Is this the whitest movie ever made?

Is this the whitest movie ever made?

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>blocks your path

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It's also a satire.

save for the couple black extra's

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argentines look like THAT?


>argentines look like THAT?
Argenfag here.
The guy in the middle, not so much. The other two are fine.
I remember thinking back in 1999: "Finally, a movie that portrays Argentinians remotely as we are".

Hint: The entire movie was actually a propaganda film made by The Federal Network, none of it was actually real. Rico is an actor.

How do I get a jawline like that?

>people this attractive actually exist
You can only go down on one (1) of them, who do you choose?

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It's a shame NPH was the only actor to come off this movie and still get work.
Denise Richards was qt3.14

Guy in the back

>real teeth vs. very fake teeth

why do all kino movies have majority of white actors/actresses?

I think you're onto something, niglet

Do the characters make this face in that movie?

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People wanna see white people in the movies.

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>hasn't seen it
>posts on Yea Forums
Get the fuck out of here you stupid tourist. Fucking reddit fags with their stupid reddit spacing aren't as reddit as you.

>t. insecure wh*toid embarassed that he makes this face 24/7


Rico was filipino in the book. Why did Verhoeven change his race? I know a filipino Marine who is extremely right-wing.



Daily reminder, this is Casper van Dien now. Remember kids, don't drink or smoke if you want to look as good as him in your old age.

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Having good Germanic genes also helps.

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>orcs and urakai things
>no black people

Absolutely blessed. It's just not fair.

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t.chilindio culo roto
we look like the guy in the middle we are Nordic boludo

It's sad that a satire society is more desirable than current society.

Have sex.

I would if I were in the Starship Troopers universe...



>retarded chimp keeps deflecting to her unfunny meme


Ok Pedro.

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>t. insecure wh*toid embarassed that he makes this face 24/7

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no that would schindlers list

you are all blue pilled for not giving this response (you)s

that chick is so fucking perfect

did he invent facepulls?

Half the film is Isengard’s nigger army and other shit skin humanoids fighting for Soros (Sauron)

Napoleon Dynamite

Rico was supposed to be southeast Asian. The shit it up with generic white boy

>a society governed by a military caste of people who have entered the service for their nation. A nation with strong martial tradition, equality and strong laws that keep its population in place.
>author wanted to show how ridiculous such a society would be and later a comical satire of a movie was made
>fast forward into 21st century, with the crumbling of western civilization. The idea of this political system is adapted by many fringe groups of people dissatisfied with the current political system in our world where incels and numales have a say in their respective fractioned nations.
Tfw author laid a groundwork for the future civilization to come

>Leftists deliberately try to shit up Heinlein novel because MUH FASCISM

Every day, I don't see any value to their continued existence.

He's making it in the fucking picture you faceblind sperg

ok now post denise "charlie sheen gave me hiv" richards

What are you talking about? I'm a lefty and I love this film

Well in the 90s it was just... a movie...

Made in a place where the majority of people are white and by a white author. But you didn't really have to think about that shit back then.

Same. That dude's just a retard.

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Rico was a Filipino in the original book, really makes you think huh

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No, because that's the "Oh god, what the fuck is that nigger doing" face, and the movie has no niggers.

Yeah, and the girl he bangs was originally a guy. What now?

The author of the book was trying to mock a political idea he didn't even understand.
In reality the bugs are more nazi than the armored marines

Nah, they would shit it up with a generic philipino.

I saw him once at Comic Con. Bit of a manlet but he is good looking in real life.

He had a pretty interesting interview on Kevin Pollak's podcast. His "real" voice sounds a lot different than what he uses in the movies. He grew up in New Jersey and he has kind of this gruff accent that honestly makes him sound pretty dumb. But he basically admits that a couple times in the interview. He knows he's just kind of a meathead and he's just happy with his life. Kind of made me respect him a little bit more.

Denise got good work after this, though. It was The World is Not Enough that tanked her career.

Also, Michael Ironside.

>b-but it's satire
death of the writer

He looks even better

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>Blocks your path to the stars

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Verhoeven wasn't actually the one who changed it. Switching Rico's nationality to Argentine was borrowed from the 1988 anime.

and Denise Richards

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Kinda based

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Not really but it actually occurred
This skit from Kentucky Fried Movie


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Charlie Sheen was a mistake.

Also, plastic surgery.

Why are nonwhites so insecure they need to mock whites?

Damn, now I want to blow him even more