Why does Yea Forums pretend to hate Rick and Morty? Can someone explain this to me?

Why does Yea Forums pretend to hate Rick and Morty? Can someone explain this to me?

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Yea Forums used to like season 1 but somehow along the way season 2 is hated. Why? I don't know, faggot.

I liked the first season then it got popular and the 2nd season wasn't good and then it got more popular and the fans put me off it

It got popular and developed a reputation for having a shitty fanbase.
This guy's right. There used to be frequent threads on Yea Forums lauding the show as season 1 aired. Those threads are how I even heard of the show in the first place.

it changed to a slice of life family soap opera instead of the absurdist comedy it started out as

I love it. The only downside is that some wagie forced me to attack her when she told me they were out of Rick and Morty licensed dipping sauce.

It's a bad show that isn't nearly as funny or smart as it pretends to be

Neither do I understand this hate. Just because a handful of reddit s*ycucks like this show, doesn't mean that we have to collectively hate Rick and Morty just to "spite" s*ycucks.


because the show attracts the most autistic people in society

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>doesn't mean that we have to collectively hate Rick and Morty just to "spite" s*ycucks.

I'm afraid it does, it's a matter of principle

This says a lot about our society


i turned my into a pickle morty

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Its clever , I laugh when I watch it. As far as it being "The greatest show of all time" nope , not even close

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this show doesn't claim to be 'smart' yet its the most common criticism against the show. sure, pseudo intellectuals might claim it is, but so what?
people like it for its irreverence

People... but specifically "normies" (and yucky girls) watch Rick And Morty and have fun... So of course Yea Forums has to hate it very vocally.

because of the stupid
"we hate good things when they become popular" mentality.

memes and shitposting aside, where the fuck is the new series? hasn't it been nearly 2 years?

I think the creators got tired of the show and are looking to create something new.

roiland is working on something new. harmon got a big stick up his ass about it and has shut down production of rick and morty until roiland brings him on his new show. roiland doesnt really give a fuck though and is over rick and morty since harmon lost the plot and pozzed it while leaving roiland out of most of the creative work.

seasons 1&2 were fine, but 3 was painful to watch.

>rick and morty
kill yourself

>Am I evil?
>No. Worse. You're smart
>When you're smart, you realize that nothing matters
It's cringey shit like this that made me hate it

Season one was good, dumb contrarian

That and the heavy pedophilic overtones

Attached: pedogate dan harmon.jpg (1024x819, 152K)

Remember Mr Jelly Bean? The one who tried to rape morty?

Attached: pedogate roiland kids shows.png (960x2472, 1.81M)

really? fuck. didn't they get a contract for 70 episodes? who just walks away from money like that. aren't they contractually obligated to make something?

Obnoxious voices.
Bright colors like all cartoons.
Actually funny moments ruined by immature toilet humor.
An actual character named Mr. Poopy Butthole. What the fuck?
Reddit / onions / i fucking love science appeal
That's most of it. I saw about 5 episodes and they gave me a headache from how obnoxious they were. And the shit humor was cringeworthy. I laughed a couple times but they were like gems in a pile of garbage.

yeah it's pretty cringey, and then the *serious music* plays so you know they're not even joking. playing to the audience I guess

This. Pretty much everyone knows that nothing matters.

>but they were like gems in a pile of garbage
Pretty much like this place then

I turned myself into a sneed morty!

I'm pickle sneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

Attached: picke sneed.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

>Everyone has their favorite Rick and Morty scenes. Whether they’re of the depressing ilk, or they’re more of the whimsical “what the heck just happened?” variety probably says something about how fun you are at a party. This list counts down the Rick and Morty emotional scenes that still continue to kick you in the stomach even after you’ve watched them a hundred times. Keep reading to find out why Rick and Morty is one of the most emotional shows on TV, let alone Adult Swim.

>It takes almost no time for the conceit of Rick and Morty to wear off, and for the series to start burrowing into the viewer’s emotions. It’s almost as if the creators of Rick an Morty, Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, want to find what makes you cry and push your tear button until you’re all out of saline. Or what fills you with existential dread. With Rick and Morty, Adult Swim has capitalized not just on fun sci-fi entertainment, but on what is one of the the most strangely emotionally draining shows that’s ever been produced.

Because of shit like that. “OMG he tried to kill himself while ‘Hurt’ played in the background manly tears!!”

Yeah except I don't have to actually listen to this place.

This. I like the absurdist humor of the first season and, to a lesser extent, the second season. But they changed gears for the third season and it turned into a family drama thing with a focus on Beth and Jerry's divorce rather than the crazy science hijinks the first season was known for.

It's a stupid show for stupid people.

no wonder you like it so much

I don't hate it, but I don't particularly love it either. I would compare its quality level to Family Guy right after they brought it back from cancellation.

Have you ever been stuck in a room with people who lack the nuance and timing to tell jokes but they are all laughing anyway. It's like that but in cartoon form.


of niggergfaggots

I have never met a straight, good looking, or someone who wasnt a minority who likes this show. Just saying....

It’s got some really clever ideas, and can be funny as shit at times, but I find the characters extremely irritating, particularly Rick. I feel like Dan Harmon uses him as a mouthpiece to spout his inane nihilistic opinions, and it grates on me.

Formerly cucumber
also reported

Jerry the father was always the star of the show, he always had the main story line, as Rick and Morty did crazy ass shit, Jerry held the show together from day one. Then they tried to get rid of Jerry for a few shows and it didn't work as well.
So they brought him back and let him win.
And Jerry has hated Rick from day one also.

Attached: Jerry-Smith.png (688x1012, 256K)

>Yea Forums used to like season 1
>There used to be frequent threads on Yea Forums lauding the show as season 1 aired. Those threads are how I even heard of the show in the first place.
You do know that the shows creators admitted to shilling their show here in season 1?

>the fans put me off it.

>I don't watch a show because someone completely unrelated to the making of the show is a twat.


It seems to have worked on some braindeads.

So? I enjoyed season 1, doesn't matter if they shill or not. Disney shills their movie and watching it on ptp, it sucks.

Season 1 was shitty, after season 2 it got noice. It's there with Bojack on cool and creative but not amazing new tv shows (except I find Bojack a little better).

reddit likes it therefore we must pretend to hate it

>Disney shills their movies here and I watch them too!
What does this prove? That you are indeed braindead? Why should anyone take your opinion of Rick and Morty seriously then? Especially when the show is designed to make idiots feel smart.

i love how this got zero replies and that you probably came back to this thread hoping for your fellow sneed bros to say based on this.

think about your life friend. seriously just sit there and think about it.

they confuse their hate for the fanbase with their hate for the show


I enjoyed season 1 but it really went downhill immediately after that. Rick and Morty died the moment it became funnier to make fun of the show than actually watch it

I unironically love it. I’m just hoping Justin can tolerate that black hole Dan for one more season to wrap it up best case scenario.

7 more seasons.
Have no fears, we've got stories for years.

we liked it 1st season until it became popular.
then it was reddit and reddity


it would have been better as an animated short or something, it never had a chance at being good long term since they refuse to take things like animation and voice acting the least bit seriously. its funny in the short term but at a certain point you arent shitting on anything you are just shitting

Does this user have legit autism?

>one and a half hours and this is all you could come up with.


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It was fine all the way up to the third season where they double down on the already tired multiverse shit.

It's not clever, it's not funny, it's just self-masturbatory.

Only good thing to come out of it was Bird Person and they killed him off.

>he literally waited for one and a half hours for a reply
Legitimate autism

We watched all the episodes and ironically hate it because other people liked it.

I liked it, the last season was pretty weak and focused on things that no one cares about. It used to be an animated shitpost, but they decided to take it seriously for some reason.

Roiland is based and I feel bad for him
>just wants to create a wacky and kind of edgy fantasy with all kinds of crazy characters
>Harmon hijacks it and turns it into an alcohol driven, slice of life, family drama mess

Who is we?

You know it was renewed for like 70 episodes right?

Yea Forums, what are you new?

The last season was fucking awful

Season 1 was non linear 1 episode wacky funny adventures

Season 2 built story on shit I didn't care about and would have been better just staying with the cool adventures no backstory

Harmon is a hack fraud that ruined Roiland's imagination

I didn't say I hate the show, no need to lump me with npcs like you.

older seasons had a personal and improvisational feel that was lost when the show got more writers and incorporated more perspectives/styles of humor, also became bloated with family drama shit that was there for its own sake rather than to add humor

they did a whole chicken fight episode



why can't they just step aside and let a bunch of writers take over it really can't be all that hard

Would Rick bring Morty back in time to bang his young mom like Back to the Future?




>show got popular
>contrarians got triggered

S3 felt weak tho

What I don't get is the hate for season 2.
To me that was the best season

Always like Roiland. Just seemed like a dorky dude who wanted to make a funny tv show. Why does that fat idiot Harmon have to fuck up everything he touches, he's such a stupid fat cunt.

based and sneedpilled

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