>Been out for two weeks.
>Still less than half the views of JOKER.
Can everyone finally admit Star Wars is dead?
Been out for two weeks
ive been saying it for years nigga
Rey should be naked
It's a teaser.
>wanting to see this monster naked
no thanks
>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people
based rey nudist poster
That's surprisingly low, to be honest I didn't expect that. Still, The Last Jedi teaser is currently at 44m, maybe it can get to that.
Remember the TFA teaser
so is Joker
No, she’s just the prettiest English girl they could find.
It probably has more than 27M views on twitter, to be fair
Pollack bullshit aside, I think this one won’t do nearly as well. Even liberals quietly hated it.
>only 27 million for the last movie of this "blockbuster" franchise
You know Disney is in panic mode.
Wow those are pretty bad views, especially since they brought Sheev back. A pretty significant number of dislikes too. I want the film to be good but I also think they deserve to be punished financially for TLJ.
heres why. Casual viewers hate TFA they just won't admit it. They wanted ROTS not ANH. By the Time TLJ came out star wars was already dead because of a ANH all TLJ did was kill off a chunk of hard core fans. But you still have fucks like Eric Butts that will watch it no matter what. Someone fucking take his wife from him already. Fuck that guy.
Why did TV expose me about eric butts I hate this guy with every fiber of my being.
i'm it's just the teaser. let's see how the actual trailer does.
It's been dead for decades. The only thing propping this franchise up were the video game spinoffs that came out after the prequel trilogy. Fuck Star Wars and its fans.
>instead of wearing darker clothes, they have Rey looking like TFA again
this is not poetry
>Star Wars is dead guys
>makes 300 threads everyday about it
>surely it will die if we cry and bitch about it enough on the anus of the internet
>right...right Disney?
I didn't even know there was a teaser out.
Disney just released on Deadline.com that the teaser got 111 million views and is more "viral" than TFA or TLJ. Thoughts?
It seems like they're countering Yea Forums threads like this. Unironically.
i haven´t seen the teaser yet, also i wont watch the trailer BUT i`m totally gonna see it in theater, with joker i dont know yet.
>Can everyone finally admit Star Wars is dead?
Yeah judging for all the tv series and future movies and massive celebrations.. Star Wars looks definitely dead...
your comparing a teaser that showed barely anything to a trailer that showed the entire movie, not entirely fair.
No one wants another ROTS. Ani/Obi is the worst saber battle in SW
Joker will be huge
>future movies
poor retarded tranny
>spot me bros someone spot me
I see you here in 10 years with the new trilogy.
And meanwhile they probably will do more spin offs.
It still doesn’t even have as many views as the boss baby teaser
It's dying very slowly and we're just enjoying the suffering. Schaddenfreude.
>biggest park ever made for a franchise
>5+ original series in development
>2 new trilogies slated to release after 2021
>packed celebration, lottery needed for the IX panel
Its a rotting corpse bois, how will they recover
>surely it will die if we cry and bitch about it enough on
>"he posted in a thread celebrating nu-wars' clearly failing popularity"
you tried, mouseshill
>I see you here in 10 years with the new trilogy
What did the tranny mean by this?
lol, your deluding yourself and rubbing cream all over that blasted anus everyday.
Didn't see neither trailer
>And meanwhile they probably will do more spin offs.
Iger shut it down dumb fuck, everything is getting relegated to disneyflix
>tfw I watched the joker teaser but not the star wars teaser but I'll be seeing Star wars in theaters but not the joker
why do homos and zoomers write it like that?
>someone lie to me so i can feel better
you answered your own question
>it took less than 3 years for them to fuck the franchise so hard that they can no longer afford to release the movies in theatres
>the mouse has deposited .5 cents to your account
are you gonna call me an incel next, zombie? oOoOh that'd really hurt my feelings
Will those new trilogies be theatrical releases or streaming exclusives? They can release as much Star Wars content as they want to their streaming service and we'll never even know how successful any of it is because they don't need to disclose the figures.
Lmfao they've dropped 6 billion on this shit and haven't come close to turning a profit yet.
All the film projects have been cancelled
>doesnt even know how to use the site
recently hired i see
She's so fucking worthless
autists make threads about dead things on here all the time
pick one
everyone on Yea Forums loves star wars, especially the ones that claim to hate it
>This is considered a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people
Yea Forums loves star wars. Yea Forums hates nuwars.
Only the spinoffs are outright cancelled. The Johnson and D&D trilogies have been put on ice.
Whatever you need to tell yourself zoom zoom.
we're taking over. HONK HONK
TLJ did a lot of damage to the brand. Add to that the new characters not being that good
shil pul
The return on investment is going to be so shit.
The faster SW becomes a small franchise the better, everybody get out.
Based. Is there anything else showing in December to compete it like Jumanji did last time? Every normie I know except 3 hated TLJ.
they havent even broken even yet. there are articles that say they've made back 4bil but thats all gross profit. doesnt account for production cost, wages, marketing, the toys arent even selling etc. nu-wars is still worth less than disney paid for it
>don't believe what Disney is saying and doing
>believe me i know more than any Disney exec or employee
I cant believe we're going to have to say goodbye to Finn, Rey, Poe, Captain America, Tyrion and Jaime Lannister and Tony Stark ALL this year :'(
Nah, its doing better than ever, the plebbitors who migrated here last year like to preach that its dead though.
Trailer was ace.
What Disney is doing is trying to make money. When you sink 4 fucking billion into something, they are going to do everything to make it profitable.
What you dont understand is how much TLJ grossed less than TFA is such a big deal. People were fired for Age of Ultron making a bit less than Avengers.
>doesnt know the difference between gross and net
>thinks corporations dont downplay losses to keep investors from jumping ship
lmao kys economlet
I'll never understand this kind of performative crap. NPC Theory is really the only logical explanation.
get a life schizo
keep sobbing you little bitch
you and your entire genetic line will be dead before anything happens to Star Wars or Disney.
And your genetic line will most likely end with you.
This shill is salty as fuck
>doesnt know disney releases gross gains
>projecting this hard
you tried mouseshill
>le shill card
you lost
you aren't fooling anyone shill
Nobody cares about those straws nigga, kill yourself.
alot less than disney did buying and ruining star wars
go back to shipping harry potter hole
stop crying bitch
>literally the numbers from disney
ill kms when you stop embarrassing yourself. i see a long life ahead of me
>before anything happens to Star Wars
They already killed the brand
stop crying buttboi
It's nigger you 90s born queer
>its that buttmad autist with the lejapanhatestlj.jpg
yiikess bro, you've been going at it since last year i think
>literally has nothing left but more projection
oh holy shit im dying are you a new hire or something?
why are zoomer all such homo niggers?
>yiikess bro
looks like somebody called for backup on the discord
I want Star Wars to end.
I can't imagine what it's like inside the head of someone who actually likes these new characters and laments the thought of not seeing them in future films.
There is an entire board about dead things: Yea Forumsnime in the West
Prequelfags don't like nuwars and have even used it to defend the prequels because the new films are so bad
looks like someone is running out of labels to throw at people who threatens his echochamber
>discord tranny, tumblr, hole, shill
you poor man
>current number of posts
>no one posted the superior sheev version
I am disappoint:
Right..but nobody cares what you want
Why are you responding to such pathetic bait user? Try to do better.
but why? I legit don't understand the timeline we're in; joker is more popular than Star Wars
Just like how you'll never be a woman?
>argue economics
>get a picture of a baby in response
>im the one out of ideas
you tried
are you underage or just utterly fucking retarded?
I'll happily admit it's dead. I wish the new trilogy had been awesome, but it wasn't. JJ Abrams killed it and Rian Johnson fucked it's corpse.
Star Wars will never be back, so I want it gone. So do lot's of people, only retarded normies and people who latch on to the series because it is popular want it to continue
nobody cares what you and the other 50k-60k alt right boomers want.
The sooner you understand that the better. If you don't like it, don't watch it you fucking bitch.
You're trying way too hard, sweaty
>le alt right boogeyman
look out! theres one right behind you, schizo!
>Losing out to a literal clown
>i'm not alt-right, i just hate colored people and women
I'm not watching it, neither are the fans kek
cringe and bluepilled.
>the only reason people wouldnt like this movie I like is because there from the group i hate
Onions autism is so sad. Kek.
You're a funny guy user
try harder
Are pajeets really worth the same as wypipo though
Jesus. I think the biggest problem with those toys is that they don't look cool at all.
Maaaybe look didn't look any cooler but you could get away with uninteresting designs then, now, they are competiting with a lot of cool shit, no kid is going to prefer the sand white robe star wars girl when they can get a badass knight with a granede launcher for the same price
Her content is all the same, GOAT body, no doubt about that, but she's boring.
>The creamy guarantee
>proceeds to mention people don't hate the movie because Rey is a woman or because Finn and Poe are black and brown
>Proceeds to bash the movie solely on the fact that Rey is a woman, muh Nigger Trooper, muh spic, muh Feminazis, muh cuck Ruin Johnson pandering to feminazi agendas, muh Reylo holes
>Not a single legit piece of criticism against the film itself.
It's been talked to death. You wouldn't understand the criticism sounding character or story because you never knew or cared about star wars.
*checks digits*
Look when you buy an IP, you should do something original with it, instead of doing the same thing that made the original trilogy so good.
If only we could finally be rid of this hemorrhoid user. This shit will be milked down to its individual atoms.
Ikr, like
The new franchise follows the exact same template as the old trilogy
SW episode 4
>luke growing up in a desert planet, goes on an adventure on millennium falcon, discovers his force abilities and rebels destroy the death star
SW Episode 7
>Rey grows up in a desert, goes on adventure in millennium falcon, discovers her force abilities and rebels destroy the "death star"
Same parallel is seen with Episode 5 and 8. I also bet episode 6 and the new star wars movie follow the exact same story were it takes place on Endor and later the bad guy turns out to be a good guy.
It's just so awful, given how many possibilities were open to them after the events of Episode 6.
Nah instead they just rewrite the whole trilogy again..
is that the khan academy dude?
Very based and underrated post.
They really expect people to believe this is more hyped than TFA aka the first Star Wars in a decade and the one released before they put out four shitty movies no one cares about any more because of the MCU
It dies once IX is out. They wanted to end the Skywalker saga (which really ended in 1983, or 2005) and they're gonna get the end. Really, no one gives a fuck about Rey because she's literally perfect; no one cares about Poe because he's a shadow of Han; no one cares about Finn because his character has been born twice already with no pay off, and no one gives a fuck what space commie Rose will do under the wise direction of Rian Johnson. That's the thing, Disney is saying that he's still getting his Soi Wars. lol SW RIP.
Poe is never written to be a jerk like Han, he's more like Wedge Antilles aka a perfect friend and pilot dude who is much more likable than Poe because he's a small side character and not one of the three main protagonists with no flaws and a one note personality like Poe is.
Why did they get so lazy and use a PCB with some wires? WTF I could have made something that looked technical yet futuristic-pastish with stuff onhand.
Yeah, exactly. Disney just doesn't get it. Btw, the guy that played Wedge didn't come back because Disney cheaped out. You can say he got greedy, but they have to be smoking crack out of Mickey's asshole to not understand how safe a bet that would have been.
honestly its probably because the thumbnail looks like a deleted scene from TFA. Rey is not the selling point for these things, it should've been a cool eye-grabbing shot of literally anything else
They should have had a cool shot of Kylo, but they didn't show much of him because he's a walking spoiler. Still. He was the only one trending on twitter regardless. They would have been better off making him the thumbnail.
Also, women follow the leader and look to men for that, so the movie misses that mark. So that's one demographic down, and then men do not look towards women for leadership, so the male audience is shrunk as well. At least Lucas is returning to direct the ship onto the rocks nice and proper.
If companys had the ability to wait 3-years & actually build a hype it would help ( & yes I mean 3-4 years for any star wars film regardless of storyline)
Absolutely assmad disney shills itt.
Im gonna go watch the Jokah trailer again just to spite disney shills.
daisy is cute
She is a beady eyed anglo you mong
If there is any indication of how things are, pajeets worth may more than whatever wypipo are.
This. There better be a sex scene with full blown frontal nudity. It's the only way to save the movie now.
>Two minute long trailer
Gamers are finally rising up
>the diversity awakens
>massive success
>solo a white male story
>massive bomb
why did you do this, Yea Forums?
Society has risen up.
Welcome to semantics. Enjoy your stay.
Will Disney and their media shills blame the no-sex-having incels manbabies they bashed for the past several years if this movie under perform? Or will they self-reflect and say "Hey, maybe calling every SW fan who didn't like the direct Disney took the franchise incels and Nazis was a bad idea"?
Nigga, she's gonna crack open your bones and suck the marrow out.
>nobody who hates disney is an incel or nazi
>said on a nazi incel disney hating imageboard
what the fuck is a Pogue
Shitposting was far better in my day le faggot.
>Rome is not dead you Gauls, your still talking about how you conquered it!
Nobody wants to see some flat chested british woman naked
Someone should add a Jar Jar Binks cock or a Kathleen Kennedy with a strap on next to his mouth
Honestly, this. When I was a kid I got Spawn toys and they looked bad ass. I liked Star Wars but those toys looked lame as fuck in comparison, and they still do.
What we wanted was them not to discard 25 years of expanded universe to make up shitty stories and shoehorn contemporary politics into them.
Official ranking.
official ranking: theyre all shit
It probably hasn't even gotten 30M views
Rey wouldn't wear panties like that, they would be of the same kind of material as her shirt probably. If she even wears panties.
>the absolute state of English DNA from years of inbreeding and literal shit people plague survivors
can you post the uncensored version of this on Yea Forums?
Sweetie, The Last Jedi teaser trailer had the same fucking views. And it grossed the most in 2017.
Stop being a fucking nerd.
You know what's sad, this JJ movie is gonna be better than every single Marvel shitflick
Yes but this isn't TFA
You dumb nigger
TFA was a sequel to a movie that came out in 1983.
Look at the TLJ teaser trailer views
compared to the TLJ trailer view
and the IX teaser views
What is there to be hyped about?
Oh no, will Rey be able to defeat Kylo..again?
Oh no, will Poe and Finn do...something?
Oh no, will Kylo bitch and moan some more?
All these characters are so flat and empty, no wonder they had to drag Palpie back from the crypt, so Kylo can redeem himself by killing him.
Wait holy shit I was actually mistaken. The Force Awakens teaser trailer only got 24 million views racked up since 2015. IX teaser already has 27 million.
OP is once again a faggot and Yea Forums is always wrong.
The capeshit board literally can't even fact check something so simple.
>What is there to be hype about
Palpatine you nigger, did you even watch the teaser? Also there a big chance Anakin as Hayden makes an appearance.
the prequels are better than the shitty sequels
Even Rebels is a decent show compared to Episodes 7 to 9
So, the greatest hype pitch Disney could muster is a couple of prequel cameos?
dumb fucker
walking spoiler my ass.they ramped up diversity hires marketing to pacify woke twitter. hence low views on all platforms but twitter. then they'll drop that shit close to release, October onward. they always to that shit.they were ramping up rey and luke between april and october 2018 and then switched to rey and kylo marketing and never looked back.
So you once again haven't watched the teaser
Lando and Palpatine are prequel characters?
Luke is probably coming back, Han as force ghosts and maybe Anakin
Palpatine alone make this movie more hype than anything marvel has done combined an could hope to be hyped. Even if you were disappointed by the last jedi, fans are already eating up JJ's ending
women want to see ripped chads not mary sues, manlets, and comic relief buffoons. that's why Endgame is gonna obliterate TROS.
Hollywood bookkeepers trying to avoid income taxes.
the last diversity had even more diversity and lost 700M globally. why did you do this shill?
>women want to see ripped chads
>that's why Endgame is gonna obliterate TROS
>implying Marvel can even compete with this
No wonder TLJ was the highest grossing film of the year
You love xenomorphs?
Alien Covenant and Proemtheus were more kino than Aliens
Alien Covenant
The Last Jedi
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Revenge of the Sith
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
Alita: Battle Warrior
I still can't believe it's been 2 movies and there are ZERO likable new characters. And the fact that they haven't explored any new worlds worth a shit.
Still the same jedi vs empire shit......
>he doesn't know
Where are the numbers in that article coming from?
>Palpatine you nigger, did you even watch the teaser? Also there a big chance Anakin as Hayden makes an appearance.
>OMG anona look at all these old character maybe coming back
I'm just glad it's happening. Let's see if Disney double dips on retardation or just barely makes a profit
>i hate these new charcaters reeeeee i like the old ones
>i hate these older characters reeeee
>turn Luke into a pussy that never leaves the island
They deserve to burn. Wonder if throwing all that EU material was worth it now that source material Marvel movies are the king.
>never said I hate the old characters
>claim I do.
That said I do though. I'm not going to get hype over fucking old characters though after they have shit on every old character. Glad the hype for IX is pretty much nonexistent. Thanks TLJ.
>oh no, nobody likes our new characters.
>better bring back everyone else.
>ruining the epic conclusion of Vader killing Palpatine
Just because Freeza was the best DBZ villian doesn't mean that Super parading him around for fan-service is good writing.
TLJ was kinography. You think attack of the clones killed revenge of the sith hype?
do you think people aren't hyped for IX like they were for VII? IX will be JJ's best film and probably still not as good as TLJ but it will be better than everything marvel has done and the movie will gross close to 2 billion dollars.
You know people said the exact same thing about the prequels ruining X and ruining Vader. right?
Well guess what Palpatine has a huge monologue in Revenge of the Sith where he talks about cheating death. He knew how to, he didn't want to save Padme because he knew her death is what he needed. But palpatine could cheat death and did so.
It's like pottery its rhymes unironically.
TLJ brought back the prequelesque atmosphere and had pottery plus inserted more pathos and logos.
JJ is wrapping it up but taking all episodes into account even the prequels. Which is how he's bringing Palpatine back. He isn't joking.
Starwars has been dead for years, pretty sure people just watch them to experience nostalgia.
Name some of your favorite blockbusters, I bet it's all 80s-early 90s trash like robocop, the thing and they live and terminator 2
The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith and The Last Jedi are all better films than those
kek hype is completely dead. You only got people like a guy named butts excited.
>The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith and The Last Jedi are all better films than those
late millenials are really no better than their zoomy little brothers, hang yourself
>I bet you like these random films and starwars is better than those
Lmao have sex
I’m not even gonna grace you with a (You)
Same some of the films you like besides muh lotr that have high budgets I'm waiting
Same some of the films you like besides muh lotr that have high budgets I'm waiting
You've been filtered, Alienspleb redditor
I downloaded it and watched it more times than Joker has views. AMA
She washed her TFA clothes for the first time in her life.
have sex
According to the way KK worded a recent answer, D&D series and RJ series may be one in the same.
normie opinion lmao
Who else remembers 1986-1996 where there was almost zero Star Wars?
what's her goal? to break her legs?
They actually started the trailoorz wiv er jumpin da shark like wtf y wud u evn do tht fkn dumb
it's a very weird situation where controversy curiosity and hateviews are giving more attention to shit like this. Whether it translates into more tickets is anyone's guess at this point. It certainly worked for Black Panther.
solo is dogshit
And plump up to 400lbs.
>4 billions to buy the rights
>2 billions for the new Star Wars theme parks
I will be surprised if they recovered just 2 billions from now
>Age of Ultron made just 100m less than Avengers
>Fired Joss Whedon the Golden boy of that time after Avengers
>TLJ made 800m less than TFA after being hyped so much and having Luke fucking Skywalker in all the ads and promotion materials
>we are fine haha you fucking incel
Where are they getting those numbers from? Teaser got less than 20mil views in 24 hours afaik on YouTube, and probably even less on Facebook and Twitter.
Borat 2: Bharat
>no one cares what fans want
Gee, how could Disney fail?
Literal Disney shill
>attack of the clones made 700 million less than Episode I
>empire strikes back made 700 million less than a new hope
>hahahah the last jedi made less than episode VII
based retarded fucking ingrate
>That t bar row
>>empire strikes back made 700 million less than a new hope
Original Star Wars was a black swan event. It was phenomenon and adjusted for inflation it's still the second-highest domestic gross of all time (second only to Gone with the Wind), and it's still way ahead of the next closest (Sound of Music). No other movies even comes close.
When Empire Strikes Back came out, all the boomers' parents and stacies who had gone to see the first one because literally everyone was talking about it, who never would have gone to see any Space Opera movie otherwise, stayed home.
You had a similar but much smaller effect with The Phantom Menace because of the unbelievable pre-release hype that movie got, and then the movie failed to deliver.
The TFA to TLJ drop doesn't have any of those explanations. TFA was very hyped, but not to the insane levels of TPM. TLJ had Luke Skywalker returning so it wasn't at a disadvantage from appealing to the older generation.
I don't know what you're post is even attempting to convey. The fact is that this is the format for the star wars saga films grossing in every trilogy
Furthermore it's interesting to note ESB grossed less than ANH just like TLJ grossed less than TFA and yet ESB and TLJ were the highest grossing films of their years. So TLJ was not a failure at all it was a success.
Here's how the star wars saga films rank in the top 10 grossing movies of their year
Star Wars - 1st
Empire Strikes Back - 1st
Return of the Jedi - 1st
The Phantom Menace - 1st
Attack of the Clones - 4th
Revenge of the Sith - 2nd
The Force Awakens - 1st
The Last Jedi - 1st
The Rise of Skywalker - projected 1st*
*because it's following the OT in terms ranking not the PT
Rogue One - 2nd
Solo - 23rd
Bathe. You will feel good once you're clean.
Talk to people in person. It's not as weird as you think to just randomly just start talking to someone (men or women).
Stop doing drugs if you do them.
Cut out the porn. You'll begin to see women as real people instead of sex objects.
>cringe workout compilation.avi
>let the past die
>uhh the past comes back I guess just please watch it
for you
her cunt smells like sand.
nice b8
good bait
How could Disney fuck it up so badly?
It's fucking STAR WARS, it literally prints money. They had to legitimately TRY to tank the franchise this hard
They haven't fucked anything up besides their shitty spinoffs, Rogue One and Solo. You dumb brainlet thinking Star Wars was ever anything of consistent quality. The Last Jedi was kino.
is Star Wars his own category different from another kind of movies now?
>It's a hard cup of Bantha milk to swallow
Only OTards talks like this you can thanks them for destroying Star Wars just for more AT-ATs and X-Wings
Yes they are Star Wars movies
and this is how the movies have grossed
those are both 1>3>2
IX will gross more than VIII but less than VII
>So TLJ was not a failure at all it was a success.
No you fucking shill these are just movies and the usual way is to the second movie to make more than the first one you can see this in all the Marvel movies, TLJ was a fracase because losing 800M potentials dollars and putting the final nail in the coffin that made Solo to fucking bomb
Nice coping reddit picture
Fuck off retard
Seething discord tranny
>the second movvvvie make MORE DAN DO FURST MOMMMY
fuck off marvel retard
empire strikes back made less than star wars
and attack of the clones made less than phantom menace
empire and the last jedi both made less than their previous movies but were the highest grossing in their year
Star Wars was dead the moment they cast this sweaty, big headed bitch to be the face of the franchise and a sweaty, pear shaped negro to be her sidekick.
Damm dumb Disney wasting money in TLJ knowing from before that It would made less money haha what a dumbasses hahaha
He's a shill dropping a reference to get fans on his side for his article.
Didn't the teasers for TFA and TLJ have over a hundred million views after only a couple days? Not to mention every one of the comments under the video is roasting it. The Mouse must be scrambling right now, we could be looking at Solo numbers here.
Dilate discord tranny
>everything is supposed to make more than the last
that's how society crumbles you marvel retard
empire strikes back grossed way less than a new hope
so did tlj to tfa
both were still the highest in their year
>TFA teaser only had 24M views since 2015
Wrong, here's another link of the first TFA teaser uploaded at the same time that has 75M views
>everything is supposed to make more than the last
yep that's exactly how all the companies works today, damn you are the smartest boy in your country right?
That's not how anything has ever worked you fucking retard. Stop being such a marvel shithead.
>That's not how anything has ever worked
except it's and take your medics you are losing your mind
>except it is
>Empire Strikes Back grossed less than Star Wars
>attack of the clones grossed less than the phantom menace
Do i have to physically beat you to death as i repeat those simple statements over and over make you understand
The point I'm trying to convey is that your observation has a different explanation for each trilogy. The fact that 1>3>2 is true for the first two says absolutely nothing about what ep9 will look like.
Retards say "the 2nd SW film always does less than the first" as if that it some kind of axiom. But it's not. TLJ should have done just as well as TFA, and in fact was on tract to do just that until word got out about how much of a shitpile it was and people stopped showing up.
>Well guys for our next year plan we have to made LESS money because that's how it works and that's our goal
They don't try to make less money it just usually happens with trilogies and in this fucking case Star Wars trilogies that the middle entry grosses the least amount as the middle entry in a series is usually the odd one out anyways.
You fucking zoomer brainlet
>The fact that 1>3>2 is true for the first two says absolutely nothing about what ep9 will look like.
It does. Only an idiot would think IX isn't going to gross more than TLJ. And it probably won't gross more than TFA at all. It will be in the middle.
>TLJ should have done just as well as TFA
No it shouldn't have TFA was blueballs for 30 years like phantom menace was
and tfa actually was a rehash piece of shit that turned off people from the start just like the phantom menace
>We did it frends we did less money our company is saved!
Daisy is a nudist though
>empire strikes back made less than star wars
yeah and as I explained here: that is because Star Wars is a once-in-forever event. The proper way to view the OT movies is that all 3 have about the same viewers, except that the first movie has a huge bonus that no other movie ever gets (including TFA).
ESB was a resounding success. In fact you can probably credit ESB for a good 75% of the revenues of the entire Star Wars franchise. Without the success of ESB, Lucasfilm wouldn't have gone independent. Much of the most iconic Star Wars stuff all comes from Empire Strikes Back (Battle of Hoth, Yoda and Jedi philosophy, the Luke/Vader lightsaber battle, the Han/Leia romance, Boba Fett, and Lando). Reaction to ESB led to 30 years of merchandising, spinoffs, and so on.
Meanwhile, reaction to TLJ made Disney put the breaks on its SW production
>once in forever event
Yeah just like the phantom menace and the force awakens
they grossed a lot because of the time waiting between the originals
Reaction to TLJ greenlit Rian Johnsons trilogy and its unironically gonna be kino
>Someone fucking take his wife from him already.
Seems like they deserve each other, why would you foist her on anybody else?
>Reaction to TLJ greenlit Rian Johnsons trilogy and its unironically gonna be kino
Oh no no no no
Kennedy confirmed it a couple weeks ago, and Rian is also working on D&D's trilogy because he's the only person at lucasfilm with talent, he's involved with two trilogies now and one is entirely his own, buckle up plebbor.
>No it shouldn't have TFA was blueballs for 30 years like phantom menace was
Phantom Menace was massively disappointing and Attack of the Clones was called fucking Attack of the Clones. There's a dropoff for ep2 because the movies sucked. If the movies were all good, like the OT movies were, there wouldn't be a dropoff. ANH just has a huge bonus for being such a phenomenon movie.
The target audience for TPM loved tpm
>I'm only human after all
wrong zoomer, if TPM had satisfied the target audience then the next movie would have been just as big (with maybe a minor dropoff since TPM had so much hype).
Try 9 years, for Star Wars 50th anniversary. Featuring realistic holograms of the OT cast who perform just like you want them to.
They're resorting to the tactic of artificial scarcity they already used for their Disney Vault release schedule, in an hopefully futile effort to rekindle interest.
>Rian is also working on D&D's trilogy
That was an April Fool's joke you fucking shilltard.
>We are planning the next 10 years
>With Rian Johnson
The producer is talking with Rian Johnson and 'Game of Thrones' showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss to discuss the future: "We are looking at the next saga."
No it isn't, I know what that was. I'm talking about something Kennedy actually said at the celebration that was quoted in an article. She said Rian is a consultant on D&D. not directing but he's working with them. And he's directing his own trilogy
aka PR bullshit Bob Iger have the last word
Blow your brains out you LARPing faggot
>"We're not just looking at what the next three movies might be, or talking about this in terms of a trilogy," Kennedy said. "We're looking at: What is the next decade of storytelling?"
>But Kennedy did confirm that Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson and Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are still working on their own sets of films, and even coordinating with each other. We don't know whether these movies will be released in theaters or head straight to Disney Plus, though.
>"As they finish Game of Thrones, they're going to segue into Star Wars," Kennedy said of Benioff and Weiss. "They're working very closely with Rian."
>They're working very closely with Rian
>After rumors swirled that Johnson was no longer developing the trilogy, he confirmed on Twitter in February that he actually is. Lucasfilm president Kennedy reiterated over the weekend that Johnson is still working on the movies, and collaborating with Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss on their own series of films.
I'm an OTfag through and through and wouldn't be caught dead talking retardedly like that.
Before you ask, no, I didn't like Rogue One.
>We don't know whether these movies will be released in theaters or head straight to Disney Plus, though
Aka PR bullshit for nothing happening
What the automatic translation left over from an honourable Japanese film critic writing "porg" with their unique set of letters.
I remember when the article was first posted here. Kylo Ren became Cairo Len in moonspeak, it was glorious.
You really expected her to say "No we've removed Johnson entirely"? They're butt buddies who always defend each other because he filled his movie with SJW shit unlike the directors she fired.
Imagine being stupid enough to think they're actually developing six more movies at the same time after Iger said there will be a slowdown after 9. D&D will make the next ones about The Old Republic with no mention of Johnson consulting anywhere because he didn't, and by then Johnson's trilogy will be dead in the water. Screencap this.
They are talking about D&D's trilogy since they are television writers and directors sweetie, Rian's jewish producer who has worked on all his feature films including his new film Knives Out coming out thanksgiving, who produced the last jedi confirmed hes getting the money for rian's trilogy, first one is incoming but in development. It's a done deal. get ready for some fucking STARKINO
I completely agree with you.
sure m8 they are totally going to giv Rian even money to buy some coffee
God I wish that were my dick
Terrible memes. You fucks were lusting over Emma Watson for years until she hit 24.
You sure aren't smart huh? Rian is getting his money from Ram Bergman who produced Looper, Brick, The last jedi and knives out and the rest he will get from JJ abrams and kennedy who produced the last jedi with kennedy
You're in the denial stage, stage 1 which is understandable since it's still early, but you need to learn to cope better just go to anger
If Rian ever said he wasnt involved in SW anymore, then the manbabies he always fights with on Twitter would win and his tiny head and ego couldn't handle that. So he will just say hes a consultant or even a producer to try and save face.
It might be like 6 years before he is confirmed to work on SW again because that's when the D&D trilogy will finish. That's a lot of time for him to troll and say whatever. Unless his next project gets confirmed as Star Wars, hes not working on Star Wars no matter how many shill interviews you find.
That girl is a goddess
Rian wants his movies to be met divisively like the prequels. He can take the heat. and he is, he wants to do more star wars films as a director. It's happening. Lucas is his idol and he stands at the same height. And went to the same film school after he read his book. He legit is doing this and gonna roast those rogue one plebs again.
We won't know for years because they're not releasing two trilogies at the same time and the D&D will be first. And Kathleen couldn't say "Rian will direct for D&D", all she could say was he's a consultant for them which means literally nothing.
So as of now we just have big talk from him that his next project is Star Wars so that he can win fights on Twitter, but absolutely nothing concrete that says he's lined up to direct for D&D or his own trilogy. KK could have said he will direct for D&D but she didn't.
>It seems like they're countering Yea Forums threads like this.
Isn't it more likely that they're just countering the truth rather than some insignificant board?
that's bait
>6>5>4>3>1>CW>2>TFA>Basedlo>R1>Never seen rebels > TLJ
I expect this new film to be the best of the sequels if they start killing off the new cast and give Sheev and Luke the spotlight.
I do.
I thought Disney buying Star Wars was a tragedy, now I realize it's a comedy
You have just as much of a bad opinion
>TLJ above all but ESB and ROTS
what the fuck
They have been their own category since 1977.
Didn't watch Solo, but Rogue One was better than The Last Jedi.
That's right. The word we use here is kino. ESB, ROTS and TLJ are the cream of the crop.
No it wasn't. TLJ made Rogue One look like a B movie or a movie with multiple directors. Which is ended up being - a movie with multiple directors one of whom didn't take credit for massive reshoots.
Nothing with this ugly fat piece of shit having speaking roles can be considered kino. Like try and show it to the cinema masters and they would start laughing when her fat face is bawling on screen. Nice try but it gets disqualified immediately because of her.
Wtf is this even? Is she trainning to be a retard?
Nice but she looks even fine in 4K on film and not your production photo. Racism.
The film is kinography and that's why it filtered the manchildren like you. She's even with Finn so who cares you have to see him on screen might as well have another regular looking person. Faggot. It's not like Daisy even looks great in these. Fucking bitch
Adam Driver and Mark Hamill were kino. even daisy actually acted well. It was a miracle that star wars fans never deserved. This is why you get flicks all the fucking time and another FUCKING DEATH STAR
I love when the word "Racism" is used as a sentence on its own. You can tell you're dealing with the best then.
Not racist. I love hot asians. Just not fat people. try again.
>Good Tier
Vader scene at Rogue - only this one scene.
'I know Scene' from Empire Strikes Back
>Decent Tier
Oldest Trylogy
>It can be watched Tier
Revenge of the Sith - minus every scene with anakim and/or padmé
Pod Racer Scene - and only this one
>What the...fuck you! tier
Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Solo movie
Force Awakens
>Absolute Shit Tier
The last Jedi
>Now they are trying to fuck with us tier
Rise of Skywalker Trailler
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "leftypol humor" replies.
Face it, most whites will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers.