
Fatally stabbed to death edition


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Too slow. New thread is here:

I'll be back.

Well played, OP

look how horny she is stabbing her in the back

>Just making some more holes for me to enter

agghhh, I know that feel

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Nah, not using this failed thread cunt. Someone make a new thread

Why doesn't Bran just warg into the ice dragon?

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Can someone please just fucking spoil this shit for me please? I'm sick of this absolute clusterfuck

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>Jon, Bran and Arya all have war abilities in the books.

Can all Starks warg?

Jon snow is fire(targ) and ice(stark)! Nothing can stop him. Not even dragon sluts. I finally see why walls and borders are bullshit.

Because there is no reason to when he can spend his time watching people fucking and his sister getting raped

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>I need this thread to be perfect, Yea Forums

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Did D&D forget they turned House Mormont into a joke? It was a gag in Season 6, they spent so much trying to convince this little 10 year old to help them, but then oops it turns out she only has 50 men! (who should basically all be dead since 90% of Jon's army was wiped out but whatever) But now they're like the most important House in the North and she's the only Northern Lord left who even matters to get dialogue?

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Choose a character, and tell us how they die. Only a handful of shows left, might as well kill your favorite characters in memorable ways

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So was the whole Arya and Gendry fucking thing gonna play out in the books too?
Because that shit would be very very weird since Arya is like 11 in them.

>tfw no Asha sister

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that guy's not wrong about jon

Dany is 13 in the first book when Drogo plows her.

D&D forgot that the Iron Fleet got fucking railed by Stannis in their everlasting crusade to erase his memory

More aaaaagggghhhh your grace?

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best girl

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>Yohn Royce
> Screams "FOR LORD ROBIN OF THE VALE" as he charges into the ice dragon's open mouth, sword drawn
>Never seen again

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>Can all Starks warg?
All Stark children in the books, including Jon, have warg abilities.
Their fates are intertwined with their dire wolves.

Anyone want a good girl?

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Why did she hate Arya so much?

I've been told I look just like my Aunt Lyanna.

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her very slightly chubby face is so cute

were u sleping

Arya's lack of tits offended her.

Do they even remember he's from the Vale? They had him welcoming Northern Lords to Winterfell like he's the steward or something.

literally the cutest smile of all time


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it was beautiful

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dont ever post my hipfu again


>mfw he actually appears from the back while the NK has Jon on his knees only to slit his throat and smugly look at him while saying something about chaosh
>He dies at the age of 90, former Lord of Westeros, head of House Baelish, Protector of the Vale, the Lightbringer, the Night King slayer while falling off a ladder when trying to pick a book from a rather high shelve for a man of his height

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>those fuck-me pumps.
I love you, terminatrix

>oysters clams and cuckolds!

tfw no mouse gf


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Are we supposed to sympathize and find Rhaegar's actions romantic? Because in the show we don't even have the excuse of prophecy of him trying to make the Prince That Was Promised to save the entire world. As far as the show is concerned, Rhaegar is just some dude who ditched his wife and children because he found a younger hotter girl. I mean yeah it's better than Lyannna wasn't kidnapped and rape in the process, but it's still terrible behavior even before you add in the fact that the actions sparked a giant war that cost tens of thousands of lives.

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Smug Myranda

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Beating the Night King and then marching south to take Kings Landing is a very strange writing structure. Too strange for D+D to do. So I've been thinking about how they wrap up 2 very separate plotlines and villains in the same climax in Cersei and the Night King. And then it hit me based on reading this thread. Winterfell has no ballistas while King's landing has made super ballistas. They are uniquely set up to face 2 very different threats. It all falls into place.

>Dany doesn't use dragons until absolutely necessary; shook as fuck due to Olympic level spear throwing
>at the same time the ice dragon never shows up to the battle for some ominous reason
>this allows for a conventional ground battle at Winterfell and solves the issue of them not having anti-aerial defenses
>that's because the Night King heads straight for King's Landing
>Night King solo vs Golden Company and Winterfell vs Wight and White Walker army happen almost simultaneously
>Winterfell is just about to fall when someone in King's Landing gets a miracle shot with their super ballista and kills the Night King, making his entire army in Winterfell die as well

Admit it. This has just the right amount of teleporting and convenience to solve nearly every plotline at once. Both battles can easily take up 2+ episodes with a final episode or 2 to wrap loose ends up.

She was burned in Bergen-Belsen


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>Hop in, dude


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>And for one strange moment it seemed as if it were Bran's face carved into the pale trunk of the weirwood, staring down at him with eyes red and wise and sad. Bran's ghost, he thought, but that was madness.

>It spoke, then.

>Your dick and balls, Theon.
>They were beautiful in that box.

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Good feet

she's gonna kill the NK isn't she?

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A castle is a hard defensive point with some staying power (due to wells, dry stocks) from which professional soldiers can sortie. Generally castles are very hard to storm which means the troops garrisoned in them are safe as long as they can withdraw back to the castle.

The problem here is that the army of the dead automatically wins all sieges. They don't even NEED to try to storm the walls, they can just wait until everyone starves if they care to. You can only defeat an enemy who vastly outnumbers your castle garrison and who cannot starve or die of disease by sortieing and defeating them in the field..

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Well to be fair Arya is also borderline batshit bonkers in the books so sticking your dick in 11 year old crazy might be the shittiest thing you could do.

theon/ramsay plot was one of the better ones


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i believe theon was intended to kill ramsay but after d&d got so much backlash for the sansa rape i reckon they just decided to give sansa the kill instead

Hey Reek want a bite of your literal severed penis?

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>doesn't get his revenge
>instead revenge goes to sansa because ramsay in the show had sex with her after she agreed to marry him
>having sex with your husband on wedding night is more of a reason for revenge than torture for months
This just pisses me off. Just like everything else with this shit show.


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fucking crimson chin, jesus christ

Captain Kino himself


D&D don't care, everyone's all friendly and shit so long as they're on the side of the Starks. No Northerners care anymore that Theon and his men helped kill dozens of them, seized Winterfell, betrayed Robb and killed two helpless boys that he passed on as Bran and Rickon. Vale is hailing Jon as king in the North and killing Littlefinger as if they don't have to report shit to Robin when before with just a word Robin got Royce's men to turn against him ready to draw their swords. Wildlings are also accepted now even if they resort to rape and kidnapping to find brides and have regularly murdered innocent people like Olly's whole village.

Btw, where the fuck are the Wildling's women, children and old men. Where are the Dothraki's women, children and old men. What's the actual Vale doing right now to prepare in case shit happens

maybe they shouldn't have given Sansa a completely different character's plot and not derailed both her AND Littlefinger's storylines and characters

Why does Dany seem to hate Cersei really badly? Of all the bad things Cersei has done, basically none of them have effected Dany. In fact Cersei's actions, of both committing incest and murdering Robert, have made it a lot easier for Dany to invade Westeros rather than the unified front she might have faced. Dany should view her as an obstacle, since she's the one occupying King's Landing and the Iron Throne, but I don't understand the emnity.

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Nikolaj is my waifu!

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Hope so.
Incels will be so mad, which will give me the perfect opportunity to impress my oneitis with how progressive I am.
I already have a bunch of awesome Facebook posts pre-written to totally dunk on raging incels when a woman kills the NK.


>Hairy bald bull like ugly guy
>cast sexy rugged older guy with a cool voice

They did this for damn near everyone. Who actually looks like their character?

fell into a plothole

There was literally no reason for Dany to not burn Cersi at the meeting and demand they bend the knee to fight the threat.
Lannisters broke guest right, they've no claim to safe regard.


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Brienne is about as close as you can find in Hollywood. Theon's basically perfectly cast.

probably lost in his own marshes

an issue with this casting is he instead looks exactly like the kind of rugged older guy a young sheltered girl like Dany would actually feel attracted to
But he's still got the friendzone plot from the books.

Why did Littlefinger sold Sansa to the Boltons again? Were they lacking a savant in their house or something?



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Can someone please explain to me how chaos is a ladder? Also, how is Aiden Gillen so good at delivering nonsensical dialogue in a memorable way?

Don’t worry about it bro

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The plot demanded it.

>I'd rather run away!

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>political intrigue in the Vale? what the fuck is an "Alayne Stone"? sounds BORING breh, we need more ramsay screentime

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Kelly C hates all other women in power now. It makes her seem less special.

>Also, how is Aiden Gillen so good at delivering nonsensical dialogue in a memorable way?


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The idea I guess is that amidst chaos while everyone's running about like a jackass, you take advantage to raise your position

Book Jorah is way pushier, too. Dany's kinda feeling at least once, but the autist can't fucking turn it off and gets banished when he can't be humble at the right time.

For good fucking reason. GRRM has absolute shit designs.
>Reminder that THIS was supposed to be how Daario looks

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>Game of Thrones is supposed to be a progressive show showing the pitfalls of a feudal system where the rich get pampered while the working poor are exploited
>The highly paid famous actresses don't have to do do nudity/use body doubles even for plot important sex scenes while the lowly paid nobody extras have to show their boob purely for pointless scenes to titilate the audience

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

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>>cast sexy rugged older guy with a cool voice
Thank fucking god.

>Anne Harrenhal? Aisha Pozats off the table as well?
What did he mean by this? Who are these characters that are never mentioned again and why does CIA want them?

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>We never got a proper Sunspear.

Literally called "Dorne" in the intro. Bravo DABID

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I'm not a regular Yea Forums poster I just showed up to say holy shit this season is bad, I thought it couldn't get worse than last season but this show has truly gotten awful

The good girl was the bad pussy you met along the way.

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Reminder that's just a disguise and Daario is Euron

>Anne Harrenhal
>Aisha Pozats
I hope they're listed on the flight plan.

Ironically a lot of "hot" characters are way less good looking, and a lot of plain characters were cast way hotter

Chaosh = Cersei fucking Jaime
Climbing the laddah = Telling Cersei that you know she's fucking Jaime

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>Theon's basically perfectly cast.
I disagree, even though I love Alfie and I think he does an amazing job, and I probably like Theon better as a character because of him. In terms of looks, Theon is supposed to be dark-haired, very good looking, tall, and a bit swarthy.

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Haswell not "as well", next time

Because they transplanted a plot for a different character onto Sansa and as a result it made absolutely no sense

Nth for Bessie

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GOT needs to hurry and complete this shitshow (leak all episodes), I have Deadwood to watch in May.

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>I used to think you were the cleverest man alive.

Sansa's total interactions with Tyrion:
>Saying hello to her in King's Landing and expressing condolences for the loss of her father
>Saving her from being abused by Joffrey in the throne room
>drunkenly refusing to have sex with her after a forced marriage
>attending a wedding feast together at which Joffrey died
>having a conversation on the balcony at Winterfell in which she condescendingly says she used to think he was the cleverest man alive

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>Conversation of Dany and Sansa is at an impasse, and Dany is about to look really bad to the audience for demanding the North bow to her in the name of a feudal bloodright
>Just have a sudden interruption to end the scene!

>Conversation of Dany and Jon is at an impasse, and Dany is about to look even worse for now refusing to accept Jon's superior feudal blood right
>Just have a sudden interruption to end the scene!

Emmy Award Winning Writing.

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shit meme



They have a quota of dignified older men to cast and they will adhere, user

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>remember that asos jaime is supposed to look like this

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the characters are all lazily written, you're a loser for bothering to piece together inconsistencies the writers didn't give a shit enough to deserve any autistic nitpicking it's all too obvious

un-based desu

are Braavosi women known for being busty?

Under normal circumstances, CIA has no shot of rising in power as the natural succession takes place of leader to first born male. But under chaos and war with people dying left and right, he can make waves by being competent and needed.

But then his character went full retard. He had a good shot at being the Warden of the North. Instead of keeping Sansa safe, waiting for Ramsay and Stannis to kill each other, then using the Vale nights to beat the weakened winner of the 2 and thus becoming the only power in the north, maybe marrying Sansa to both get red puss and make his claim over the North more secure, he instead gives Sansa away for basically nothing and fucks everything up.

>reminder that asos stannis is supposed to look like this

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>What do you MEAN you won't give your Auntie a kiss!?

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>When the Queen proclaims one King and the Hand proclaims another, who's peace do the Gold Cloaks protect?

>Dewan Hu-Paisthem

Who was this powerful figure, why doesn't he come up again?

Why does anyone think Tyrion is smart? He hasn't done anything successful since the fucking Blackwater. Both times he's been in a position of power again (Mereen, and as Dany's Hand making strategy in S7) were total fucking disasters that only got bailed out by the super OPness of dragons.

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She can kill my NK if you know what I mean.

Always had to laugh how their Doran killing scene technically takes place moments after the end of season 5 but somehow her hair is now near shoulder length

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I believe a lot of the men characters in the books are balding.

Shhh! The King sleeps!

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do you think she moved outta Vermont? it is kind of a transient place with pretty much a bunch of rich college kids floating in and out and a couple of weirdos who hang around trying to make the next phish

About the only ones he doesn't hit are 'tall' or 'swarthy,' let's be honest.

I do not. Care to explain? I'm a visual learner if that helps


You remember where the heart is ?

Nor "very good looking". Look at him next to the two dreamboat Starks

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Really though, what was the point of taking Casterly Rock?
to draw out the queens army from KL?


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ACOK Daenerys is supposed to look like this

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Can anyone post the pdfs for the books? I really want to read them but I'm a neet.

I am SO pissed right now, after years of telling my mom she should watch the show she freaked the fuck out when Jon got brought back by Mel and she burst into my master bedroom and started taking all of my Jon collectibles and putting them into a trash bag and said “your little hero was brought back by a devil worshipper who kills innocent children!” And she even broke one of my Jon statues doing it. I said “what the fuck mom I pay the rent and I buy you all your shit fast food and keep you fed how DARE you tell me what I can have in this house!” Fucking BITCH

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D&D wrote themselves into a corner the end of Season 6 where there was literally no reason Dany couldn't just sail right into King's Landing and win instantly, so they had to come up with some "clever" war strategies to waste time for the entire season until she could go north.

what a disappointing cameo

where is this from

To be fair, that's not a flattering picture.

She has hair again by the time they're in Quarth i'm pretty sure.

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kit harington is ugly. alfie is way cuter

but very short

>Their fates are intertwined with their dire wolves.
Lady's dead. Sansa's alive.


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Imagine killing off your main character, and then resurrecting him, and this having literally no impact or relevance to the story beyond some random throwaway lines every season ("how did you survive getting stabbed" "I didn't LMAO!" "Oh cool next time try getting tons of dirty water in the wounds and being saved by a random actress who knows surgery because she stabs her boyfriends???" )


Will Emilia show her tits one final time?

Vous-alléz, jivvyjag.

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>Little sister is casually sat next to a sleeping stannis baratheon on the train
god i wish that were me

So with them having the Hound awkwardly remind the audience Thoros is dead and so he can't be resurrected again, he's 100% a goner Sunday right?

Sansa is super basic though, so when she sees an ugly dwarf who is well-read and articulate she assumes he must be really smart.
AKA the Ben Shapiro effect.

What the fuck, he is shorter than KIT?

jon dies, dany dies, night king dies, all three dragons die
bran dies to kill the night king, turns into a raven or some gay shit
cersei dies to arya
sansa ends up on the iron throne

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What do you think he's dreaming of?

He looks more appealing to me than these dreamboat Starks. They're nice too tho. I would say Theon ~ Rob > Jon

What if Balon won the War of the Five Kings?

given that got is now poorly written predictable schlock yea the fact that they reminded the audience he can die means he's going to die immediately

You think Littlefinger would be killed the same way in the books?

On the show he did. He was the last surviving King of the 5.

she hasn't in years

he cute

Every stark pov we get they have 'wolf dreams' which indicates that they probably all can.

Fuck no

It would be fucking hilarious if he survived since he's the only character that's dead in the books that's still alive in the show

>I am forgotten

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>Theon Greyjoy
>Guards Bran at the God's Wood
>Theon repeats the speech he held back when he was in Winterfell and Ramsay was sieging him, now fighting with the Starks
>Night King comes straight for him
>Dead Vyserion lits the entire woods
>Half the ironborn die immediately
>Charge of the wights
>Theon and his men are hopelessly outnumbered and fight in desperation
>Main army beats back the dead, but castle gets flanked
>Jon brings in reinforcements, he meets Theon for the last time
>Ironborn surrounded
>Theon gets stabbed in the guts twice by a White walker with an ice spear after turning around to engage him
>Jon immediately kills the ice demon and turns to Theon
>Jon, you were always my brother. We were always two brothers, weren't we? Tell...*cough* tell them I died fighting for the Starks, at Winterfell. Tell my *cough* sister I redeemed myself, that I died as Theon Greyjoy. She needs to rule the Iron Islands.. Burn my body, I am now dead,*cough* *cough*and what is dead, may never die.
>And tell Sansa that *cough* *cough* cough*
>Blood pours out of his mouth
>Men die fighting living corpses around Theon's corpse
>Theon continues to gargle and makes burbling noises full of fear and desperation
>Theon's eyes glare in a somber tone and instantly tell Jon what to do, more than any words could
>Jon takes burning Longclaw and thrusts it into Theon's heart, a terrifying cry full of despair and sorrow echoing through the woods, with bitter tears running down rough cheeks, smearing the sweat and blood on his face.
>Jon jumps up and sprints forward, charging a foe, crossing blades, crying louder and with more anger and wrath than the White Walkers do in their ice-crackling language
>Theon' body burns in the snow, until there is nothing left for the wights to take.
>Men walk past the irrecognizable corpse of the prince of the Iron Islands, not distinguishing him from the dozen lighted warriors surrounding him, not giving a thought to this dead man

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>Illyrio/Viserys/Drogo/Jorah all lust over a 13/14 year old Daenerys
>Tyrion/Littlefinger/Sandor all lust over a 11/12 year old Sansa

can we just accept that GRRM is a bit of a paedophile

>little lord...

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>Who actually looks like their character?
Otherwise none, the kids were all aged up ect.

>No Adventures of Rickon, Osha and Shaggy Dog on Skagos amongst cannibals and unicorns.


I find myself coming here for the GoT/ASOIAF posting and staying for the Bobby posting.

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More brine, your Grace?

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Didn't she die?

Did she /ss/ rickon

>Three tendies on a black field, what house is that, Pod?


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She broke her ankle in a plothole and starved

What is dead may never die.

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Reminder that "muh history" is not an excuse, young marriages had deferred consummations even in the Middle Ages, guys who didn't wait were considered creepy weirdos. Instead GURM makes his self insert Tyrion lust over a 12 year old but then nobly resist and portray this a brave and unusual act.

you forget that each man from bear island is worth 10 mainlanders

I can't tell if you're intentionally writing it to be shitty like the show or if you just really really suck at writing.

>longclaw suddenly bursts into flame

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kino shot

>Only character who GRRM say "the show did better, in fact I'm going to change my writing to feature her more"
>Literally right after he said that she disappeared for like 4 seasons and was then killed immediately the first time she reappeared

Meanwhile they renamed Asha Yara to avoid confusion with her even though she's had 5 times the screen time since.

Yeah, Ramsey killed her.


The same hierarchies dominate Westeros for years if not centuries if they're allowed to (the worst offenders being the literally incestuous insularity of House Targaryen) but turmoil, diplomacy falling through, and power vacuums are the only opportunity for someone at the bottom like Littlefinger to weasel their way up to the top. Tywin kissed Aerys's feet for years, and the end result was being told a servant's daughter didn't deserve to marry Rhaegar. Tywin and House Lannister only broke through their glass ceiling with intelligent treachery. Robert's Rebellion at large was a chaotic upheaval of the status quo. The most direct way to reshape the status quo is to shatter it.

It's possible it's another example of GRRM fucking up his historical knowledge, like he does with his mass recruitment of peasant levies thing.

Urin ordered them to build 1000 ships and they did it overnight as if that's all it took


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In the books she's still kicking, but the books also didn't kill Rickon.

Queen of my heart, best girl forever

Who's he aiming at?

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he doesn't really come from a house with a precedence for marital honor in the eyes of most westorosi with the inbreeding and such

>implying 50 good men isn't worth more than entire armies

>can we just accept that GRRM is a bit of a paedophile
i hope not. he's been with the same woman for like 40 years

The entire plot device was just to get Jon away from the Nights Watch. We all know GRRM is going to pull the same bullshit.

fuck cocksucker cunt shitfuck fucking fucks sake cunt

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Azor Oreo

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Well but what age did they have to wait to?
16 I presume?


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14, 15, 16 seem about right.

She walked around topless and let him touch them every once in a while. It's the wilding way.


It's 16 in Crusader Kings

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something like this

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>all those retards thinking either Theon or Jaime is azor ahai
>the red priestesses clearly say it's Jon or Dany
fucking lmaoing@yourlife

Writers forgot about her and her house obviously. In-universe she's already dead I think since it was told that all alive people were in Winterfell.

>For sure Robert. I'll be your hand and keep those boars at bay. Trust me.

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>but the books also didn't kill Rickon.
Yet. He's still being rescued by Davos from that island of unicorns and cannibals IIRC.

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And so it was Dan Schneider

I know George and Sibel's love is eternal but they haven't been together 40 years user

Any competent writer would have had him dead for a good portion of the season and then when all hope is lost they would have burned him as Sam was discovering his true identity. He would have then not burned and woken up from the fire. I'm sure GRRM will do this.


Dubs decides which character wins this fun new toy

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prophecy doesn't exist bro

lol theon

You can be a faithful spouse and still be a creepy fuck that writes creepy shit about teenagers.

Cersei to use on Jaime

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>have your teen wife living with you for years
Yeah, I'm sure they waited.

Azor Ahai, of course.

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Stop it, I'm being aroused at the thought

spoiler some rando pulls their face off and it was her all alone

Is that the sort of thing you and your sister go into, Kingslayer?

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*all along [/spoiler]

post the webm of this

If dubs, Cersei gets a flaming Azor cock and uburnt Daenerys is doomed to be the only person in Westeros who can withstand Cersei's red hot lust.

Yeah, 16. Girls didn't hit puberty as early as now and even back then they knew having kids too early would fuck your shit up

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>implying cersei never got poop on her hand from sticking her fist up jaime's ass

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For now.

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>Girls didn't hit puberty as early as now and even back then they knew having kids too early would fuck your shit up
Didn't that pedo Mohammed marry Aisha when she was 9 and consummate the marriage when she was 12?

Reminder that no one can beat Prime Bobby B in single combat.

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Asor Bobby

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sandniggers are savages user

It depends on the country I think. In Russian Empire, not even in the middle ages, girls became prostitutes at age 12 and it was kind of okay. Casanova bought little girl and traveled with her across Russia and it wasn't his first or last underaged relationship. And he wasn't a weirdo, it was normal for people back then.

Arya kills the Night King.

arya should looks like this

Wasn't Hoat supposed to be some darker skinned Essos guy like Strong Belwas with the curved blade and shit? What was this casting all about?

That's just nobles, too. Most common women didn't marry until early to mid 20s. And marriages with extreme age differences were very uncommon in either case.

I'm having a laugh, you think some medieval age bloke is not going to at least diddle his cute teen wife and wait years when there are no consequences?

Well, he needs it

it's SO. BAD.

the what

maybe I should have read past book 3

Leave Father to me.

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There was nothing particularly wrong with how Jon was resurrected in the show. Melisandre having a small, gentle ceremony gave a sense of realistic desperation. She was likely trying some random ceremony she read about in a book a few decades ago with only hope to guide her. And that's what exactly Jon's resurrection was, a desperate plea in some god forgotten part of the world.

Throwing his corpse into a fire only to be immune and reborn as a strong leader, is a bit too predictable and similar to Dany's "rebirth(s)". Dany is reborn in fire. Jon is record in cold isolation. A nice contrast.

Arya is described as ugly in the book.

I don't remember Arya being Italian

>the Mountain cuts him up slowly limb by limb to torture him and makes him eat himself

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>implying cersei has a brother with two good hands

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I thought this was a cool theory that everyone who had their wolf die will die.

But Arya will DEFINITELY die. She is marked for death by the faceless men. Thats literally their whole deal. Everyone in Essos fears them because they always get their mark

Maybe there will be some bad writing and her wolf will suddenly come back just to die, but that seems like it would make it too obvious at that point.

No she isn't.

Nah, GRRM is going to have Mel find the Pink Letter and think Stannis is dead (he might be for real at that point but that won’t really matter) and she will go to burn Val’s baby as a sacrifice and find about the babby switch so she will burn Shireen instead thinking it will be worth it to bring Stannis back but she ends up bringing back Jon. I think the whole “I looked for Stannis but all I see is Snow” line hinted at this. Also HBO wouldn’t have wanted their main character to come back because a little kid died so instead we got 20 good men and Stannis burning his heir.

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Nikolaj to strap over his tiny cock

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Tough call. Bobby in his prime was way up there, but it depends on if you believe the legends of Arthur Dayne and Barristan Selmy. Plus I think Serious Dunkan the Tall was supposed to be better than both of those guys.
It's all legends and stories honestly. If I can play favorites, I'd say Selmy is best even though he's probably 2nd or 3rd overall.

There was no reason for someone in the middle ages to wait until his wife was 16 to knock her up. Girls were married off at 14 all the time and immediately expected to breed. When the average age was 35-40, you didn't wait for that shit. There is a reason why a lot of cultures consider "manhood" at 13; your life may be half fucking over already in the 12th century.

Arya is described as plain

Her mother is described as a great beauty however and Catelyn in the show was everything but beautiful

Consummated before 12. But Muhammed was also an oathbreaker, murderer, and caravan robber. Child rapist isn't surprising on a list like that.

Lyanna is described as being "beautiful", and Arya was described as a Lyanna in the making.
So Arya could even have been ugly as a child, but by now she should be fucking hot.

>no consequences
You mean like dying in childbirth or being unable to get pregnant again cause of complications from giving birth too young? Uneducated plebs disgust me

No, like this

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she has an ugly long horse face

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Ha! That's awesome. I haven't heard Poles Apart by Pink Floyd in years.

Aisha loved him though.

>When the average age was 35-40
LMAO. That's factoring in childhood deaths user, once you were passed that you could live to be 70 or more depending. Fuck off uneducated swine

Bran is Yea Forums now?

The big benefit Bobby B has in single combat is his fucking insane mental fortitude. He'll smash his way through an entire fucking army if he wants to kill you (See Rhaegar). If he met Selmy or Dayne on the Trident, it would be a very close fight for whomever won.

I thought Cat was definitely pretty, but "a great beauty?"
But you're right, Arya takes after her dad's side while Sanss takes after her mom's side. Arya is plain, but not outright ugly just not a super beauty.

Man, I made that in what seems like forever ago.

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The only ones who call her ugly are her bitch older sister and her friends. She's an awkward kid who dresses like a grubby tomboy.
Any time she's actually cleaned up other characters remark that she's a pretty girl.

Is she bulking up? I heard genius must eat for two.

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t. Ahmed Mohammed

Gods you were strong then

you can fall in love with your rapist, you know

Dunk does defeat the Laughing Storm, who is more or less Robert minus the Warhammer.

No one else but Robert had a war hammer so big and could swing it the way he did, one handed and at horse. Prime Bobby wasn't just big and strong, he was faster and more agile than anyone else as well.

t. Sansa


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>She is marked for death by the faceless men.
You retard, no specific names are ever promised and no one is "marked".

When a name is promised to the many faced god, he has to receive a face.
When the waif promised Arya's name to the many faced god, she just promised another name.
Another name he has received, as Arya killed the waif and put her visage in the hall of faces, otherwise Jaqen H'gar would've never allowed her to leave.

Jaqen offered Arya to name three people, anyone that a man could kill, because she saved the lives of three men.
The red god doesn't care when or from whom exactly he receives his names, people always die.
Read about the lore behind the black lion.


>I was supposed to be king Robert! >Tell them I was supposed to be king! AAAAGGGGGHHHH!

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Coincidentally this is called "Stockholm Syndrome"

who's tits are these


"However, by the time the 13th-Century boy had reached 20 he could hope to live to 45, and if he made it to 30 he had a good chance of making it into his fifties."

It was the exception of people living past their 40s, not the standard. A lot of shit could kill a young man in his 20s. Especially if he fell for the "war against France is an adventure" meme. Look at Africa which has many parts where the infrastructure, healthcare, food storage, and disease frequency isn't too far off from at 13th century farmer. Average age 45-50.

Source: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/241864.stm


Well since he’s going to fuck up and kill all of Kings landing and then be executed for it in the last episode I’m pretty sure they were trying to foreshadow he’s not as smart as he thinks he is.

Reply to wrong post.



>no consequences

>stick dick in child
>get marked as craven individual
>next time you summon your allies to help you defend your lands people tell you to go fuck yourself

They wrote Hoat the Goat out and replaced him with one of Roose Bolton's men

I came here for Tormund and the little girl from Bear island
i also accept Sam,because fuck it,i like Sam

How many of those finger do you think could we shove up his ass?

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What went wrong ?

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Her baby went to the wrong side of the wall.

Requires too much skill and writing talent

I have a secret pet theory user, that when Cersei inevitably tells the Mountain to choke Euron to death, that we'll find out Qyburn was his plant in Westeros this whole time. It would be pretty cool like the Mountain starts to choke Euron and Euron is legit terrified for a moment. But then he starts to laugh and turn the tables on Cersei or some shit. Leading to Euron's eventual reveal as a smart, human, endgame villain who actually talks and has dialogue instead of the NK who is mute, apparently.

Of course, this would require Euron to be made relevant to the plot in the next ~250 minutes of screen time.

Otherwise, Qyburn is just along for the ride I guess.

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Dammit, he's gotten handsome with the years

>Daedric armor Robert and samurai Ned
God, no.