Anyone else kind of want to see Disney crash and burn extremely fucking hard? Preferably in the most disastrous way possible
Anyone else kind of want to see Disney crash and burn extremely fucking hard...
Hell yeah, that'd be fun
As a company? Nah. I would like to see their stranglehold on the copyright laws get axed, though.
I don't.
Fuck you.
Disney has given us the best cartoons of the decade, the MCU and revive star wars
Not going to happen because normie bastards are loyal to the Disney brand. Though it would be amazing if one day normies learn to hate Disney.
At this point I'd be satisfied with Disney dying in the video game industry by having Star Wars and more importantly Kingdom Hearts fail. I can't be the only one who HATES Kingdom Hearts. Such a garbage series. Anyone else?
>revive star wars
Don't you have that backwards?
As a share holder, no.
I genuinely think it Kingdom Hearts is a more autistic than Sonic the hedgehog. At least with Sonic, the lore is pretty straightforward and you always know what's going on.
>owning Disney stock
Kill yourself. Unironically kill yourself.
Fuck off,
Of course, not for any particular reason honestly but i think it would be pretty neat.
It's these kind of threads that truly make me believe that we have the youngest and most easily influenced underage users on Yea Forums.
I'd rather see them change and become pro-consumer than crash and burn. I'd really like to see the "nerd" franchises actually cater to the nerd fans of those franchises instead of being altered to be more attractive to people who don't even care.
>revive star wars
Disney killed Star Wars, dude. Might not be Disney's fault directly, but the sequel trilogy is straight garbage and did nothing good for Star Wars. It didn't attract new fans, it only lost existing ones.
I don't hate Kingdom Hearts, but I certainly don't like it. Never understood why it was popular. Keyblades are some of the dumbest things I've ever seen.
>Investing in your future
I'm 26.
Investing in your future isn't bad. Investing in Disney is bad. Yum Brands or Microsoft are far more respectable than investing in the fucking mouse
I hate kingdom hearts and the fuking shit writing it has, the only redeeming quality of that shitty saga is to remind people that twewy exist and even that it doesn't do right
I love Disney, but I do want the company to suffer for it's poor choices (Chapek, Kennedy, & Lee). Then when the company falls, I can weasel my way in & herald it to a new era.
> Disney killed Star Wars
star wars fans forget so easily
give them a revival for a loved serie and a meme character and they will be happy
I work in animation, but even before i got in i would have loved to see disney fail. i hate their twee, safe, boring shit. Nothing interesting ever happens. All they have on anyone else is money to fund better tech.
I also hate the animation artists they try to showcase. It's all so fake and pseudo wholesome. At least they pay their people well though.
Genuinely have no idea why someone would like Kingdom Hearts besides nostalgia. Whole thing is fuckin stupid.
Anyone who ever liked Marvel or Star Wars, at this point. I don't think I desire anything more than the Vermin's dissolution.
No, because I hold shares
The old disney died when they cowtowed to the Feminists who demanded the Wench Auction be taken out of Pirates of the Caribbean.
I'd like for their monopoly to be broken up and their stranglehold on the public domain to be loosened.
Disney has always been Pro-Female. Walt Disney himself back in the day was celebrated as the man who hired the most women at his company. Even though women have been proven to be worthless in the work force. Anything they can do? Men can do better and without the risk of false accusation bullshit making the area of employment very stressful and tedious. Not only that but women bring in melodrama wherever they go.
So there was never a point where Disney became Feminist, they were ALWAYS like that. And this is why some people say Disney is for girls. Disney is an estrogen factory piece of shit.
No way, I have too much Disney stock
You should have invested in something that wasn't absolutely awful. Shame on you
>Sky Limited is infamous for being a massive cunt of a corporation that have sued multiple other companies, products and people for using the word "Sky" on literally anything
Explains alot honestly.
>Disney owns Photobucket
Holy shit.
You DO learn something new everyday.
Literally impossible.
ok luke
>and a meme character
Like it happened with Baby Yoda.
only in a trainwreck/car crash sort of way. Like I'm fine where they are but if they do go under I want to be there to watch the catastrophe.
The people who made disney what it was are either gone or dead, let it die already.
No. I have money, and I want money. Every big publically traded company is awful anyway
Artemis Fowl has convinced me that the mouse needs to be exterminated
I won't be buying/watching any Star Wars product unless it's the original unaltered films on Blu-Ray which should have been out day one Disney bought the franchise. But who am I kidding? looking at the quality of their animated blu-rays a Star Wars box set would be equally shitty.
>has given us the best cartoons of the decade
You misspelled "cancelled" as "given us"
Disney is complete apathetic to cartoon shows as shown by them cancelling the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Spectacular Spider-Man, Replacing with cheaply produced substandard shit like Ultimate Spider-Man and Avengers: Assemble, The new Spider-Man cartoon shows they give zero fucks about reviving them.
They cancelled Spectacular Spider-Man for fucking Iron Boy FYI.
>cartoons of the decade, the MCU and revive star wars
These have done nothing but undermine any efforts to bring back the good shit.
This is obvious bait, I'm and surprised people are biting so hard.
Nah, sorry AT&T shill.
>letting a company live in your head rent-free
>I'm 26.
And you are this much of a retard? Geez.
How so?
I just wanna see more cosmic fuck ups like the last two star wars movies and the good dinosaur.
This is Yea Forums we're talking about, you don't even need to put the slightest amount of effort into bait here to get at least 5 (you)s.
>the good dinosaur
I didn't think the movie was that bad.
Ironic since OP's post was with pokemon , a business halfassing even bigger than Disney.
>Disney owns the History Channel.
Like you wouldn't believe.
And it has to be really, REALLY bad too. Like, smoldering wreckage. Nothing left to salvage.
Come to think of it, where are most of the bigwigs situated?
Can we just, like, allah akbar the place? Will that be enough?
Shut the fuck up, Boco.