/trek/ Second best captain since Kirk edition

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that new trek cartoon might be a kino eh

Kirk/Sisko/Archer are the best bois

Second best is Sisko
Best is Kirk

It will never be as kino as the original

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The CG is going to be terrible. But I do hope they can get a lot of the old cast in for cameos since it's just voice work and they can do a lot with that. Just wishful thinking but maybe

. . . .

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Kirk/THE SISKO/Archer

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Gunna check it out but I'm disappointed it's teens. I was hoping it'd be adult characters but for a younger audience like TAS.

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>personification of evil
Yikes. Didn’t know we had people on /trek/ who unironically believe Bajoran propaganda.

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but porthos isn't the captain

They say a bunch of lawless teens can't pilot a ship? We've seen Data control the entire Enterprise by himself.
They say they'll get caught? If they're able to salvage an entire ship it wouldn't be impossible for them to find one of the millions of cloaking devices floating around in space.
We're finally getting a ghost ship series, I can feel it.

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When do you guys think Picard is coming out? They say late 2019 so does that mean like September or a week before new years?

Its coming out on CBSflix right? They don't have to follow any sane scheduling. Could release a teaser in late 2019 or some shorts and then continue on later.

star trek: lawless teens

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Were the Romulans the most /fa/ faction?

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if /fa/ means furniture attire, sure.

Do you think the teens will take a ship we've heard of before? Like the pictured Excelsior of Sulu fame? Whatever the ship is is probably the name of the show of course.

fugg bruh too savage

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Crossover with Dukat and Macet when?

Never, actors too old now.

Sulu should be a part of the teen crew and no one ever asks why the fuck he's with them

Well gee now that you ask
I suppose it should be named the Spectre, and be one of those secret test ships we never hear about because there's an accident and Starfleet covers it up, like the ship with a cloaking device in that Riker episode with the guy from LOST
Have they decided on a name for the series yet or is it still the Star Trek Cartoon? Shills feel free to take my ideas to your masters you don't have to credit me with saving Trek, that it does well will be enough

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Why is Saru a weeb?

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What else would expect from the race with the greatest influence on holosuite programs

"What? I'm just a normal teenager like the rest of you. Oh, my..."

*notices your threat ganglia* ;3 licky licky

why didnt they just "heh" Leland?

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I used to spend hours shitposting here. Now it's like there's no point. /trek/ has degenerated to the point that no one gets mad anymore. Truly the inmates are running the asylum now.

There's a snitch bitch faggot running an anti-bully campaign on Yea Forums who bored off all the interesting posters. Now we just have the depressed addicts as regulars, and they never really learned how to be funny.

anti-bullying is a good joke though

kys retard

That's a damn sexy ship

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Why are the two darkest Star Treks the ones with black main characters

that ship reminds me of pic related

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Would you watch an alternate universe series with no humanoid aliens?

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Fuck, these graphics are Homeworld-tier...

the original series doesn't get enough credit for being one of the first television shows to warn of the incel menace

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Her name is Sexcelsior and she is a goddess, the aesthetic summit of Starfleet ship design and mankind's most elegant chariot of the stars. That we are able to dream of such magnificent perfection is proof our destiny as a people lies in the glittery bosom of the infinite cosmos.
If I could ask one wish of Q it would be for the heart of my fair lady Excelsior.

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Anyone else going to see the HD DS9 Documentary in theaters next month? It's one day only but it looks really good


Seeing documentaries in theaters? Jesus, could you be more pathetic?

No. It wouldn't be Star Trek.
There's two ways to do it though.

1. Make a series that focuses more so on these weird species while still being in the prime universe.
2. Set a series in the Andromeda galaxy where there were never those proto-humanoids.

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I don't know but I sure try


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Fuck you, shut-in cunt

Who are your top three most bad ass female and male characters respectively?

I'm seeing it tomorrow because I'm a backer.

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Male: Kor, Koloth, and Kang
Female: Jadzia, Kira, Mirror Hoshi

>Mirror Hoshi

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Keep at it friend, you're doing great!

Jadzia isn't a real woman.

Sorry if I'm not in a hurry to give the multiplex more jew-gold you faggot cuck.

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REEEEEEE! REEEEEEEE! Shields up, red alert!

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Is Star Trek gay?

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Star Trek really is gay

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yes, but in a good way

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TNG easily

Mulgrew used to write 'friendfiction' of her murdering the actor who played Seven of Nine.

Sexual tension and murdery tension are very similar.

Hi BF. You're my favorite one.

You don't say?

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>was assigned to patrol the border during the Dominion war
Wrong, according to Dominion wars Book 1 and 3, he sacrifices dozens of red shirts and a trill scientist to shut down the Artificial Wormhole the dominion was building.

Only changelings and dominion shills would doubt this amazing feat performed by Picard alone (with the help of Ro, Geordi, Data and not Riker, because Riker did literally nothing but stay on a station and fuck some cripple with PTSD)

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How am I doing?

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Do you realize this was made so that he would be more evil?

>manual override for blast door is only on one side
what retard designed these ships?

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you just know...

Oh Bash, my workers unite for you, chains are cast off. Please seize my means of production again and again!

>Mulgrew used to write 'friendfiction' of her murdering the actor who played Seven of Nine.
That's kinda hot.
Fucking ginger bitches.

The same retard that put the civilian evac section of the fucking galaxy class in the VERY FRONT of the ship, the part most likely to get destroyed

Not canon

Can somebody explain “Far Beyond the Stars” to me?

Based leyland

>Whatever the ship is is probably the name of the show of course.

>Starfleet Academy
>Ceti Alpha V
>Lower Decks

Lower Decks is the Rick and Morty one. Ceti Alpha V isn't happening. Starfleet Academy is the Freeform or whatever one. Destiny is a faggy book series, so I hope that's the Picard show just to retcon it to hell. Revolution is too generic. so two Quatloos on "Reliant".

One of the rules of acquisition is to always have sex with the boss but only male ferengi can own businesses.

A woman probably

Sisko is both the dream (Emissary) and the dreamer (Prophet).

Sorry if spoilers.

star trek

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Selar makes my wiener hard

>so two Quatloos on "Reliant".
-Reliant = Kids show
-Destiny = Picard
-Revolution = Section 31

Fifty bucks says they finally find Porthos coming out of the transporter in the animated show

JJ porthos?

Well, STO got its first main ship captain in-game.

Prime Lorca

hello, Hap.

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If you don't remember Picard from Star Trek, get off the internet.

>get off the internet.
I'm trying, but it's more difficult than you might think.

>the preferred way in the Current Year to make someone look evil is to make them sexist
This unironically says a lot about our society.

What killed /trek/?

The ice age!

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>Victor Fries

Why did Picard authorize the crew to make contact with the pre-warp orgy planet. Was it a ploy to get Wesley executed all along?

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Were they pre-warp? They seemed pretty advanced.

20th century
>Star Trek
>The Animated Adventures
>The Next Generation
>Deep Space Nine

21st century
>Destiny (Picard)
>Lower Decks
>Reliant (Nickelodeon)
>Section 31

By 2021, we're going to have more 21st century Star Treks than 20th century.

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21st century Star Treks arent Star Treks


1. The Sisko
2. Picard
3. Janeway
4. Kirk
5. Data
6. Odo
7. The Doctor
8. Spock
9. Romulan Commander (TOS Season 1, Episode 14: Balance of Terror
10. Riker
10.5. Chakotay (I forgot him)
11. Worf
12. Chief O'brien
13. Nog
14. McCoy
15. Tom Paris
16. Gal Dukat
17. Jadzia Dax (Incl. All Dax [not Ezri])
18. Seven of Nine
19. Weyoun
20. Tom Paris
21. Tasha Yar
22. Dr. Beverly Crusher
23. Dr. Bashir
24. Harry Kim
25. Uhura
26. Scotty
27. Blind Black Man
9000. Deanna Troi
9001. Lwaxana Troi
9002. Johnathan Archer
9003. Neelix
9004. Tuvix
9999999999999999999. Kes

I can't really argue with this list. Well done, user.

>Gal Dukat

Will Dukat be coming back as a woman next time around?

That's not how you spell it.

>caring about cardASSians so much

>Your existence must be a kind of walking purgatory - neither dead nor alive. Never really *feeling* anything. Just existing. Just existing.

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The dumbest part about VOY is that the showrunners felt they had to set it in a new quadrant, as though the Alpha Quadrant's been spent and there's nothing more to see there. In reality, One quadrant alone would contain far more worlds and species than one single show could ever hope to portray.

So that's why it has to be counted, Wes.

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the dumbest part of voy was the first fucking 4 seasons

Earlier in the season they learned that using the spore drive was causing the death of the spore network, that also happened to be the foundation of all life in the multiverse.

They then continued to use it any time the writers wrote themselves into a corner.

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I'm not sure I like these threads anymore. The coming posts will decide if I stay or not. Make it entertaining.

t. kes


No shit. It's how spelled it. I was making a joke


The same idiot savant who gave the blastdoors indestructible windows so that the captain could watch his officers heroically sacrifice themselves to a torpedo that was apparently powerful enough to blow off the front quarter of the saucer section.

Try to keep up, user.

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There's no need for that tone.

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this is it, /trek/
end program

>the sisko
what is this new form of cringe?

I'm afraid I can't do that, user

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>that time Scotty was continually cycled through a transporter for 75 years, presumably conscious but in a "eventually stopped thinking" state

That's what AL says, not Moriarty.

He turned out fine

It was the robot in the 2001 film.

2001 a space odyssey

The robot's name is hal.

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>hates the sisko
>says "cringe"
go watch STD, zoomer

user, pls
no buly

Sisko was just a basic violent black male who didn't belong in any position of authority. It's unfortunate too, because they HAD to make him a violent ape. If they made him reasonable and level-headed and civilized, it would've been called whitewashing.

just cool it with the hateful remarks against blacks, ok?

I may be blind but at least I'm not a nigger.

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Alright sorry cuh we cool...
(under breath) fucking monkeys

Geordi went blind due to his addiction to holodeck masturbation

They couldn't use the spore drive while charging the time crystal. Then, after that was done and they were transporting the red angel suit, Stamets got fucked up and impaled (not by a penis) and spent the rest of the episode in sickbay. He's the only way they can get the drive to work.

There was lots of shit that didn't make sense in that last episode, but that point was fairly well explained.

15 and 20 same entry?

Why is Sisko 1st?

What am I looking at

Riker should be orbited by all of the women.

What a shit show this place is. It says something when Yea Forums can have a better Trek thread than Yea Forums

tearing down what others build up makes me feel better about myself and how my life is.

lol, I actually don't ever watch TV, just youtube. I'm only here because I used to watch that shit as a kid lol

where is obrien in this?

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I love you guys

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Petty Officer
No joke

>ugly AF saucer star trek design that was only cool when it first came out because it was the 60s and that's the best they could come up with
idk how people can possibly think that corny saucer design is even remotely good looking
literally every race except the Klingons (let's not mention the borg abominations) have better looking ships
especially the Vulcans
some races even have more familiar More human looking ships than the ugly saucer

if you didn't already know this you must be horribly sheltered and out of touch

With the leaked character breakdown and the cast list for the Picard series, which will fit into the different ranks?

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leave him alone.

forgot to mention that Enterprise and Voyager are by far the best looking main character ships in the show
the rest arent close

you're wrong, child

>muh toy like flying saucer meme ships
>but muh nostalgia!

NOBODY can focus fire.
At least somebody finally shoots that fucking retarded Trek-style bridge-pimple of.