to spoil the movie like that guy who shouted Harry Potter spoilers from his car?

>(You) for thinking every single person in the entire fucking universe read Infinity Gauntlet

Iron man dies

What? Every single thing and moment was spoiled in game of thrones. Hell, they even spoiled some shit that was beyond the written books but the theories were still 100% solid.

it worked for harry potter right?

wait a sec isn't the spoiler already in the 50 years old comic books ?

I went to check and he has deleted his account, so I wonder...

Reminder how the harry potter movies were actually good and didn't have all this fake hype and direct messages from the director or theater chains

just walk into the theatre, spoil it, then walk out
They won't stop you

At least their mouths are closed.

Civil war incoming.

you sound like a giant faggot and your saturday morning cartoon movie can fuck off

>we've waited 11 years for this


>capeshit is the last refuge of the soi generation

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shieeeet is that the black valkyrie on the pegasus?


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>not putting the spoiler in this tear filled post, 3/4th of the way through

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Imagine having the foundation of your whole existence crumble before you because some zoomer spoiled a children's movie for you.

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I haven't watched any MCU flicks and still dislike all of them :)

Do you think some people including Yea Forums mods intentionally say bot to spoil as a way to further encourage people to do exactly that?

if their team hasn't seen the movie yet how do they know what is and isn't a spoiler?

>find out something that happens
>the movie was ruined!

This is your brain on s o y

>CG character shoots CG at another CG character
>everyone quips
>for three hours
There, spoiled the whole fucking movie.


I waited like 13 years for KH3 and had it spoiled. But it didn't ruin my experience. Soiboys are gay.

Also fuck mods ob principle for letting spoilers fly for all games and movies but want to crack down on this shit

>spend 11 years bragging on a Sri Lankan cricket farming board about the capeshit you don't watch
There is no winning.

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Yeah feels bad lol

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uhh have you heard of the bible???

plus 3 or 4 movies now have retconned details. all of the movies have different writers, directors, actors. what's the point?

They're probably self-conscious about the memes

>having a movie spoiled is a big deal
>our team, some who havent seen the movie yet, are getting paid to read spoilers of said movie

>the heroes beat Thanos and RDJ's character he's been playing for 11 years gets killed off so he can finally stop doing capeshit

I’ve printed out spoilers and I hang them up in movie theater bathrooms.

In one place someone had gotten there before me and written spoilers on the mirrors with permanent marker.

Some based guy came in and shouted Iron Man dies and ran in the screening this morning while the trailers were playing.


That just makes people want to spoil the movie even more.

My thoughts exactly. I don't remember them pulling this crap with HP, so what makes marvel so much of a special snowflake?

Maybe the end game is the friends anyone that unironically uses this friends along the way meme should kill themselves

it's actually nothing like the comic book

It's Disneys cashcow, and Disney are notorious for telling movie theaters "do what we say, or you're not allowed to screen any of our future movies".

>banned from the theater for spoiling a movie
they can't do this
and this announcement is about banning people online

>they can't do this
What makes you think that?

how onions can you get

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