Uh, uh im uh, im not an expert on that em, but i do know one uh, a trans person who em...

>uh, uh im uh, im not an expert on that em, but i do know one uh, a trans person who em, they haven't killed themselves and uh, they say we should em, should just chop off all the uh, the childrens dicks and uh, i would argue that makes sense, right?

Attached: chopallthedicksoff.png (1920x1440, 1.67M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>joe Rogan will never be live again because of this episode
Really makes you Jew

>beta male tells alpha male that alpha and beta males don't exist.

cringiest shit I have seen in awhile.

Fuck off

Attached: faggots.jpg (189x528, 25K)

>will never be live again because of this episode
Says who?

Joe Rogan. Literally no more live broadcasts because they want to eliminate anything controversial and edit everything as if the podcast wasn’t neutered enough already

That's bullshuit. Show me where he said that.

You will never be a woman

have sex

Hi Adam!

attempt to reproduce pls

funny how it's always """men""" that look like a walking /pol/ caricature of a numale that are adamant betas don't exist

absolutely gay

Hasn’t been live since the episode aired, and graham hancock posted on his twitter that it’s a new Rogan policy that he won’t be live anymore

WTF did Joe's CIA handlers not enjoy him opposing the trans-kid agenda?

It's true, he's also starting a foundation to fund surgery and hormones for children as well.

Attached: nig7035314.gif (250x250, 2.57M)

The sad thing is that despite him making that sacrifice, normies will just try their best to adopt to all the sick shit being pushed and not use their brain and thinks "hmm, why are the powerful investing so much money into this. What do they expect to achieve?"


People still think all of this is just societal evolution. Just society becoming "enlightened".

>he's also starting a foundation to fund surgery and hormones for children
Now I know you're full of shit.

Rogan won’t be live anymore and that guy was just shitposting

I never thought Joe would bitch out like that. (((Someone))) DEFINITELY made him discontinue his live streams.

who controls rogan?

All these basedboi postmodern types:
>"Huuurrr durrr THE SCIENCE states"
>"I just don't want to neuter mine or someone else's kid based on a hunch"
>"hurrr you ignorant bigot, what are you ANTI SCIENCE"

These people are deadly.

CIA directly
Jews indirectly


Fine faggot, here's the tweet: mobile.twitter.com/Graham__Hancock/status/1120496302910050305
YouTube was threatening to ban him for Alex Jones, Elon Musk, @Jack and Adam Conover and he caved and will now allow YouTube along with their SPLC censors to review, edit and approve every episode.

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I agree because current finding seem to not be enough here

But humor this idea

What IF studies and tons of research proved in the long term that kids were in fact aware of gender and gender expression and that giving them hormones that fall in line with their identity actually gives them more stable mental health than they would have otherwise had?

What IF this were true and proven beyond a doubt? Would you still be opposed to it? Why? You can probably tell my goal is to have you say something like "YEAH CAUSE ITS JUST WRONG" but im trying to help you out by stating that before you do. So that aside, if research proved this to be an effective means of maintaining stable mental health, why wouldn't we do it?

>you know
>you know
>you know

>now uh listen im uh not an expert on this but I'm more right than you
>uuuhhh im not an expert but i think the world should change based on my ideas


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end of an era desu. That unfiltered atmosphere of men just fucking around talking was quite unique for our fucking gay world. And I say that as someone who thinks Rogan and most of his guests are basically brainlets

This guy is such a fucking faggot.

Couldn't tell by the filename

he literally believes the entire world should change because of his belief system which is so untested he becomes literally speechless and unable to think when he is asked the most simple follow up question

oh god i think that gif has awakened something in me


any audio or video of that moment?


Adam ruins himself because hes a leftwing beta with neither FACTS nor LOGIC

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>what if

But it's not and it's not a valid form of debate

Is that a tranny in your gif?

dude is a pedo

Adam ruins Adam

Live by the sword....

So Adam really does ruin everything

I like how Joe lists reasons why it's stupid to let men who "transition" into females compete against real females and Adam's response is: "lol I don't agree with any of that because I'm a faggot."

>ITT: people who prefer traps to have 30 years of mantest in their bodies before transitioning
>never fucked a hot af trap who's been on est since before puberty and looks hotter than most women

yall are cucks

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Well you better hope he's not your only child because that crazy little runt is a genetic dead end.

remember to dilate !

I'm sure it was pressure from the tranny lobby. It's insane how powerful that shit has become in such a short amount of time.

>rogan makes reasonable argument
>Jews who own him forbid him from ever broadcasting live again

How long until all female sports are dominated by men with tits and a ponytail?

Gay Mafia

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Within 5 years.

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Nah, ur just a fwagggg
And u have a bunch of stds

>he becomes literally speechless and unable to think when he is asked the most simple follow up question
the NPC meme is a real thing that happens.

because when you give a child a question "do you want braces?" it doesn't matter what answer you get, the question was immoral and unethical to begin with.

> here, we'll give the child the choice to completely destroy their physical existence and incur hundreds of thousands in life-long medical debt and become a chemical dependent for as long as they live

why not just sign your child's soul to whatever pharmaceutical company is making their poison?

Let's ignore the fact the term gender was cooked up by a pedophile who used it to abuse, molest, and effectively murder 2 children; John Money.

this webm is fucking based.

>actual homosexual
>dude weed
Dog-fucking Canadians are more respectable than you.

Source for this?

>gender was cooked up by a pedophile who used it to abuse, molest, and effectively murder 2 children; John Money.
Fake news

Attached: tranny.jpg (500x500, 58K)

>one of the first scientists to study the psychology of sexual fluidity and how the societal constructs of "gender" affect an individual. Recent academic studies have criticized Money's work in many respects, particularly in regards to his involvement with the sex-reassignment of David Reimer[1] and his eventual suicide.
Ya ya Wikipedia actual links at bottom of the article.

How did a self declared intellectual of Adam's caliber manage to get blown the fuck out by Joe "Im totally not gay" Rogan?

Joe completely dismantles people with such simple questions, we'll never see this fat faggot on the podcast again atleast.

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More solid research came later.

>dude I would have won the argument if I was ready

>it doesn't matter he cut this kids dick off and made him play sex games with his twin brother that drove him to suicide, he did other things too!
Fake news.

I meant research not by him, retard.

Yet they still have to resort to bastardizing language and putting spin on data so that trannies are totally normal and healthy and not mentally ill fags with identity issues.

>tries to pretend the trans """science""" isn't based off a sick pedos fetish by claiming fake news
>gets btfo
>ignores he has been refuted and claims oh no there are better studies
>provides zero (0) evidence of this and gets angry
Cry more.

>putting spin on data
How is language being manipulated or data being spun?





He should have gotten the actual writers/researchers of the show rather than the actor who gets paid to say the shit they come up with.

The funny thing is nobody truly believes any of that shit. They just spout the shit because they think it will broaden and politicize their fan base. I can see through other people's bullshit better than most and I know disingenuous garbage when I see it. This goes for both sides, by the way. Ben Shapiro is no different.

You have provided 0 (zero) reliable evidence of your conspiracy theory. Try again.

Except for the links to reality, sweetie :^). Cry harder for me.

get laid

Reality is that knowledge of gender identity issues predates Money by decades, and evolved a lot outside of his quackery.

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It's pathetic how libcucks wont even try defending his idiotic stande, despite it being the norm among them and calling it out is somehow controversial.

Cutting off your dick won't evolve it into a vagina.

I'm not planning on it.

That is legitimately the funniest thing to come out of prog dumbassery in a long time. I crack up every single time I see a pic of some 6'5 beast alongside some girls

>there is no known case where a 46 chromosome, XY male, unequivocally so at birth, has ever easily and fully accepted an imposed life as an androphilic female regardless of the physical and medical intervention


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Gender identity can't be taught. That's the point. Did you read the article?

Gender isnt real. It is merely an offshoot of sex, which is biological. Gender does not mean anything. Anyone pretending to study gender may as well be studying your sex life, both are non-existent.


Attached: tranny janny.png (1280x1280, 928K)

There are only 2 genders.

>pretends to have read the entire article in sub two minutes
lmfao and you failed to understand the conclusion.




Attached: tranny.png (738x669, 186K)


First of all, there are some people with ambiguous or partially ambiguous genitalia, so even looking at biological natal gender there's more than just a binary. Second of all the brain can clash with the biological natal gender. That's where gender dysphoria comes from.

I didn't need to read the whole thing to know that you're misusing it.

Please tell me that gif is not real

Thank you for admitting transgenderism is a mental illness. "Ambiguous" genitalia is totally different from the mainstream normalization of transgenderism and the sjw gender nonsense. That is hardly ever talked about wrt ttannies and confused lottle fags like you.

So sorry you were born a dicklett user.

take the gore pill..

Attached: nigger clown pepe.jpg (996x1000, 90K)

Literal appeal to nature fallacy.

Traps = gay
No exceptions


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>deflecting this hard

God you are such a fucking clown. I bet you go to university, which makes it even more funny.

>i-i don't need t-to r-read it
>i-im right anyway f-fuck s-science
the absolute state of science deniers.

>that second video

Attached: lol.jpg (250x249, 15K)

You didnt read any of it. Your lazy, anti-intellectual response proves that. Why are leftists so anti-science now? Fucking gay

I bet you believe global warming is a hoax invented by white ppl to exploit PoC too you anti-science fucking shitlord.

>take the gore pill..

Embarrassing. Post some peer reviewed sources that back up your pseudoscience user.

Attached: 1290e.png (232x261, 83K)

You can take two of them if you want...

Attached: ttrannt.jpg (1024x784, 134K)

Shapiro is a perfidious kike.

>anti-science, pro-child abuse sjw getting fucking gangraped
Well done lads. Fucking righteous.

Utter embarrassment. Only thing Adam ruined this time is his meager credibility.


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snippedy snappedy cutadickoffame
children are now are part of the new economy

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But this will make the frog straight

Attached: 22.webm (861x1080, 2.92M)

Pretty sure it's a chick who was taking pics of her weight loss success, played in reverse.

Did you guys know jews use circumsized baby foreskins to make cosmetics that they rub on their face? Celebrities use it, i saw it on tv.


Attached: SOYBOY.webm (400x400, 1.48M)

Outside of this board exactly how viral is this interview?


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God i fucking hate soyy boys

Im sure it spread among contra fans and discord users

How common is this shit

theres nothing wrong with being trans

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There is actually. Many many things.

Idk it isnt up on rogans channel but i (think) it aired live a few days ago not sure.
Theres somewhat of a stink because his episodes are always posted moments after the livestream. But this one isnt.

Nothing wrong with rejecting it either.
stop pushing it onto people

Attached: trans-women-1st-and-2nd.webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

There is no way I couldn't look at the woman let alone hold a conversation without getting a hard-on.

there absolutely is but i'd still fuck one.

Here it is.


There's a whole lot wrong with allowing children to make permanent changes to their physiology. Joe may not be super well informed on a lot, but his arguments here were spot-on. Kids don't have mature brain function yet, and they sure as shit don't understand themselves or the consequences of taking sex hormones and puberty blockers for years.


Im like 95% sure my dick would get chopped off if i was born today.
I was into a lot of girly shit from ages 4-8 or so. If somebody had asked me if i wanted to be a girl i wouldve probably been like "yeeeeehhh coool!"
Once puberty started coming around i just became a dude naturally and got into dude stuff without being forced.

A lot of kids are like that because they just don't give a fuck and don't have developed brains. Shit, when I was a kid, I wanted to be a wolf. I don't run around saying I'm a furfag or wolfkin now. Kids are just weird.




Well my friend cut his dick off and he's happy so we should allow it to happen to everyone if they want it, especially children who don't know shit about what they want or what life has to offer.

I like thicc bitches as much as any man, but i've always thought she was at least 10 lbs into "just fat" territory. She also probably has areola's the size of salamis, which I'm not that into. Sorry dawg, gotta give her a 6/10 woodberrynotmarry.

I love how he was like "Well, gotta be careful not to take too much from just one study." while he was using nothing but anecdotes to justify his stance.


Why not just live stream on his own website? He still has sponsors and is rich anyway, what's so critical about youtube in this equation?


>people still listen to joe rogan
>people still care about trannies
>nobody realizes this is all fucking bullshit self promotion
why would famous youtubers ever get into a controversial conversation?

isn't like 75% of both of these faggot's podcasts pushing some sort of bias or agenda? they are both flaming faggots and this interview is nothing special. everyone should kill themselves for wathcing this

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What we really need to find is a way to surgically apply cat ears to girls.

>Fine faggot, here's the tweet: mobile.twitter.com/Graham__Hancock/status/1120496302910050305
>YouTube was threatening to ban him for Alex Jones, Elon Musk, @Jack and Adam Conover and he caved and will now allow YouTube along with their SPLC censors to review, edit and approve every episode.
Or are you just making shit up?

I just prefer women to not be a couple tubs of ice cream from looking like the stay puft marshmallow man.

Reminder that this show is shilled by russian bot farms to keep the young population stupid and wasting time pondering about pointless shit.

So I watched this finally, and I think you guys might be blowing it out of proportion a little bit.

You guys are like the guy who can't let go of a passing argument no matter how much it festers his sanity away

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I'm from the south and have never seen a Transexual or transgender or whatever that wasn't standing on the corner selling sex. Is it common in more liberal areas to see these people everywhere?


The French Revolution!

There are absolutely a lot of things wrong with being trans.

Why, you looking to move over there?

how is this fair?

Why do people just let niggers beat them up so much?

Because female is a personality type, bigot.

Are you unfamiliar with the astronomical suicide rates of trannies?

Yes. It is disgusting. See them on the bus occasionally.

This is so beautiful and brave and inspiring. THIS is what The Right Side of History™ looks like.



Attached: literallyeveryteenager.jpg (1200x900, 135K)

>implying ben shapiro is on a different side
Kike nonsense is all one side.

>spending all day on the internet literally ruins your brain
i doubt it

I wouldn't say everywhere, but I'm from the Northeast US and personally know at least two people who identify as trans. It's more that it's more widely accepted to be openly trans up here. If an adult with a sound mind wants to alter their body, go right ahead. The second you start doing it to kids, that's when a major line is crossed.

you first

Look I don't agree with the dude but Joe kept pushing him even though he repeatedly stated that he wasn't an expert on the subject. Joe was kind of being a dick and should have just asked him shit that he does actually know about rather than trying to make a fun clip for his Youtube channel.

Arbor Day

>MtF in women sports have an advantage
>umm no ahh nah umm my tranny janny friends say they dont and that hormones have great effects on them

This fuck has never seen a MtF 30+yo in sports, there is a cunt in the AFL that is a fridge, and the NZ cunt in weight lifting is a man with long hair.
What i don't understand is how is there not an uproar of women saying its bullshit, its like somehow they just stfu when it comes to trannies, i would be causing the biggest fuss if i worked my ass off for 20 years to then get a silver because a man is literally cheating to win.

Same symptoms as pretty much every psychiatric disorder.
What a useless profession.

Some of those symptoms are disorders themselves that were politicized when they were new.

Trannies confirmed identical to people who want to cut off their legs because they think they are supposed to be amputees.

Just wait until the next recession, coming soon. Trump will go to war in Iran and gas prices will shoot up and then it will hit. All the financial instruments that lessened the effect of previous recessions are exhausted. That's when society will readjust itself. That's when the fema coffins will get used.

>you guys might be blowing it out of proportion a little bit.
>he was literally forced by the tranny cabal to publicly apologize AND give out cash
go dilate.

Martina Navratilova (tennis player) spoke up and she got kicked off some gay institute she was a part of.
Women get silenced and called TERFS and kicked out of their jobs for speaking up.

I didn't watch the full episode, so I dunno how the conversation got to trans people. That being said, Adam was making some pretty ridiculous claims ("Society should start breaking down the barrier between men and women in sporting events.") and Joe rightfully wanted him to explain his reasoning. And he gave shit reasoning. Yeah, Joe was pushy, but I don't think he stopped Adam from fully articulating his "argument." Even when Joe called out his bullshit, Adam stood by it. It was good that he reiterated that he's not an expert, but he should've been like, "Yeah, you know what, I can't defend this stance. Let's move on."

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children's genitalia = "like an appendix"

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except there is no such thing as "gender"

and .00001% of humans born with fucked up dickginas doesn't negate the fact 99.999999% of everyone else has either a dick or a vagina

tranny retards ALWAYS run straight towards pseudo and social science to justify their bullshit

I agree with you wholeheartedly, I just don't really see it down here and was wondering if it was just an Internet/media phenomenon meant to divide, or if it was an actual thing in other places.

Anyone advocating hormone therapy for children is either mentally ill or a pharma shill.

the problem is they are taking over academia and censoring REAL science

If it's not the godfags or the "race realists" it's the trans-enablers and the genderwarriors. Jesus, science gets hit from every angle, doesn't it?

She looks like she fucks brown guys

Yeah, it actually happens. I'm a medical student, and we're trained to go along with it when a kid says they wanna change their gender.

Im in NC and for the past decades ive mainly only seen black tranny hookers walking around at night. The last year or so om starting to see ones that get loe level jobs. Ive seen a couple working at gas stations. Then every once in a while like a trailer park gay dude who is hanging out with a pack of girls.
We are still at the point if that they start talking shit and trying to be all political or something theyll get their ass kicked but i can see the shit slowly creeping in through the cracks.
Black people love tranny shit.


I don't care if guys wear dresses and want to be called women, especially if they put the work in to look somewhat "nice" and all. I don't even care if they get fake titties.

But carving up your genitals to make a perma wound between your legs is insane and should be treated as such.

Attached: 1338552775972.jpg (157x175, 13K)

Yeah I'm in Alabama. All the Transexual or whatever people we see are black faggots with lipstick getting laughed at. Just wondering how much different things were elsewhere.

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
Basically: A feminist that does not include protecting men who have feminine hobbies in their feminist movement.

>Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.

I'm in NC and the tranny contagion is alive and well here among millennials and zoomers. Theres two around here that work at stores, and I live in a rural area.



So lemme get this straight. Men can't have anything of their own or it's sexist and we need to let women in. But men can't do anything in female circles or we're being problematic? Why are feminists such cunts?

>men who have feminine hobbies
i dont think thats what being transgender is

Imagine "transmen" going in your mens rights movement and telling you you need to center them and discuss men's abortion rights.

Why are we even talking about those freaks as of they aren't mentally ill? Find them, and gas them. They cant be saved.

Me and my friends have a drunken softball team. I think I'm a girl now.

Ah yes. Being transgender means you have a "female soul". Because female is a feeling.

Trans men usually become male rights activists when they discover men get a raw deal in society.

I'm in Chicago and see some whenever I venture into the hipster areas. Pretty uncommon outside of there since the niggers, spics, and working class whites are by and large not on board with that shit.

softball isnt a feminine hobby. Its baseball for people who suck at it.

Murder is illegal in first world countries, Achmed.

>What i don't understand is how is there not an uproar of women saying its bullshit, its like somehow they just stfu when it comes to trannies

There is, but not nearly as big of an uproar as there should be. Some female athletes have started coming out about this shit, and feminists in the UK have been against this shit. A lot of gender critical/rad fems are against this shit, but the stupid "right side of history" groupthink is embedded in a lot of women so hard, it's hard to break them out of it. I also think theres more women who hate this shit than they let on, they just can't say it in public, because trannies and their activists will literally harass them in real life as well as online.

Right so it's an over representation in media to corrupt the minds of our youth and make it seem totally natural and widely occurring. That's what I figured.

Don't confuse murder for an act of mercy. Either we do it or they do it themselves. It's less painful on the families that has to burden that shame if we do things our way

Trans exclusionary radical feminist. AKA gender critical feminists. AKA women who don't think LARPing men should be the focus of feminism.

user, that's some serial killer logic. I find trannies annoying too but Jesus Christ.

You and your boys vs me and my boys, I'm taking your shit yard son.

Also, trannies beat the ever loving shit out of women.
There used to be only female hookers that walk the streets where i grew up.
Now if one shows up they literally get the shit kicked out of them by apes in high heels.

interesting how people who claim to defend the "best country on earth" always sound bloodthirsty and extremely paranoid. Makes me wonder what's so great about the traditional values you're defending if you need to feel that way all the time.

This too. They REEE about "TERF violence" when theres never been a case of a rad fem beating up a tranny. But you can find plenty of cases of MtF ones beating up women, or killing people.

The way things are going, you will get used to it. I'm not kidding.2020 is going to be insane. RBG will have to step down. Trump will put a social conservative judge on the bench. Liberals will freak out and cause mass protest and rioting. What do you think the Law and Order President will do after that

it haves to be, being a tranny is the ultimate form of being an incel and hating women

you sound mentally ill

Find your balls and either use them or cut them off. Nothing of value will be lost unless, of course, you get caught.

At least I don't want to get my balls cut off to feel pretty

t. wheelchair tranny

It really is. It's borne out of so many sissification fetishes, it's insane.

that webm is basically the plot of the shape of water

Did you reply to the wrong person? I don't care if fags wanna pretend to be girls. Just keep it out of the schools. The problem isn't major. It's just people being played.

why are you obsessed with other people's testicles?

reminder that a majority of transwomen in mens prisons would rather stay in mens prisons despite facing rape because of the validation they receive.
reasons why these "women" don't want to go to womens prison:
"it's easier. women are more complicated. they like to fight and prove themselves. too much drama"
"it'd be too much with too many women - too much drama/gossip"
"when girls get togethe, there is too much bickering - too much drama"

Attached: tims-prefer-mens-prison-details.png (606x471, 47K)

>the same does not apply to me haha

>TERF violence
lmao, that's literally just trannies getting asshurt when someone says "you are not a woman and you don't go through what women go through". Why do they have to equate "no, you're wrong" with violence? Is this what they really mean by fragile masculinity?

Trannies are just one weaponized group within many. Its a major problem in context. Tranny shit is just the major thing right now because the average person doesnt know much about it so its an era they can spew out as many lies about how tranny shit as they want.

>a transgender person getting surgery somehow effects my life

>we arent calling bosses and doxxing people who wont submit to our propaganda

If they don't equate words with violence, people might start to realize the truth. That the number of murdered trannies in the US is like 14 a year. Which, even for their statistical makeup of the population, is insanely low.

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Yeah, trannies are just quietly living their lives as a .1% minority and paying for their transition on their own dime.

sorry is someone calling your boss to get you fired because you made a post on Yea Forums calling trannies gross? Are you actually trying to pretend that will happen?

They'll affect your daughter's life.

>shuts down all the mental hospitals, tries to ban abortion, veteran aid, medicare, and the EPA
>then wants to lecture me about the "collective well-being of society"
lol I don't think so sweaty

this is top schizo

do you deny conservatives have done all those things? What a strange bubble you must live in to obsess over "the well-being of society" but only on one incredibly narrow type of social harm that only affects like .01% of the population. I can see your iq is very low

Holy shit you are fucking retarded. Talk about missing the point entirely.

Are you saying you WOULD fuck a Tranny?

You disgust me.

very strange, mental hospitals being closed is lauded as progressive in most developed countries

The epa is useless
Medicare is a meme and a scam
Mental hospitals point isnt even true, but psychology is often a scam
Abortion is murder and we shouldnt have to pay for it, but if some dumb bitch gets knocked up and wants to murder her own unborn child fuck it

None of these things are obiectively against the wellbeing of society. You are misrepresenting them. Tranny freaks heing normalized and psycho leftists like tou encouraging prepubescent children to take hormones that make them sterile is a much bigger and terrible issue. Try again, sub 90 IQ faggot.

no, the original picture missed the point by saying something that sounds smart but is actually fucking retarded. Thats what happens when you get your talking points from /pol

No it was correct. You are incapable of actual debate, so you deflect with idiotic strawmen and cry about /pol/ and paint everyone under the same brush. Very immature.

>Are you actually trying to pretend that will happen?
it will in a few years

Attached: 1485409754238.gif (414x472, 2.11M)

Yeah legit, I didnt like him at first but then just started putting on interviews while doing random shit and its great

>The epa is useless
>Medicare is a meme and a scam
wow so it sounds like you really don't care about the mental and social well-being of society but will spend all day fantasizing about how much you hate men in dresses. You sound like a very normal and well adjusted member of society, not a psychopath at all

Its already that way in E*rope. Its only not that way in the US right now because Trump got elected and stopped the refugee terrorist wave from being imported

>b-but transgender children shouldn't be allowed to change their bodies to fit their minds...
>most of them grow up only to discover they're actually gay instead

Has anybody killed you for being an annoying tranny?

>be liberal
>tries to convince people to become natsoc to look after society as a whole on an economic/social level while also throwing degenerates into the trash where they belong
>"wtf where did all these nazis come from"

There have been multiple cases in the UK where the cops have been called on men and women for posting gender critical things on Twitter. One woman spent time in jail for it. It's already happening, on other platforms.

how is it correct? The only way the original point can be true is if you agree that the social well-being of society is important, and therefore conservatives were wrong to attack that very long list of social welfare institutions.Do you agree social welfare is important or not?

You don't get to cherrypick when a certain moral standard is important and when it isn't. A moral standard is consistent, that's what makes it a "value" and not just a lie being used to sell a cynical, anti-social argument to someone who doesn't realize conservatives take a steaming dump on "social well-being" almost daily. your talking points are very weak

>wow so it sounds like you really don't care about the mental and social well-being of society
Strawman. Are you really so disingenuous that you would characterize dissatisfaction with government agencies as complete apathy towards the interests which they represent? And then you would try pathologizing my beliefs which you've purposefully misinterpreted, all while ignoring the actual arguments being made?

Try again, juvenile retard. You argue like a child. (Surprise...leftists normally act mature). At least try demonstrating that you are capable of acting like someone worth talking to.

Also parents are getting arrested for not playing along with this shit

>but is silly to worry if it hasnt personally happened to me yet

>put all political enemies, subversives, journalists and college professors in prison
>this is somehow a healthy society
lol yeah wow im natsoc now you really got me there sounds like a splendid system

yeah but the UK has always had different speech laws than the US. unless you are trying the Alex Jones route of NWO coming to put us all in re-education camps

I would like to throw in here Russel Crowe suggested there might be a Master and Commander 2 if enough people support it. Because this is still /tv here.

Incorrect. You are deflecting and misrepresenting. Conservatives attacking institutions is irrelevant and certainly not indicative of their stance towards "social welfare."

The rest of your post is drivel not worth addressing, you still havent refuted anyone's argument.

>yeh but
kys already

Very few countries actually have free speech. Commonwealth countries do not have it. Which is why people are arrested for alleged islamophobia and so-called tranphobia (using the "wrong" pronoun). The modern left are just bootlickers to the authoritarian state.

>dissatisfaction with government agencies as complete apathy towards the interests which they represent?
yes, because a rational person understands that when you are dissatisfied with a gov institution, you re-structure or rebuild it. The American conservative model is to abandon it, then when society is damaged as a result, blame political enemies to justify destroying more gov. programs.

talk about pathological, they've been doing it for like 35 years and you still haven't figured out their con...

It might take longer to take hold in the US, and it might not happen, but if you don't think TRAs and the trans lobby are gonna push for censoring speech in the US as well, you're a fool.

>conservatives attacking welfare is not indicative of their stance on social welfare
lmao go back to pol kiddo

>The American conservative model is to abandon it, then when society is damaged as a result,


>blame political enemies

>my political enemies are bad cuz they blame their political enemies

Sounds good to me.
>implying you wouldn't do the same
If that's true, either you're lying or ain't nobody got time for milquetoast ideologies so fuck right off.


>The modern left are just bootlickers to the authoritarian state.
ok so what are you expecting people to do? euro countries have always had more repressive speech laws, for their whole history. Do they not have a right to sovereignty and self-government?

Are you asking leftists to intervene in another country's court system, against the wishes of their own government and most of the population? That's sort of a ridiculous thing to be outraged about

>Joe: huh, but here's what I don't get: why can't all these sissy kids that society has bitched up just be gay like you? Why dress them up like preteen prostitutes?

>when you are dissatisfied with a gov institution, you re-structure or rebuild it.
Which is what they often try to do, or, they argue that govt is not needed to take care of such things, and they are usually correct.

But there you go deflecting again. You have still failed to address any argument and are jst misrepresenting and acting like a child

It is funny that most people with your juvenile views are incapable of every actually engaging in debate. I suppose its because if they were capable of debate, they would nkt hold such views. You are a fool and a child.

Just reading this convo, but damn. Could you really support on a fundamental level dumb europoor shit because "right to sovereignty"? It doesnt excuse degenerate stuff in my eyes

>munchousen by proxy rates completely decline as trans kids rates sky rocket
>gender can't be learned
Trans kids phenomenon is just parents and (((society))) fucking with kids and teaching them to be fucked up

so what? No one is allowed to describe a situation if it makes someone else look bad? Someone has to be responsible for attacking welfare institutions, are you denying that conservatives do that? I mean are you really just taking a wet fart on the past 45 years of Republican policy just to defend your own victim complex? pretty sad

You're really stupid. Leftists should be pro free speech and not siding with the fascists who put people in jail for misgendering someone, you stupid fucking dyke.

>so stupid she thinks this is an argument
>feigns confidence by saying kiddo

conservatives attack welfare institutions out of care for all of society. Most of all the people who get trapped into them for generations.

>muh conservatives
You're so fucking dumb lmfao.

I love how youve just been such a deflecting retard that everyone has just lost the original point kf discussion.

Die in a fire, authoritarian scumbag.


You're arguing with a braindead nanny state loving tranny fyi

Stop harming children.

Have a life that doesn't revolve around your genitals, fetishes, and derangements

Give it 10 years and we'll see an "epidemic" of gay/trans suicides and nobody will know why.

Unfortunate, but inevitable.

>But there you go deflecting again. You have still failed to address any argument
because you haven't made one. You refuse to accept the idea that social welfare programs benefit the well-being of society, because you know accepting this would mean the right's obsession with trans people is entirely hypocritical and manipulative.

The benefits of social welfare are well-known, widely studied and recognized in all 1st world countries besides the US. I could explain why if you want, but since your entire argument against trans people hinges on social programs not counting as "good for society" because conservatives oppose them I think you are unlikely to agree, no matter what I say. So what is there to debate?




I really like how Joe Rogan pulls it back just enough so that he can mock and taunt adam just so he can make as much of a mockery of him as possible.

And it's a mentall illness that needs to be cured by psychiatrists, not surgeons or big pharma.

>The benefits of social welfare are well-known, widely studied and recognized in all 1st world countries besides the US.

>dont bring up shit about the UK and other countries, heres how welfare is totally cool outside of USA though.

You're gonna see a lot of detransitioners too. A whole generation of people who sterilized and mutilated themselves.


i heard they control the film and tv indus

>Leftists should be pro free speech
you're thinking of liberals. Either way, countries have a right to self-government and to determine their own laws, and Europe's free speech laws are well within the confines of the UN requirements on political and media freedom. In fact, many euro countries have a better journalist freedom rating than the US.

So while I appreciate the idea, I think free speech in the UK is pretty low on the list of concerns for leftists. Maybe something like the war in Yemen which threatens the lives of 1 million children dying of starvation and cholera. That is maybe a more worthy interest for your time, if you actually care about human rights and are not just using the vague idea as a political weapon against anyone who isnt as obsessed with trans people as you.

They control DC
All Congressmen interns are flamers.

>dont bring up shit about the UK
what about the uk makes you think they dont have welfare lol

You should worry about Yemen instead of pushing tranny shit onto children

remember that proto the trnany here came out with more mental issues, now he's 2 people (in addition to being a gay tranny)

Get the statistic over with and kill yourself already

wow, you cant even jew correctly.

Surely it couldn’t be because of YouTube’s horrendous copyright policies right now.

Surely the most logical answer wouldn’t be the correct one. I’m sure some tranny Jew got offended and told independent JRE to stop going live so they could send the footage to Jerusalem for review and editing.

God you morons need an acid bath

>.....um, could you expand on the question?
>its a very simple question

you should worry about yemen instead of trans children period. capitalism kills 90 times more children than tranny suicides ever will dumbass. That is how I can guarantee, no matter how much it triggers boomers, being anti-capitalist is objectively more moral than being anti-trans, because capitalism damages the lives of far, far more people

We can only hope the 40% claim this one. it's too far gone

It feels bad honestly, its not even bait its what he believes for real

>deflecting this hard

The argument has been made. Pumping kids full of hormones or taking a child away from parents who refuse to let a child do so is harmful to the child. Normalizing gender dysphoria, a mental illness, is harmful to society. Ypu have hitherto absolutely failed to address these arguments and are deflecting onto mischaracterizations of your percieved opponent. Those making this argument have won by default, unless you provide an adequate refutation. Try again, you dumb fucking crossdresser.

>looks at all the deaths in communist and socialist governments
>looks at all the deaths in natsoc governments
>looks at all the deaths in feudalism and monarchy times

It’s almost like humans will kill no matter what. Now let’s look at quality of life right now under capitalism. Oh that’s right, it’s at the highest in human history.

Right, so drop your tranny bullshit agenda on children and care about the shit that really matters to you

but you cant disprove it so why wouldnt I

you're gay
simple as

>blah blah blah
So-called liberals are siding with the authoritarian state when they silence dissident voices. Please try to stay on topic, dumdum.

Social welfare only works in a carefully curated system. Those programs cost so much money, that they need to tax citizens almost all of their income. They need people to be working, and making decent money. If for whatever reason (illegal immigration) the system becomes unbalanced, the whole thing comes crashing down. So I'll start voting for social programs when you people start voting for border control.

Once you solve the middle east then come back and ask nicely if you can dope children up.

Just accept your femininity or just come out as gay. It's one or the other. There is no logical reason to cut off or implant appendages while taking pills. It is a mental illness that requires actual help.

You're right. Capitalism allows you to cut your dick off, and not as a capital punishment that many Islamic countries use it for.

>In fact, many euro countries have a better journalist freedom rating than the US.
Not at all. The US press is the freest in the world. It goes too far sometimes, allowing them to slander people under freedom of the press. No sweetie, trump calling cnn an enemy of the people is not an attack on the free press. You arent too bright are you?

>m-muh capitalism


>Now let’s look at quality of life right now under capitalism
all those people who cheered for Bernie's healthcare plan at the Fox town hall would disagree with you lol. Just because it did good things in the past doesn't mean it cant be improved by a better system.

allowing the UK to govern its own country is not "siding with an authoritarian state" especially when they have a higher press freedom ranking than the US lol

>implying the weaponized copyright system wasnt instigated by money hungry jews
Based retard


hopefully they are muslim children
>(and thats a good thing)

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>Government killing people
You don't know what you are talking about.

>The US press is the freest in the world
have a peek at reality big guy rsf.org/en/ranking

>higher press ranking
Nope. Unless you want to post some arbitrary far left source. That is factually incorrect.

Im also referring to so-called liberals in the UK you absolute fucking retard

>feelings of decreased gender dysphoria is a possible symptom of gender dysphoria

Fair enough, but it’s a sitewide YouTube thing more than a Joe is specifically being targeted

That explains your absolute ignorance and juvenile worldview. I bet you think he will win too. Youre an idiot.

>war for profit where the US sells weapons to Saudis in exchange for an alliance with key oil producers
>not capitalism

>dont worry about your children getting drugged up cuz freedom of the press and capitalism and yemen

Its like you are trying to be jewish but really bad at it

Speculation. Fact is, big megacorps that you get your news from hate independents like rogan and weaponize copyright because they cant compete in a fair game

what do you mean nope? What do you base this view on? Just your own imagination I guess? Reality has a "far-left biase" to you? what a sad, narrow-minded view, many such cases among the right

>please look at my arbitrary source
No thanks. The UK press muzzled journalists when tommy robbinson was arrested (for trying to conduct an activity of the press). You are out of touch with reality and dont fkrm your own opinions.

good point, .01% of the population being trans is way more important than millions of people being killed yearly. Really the uh superior big brain take

>governments and megacorps with monopolies are capitalism
Based retard.

It doesn't matter if he's a bernifag or not. Capitalismfags who can't see the wrongs with it and defend it are on the same mental illness scale like trannies mutilating their genitalia.

>an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
If McDonald's was invading the Taco Bell republic, then it'd be capitalism's fault.

>Reality has a "far-left biase" to you?
Appeals to authority seldom represent reality. There you go generalizing an entire group of people while calling others close minded.

Right, so stop worrying about drugging up .0001% of children to chop their dicks off until you solve freedom of the press, capitalism, and the middle east.
Get some priorities asshole.

Nice representation of your kind. Good work.

You mean people who arent braindead retards? The 20th century showed that capitalism is the superior system. You are trying to pretend that we deny capitalism has flaws, which is untrue. It is flawed, but the best by far.

>tommy robbinson was arrested
for interfering in a court proceeding. Also, last time I checked isn't a certain conservative president trying to extradite a journalist to the US to accuse him of espionage for reporting US war activities. This is the group that cares about freedom of press? hmmmm

>oy vey goy turn a blind eye to child abuse and degeneracy because there are other problems (((we))) also created
Fuckin retarded

>Appeals to authority
good idea, next time I want a statistic I'll just make one up in my head like the right does. Really way more productive

>for interfering in a court proceeding
Nope. He was a journalist filming outside a court. Keep regurgitating lies from the state, you incredible retard.

As for assange, trump is not the one extraditing him, you are being dishonest. Truml isnt conservative either. And furthermore, it is the right wing and independent press who arr supporting assange, while your corporate msm abandons him. My god you are out kf touch

Im agreeing with you dummy.
Its the tranny thats keeps on bringing up these issues other issues.
>let us drug up your children cuz theres other people being killed in the world

You havent posted any. You directed me to some arbitrary ranking created by elitists. You have no argument.

>It's the best so far
That's retarded. You only have to look around a couple of countries and see the devastating circumstances these countries are in because of capitalism. If you are American, you only need to look at Detroit and see what your good goy capitalism did to these people. What a flourishing town it was when the factories left for lower wages in foreign countries.
Yugo Communism was the best so far. Everyone was wealthy, no war. But it can't be reignited. Communism is a dead end, before you reply with your inane drivel, capitalist fag.

read marx and get back to me, or watch some Richard Wolf lectures on youtube. If your ideology is unable to handle criticism, than it is probably very weak

>blah blah blah
Capitalism is the best system. It must also be regulated in order to sustain itself. Socialism and communism were failed experiments of the 20th century. Capitalism won. Get over it abd gice me a real argument, not
>muh multinstional megacorps exploit niggers with the help of the state therefkr capitalism is the worst
You're a neanderthal xD

Captalism built Detroit you ficking idiot.
Social welfare programs destroyed it.
And Detroit is still better than any country that has never experienced capitalism.
Detroit is shitty for a capitalidt country but it would pretty sweet if you dropped it in the middle of Africa. For a while anyway.

>give me specific arguments that I can run my protocol
The NPC is back I guess.

>r-read marx

You are the epitome of the pseudo intellectual. Kill yourself. I love slavoj zizek and Marxism is fucking retarded. Capitalism is the best, youre a subhuman chimp who cant argue

>marxist discord trannies getting fucking gangraped itt
Well done lads

PS bernie is a sellout jew fraud and wont even win the primaries AGAIN

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>Social welfare was the CEO who optimised production cost and cut those greedy workers who demanded a job and a living wage, and in the end moved the factories to India.
lol. But I give you that, capitalism raised and destroyed Detroid, like many places.

>deflecting this hard
>using /pol/ memes that youre too stupid to understand

Social welfare programs destroyed detroit. Are you fucking retarded? Leanr history, otherwise youre destined to be a left wing failure forever xD

>I make up shit at the get-go
I smell an underage who never had to work for his living.

>You only have to look around a couple of countries and see the devastating circumstances these countries are in because of capitalism.
Whenever people get fucked over by capitalism it benefits someone else. A company moves to some third world country for lower wages usually improves living conditions in those countries. If you are saying this is horrible, you are basically asking for nationalism.

>destroyed Detroit

Again, Detroit is only "destroyed" in context of a nation built on lots of capitalism.
Drop it into a nation that has never allowed capialism to flourish and it looks like a paradise.

>unironic marxist calling people underage and telling them to work harder

My iq id way higher than yours and i make more mkney thab you and i have a hot white gf. Cry more, gamma male.

t. literal teenager

And whenever people get fucked over by socialism (any time it is implemented) it benefits nobody.

> i have a hot white gf
now it makes sense
Negro, YOU destroyed Detroit

>doesnt even know how to use t.
Well thanks for the laugh, literal teenager

Its even more funny that weve confirmed youre grown up and are a marxist. Talk about fucking pathetic

Blacks only get fat trailer trash whites

I wouldn't say that they improve the living conditions as a general rule. I still remember the news of factories with bars in their window, so people don't jump out and kill themselves. Or the Bhopal disaster.
Even with that, capitalism is too selective with its wealth and should be overhauled if not completely replaced.

nigs would be alright if it werent for decades of welfare.
They would breed semi-responsibly in America like they did before the welfare state at least.

>being anticapitalist
>being a marxist
>caring about yemen
Literally who tier.

Your writing style outs you as a flamboyant homo and child who's venting his teenage rage. Quite sad to be honest, you are 20 at most.


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All these people have the same amount of money as each other.
Its not the utopia you are making it out to be

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Niggers are far from the worst of our worries, especially when it comes to breeding. They abort more babies than anyone, and it wouldn't shock me if more mutts are born every year because of white women being pump and dumped than full blooded niggers.

When I was 4 I had a Tigger costume I loved to wear. I even wore it when we went to the grocery store a few times. I'm still mentally scarred and abuse drugs to deal with the trauma of my mother and father not taking me to Thailand and getting a tail and claws stitched onto me. They denied me my true identity.

its fucking awesome when everybody around you has the same amount of money

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>posts niggers as an example of why socialism doesn't work
Well duh.

Ww2 then

Even then the dream of literally everyone having the exact same amount of money at all times was never achieved.

>not white niggers
One choice.

I dont argue with jews, sorry
You "people" are worse than trannies.
Your lies will never get the privilege of being entertained as debate from me.

because it doesn't and there is no proof to support that it does. stop grandstanding on hypotheticals twit

