Favourite villain?
Favourite episode?
Let's discuss, no haters please
Favourite villain?
Favourite episode?
Let's discuss, no haters please
I always have a really hard time remembering names in cartoons. Favorite villain was the airbender guy tho, for a lot of reasons. For one we finally got to see non monastic airbending, thata hugely beneficial to the overall feeling of the worldbuilding. Plus, he got to come back in a later season to add more depth to his character, something he really needed since he was so single minded in his goal at first, leaving little time for development. That and he had a fantastic supporting cast, and the best fight scenes of either Avatar series. Great villain.
SHPWell i say. To be barred from a discussion regarding my favourite cartoon. simply peeeppostusturous. im going somewhere else to make tea.
Flat joke falls flat when you can't spell hatter or hater.
I liked the fantastic four, they were pretty cool, I always liked the quirky bending variations and making a group of enemies made entirely of them was awesome.
As for episodes I honestly really liked angsty Korra, her relationship with Asami is bullshit but I love that trope of a hero going on a journey to train and become better to defeat the baddie.
Also post more Korra. I hope this doesn't count as NSFW
The real villain was korra's incompetence
It's not her fault that all the villains except Kuvira where the strongest motherfuckers evers
The Platinum game was good.
To be fair, she fought a super bloodbender, a literal dark avatar, a guy who became one with the void and a tyrant with super weapons. Even Aang would have a hard time with these guys.
She fought them all while handicapped too.
Mind you I would like to see Aang versus those guys: realizing the tradition and order he was taught to believe in has created terrible inequality between benders and nonbenders or having an acrobatic midair fight while debating philosophy with Zaheer would be great to watch.
And another alternative, just for good measure
I feel like punching her back, not as if it would hurt her, maybe it would feel more like a massage to her but I just wanna punch it
>has created terrible inequality between benders and nonbenders
All the richest people in the show are nonbenders, in fact the only powerful people outside of aristocrats were nonbenders.
>going to ride the avatar's race atop a pile of blood money
>Favourite villain?
I only saw the first two seasons and a bit of 3.
I legitimately liked Amon (and the first season in general for the most part) and am one of the few people that enjoyed the twist.
However, this motherfucker was the shining gold in a middle of a shit nugget. Season 2 was absolutely terrible but this absolute madman forced me to keep watching, I still remember the threads about the reveal when it happened. He's so god damn perfect that he isn't just the best character of the show but I'd go as far as to say one of the best in the whole franchise.
Or the very least, his second season appearance. The minute he showed up in the third season and it was obvouise they were going to make him a good guy, I dropped it. I didn't want them to sully the one good thing the show had going for.
>lost to the super blood benders
>lost to the dark avatar
>lost to some dood who could levitate in the avatar state when she could do the same
>lost to Kuvira, an above average earth bender who Toph and both her daughters could take on
>in fact even lost to two random chi blockers in S1
Wish Amon wasn't a Water Bender.
Wish he invented Guns.
Wish he gave nonbenders a way to fight benders.
Gunpowder and other fuel sources just didnt need to be developed, meanwhile there is a huge demand for early uses of the readily accessible electricity sources. It makes sense that he made these weapons instead of guns. It would've been cool if he wasnt a waterbender though, yeah.
Just watched for the first time recently, I was surprised how much I liked it. It's not ATLA, but it's enjoyable as its own show except for Book 2. The ending in particular was really well done, Korra winning by empathizing with the villain was an amazing piece of character development and made it stand out from any other show I've seen.
Zaheer was definitely my favorite villain, because Henry Rollins.
Favorite episodes include The Spirit of Competition, Out of the Past, Beginnings 1 and 2, Old Wounds, Original Airbenders, The Terror Within, Korra Alone, The Battle of Zaofu and The Last Stand
Making her the secret final boss would have been great.
>marries Korra in the end
>years pass
>Asami takes advantage of the naivete of the avatar and keeps her occupied with meaningless shit
>one day due to an accident Korra gets stranded in the city and sees the real work of Sato Industries
>she doesn't want to believe in it first and gather evidence
>when the cat is out of the bag she confronts Asami who laughs and tells her how easy was it to manipulate her
>when the cat is out of the bag she confronts Asami who laughs and tells her how easy was it to manipulate her
>Asami points out that Korra stole her bf and rubbed it in her face repeatedly and how dumb must Korra be to think that they were ever friends
Lesbian trolling is the funniest.
>then Asami rubs in that the sex was terrible, Korra could never make anyone cum and her mouth was always full of her pubes
>ends the conversation with some Iron Man-esque transformation and beats the shit out of the avatar
>lost to amon when her bending was taken away
>lost to edgy uncle after getting spirit raped
>still drugged
Korra is my wife.
>Favourite villain?
Kuvira, she did nothing wrong.
All the others have reasons which vary from legitimate and understandable (Amon) to edgy-stupid-foolish and childish (Zaheer), and you also have unalaq.
>Favourite episode?
I think battle of Zaofu
>Kyoshi was a giant
>Korra is a beef mountain
What does this imply?
Zaheer was great, because he seemed grounded and human (until he lets go of his earthly tether). He was the least cartoonish cartoon villain I can think of.
The individual episodes really run together after all this time. But I think Korra's sadsack MMA career and her odyssey with Asami through the Earth Kingdom stand out.
Also even if they were wrong they had a point in their beliefs as opposed to being an evil overlord, so Korra always had trouble figuring what to do with them in the first place.
>so Korra always had trouble figuring what to do with them in the first place
Oh please, Korra was completely ignorant of the valid problems they were addressing until Toph beat her over the head with it.
It's such a simple thing for a hero to say "I understand what you're trying to do, but this isn't the way." Batman and Superman do that every other day. But this fucking series waits until the last season to do what other shows did in several self-contained episode.
Amon having support from the people is not a trivial thing, and Korra had to deal with that and Tarrlok's anti-non-bender measures. Season 2 involved a fucking civil war where she was called out for trying to be pacifist with her own uncle... don't pretend that dealing with LoK villains wasn't significantly more complex than deciding what to do with Oozai.
I didn't say that the LoK villains weren't complex. I'm saying that Korra and the show weren't equipped to engage with the ideas they represented.
The problem is that Korra always dealt with the symptoms but not the problems. The problems dealt with themselves, without Korra even acknowledging them.
The fact that a non-bender president was sworn in just sorta happened. Democracy in the Earth Kingdom just sorta happened. Korra's input was minimal and the only time she didn't just try to reestablish the status quo was with the spirit portals. And a fat load of good that did.
For all her flaws, Korra's ignorance and her status as a stooge for autocrats and the establishment might be her worst feature.
The kind of shit that happened was enough to make it not straightforward for her even if she didn't entirely understand the villain motivations. She went on to patrol Republic City looking for equalists to fight and she found herself defending a non-bender demonstration from Tarrlok's men and getting her friends arrested. She tried to solve the evil spirit problem and the guy helping her happened to be the bad guy who wanted to be the dark avatar while a civil war was unfolding and he people were accusing her of fighting with them. She didn't have much direct interation with Zaheer. She tried to reason with Kuvira while Su sneaked and tried to attack her at night. She wasn't perfect, but she generally did much better than she is often credited for given the circumstances.
Su's a bitch. Talks about how Kuvira is 'like a daughter' to her, and then her first response is to attempt to assassinate her.
Anyone else wanted to see Kuvira fuck Korra? Maybe while Asami is forced to watch and cry?
I remember posting this on a ATLA/LOK discord and I pissed off the Korrasami posters.
Ok what faggot mod deleted the Avatar thread that was up for over a day?
It was the best Atla we had for month.
>Favorite Villain
>Favorite Ep
The one where Tenzin tries to 1 v 4 the Red Lotus. Seems like they spent seasons shitting on him.
>Has to apologize to Korra because she's a spoiled liar who imposed on him to teach her airbending right away but then bails at every opportunity
>Siblings are jealous douchebags to him because Aang was a neglectful father apparently
>Is actually a spiritual failure completely outdone by his daughter
It was a rare moment where Tenzin got to stand up for himself and hand Zaheer's ass to him. Of course right after he got beat down brutally and the Air Temple was destroyed with lava.
Dude, that Tenzin fight was badass. It proved just how big of a gap there actually was between Zaheer and him in terms of ability. Hell, without combustion girl I'm willing to bet Tenzin might have actually beaten the other 3 on his own.
I'll give you the Kuvira part, because that's where Korra was generally a mature person and tried to be diplomatic rather than a bulldozer.
But in the other cases, she only ever raises concerns when somebody is beaten to death in front of her as it don't being right. Usually villains and heroes have a kind of discourse where their alternating worldviews clash. And even if the villain was wrong in his methods, a part of his thinking is adopted by the hero and implemented more sensibly. Thesis, Antithesis. Synthesis. That's storytelling 101. But Korra just plain fucks off when everything is the way it was before the villain came. She holds immense sway and has many friends in high places, but you never see her contributing here until S4.
Her stunted learning process is my key frustration with LoK. I guess I like Korra as the barely contained Id meathead, but I expected her to make steady progress into someone worthy of her title. Which was fast-tracked in S4.
I wanted to see a lot of things and attractive women on women is one of them. Kuvira gentle femdoming Korra while Asami watching as a good cuckquean sounds nice.
But look at these guns. I can understand why Korra lets Asami get away with a bit of war profiteering.
I wish I could get grope her
Tenzin is not a failure, the dude is really strong
>no haters please