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Tell that to the starving African kids, you monster.
Isn’t that the idiot who thinks bats are blind?
And maybe, just maybe, Thanos is also halving populations that don’t have access to space travel and are on the verge of driving themselves to extinction? After all, if the universe is infinite, how would you possibly be able to catalogue all sentient life?
the collector might know how
maybe there's a cosmic called the Indexer as well
infinite possibilities for a comic movie
this nigger takes things too literally. Is he seriously talking about resources in an universe where other niggas shoot beams?
goddamn he is dumb
(Spectacular cgi marvel logo)
(Cut to reverse shot of Uatu seated on a throne as a backlit lone figure walks towards him down a mile long throne room)
(Closeup on mysterious figure throwing back his hood to reveal his face)
Atua (to Uatu) this is probably going to take a while, we’d best get started.
is he really trying this hard to be relevant? don't tell me, they had the stars wrong in one of the scenes too
isn't this guy like a god in the onions religion?
Reminder that he spilled the bean on concave earth
He lost a lot of his standing when he started making his dumb observations about Star Wars.
Based retard Tyson
wtf, is this true??
No way
Truly a mind that operates on a plane far removed from that of we mortals.
Its for the nigger planets that can't go into space like the liberal faggots that want other people to take care of the problems.
Dude he’s right. Let’s let all the jungle people into our society. Fucking love science now.
>black sci-fi man
>people die because they're alive
Thanos don't think it be like it is, but it do.
OMG Neil degrasse Tyson is epic and it's even more epic how he is talking about marvel OMG OMG OMG
>if the universe is infinite
Nope, user. It's not.
Is this really the smartest black person the entire race can muster up?
pretty sure even Leddit hates le black "science" man now too
>Christianity is stupid and your traditions are dumb. I’m too chickenshit to call out other religions, but fuck you.
>also fuck borders
I'd say most are about clay
This guy is like an older Jaden Smith
He's right. The Marvel Universe is similarly occupied as our own, with 0.0000000000000001% of resources currently being utilized in the universe. His actions amounted to nothing. He should have snapped his fingers and increased the brainpower of everyone in the universe by 50%.
If I had the power I’d snap my fingers and just wipe you out. only you
Most were about resources.
Our civilization has access to space yet we still quarrel over limited resources. How can black science man be so stupid that he can't even see the counterargument to his fallacy right before his very own eyes?
Fpbp. Resources are actually never the cause of starvation or poverty.
thank popculture or else he would repeat
Why didn't they just make more?
Easier to kill half the population.
The more he talked the more he outed himself as just a dude who got a phd in astrophysics, like its hard, but it aint impossible.
One of my followers linked me to this website. I am so FRIGGIN tired of losers on the internet trying to ridicule me. I ask you to stop it, and delete this topic RIGHT NOW.
Post timestamp
>black scientist feels the need to give his scientific opinion on everything
The more he talks the dumber he sounds.
why yo eyes red, boi
His sense of "humor" is so autistic I can totally see him creeping on women without realizing he's doing anything wrong.
>taking the time to break down why a villian with morals/goals so obviously wrong even a child could see why his plan was stupid
>his biggest criticism is incorrect
BASED retard
>did you know this figure of speech isn't literally true?
anyone else here FUCKING LOVES science???
>that has access to space
We don't have *useful* access to space, i.e. we can't mine asteroids profitably, things like that. Civilizations in the MCU can.
This is why you dont let niggers science
Check out the big brain on Neil.
Is it bad if I can't even tell whether those are real tweets or satirical ones made here?
Yeah. So does the Earth. Good luck getting them, transporting them, and getting people to use them properly.
They probably hate him not because of his intelligent tweets but because some woman accused him of sexual harassment/assault
>bitches about African kids not having access to space
>is proven wrong in a cordial manner
>proceeds to sperg out and all-cap the shit out of his middle school tier opinion nobody asked for
That is no way to act in a civilized society.
You didn't prove anything except how stupid you are.
Imagine being an actual scientist and talking about capeshit on twitter
sure sounds like someone is SEETHING
His PhD thesis was unironically plagiarized. A fuckton of people also accused him of plagiarizing his publications in the mid-late 90s, which is why he suddenly stopped publishing anything for like 10 years.
The guy is a fraud. He's just a charismatic entertainer.
I can't even tell if some of these are even real. The guy is obviously smart in his area of study, but has the social intellect of a flea when he constantly spouts retarded facts (which are often wrong).
how many resources have the African Space Agency brought to Earth? Surely if the Africans have access to space, they wouldn't live in the biggest shithole on Earth? Oh, whats that? They DO live in the biggest shithole on Earth? Oh, whats that? They DON'T have access to resources in space? As expected from a bunch of niggers.
Listen Neil, How About You Make Reason Out Of This...
>*punches you in the fucking gut*
>*puts out cigarette on your forehead*
was it autism?
>South Africa
Even India has a huge space agency, dummy.
It's a common misconception to believe being educated is the same as being intelligent. It's not just about the knowledge you earn, it's about the kind of mind that takes it in as well. Plus almost anyone could easily get a doctorate if they dedicated themselves to the work and still be a fucking retard who doesn't know anything by the end of it, all you have to do is be patient and do what you're told to do by professors. Most of my colleagues graduated with awful grades and use google for half of the shit they should know by heart.
Economics 101
If food gets too expensive for poor people to buy they will either stop having children or they will just starve to death or under corporatism the state will steal money from productive people and subside the children.
>world's smartest nigger has the intellect of a 12 years old white child
Ok i guess?
It's hard to believe that black science man actually has a PhD. I bet there's a lot of affirmative action involved though.
And I shuppose Pluto ish off the table as well?
Time is relative so time stamps are pointless. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go fugg my African American wife.
>An older Jaden Smith
I think this is the best description of him I have ever heard.
>singularly evil
holly single-proton hydrogen atom!
i miss him bros
I never understood why people are so offended by Thanos' objective that they felt the need to think out loud like a smart ass. It only demonstrates their lack of basic understanding of the movie they're questioning.
He is literally the mad scientist in every other movie. Off the top as an example, Kurt Hendricks from Ghost Protocol. The guy wanted to ignite a nuclear war in order to wipe out the majority of the population as a means of improving mankind as a whole. And unlike Thanos, and how ever flawed it may be, he actually believes in it based on his study and research of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. From what was presented in the film anyway. We are never supposed to agree with Kurt's objectives. He's insane, that's the whole point.
Another example, that retarded scientist in the upcoming Godzilla movie. She probably thinks Ghidorah needs to be awoken to 'save' humanity. Can't wait to see all the smart rebuttals there.
Thanos didn't go to some galactic university and established it probable through a thesis paper. He is not basing off some experiment in the lab. It was simply an ideology he believed in. He is called the MAD TITAN, for fuck sake. As if that didn't spell it out enough, Gamora even responded with a clear cut "You don't know that".
Every villain with a similar motif doesn't give a shit whether their plan will work or not, only that it will once they succeeded. Their resolves cannot be changed because it is not based on logical reasoning or rationality, but personal conviction.
But no.
>hurr hurr why didn't he just create more resources
Good job proving you can't even comprehend a fucking marvel movie. At least LotR got taxposting out of this shit.
Avengers has a shit story who knew
He's right you know.
Somebody gon get raped tonite
The fuck? Has Batman ever said he literally wants to be a bat?
holy fuck, thank you based black man for opening my mind wtf?!
also almost animals in the wild either kill for survival or to eat.
>believed different things to be true
like who should be alive and who should be dead.
Damn that's such a strong statement... thanks you phded nigger!
For someone so smart you would think he would understand the importance of rituals for humans...
based black science man
Maybe most civilisations DON'T have access to space.
Not to mention Africa is basixally garden of eden tier paradise resource wise. It's why blacks have a ridiculous amount of genetic diversity, Africa os so easy that literally anything works evolution wise.
Based non retard
I know actual white people (men, even) that have PhDs in real fields (Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science) from the top University in the country but could scarcely apply even their specialised niche of knowledge.
>I believe I should have these resources
>is proven wrong
Where? All you did was prove that South Africa has a NASA offshoot. We've got the actual NASA here and still can't mine space resources.
>I believe I should have these resources
For the wrong reason
Have sex.
That's too bad considering there is plenty of arable land in space just right there for the taking. I was thinking of opening a dairy farm on the moon one of these days when I retire.
/ˈˌtəNG ən ˈCHēk/
adjective & adverb
adjective: tongue-in-cheek; adverb: tongue-in-cheek
with ironic or flippant intent.
"her delightful tongue-in-cheek humor"
Reminder that the 'half of all life becuz muh resources' thing NDT just blew the fuck out of was purely an MCU invention - in the comics Thanos did it because he was in love with Death and wanted to impress her.
That's deep man, whoah
>earth is the universe
Is reading too hard for you, user?
This post is autistic but the only thing that annoys me in the movies is the heroes never argue against or query the villain's motives in good faith, they just spout platitudes back and forth at each other.
pray tell, what is his area of study? you probably dont know because he's completely irrelevant and thats fine. he hasnt actually been published in years... hes nothing but a popularizer of scientism. this is why hes known as black science man.
What the fuck would you know
From my point of view this is an insightful tweet.
>thanos is singularly evil
i though black sicence man was smart
reddit/twitter summed up
I thought NDT was smug but now I think he's autistic.
Neil no!
>halo armor
Thanos isn't real.
Apex of intelligence.
Big brain moment coming through
what did he actually mean by this
i guess in phonetic order
Unless you’re black most people start “u” with a quiet “e” sound
Obviously phonetic or homophonic spelling of the letters: A is the word 'a', H is ayt-ch, R is are, B is bee, etc. Baffling that a highly educated adult man would post something like this. He is singularly focused on 'expanding peoples minds' he goes for the lowest shtick.
*clears throat*
fuck niggers
>avengers theme song starts playing
Africa is a shithole, wiping out half of Africa would still make it a shithole and the remaining half would still be starving to death.
mass reply posters should be shot
Calm down nigger. It's just a capeshit movie.
More interestingly, why would he kill exactly half of each planet?
It's not like resources are distributed perfectly evenly. Some planets could be overpopulated by 2x, some can be underpopulated, some can be overpopulated by 4x.
sounds like you are describing me, i have a degree in law but i dont know what im doing half the time and id probably be out of a job if the equivalent of a legal wikipedia didnt exist
english is such a garbage language lmao
"Ay" "Aytch" "Are" "Bee" etc. It's phonetic.
I'm 100% positive that the spacefaring Thanos would know more about astronomy than any human ever will in this century.
yeah, look at this moon rock we didn't mine. Fucking retard.
>earth is not in the universe
>moon rock is a resource
>i don't know where resources come from
he is a villain. his motives are steeped in violence and brutality. you are not meant to emphasise with him
Here come the retards out of the woodwork to defend capeshit. It's a dumb premise.
You can't disprove this.
> What is living space
> what is habitable planet with comfortable living environment
There’s more to resources than just different types of rocks. No one wants to lives in environment too extreme for their comfort. No one wants to survive solely on onions rations their whole life and always seek more resources for their improved enjoyment of life.
Twitter clearly has made us dumber.
Just look at our president.
and all the Dems always whinning about him on it.
Next up he'll tell us if you don't like something, don't do it to others.
Somebody explain to me why he's wrong
Normies get their minds easily blown. I'm afraid what Asimov said about science being advanced enough to be indistinguishable from magic has come to pass. People don't really understand how much of what surrounds them works and think it's some sort of magic.
I'm afraid people were as dumb as this but didn't have the outlet to tell everyone else. Or maybe life was better when it required actual work to survive, not just going to the supermarket with a piece of plastic.
I haven't seen the movies, but imagine the resources on Uranus and Saturn. There are plenty of resources, but not so many resources that support human life. I know that there are plenty of other realms in this world, but I doubt that the argument holds up well except if the writers decide that diversity trumps logic.
What was Thanos even hoping the accomplish?
do you know how our entire economic system is based on endless growth of both population and profit? and how any other system seems to be impossible to pull off thanks to human nature? the marvel alien races either share that kind of nature, or they have a peaceful society. If they have peaceful society, it usually gets raped and plundered by a an empire or capitalists.
the marvel universe is filled to the brim with humanoids, and tons of them have space tech. It's only a matter of time until shit gets used up.
This is they type of shit I would expect some 13 year old twat that got an A in his earth and space middle school course to type out
He's not called the Reasonable Titan Neil. Also at least Thanos isn't a fucking NIGGER.
Reaching outside of our solar system is a pipedream, utilizing the planets and asteroids beside us beyond just taking pictures to impress redditfags is also a fantasy. We can't even harness the full potential of earth, and this nigger is talking about the universe?
We all know that vast amounts of resources exist throughout the cosmos. The point is we can't fucking reach them, or even use them!
I'm still recovering from his rationalia stunt, when Neil gets cocky, he BTFOs himself on epic proportions
So Thanos decides to kill half of the galaxy because in billions of trillions of years the universe will eventually run out of resources? Heat death of the universe will happen faster than that, is he a retard?
really makes u think
>you can only kiss yourself on the lips in a mirror
Wtf is he trying to say here? That that's creepy? Does this kind of insight require a PhD in astrophysics?
>a day in the year on which nearly the entire planet comes together for some mindless fun
>evolutionary psychology 101
If food gets too scarce people will put out more children, subconsciously hoping that at least one of the 10 kids will find a way to spread his genes regardless, instead of simply dying childless without hope of propagating their genes
If he wanted to stop population growth all Thanos had to do was give women the vote and allow them into academia and the workforce.
I mean, if you snap the dumbest half of Africans away, their average IQ would probably go up to European levels. That would make everything better.
No, you'd be forced to adapt and use other sources (actual books) as a Google substitute. It's just the human nature to take the easier route.
Snapping away the whole continent of africa's population would no doubt improve the world.
Africa is a literal paradise and it only looks like a shithole because Africans don't know how to take care of themselves and just kill each other constantly.
It’s total affirmative action. He got kicked out of one program for doing nothing and another adopted him for obvious reasons.
He is an administrator and talk show host and does no science at all what so ever. He writes no papers and has no telescope time. He’s not an Astrophysicisist, he has the degree to be one but isn’t capable do doing the job.
>Point this out
>Doesn't point out that populations rise on a near exponential level til they reach a capping point, thus meaning that halving the population is retarded if you consider that within a few years time the population would double to the previous count...
This fucking retard. I don't even fucking have a phd
is fake autism though
is a PR move to pander "nerds" like elon musk's twitter recently
this is why empiricism makes you a dumb ass.
there is no objective reality - and even if there was an objective reality, we wouldn't have the means to truly understand it. so yes, different things will be true to different parties.
want me to blow your mind? multiple perspectives doesn't necessarily negate each other.
Superpower next year.
I think what your describing is Darwin's truth vs Newton's truth. Newton was a gay faggot nerd who was worried about facts that people can't necessarily use in their daily life, but they make people feel good because LOOK AT HOW SMART I AM whereas Darwin's version of truth is that a fact is only truly information that I can use to survive and thrive. Even on a societal level we're living in a time where Newton's gay faggot nerd truths are being misinterpreted for people to justify their own opinions so much so that all this information doesn't matter, if you present information, someone will twist it or make excuses for it, making the truth irrelevant
my headcanon is that thanos is just a smug boomer, totally entrenched is his not accurate model of reality, his plan is retarded on purpose so everybody in the last year can see through its holes
>why didn't he just doubled the universe's resources
>because i know better kid
Thanos can just create infinite resources that are accessible to everyone
>objective reality
>Newton was a gay faggot nerd who was worried about facts that people can't necessarily use in their daily life
you don't know what the fuck you're talking about nigger
The laws of conservation were already known when Newton "discovered" them. He just out words to it. People already used this information before Newton "found" this information out. Do you think the Mayans when they played primitive soccer thought that when they kicked the ball it would fly away forever never stopping? Do you think when they whacked each other with sticks that no matter how hard they swung their little stabby sticks that the same force would be applied?
>Implying intergalactic species don't have exponentially greater energy needs to the point where they could become impossibly huge
>Implying in the universe's vastness there aren't loads of them
>Especially in THAT specific universe
That plagaraizing nigger can't even contribute to his discipline, let alone tweet something smart-mouthed properly.
>Bill Cosby: proof not all black people are thugs
>Turns out to be a rapist
>Neil DeGrasse Tyson: proof not all black people are dumb
>Turns out to be a fraud, and also maybe a rapist
Those pop culture tokens they parade around for white people sure aren't working out.
The US has literally sent tens times as much aid to africa as it cost to rebuild the entirety of Europe after world war 2.
Think about that, you monster.