Why does the Northern army look so pathetic?

Why does the Northern army look so pathetic?

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>Have massive castle
>Let's fight outside

They're farmers

There is no northern army anymore it was destroyed back in season 3. These are just farmers recruited out of desperation.

their only semi-feasible strat is to push through and kill the night king tho

he's riding a dragon, and he won't even be at winterfell

Shouldn't those siege weapons be on the walls of the castle so you can aim better and not hit your own guys by accident?

robb took all the proper men south and they all got slaughtered. the last couple thousand decent soldiers died in the battle of the bastards. all thats left are wildlings and some civilians

they should all be inside winterfell and throwing fire and shooting dragonglass arrows at the army of the dead. there is no reason for them to be outside the walls.

>tfw no helms deep style kino battle ever again


HBO can't spare some extra cash for their biggest series ever?

idk theyre just retarded. the only group that should be outside the walls are the dothraki because they're on horses

really they should have filled the field with pitch. how long have they known about these things and they've always been vulnerable to fire. why don't they use fire more?

Yeah It seems many, such as Brianne are armed with normal weapons..those ain't gonna kill walkers..wtf. Why is she not holding a glass blade.?

She has a Valyrian steel sword. Do you even watch the show?

How many people there even are in Westeros? Somewhere in the show I heard that one of the biggest army (Lannister army if I'm not mistaken) had like 60 thousand people, lets just say that all armies combined were like 200 thousand, thats not alot for a continent with millions people.

Her sword is made from Valyrian steel.

she wields valerian steel you fucking idiot

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sally forth

In fact Jaime standing next to her is also holdin a normal sword...wtf.. They are not all carrying Valryian steel swords are they? I know Oathkeeper is so Briennes is covered I realize. But Jaimie?

Imagine asking this kind of question about a show that's been out for ten fucking years
You're the reason capeshit movies each make a billion dollars



jaime has joffrey's sword widow's wail

The wights would just climb over the wall anyway, and then they'd be super fucked.

Why don't Night King just starve them out?

>climb over the wall. uh, how? the wights aren't spiderman

Would only kill most of them.
They have a greenhouse to feed the main characters

They're crawling along the walls and ceiling in the 3ER tunnels.

WF probably was built with the same magic spells as the Wall.
Ice dragon overrides them though, i guess

Kill yourself you buttfucking newfag

the walls were covered in tree roots....

Nuh-uh. They strategically placed dragonglass defenses alongside the castle walls. No way wights or WWs can climb over them.

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Havent you seen the shot of Winterfell at the first epiosde when the Dragons fly over ?
That so called " mighty Castle " is just some tiny ass glorified stone house.
I have a Castle near that is as " big " as this poor excuse and that is a small one in this country.

Damn I still think of LotR being new but it's nearly 20 years old now

Standing armies are in relation very modern and they are quite expansive.

Does dragon glass instakill wights? I know glass and valerian steel shatters white walkers instantly but it sorta seemed in the episode where the dragon dies that wights have to be killed with force like normal people. Brainlet here

>being proud over having some(?) game of reddit knowledge
The fucking absolute state of you

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Remember the scene when they presented cersei the Weight. Jon explained that you can only kill them with Fire and Dragonglass while ramming a Dragon Glass Knife into the Wight.

why not attach a bunch of dragonglass to armor and run in there like the juggernaught while doing spinning lariats?

Reach had the biggest army I believe? It's pretty much Not!France and the breadbasket of Westeros so it makes sense for them to able to muster a fuckton of people

what do they eat?

didnt that polar bear die from like one stab

Real talk they continually mentioned the crypts how come nobody has said "hey aren't there dead bodies down here what if they attack all these people hiding in the crypts" goddamn seems like walking dead levels of intelligence

the population of kings landing is like 500k and its the largest city in westeros, there aren't many cities in westeros with half as many people. i'd guess there are maybe 10m people in westeros at the max. most are women, children, and old people.

>>it makes no sense he won't be there
>no he will be
a+ writing

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White Walker vs human without V-steel or dragonglass = human instakilled

White Walker vs human with v-steel = ??????

White Walker vs human with dragonglass = ???????

Wight vs human with V-steel or dragonglass = ???????

Reach has the biggest levy at 100k available. Lannisters have 60k or so, Robb brought about 30k down south for his war. This is all at the height of their power obviously.

Aren't the Dothraki like supposed to be good with bows? Will they use any?

Most of the dead people there have turned to dust at this point and the rest have stone sarcophagus lids over them.

>Somewhere in the show I heard that one of the biggest army (Lannister army if I'm not mistaken) had like 60 thousand people

Nah, the Tyrell army had over 100k in the early part of the show.

Can't wait to see them get fucked hard and the dead rise from inside the walls.
Apparently its gonna break the current record set by Two Towers for longest consecutive battle sequence.
ALL of that is coming.
They have literal trenches lined with dragon glass spikes and oil to burn. They have dragon glass spikes on all the parapets for climbers. They painted what looks like melted dragon glass on the doorways.

Watch the first 2 episodes background. You can see them doing all this. Also pay attention to each change added to the opening sequence.
Pic related.

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> instakill wights?
wights are revived with ''magic'' so it probably has some sort of ''chemical'' reaction.
type of thing

I really hope that english isn't your first language.

White Walker vs human with v-steel = manlet targ killed two

White Walker vs human with dragonglass = obese germ stand in killed one

Wight vs human with V-steel or dragonglass = manlet targ stabbed a wight with obsidian and it died right away

Episode 3 is 84 minutes
Episode 4 is 78 minutes
Episode 5 and 6 are 80 minutes each.

There will be a massive Kings landing final story arc aswell probably in 5 and 6 with 4 being a fighting retreat southwards.

Valyrian steel and Dragonglass can both kill wights and white walkers in show canon now

Jorah is using a dragonglass dagger pretty much that whole episode and it insta kills everything

They've shown making dragonglass arrowheads so yeah no shit dumbass.

>Night's King isn't at battle of Winterfell
>He rides the Viserion south to King's Landing, because it's the other highest concentration of people aside from Winterfell
>If the Lannisters couldn't handle a live dragon, they damn sure can't handle an undead one
>NK single-handedly lays waste to the city, raising the dead as he goes
>Cersei abandons the city (and maybe finishes what the Mad King started, wildfiring it on the way out), and takes what's left of her forces on a northward retreat
>They eventually run into the Northern forces (who are themselves on a southward retreat)
>It turns into a Battle of Five Armies kind of situation, where they fight each other initially, but then find themselves sandwiched between the pursuing dead armies in both directions, and have to fight together

That's my prediction for the way the rest is going to play out. I don't know how off the mark I am.

>These are just farmers recruited out of desperation.
and unsullied and dothraki.

They should've kept him alive for this battle. What a shame.

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who are you quoting?

how did the tyrell's get stomped so easily offscreen then

and where are the armies of the vale and dorne right now

why dosen't the night king just siege them lol its not like bran is going anywhere

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HBO cheap as fuck.

>watching kid shows
The absolute state of Yea Forums..

>how did the tyrell's get stomped so easily offscreen then

House of Gays

Their women were running the show before D&D made it cool brah

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The excuse was that they can’t fight good

i sure hope that pic isnt their battle formation, that would be too retarded even for D&D

You're a central Pennsylvania breed of stupid son.

Only needs to kill a couple and reanimate them to kill the others to reanimate them to kill more and so on.

What you think he can control his wights from 10k miles away? He needs to be close by for his powers to work.

Why not grind the dragon glass up in a liquid medium and throw it all over the wights and WWs like napalm.

>put all the women and children in the crypts of winterfell
>there are dead bodies in the crypts of winterfell
>Night King casts raise dead

>cavalry not on the wings
ya blew it

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Wouldn't all those dead starks be just bones now?

The Eastern Romans/Byzantines had flamethrowers that they used to spew at Greek fire at enemies which were attached to their naval vessels. They even had hand held flamethrowers for land battles. Are we going to see and handheld flamethrowers. The show is based on the medieval age and the Eastern Roman Empire lasted from the beginning to the end of the Medieval Age.

>ree why are the horse archers in the front

says who? When has this been established in the series? Oh wait, it hasn't and you're just making shit up to service D&D's trash writing.

>Let's just stay in the castle and starve.

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t. central Pennsylvanian

wild fire is based on greek fire, or rather at least in the books its far more analogous to it, in the show wild fire is some kinda medieval nuke that just explodes

The real question is how the fuck are tens of thousands of horses going to coordinate attacks IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT against an army that numbers in the hundreds of thousands?

There's a reason you don't fight battles at night, you can't see where the enemy is, and in the confusion you can't tell who is an enemy and who is a foe. I get it, they don't have a choice because the night king is attacking at night because he's at an advantage and they're not, but it's still retarded. You would think the defenders would have built massive bon fires and lit them to kind of light up the battlefield so that they could at least see where the attackers are attacking from.

Also, they're fighting in the frigid cold at night, yet none of them are wearing proper attire for sub zero freezing arctic temps, let alone the even colder temps that the white walkers bring just by being there (we see them literally extinguish fire near them just because they got close, and they often move with a massive mist of ice that conceals them).

why doesn't one of dany's dragons just burn a hole in the ozone layer and cause global warming to kill the white walkers?

You think they're getting a lot of food shipments to Winterfell in the middle of winter? Or harvesting a lot of crops?

Real life Greek fire would have been better since water can't extinguish Greek fire and only makes it burn more furiously. I may have read that urine and sand helps put out Greek fire. Greek fire also could harm the Roman soldiers using it if they weren't careful. Think about it, they use Greek fire on some wights in the middle if the ranks of the undead army, the fire continues to spread and the melting ice does nothing to stop the Greek fire.

Vegetables can be stored in the snow and ice for longer preservation, same with animal protein.

yeah if i recall in the books it behaves like greek fire it just appears green, they use it to burn the ships at the battle of the black water and set the water alight, rather than all of it just blowing up

show wildfire is just a giant set piece/spectacle meant to look cool

yeh if they go by walking dead tard logic that will happen.

It loses all its wight killing properties if yoi do that

so they're fighting a whitewalker army like this? why did they even build the northern wall? do they even understand what the fuck they are up against? what the fuck is the point of it all?

Because the Wall worked until Dany took her dragons over it and handed the NK Viserion on a silver platter

I hate that fucking color.

>fuck ton of infantry placed behind the siege weapons

It's going to be kind of a bitch for them to move around those weapons when they have to move forward eventually. Surely you could have positioned these troops a lot more efficiently. This looks like someone's first time playing total war or something

It's going to start on the field but they're going to get wrecked by the end of the ep 3. Then ep 4 will be more like Helm's Deep.

bullshit excuse is probably the dragonglass "severing" the connection to the walkers so they just fall over. hence why killing a WW drops a bunch of wights.

which then makes it baffling that the WW's would ever fight, let alone in the vanguard like in the show, since one stray arrow drops a chunk of the army

>This looks like someone's first time playing total war or something
Well, a lot of women seem to be in command now.

>orc leader is standing on a rock and clearly visible
>nobody thinks to take him out

bravo jackson

He will ride out from the wood holding a flaming sword and slaughter hundreds on both sides

>work as bouncer
>some fag asks me where I bought a coffee
>"You've got a 9/11 just over there"
>he didn't even notice what I said

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damn that would be great. they're obviously not gonna do it tho, too risky

Yes but that's by force. We need to know if touching the dragonglass hurts them, not them being stab directly inside them
>White Walker vs human with v-steel/dragonglass
Depends on the skill of the user.
White Walkers are still not easy to kill as evidenced by Jon and the first time he killed one at Hardhome, which took him a long as time before he finally landed a hit.

Best to take them on in pairs and have someone backstab the WW.

there are already leaks for the last 4 episodes you nobs

You have to remember, there are no televisions or computers in Westerros(I probably misspelled that). So none of them has ever seen Kingdom if Heaven or The Lord of the Rings movies. I'm sure that Tyrion and Varys have both read plenty of books on warfare, some of which have pictures and diagrams in them. So when they see the battle lines, they'll set out to correcting them.


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just shoot the WW with a dragonglass tipped bolt/arrow, its not like they have shields

how are they even outnumbered this badly? dany estimated at least 100k walkers, lets be generous and give em at least double that so 200k zombies give or take. khal Drogo's khalasar was estimated to be 100k strong but they dispersed but most of them would have been at the Dothraki city when yaas queen crushed the patriarchy. she alone should have more than 100k easy including her remaining unsullied. the vale should also be at near full strength since they arrived late. their army was estimated to be 20k-30k strong consisting of mostly heavy cavalry. the north was fucked up so let's be generous and say 2-3k men out of the original 20-40k they could field at full strength. they should at least have 120k men at the minimum for defense. also what the fuck are the dornish and riverlords doing?

>House Targaryen’s numbers have depleted quite a lot over the last few episodes. Not only did one of Daenerys’ dragons die, but they also lost over 103,000 men following the defeat of House Tyrell (80,000), House Martell (20,000) and the Greyjoy Rebels (3,000). That leaves Daenerys with around 80,000 Dothraki and 8,000 Unsullied, but most of the latter are stuck at Casterly Rock. Meanwhile, Jon Snow probably only has around 26,500 men, which is made up of House Stark’s 5,000, the Knight Of The Vale’s 20,000 and then around 1,500 of the Free Folk. This means they have a combined total of 115,000, give or take.


why are they bitching and moaning about the zombies? they can easily repel those kinds of numbers in one of the most defensible castles in westeros

would dragon glass dust touching their bare skin hurt them

>she alone should have more than 100k
Euron cucked her fleet
>what the fuck are the dornish and riverlords doing?
Fighting Lannister remnants that were sent last season after Arya killed Walder Frey. Remember first Episode 1 of S7?
Bottom line, plot is fucked and numbers are wild estimates of their own internal estimates

>Didn't even dig any trenches
Fucking lazy

Most of them would just be dust and skeletons, but we've seen skeletons raised from the dead before, some killed Jojen remember? Who knows what the fuck will happen down there. I don't think DnD care too much about that anyway.

This is actually a pretty good formation if the infantry was closer to the walls, and the artillery was inside the castle or on the walls behind with archers. t. over 9000 hours in Medieval TW

Not even remotely hyped for this battle. This show is the poo I'm doing right now. I'll just watch it to cringe

They're trying to feed like twice their normal population -and- two adult dragons with minimal preparation. Shit's hard.

Yeah that's right. But if the nights King and his dragon aren't even at that battle in winterfell, then wouldn't Dany just be able to fuck the entire white walker army up with her two dragons? All the northern army would have to do is kill the ones that get through the dragonfire

Pretty sure they'd be okay without him

How deep are they buried? They dont have super strength.
Could they even dig out of that much dirt?

>apocalyptic winter
>weather barely looks any worse than season 1

Its only being winter for like 5 minutes after 10 years of summer

>following the defeat of House Tyrell (80,000),
What the fuck kind of massacre was this?

They brought a zombie to King's Landing and it still fucking worked even though NK was still north of the wall at that time. Dumb fuck.

It was sunny as fuck when they went on their date. I guess winter passed already.

>Sam is a fat cowardly loser who gets laid before Jon and kills a white walker before Jon and uses his magical ability to read English to discover Jon’s true parentage
How did I not see this blatant self insert before?

>here's your siege of high garden bro
got has an absolutely retarded sense of scale,numbers and tactics

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What are the odds wight hodor shows up

>yfw when Ramsey gets resurrected as a sentient wight along with his 20 good men then proceeds to btfo dragon slut's and manlets army all the while taunting sansa about the rape

>yfw when Ramsey gets resurrected as a sentient wight
You mean he'll be running around as a dog turd?

budget was a few spare change

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Shame the wights don't keep some semblance of personslity. Probably for the best we don't need a bunch of edo tensei bs.

The fact that this wasn't even close to the most egregious sin in that season really says a lot about this garbage.

he's several dozen pieces of scattered dogshit by now

we'd have a bigger chance of seeing undead Ned or Lyanna

If they are going to bring back one of the starks for shock value surely they would use cat for the lady stoneheart reference, the show has fallen so far into fanservice territory

Ranks aren't tight enough. And I know it's the middle ages but formations like trenches would still suit them better than standing in the open. The enemy are going to come in an immense charge, there's no cutting through ranks or morale in the enemy.

Is this the battle that is supposed to put Helms Deep in shame?

it's the shireen particles in the air

what was even the fucking point of the iron bank giving him their support? his army barely looked any better than what he started with.

They're in solid stone crypts at winterfell so I don't see how they're gonna be able to get out, especially as just skeletons with literally with no muscle. The ones that killed Jojen were right under the surface of the ground. I don't know how they will get out of the crypt stone unless there's other dead not buried under all that shit


Because they're small undisciplined white boys next to disciplined and experienced black boys and big mean looking Turks

Not exactly easy to bolster your army when you're spread thin in northern no mans land

You forgot the part where Stannis teleports behind Night King and one-shots him with his bare hands, this is known.

I would think if it was that big of an issue then where were are all the bodies of Nights Watch guys usually buried before they started burning them? Wouldnt they have been zombied up if that was an option?

Apparently the dragons are easy targets for the white walkers since all it takes to kill them is one ice spear. Assuming the generals have the same accuracy that the night king has

>How many people there even are in Westeros?
maybe between 2-3m at best possibly lower
>army sizes
Westerlands have 60k
Reach have at least 80-100k
North has 20k at the start but can theoretically field up to 40-50k once fully mobilized
Vale has 30-45k
Riverlands 30-45k
Ironborn 30k
Crownlands (i.e Kings landing) 15k
Stormlands 30k
Dorne has been stated to be roughly equal to the north and the vale

They showed a shot of several standard walkers with spears for this reason. Dragons are not instawin card.

Where is Catelyn's body in the show? Did Arya find and bury it, or is still drifting somewhere in the Riverlands?

>Hitler has an army of millions from one country that was previously BTFO less than three decades prior
>maybe 25,000 is all humanity can manage for the final fight

It got thrown in a river, but nothing stops them from saying it got recovered off-screen and brought back to winterfell for this super-awesome zombie chase scene.

What a stupid fucking name, I'm glad they melted it down.

In the show dragonglass is able to kill the risen dead and white walkers. In the books dragonglass is about as useful as actual glass against the risen dead, but fire still fucks 'em up hardcore. Dunno how fire would be against white walkers, in the books the only time one came close to fire was to cut the head of a torch off and it shrieked with just its blade came near the torch, so presumably it'd wreck them as well.

Stupidly high numbers, logically none of those armies could be fielded. Nor would there be a real need do so. Average army size in Western Europe during the 6th century was 4K. Even if you could raise more, you generally only want to raise only the amount of men you need, because logistics gets harder when you add more people into it. And one can do miracles with 4K, e.g. the Rus besieged Constantinople (pop. half a million) with only 5K, granted they failed, but they did have a real shot.
So, why Renly needs +100K soldiers to capture King's Landing is beyond me.

>each one of those "units" consists of 48 people (12x4)
> ~95 units
>95x48 = 4560
>throw in an extra 500 cavalry
>seiging highgarden with 5,000 people
>mfw I stopped watching this shitshow right after bad pusy

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we saw them do that last episode speedwatcher

Wait, they really didn't have a scene Arya wargs into Nymeria and drags it out and buries it. It was a big moment for the character, oh well... It isn't like they were killing to get some source material.

What's the difference between a White Walker and a Wight? Do walkers all need to be created by the Night King and the wights are auto raised by walkers?

was this in the books? I had forgotten that.

wight are ur run of the mill zombies
WW are babies that are turned by the night king especially for that purpose
and the night king was a guy turned by the forest lesbians to battle the first men

As you have seen Night King's is able to bring back all the dead he sees as brainless zombies, aka. wight.
Meanwhile, the Others have to be made by him when they are newly born, they also have brains.

In the books beric(?) sacrifices himself to resurrect her IIRC

Something like that, yes.

and vale knights and wildlings

The Brotherhood is only able to do that because they find her buried body.

>maybe 25,000 is all humanity can manage for the final fight
they should realistically be able to field much much more, dabid can't into numbers.
it's really retarded when you really think about it, sure there's a lot of wights. but their battle tactics generally consist of "rushing B" they have no siege engines, no cavalry, no archers. they really don't seem like too much of a threat aside from the night king and the others if being handled by a competent leader. Hell tywin would probably rout the whole thing in under a week if he were in charge

>they find her buried body.

stripped naked and thrown into the river in the books.

my mistake, she isn't buried, only found, but they still find her because Arya:
>Through her warg bond with Nymeria, Arya finds Catelyn Stark's body in a river. She drags her to the shore and tries to wake her, but realizes she is dead. She flees when she sees men approaching

I remember Lady Stoneheart, I just didn't remember anything about Arya warg-burying her before the res.

I guess those men were from the Brotherhood, how convenient. I guess Lord of the Light told them the coordinates and time.

>kills Tywin one of the most accomplished military commanders in westeros
>makes a fuckton of mistakes causing yaas queen to lose more than half of her forces
Dragon Slut
>burns the food and gold carts captured from the tyrels for a yaas queen moment
>kills the defacto commander of the reach and his heir because he dared to mansplain
why are the both of them such utter failures

>routing zombies

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But they could just climb between the battlements

Because dabid turning them both into incompetent retards was the only way to give the illusion that circe had a chance of anything other than getting immediately destroyed by 3 dragons

you knwo that Dragon Slut is gonna die because if she isn't then HBO supports incest
remember that in BIG LOVE the main character dies at the end because mormons are criminals and it is wrong to have 4 wives since i cannot have the same

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>jon snow kills the night king
>there must always be a night king
>king in the north becomes the night king
bravo dabid

All their real soldiers died a long time ago
Now their army consists of old men, cripples, cowards, and 14 year old boys

Winterfell is built with magic spells like the Wall was.
I guess ice dragon negates that though.

the population of fighting age men has been pretty fucking drained after all the war.

looks pretty big to me, but still their formation doesn't really make sense and this entire battle is going to be nonsensical as hell.

Still excited for it because why the fuck not, everything doesn't have to completely conform to our version of realism / reality, I just wish attention to detail and the writing and dialogue were better.

because climate change is a myth

that one Other walked right through fire in Hardhome

the others are sentient, they literally also have an off switch for the zombies under their command if they die

haha yeah that's not nearly enough, or way too many haha yeah i totally understand

>cavalry on front instead of flanks
>archers are on side who will have to guard the flanks
>siege weapons are dragged in front of the infantry instead kept safely on the wall
>infantry is just a mass of people as a single unit and right outside the walls
Damn, it's like the writers never read anything about Medieval battles and thought this would be awesome..

Because they're white and have to be emasculated, outdone, and saved by brown people. D&D have progressive kosher politics to inject, you know.

>Brown people cavalry in wrong spot
>Brown people siege engines in wrong spot

well they are being led by mainly women

Dothraki are going to be the first ones rising as walkers

They are led by a dream team of whole GoT. Like 7-8 commanders and none of them thought that maybe using Castle walls as defense would be better idea.
Because if this battle would commencement Irl, the cavalry would get bogged down by that front assault rather quickly. Archers who are guarding the flanks simply lose their strategic value the moment they get flanked and will be routed. Their machines that are infront of the army will cease to be ineffective the exact moment the infantry will be next on line after the cavalry.
When all of this goes on at the same time, logically every unit gets routed and starts to run back, instead there is a huge wall behind them and a small door to squeeze the whole army back in, I also mention that they built a fucking trench right outside the wall, behind their infantry. most of the army simply dies of suffocation.
This is just so stupid. I mean, fuck, this is the kind of thing that makes me not enjoy those le ebic battle scenes

Contrived bullshit fight outside the walls just like the battle of the bastards was. What's the point of the dead attacking when they can just lay siege and rape the countryside with auxiliary forces to slowly starve out every single city in the land. Their main advantage is not needing to eat, WHY ARE THEY ATTACKING WHEN TIME IS ON THEIR SIDE.

>kids show

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Dothraki + dragons wiped out the whole army

Realistically, if one of those nicks Viserion, wouldn't it just shatter him out of the sky?

Maybe they're setting up the troops like that because it would look great on television rather than what is historically accurate or tactically sound, it's Hollywood tactics over military prudence, I guess. I read about the knights of medieval Europe and how they would charge into battle without any plans, thinking they could win on brute strength alone, rather than fight the way the Byzantine/Eastern Romans or the Muslims would fight, the Romans and Muslims actually used military tactics when fighting, especially the Romans.

The Night's King would just siege them and bring heavy winter

I wish Stannisbro


Thought this was Jeopardy thread and was confused damn

GoT >>>> Endgame + Infinity War

Nah, way more than that. Medieval Europe had about 75 million people before the black death, with roughly the same level of development as Westeros.


That's a similar size to th maximum troop deployment under the Roman Empire, who had a similar population with much greater infrastructure for military deployment.

half Europe in GoT is Essos though. so eliminate all City States/Italian/Eastern Europe

>Cav in front
>Trebuchets in front of heavy infantry

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Which is why I hate to see this on every single fucking movie there is depicting a Medieval battle. The tactics are just stupid and it makes it harder to watch.
Medieval times cavalry charges were most of the times used only on the routed enemy, sometimes generals made an error thinking the enemy was routed and those charges became a catastrophic for cavalry, which exactly why you reserve your cavalry and hold them on your flanks. Imagine cavalry as the modern equivalent of a tank, heavy hitter.
Also, Medieval warfare was way more advanced than ancient Roman times.

woah guys
where Winter Fell!
this is foreshadowing of this ballte and how theyre gonna win

The 6th century was a low point though, after centuries of societal collapse and plagues. Even then the Persian Wars were fought with much bigger armies, as were Belisarius's campaigns in Italy.
In the high Medieval period armies quite often numbered in the tens of thousands even after the black death.

Westeros is bigger than Europe though

If those are the 8000 Unsullied are we supposed to assume that there are 10 times more Dothraki in front?

Did Jon show the northern/vale lords the zombie last season? Or are they just taking his word for it?

I just noticed that all the horse units are copy-pasted without even bothering to mix them around a bit. The horses in the front row always go:
Brown x3, white, brown, white/brown, white, black, white, brown

I sure hope that the snow isn't too deep in some parts of that battlefield, otherwise those horses are completely fucked. Oh wait, they already are considering they're some plains stock from essos that wouldn't stand a chance in freezing temps in the middle of a winter night, nevermind the fact that the WWs bring bone chilling cold with them.

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It gets bitterly cold on the steppes, so we can assume the Dothraki are the same

Why didn't they make more preparations? feel like the Unsullied just stood around most of the time. Why didn't they build hundreds of trenches, to make it slower for the walkers to cross? Make holes in the ground with spikes (than light them on fire).
There are many things they could have done. They look underprepared for a war.

stop mansplaining ok sweaty?


how does castrating a boy make him a good fighter?
shouldn't it have the opposite effect?

So Tyrion and Jamie definitely survive the battle because Cersei gave Qyburn that crossbow to give to Bronn to use to kill them. I don't think Bronn is going to get all the way to Winterfell during the next episode. So unless they showed that for no reason then they both or at least one must survive the battle to conclude that issue, Yeah?

>Be Night King
>Chill out in some hidout drinking ice tea
>Tell my undead bros wreak to havok in the country side
>Starve out those who are in the castles

>Why does the Northern army look so pathetic?

probably because they don't have Thor...He killed Thanos with a hammer to the head, not Captain Marvel...So if they had Thor they would be unstoppable!

PS /pol/ sent me! And puzzle time: cufk ginsger!

>that episode where Dany has to address the Dothraki raping Northern girls problem

>NK flies to kings landing and doesnt join the battle at winterfell
>dany jon and NK 3 way battle royal on dragons, dany tries to kill jon he kills her and becomes king
very short version


Bran the Builder built winterfell AND the Wall so likely that barring the walls literally getting smashed down, NK's magic won't work down there

It seems like all the Nights Watch dudes, wherever they buried them before they started burning them would have been zombied up if that was an option.

>these are just farmers
That’s literally every army in Westeros.

Pics of your Castle

>white people dumb bad and disorganized mob
>brown people big beautiful formation DABID

Remember that when a white walker dies all the wights it raised also die. So even if the Night King isn't there the white walkers are the priority targets.

>cavalry in front of infantry instead on the flank
>good formation
what did he mean by this

have sex incel

Why did they line their ramparts with dragonglass or whatever if they're gonna fight outside lol???

the orcs don't lose their minds or die when you kill a leader

gg EZ

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They have giants and they won't move bavk because they are not afraid they will keep on comimg

you are right. the wight that attacked Jeor Mormont was raised from behind the Wall. women and children are fucked

They have to. The cavalry archers can easily keep their distance and start to cheese on the wights with their obsidian arrows. The wights could hold their position and be slowly depleted, or move slowly away to avoid this. If they attack and run towards the cavalry they can just ride back.

Despite all the fantasy bs, this is one of the things about LOTR that surprised me, the battles actualy made sense. Imagine the massacre at helms deep if theoden used GoT tactics, lmao

what about the dragon though

Dosent make them better fighters, but makes men more submissive and obedient due to constant abuse and trauma, its more useful in large armies than raw violence. Look up the ottomans, they had entire armies of eunuch janissaires.

Each cavalry wing gets one dragon in the back for air patrol. The ice dragon won't attack from the front as it would be vulnerable to dragonglass.
Close to the castle, archers on the battlements can provide anti air cover.

Looks can be deceiving. Ask the Roman Legionaries

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>put the cavalry in front
>put your line holder infantry behind the siege weapons
>put the trenches behind the line holder infantry
>the most logical place for catapults to be, the walls, remains barren

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The vale knights are fresh and dothraki are battle hardened veterans along with disciplined unsullied troops, literally no reason for retarded formations and plans aside from plot induced stupidity

Because brown people are more orderly and disciplined, as we've all seen throughout history.

What dream team? There's maybe 2 competent commanders there (lord royce and Jaime) and questionably Jon and tyrion. Grey worm doesn't really count as he's more of a captain. Dany has almost always relied on her dragons for victory literally no tactics involved aside from saying dracarys

>show doesnt have the balls anymore to go battle of suiyang
Into the trash it goes

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Nordcucks would be living in mud huts without Mediterranean civilization and technology.

Literally taking his word for it, the meeting should have involved every lord worth a damn left, id 100%bet that if randyl tarly was there he would have defected

Good but you forget that the undead dragon protects from the other two dragons and they'd get pwned without that protection

Also how the most we know about the NK is that he wants to kill Bran so he's going after him.

>"If we keep a tight formation we might be able to beat them back"
I don't think that's how it works

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The Romans were still around in medieval times, they were called Romans back then but today are called Byzantines. Anyway, medieval Romans still had sophisticated battle tactics which they used against their numerous enemies. Check out Charles Omab's books on the Byzantine Empire and Medieval Warfare. He wasn't a fan of Western Europe's knights where they just charged headlong into battle.

Night King has more soldiers than they have arrows

>cavalry and artillery IN FRONT OF INFANTRY

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Just....stab them as they climb?


who said that? i don't really pay attention during the episodes?

What works in Total war is often oposite to real life

Brienne, to be fair she was only making small talk

ah right. hate that cunt.

you're fucking retarded if you think the human armies wouldn't immediately ally after just seeing their cities get destroyed by flying undead dragons and zombies

I don't know if you have autism but it was patently obvious that neither of them believed what she was saying, she was trying to convince herself that they stood a chance

cavalry not on the flanks, but in the middle of army... in front of artillery?

Who is writing this?

Calling it now. Killing the night king wont disintergrate the undead army, but it will make it directionless. Thus we need Bran to become the new Night King to control them, but its implied he'll eventually turn evil. Full on Lich King from wow rip off.

Explain WoW lich king

Also more Arya bed scenes?

The needed to give him a bunch of men to defeat the wildlings with, then they had to engineer the 20 good men to ensure his defeat.

>t. over 9000 hours in Medieval TW
I thought I was the only one

>over 9000 hours in Medieval TW
>still obviously shit at it
I wouldn't want to be you.

imagine how kino it would have been if Stannis got a charge of the Rohirrim entrance

vale is in the north, Dorne somehow lost all of theirs along with the majority of the rebel greyjoys

I bet you play on medium, you fucking scrub

Their plan is to kill the Night King and if they stay in the castle the undead would just starve them out since they can wait forever, while the northeners don't have enough food to last through winter with Dany's massive army and her dragons.

why don't the walkers just stay away then?

cause gey

>all armies combined were like 200 thousand, thats not alot for a continent with millions people.
Yes it is

In WoW the lich king is the bad guy buts hes neccesary for the good of the world. Hes the 'jailer of the dead'. If he wasnt there to control them, the undead would become more chaotic thsn they already are and spread rapidly throughout the world. Thus its ultimately revealed that outright killing the Lich King is a bad idea, thus they arrange for a replacement (a uber good paladin guy) to replace the lich king after hes killed.

If someone has any kind of link to ep 3 I beg of thee to share

still better than 40k

even though it makes no sense even in the books

>battle of suiyang
Holy shit, that is some hardcore determination right there. Makes Leningrad look like Disneyland.

40k is intentionally meant to be very absurd, the fact that a comparison is even being drawn is worrying

>white walkers are immortal and can wait forever so humans MUST fight
>white walkers also can't wait until the dead of the multiyear long winter when half the humans are starved and couldn't possibly march out an army

This show is as dumb as it's fanbase.

This guys don't understand how movement work. They believe those are the MAX numbers of warrior fit people in the continent instead of the max army that can be deployed.

>>white walkers also can't wait until the dead of the multiyear long winter when half the humans are starved and couldn't possibly march out an army
The last time that happened 13 good men went north and Azor Ahai "won"

because the writing is shit

>In WoW the lich king is the bad guy buts hes neccesary for the good of the world
It was only later revealed in the final raid that somebody had to take his place, no one knew this at the beginning

40k is self-aware of how over the top it is, while got is trying to take itself seriously

>digging in frozen ground
>using valuable wood when they probably have very little left

I mean, a lot of anons have valid points in this thread, but yours are just plain retarded.

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>self aware
lmao, not anymore. It's full of edgelords now who unironically think the IoM is a model society. But I was referring to 40k scale specifically. 1mln space marines for an entire galaxy for example.

space marines are supposed to be shock/elite troops similar to how knights would function in got, you got a nearly endless amount of IG for patrolling the rest of the galaxy

yup. Just like what could happen with GoT. Bran will have a vision showing why the night king is neccesary

I dont think you realize just how large a galaxy is. The scale in 40k is completely retarded.

it's supposed to be retarded, that's why even with all that manpower to throw around they're still just barely holding. the siege of high garden example is just retarded

>using valuable wood when they probably have very little left
There's a fucking forest next to Winterfell as shown in the episodes.

The setting is self-aware, some of the fans have been retarded Naziaboos for decades.

Except Space Marines aren't the setting and the whole point is that it's an empire barely held together. There is literally trillions of humans on Earth alone, in hollowed out earth and towering cities. It's easier to maintain control when you can take billions of people from a planet and throw them at a force on another planet to make sure they're only on that planet until Space Marines can arrive and remove leadership/Mcguffin and another billion humans arrive to finish the job. 40k is retarded, intentionally so, but it has it's own retarded consistency and doesn't pretend to be logical. People who go 'hur dur why build a 200m tall mech when you could build 1000 tanks' doesn't understand 40k. GoT is pretending to be 'logical' and 'realistic' in a fantasy setting. 40k is just a mix match of a dozen other settings all mushed together by nerds.

What if they implement the Redecker plan from the World War Z novel? Would that be feasible or because the zombies are the fast, non-flesh eating (I guess they don't like meat), types, the Redecker plan won't work?

I misspelled it, it is called the Redecker Plan: zombie.fandom.com/wiki/Redeker_Plan

They don’t have the time or money to make this battle last two episodes.

I just briefly skimmed the Redeker Plan and thought: Didn't they do this in the Blue Gender Anime, but retreating to some military space station?

Anyway, why don't the people of Westeros just flee to the continent the Dothraki and the Unsullied are from? Then plan a campaign to retake Westeros after all the peoples have regained their strength. Don't they still have the ships from Stannis Baratheon's Naval fleet, along with Yara Greyjoy's ships?

>night king flies to kings landing
>called kings landing for fucks sake
>kills 1 million people with LOL dragon
>northern army wind battle for winter fell but no king to kill
>oh shit 1 million wiggers left in kings landing
>midget and onion man remember wildfire
>distract night King with battle
>sneak in and blow whole fucking city up with wildfire
>daenerys is queen of ashpile

>Night King flies to the other continent on his dragon
>Raise some dead people as Wights and recruit some more White Walkers

keep dreaming incel


If he does that, there still won't be that many wights and White Walkers, so they can be defeated easily, as long as they are dealt with quickly.

If it's med 2 then the cavalry alone could probably kill the other army

The Dothraki will rout, screenshot this post

Nigga, never mind the frozen ground, but do you think you just drive some stakes in the ground and light them on fire?

Even then, they burn for what, an hour or two? Like nigga, just wait till they burn out lmao.

What? No. Only the NK can raise wights.

>they should have filled the field with pitch
They dug trenches and built barricades with dragon glass spikes. Maybe they've made other traps, we'll see next week.

Wights glow blue senpai.

i stopped watching this 3 seasons ago but man if Jaime dies
imma be pissed

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>a dream team of whole GoT
The dream team of GoT generals would be something like:

People usually include Tywin but although competent, he got BTFOd by Rob continuously. He could fight small scale battles like against the Reynes of Castermere but he never did anything during the rebellion and lost every battle against Rob except for the one Tyrion was in and that was a diversion by Rob anyway.

You could argue whether Ned or Robert was the better general, everyone said Ned was one of the best, Ned said Robert was. Everyone agreed Stannis was the actual best soldier period.

They dug trenches and set spikes, pay attention.

After the various wars, there aren't many Northern men left and Dothraki are big manly men come to save them from the dead. They might be ok with it.

>Grey worm doesn't really count as he's more of a captain
He was trained as something like a Captain but after conquering several cities in Essos he's got more experience as a General than anyone else currently in Winterfell.