Can I get a rundown of each /SU/ character?
I'm writing an open ended fanfic but I haven't watched much of the show
I've already got She Who Must Not Be Named figured out, but can someone give me a legit personality synopsis of Steven, the 3 original gems, Connie etc?
I'd appreciate it
Can I get a rundown of each /SU/ character?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why not go to the wiki? Or watch clips from the show? Or even spoof parodies at this point?
If you want to wait until July the new art book details all their arcs in detail.
Because another user said those aren't entirely accurate and I'm striving to make my FF as "in character" as I can
If rather hear it from you guys, just a brief 2 or 3 sentences about one of them would be helpful
>writing a fanfic without being familiar with the source material
It’ll be shit OP. You need to know how the characters talk, behave and interact with each other in order to write them well. No amount of summaries or wiki entries will give you that.
Watch it when they’re not around or when they’re sleeping
While that'll help then, I'm actively posting said FF on Yea Forums and I'm not tryna stop for a few months when I only just got started.
Not tryna brag or anything but I am an excellent writer, I already have a plot set out and what the characters are gonna do.
I can write dialogue, no problem, it's the knowing who TF I'm writing about that I'm having trouble with.
Reminder that OP is a Spinelfag who has zero knowledge of Steven Universe outside the movie and is a self-proclaimed hater of the show except for Spinel
He also thinks Steven is a literal psychopath for not exactly being super eager to befriend a gem who personally tried to murder him and genocide a planet just because she was lonely and was angry about the sins his mother committed
>Writing a fanfic about a property you know nothing about
Why would you do this?
Definitely skim the wiki then. The crew even uses it as a reference, it's really handy.
>Not tryna brag or anything but I am an excellent writer
If you can't tell why this is a shit idea you must be a pretty terrible writer user. Just stop.
It doesn’t matter how skilled of a writer you are. If you don’t know anything about the show, the characters, lore etc you’re gonna write a fanfic with extremely OOC characters and with almost zero elements of the show to link it to
That alone would make it unreadable to someone who has watched the show
I'm trying to figure it out without the show so I don't write predictable garbage
I don't want it to be Spinel FF only, I wanna expand it but idk where to start.
Stop being a cunt
OP you need to realize that you have to get really familiar with characters other than a one-off villain like Spinel
You are literally ignoring major characters with way more history and development than her, you aren’t going to be able to effectively write any character that isn’t Spinel if you don’t know a damn thing about them
Stop fucking bitching about your roommates. Watch the fucking show. And I mean all of it. All of seasons 1-5, and Future. Only use the Wiki if you feel you missed something in the show or need assistance understanding something that happened.
It doesn’t matter how good a writer you are, your dialogue isn’t going to be convincing if you don’t know the characters’ mannerisms or way of speaking.
user brings up a very good point. Why are you even writing a fanfic of something you’re not even a fan of?
Exactly why I'm tryna learn, I've got about 6 pages so far but I don't want to go further and ruin it w/o knowing what's up
user, you don't have to know where every detail is gonna fall before you write. I have a basic plan, and need to figure out the intricacies.
What don't you get about that?
>I'm trying to figure it out without the show so I don't write predictable garbage
This is just you being a lazy fuck. I literally could not read your fan fiction when I go and see how fucking out of character many of the show’s characters would be. The fact that you have literally, multiple times have proclaimed Steven to be a total asshole when he is probably the kindest, most empathetic character in the show is more proof that you wouldn’t be able to write a good story
Then fucking delay it and maybe start over until you have knowledge of the source material
The fact that you had to ask about fusion makes you a terrible fit to write stories for this show
I enjoy Spinel, and in the process of writing a FF involving just her i decided to expand it into everything and make it open ended
Plan on turning it into a "thing of the week" sort of deal (just like SU) but where Spinel is actually involved and not just a shitty underwritten plot device.
I'm gonna have to break down and watch it, or at least enough to understand who/what everyone is.
Don't watch the show, you will be gay. Faggot.
I enjoy Spinel is not a reason to write Steven Universe fanfiction unless all your stories are about her and no other characters
I’m not gonna write GoT fan fiction when I’ve never even watched it even though I think the Nightwalkers are kinda cool
There’s just no logic, here
I'm not gonna delay it, you guys are just gonna have to trust me on this. I haven't written it badly so far (although it's barely begun) and once I knew I was at a wall I stopped.
Why so much negativity?
That's all the reason,
Like , the spark that got me going was Spinel being poorly thought out post movie and I'm trying to expand upon that from a "user-Spinel-Everyone else" point of view
Man just fucking watch the show and realize there’s a bunch of other likable characters outside of Spinel. Many of the episodes are only 11 minutes so it’s not like it’ll take you an eternity to catch up by Friday. Or not, don’t take my advice. But don’t expect many to like your stories when it’ll be obvious that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about when they read it.
>user stories
>self-insert user stories
Jesus Christ you reek of /mlp/, they do all that self-insert shit too
Watch show
>Why so much negativity?
Because you aren't willing to put in any prep to achieve results, and boast that your skills will surely make up for that lack of prep. They won't.
If you wanna write about a property, the least you can do is read or watch what-ever you're trying to adapt, not ask Yea Forums to do it for you. Even if we all helped, it wouldn't be nearly as effective as if you would just watch the show. Episodes only take 11 minutes ffs.
While I agree that it's a little gay, I can guarantee you that it's not gonna be /mlp/ their garbage
I'm gonna watch some of it at least tonight to get my bearings, I understand there's more interesting characters than Spinel but that's my point is that I'm trying to fix the weakest part of the show
Don’t start until you are completely caught up
If you can’t do that then you really shouldn’t be writing Steven Universe fan fiction, especially when the other characters of the show have so much to work with, unlike Spinel who might not get anything but a minor cameo in the final episodes at best
Okay fine, I'm gonna watch the goddamn show
I better see you assholes on the FF thread when it eventually goes back up though
Good luck user.
we ain’t reading that shit
See you on the other side in like a week or so.
Your loss
I'll have it watched by Wednesday, I'm off all week.
Fuck this shitty thread this is now a Pearl thread
Pearl. Watch these. She's needy, emotional, and a bit of a neurotic know-it-all. She constantly dealt with problems over her indepence that clashed massively with her dependency on others, especially Rose who she was in love with.
Don’t spoon feed him
Thanks user, definitely gonna check em out!
Ngl that's exactly how my mom is lol
I refuse! I get off on helping others with questions related to characters I like.
I can scrounge out stuff for some of the other Gems if you'd like. Though do watch the show regardless.
That'd be helpful for character synopsiss, I'm gonna watch the show but little things like this will go a long way to making the FF readable
I'll do you a solid, OP, because why not. You should still watch the show to actually get a sense of how these characters actually work or play off each other, though, because that's the most likely way your characters will be good. This isn't the RWBY fandom, so OOCness will be called out.
Fun-loving and kindhearted person with a Messiah complex.
Ever watch EEnE? Pearl is basically Double D if he became a parent.
Ever watch EEnE? Amethyst is basically Eddy with complete self-awareness of his occasionally shit behavior.
Ever watch EEnE? It was a good show. Anyway, Garnet is your standard stoic badass that vomits out advice every once in a while.
Book girl from a normal family who loves reading fantasy and fighting with swords.
Ever watch Invader Zim? Ever wish Zim was a girl? Sugar's got your back.
Sarcastic hippie with PTSD and guilt over being an abusive girlfriend. Only likes Steven, Peridot, and Bismuth.
Strong, independent black woman who likes making puns with her name.
The supportive father we all need.
>Book girl from a normal family who loves reading fantasy and fighting with swords.
Probably should mention that Connie is Steven’s love interest
Garnet's the gay, Amethyst is the fat, and pearl is the long because you need a long woman to be funni
Then watch the show
you wouldn't know from these threads lol
Dude that was a massive solid!
>OCC will be called out
I understand, and am actively to avoid OCC
Dude, you're literally a fucking God
This seems about right. There's more you can go into but this is fine for a baseline sort of thing
Anything else you can tell me about the show before I dive into it user?
>Steven's love interest
Not after next weekend. Yeah, I should have mentioned that, but OP probably knew that already from the movie and ships Stevinel anyway.
>Ever watch EEnE? It was a good show. Anyway, Garnet is your standard stoic badass that vomits out advice every once in a while.
>Not one mention of being a fusion.
Shit like this is why you should watch the show rather than just ask this place user. You can't get the little things right if people forget to mention the vital stuff.
Okay now put eyelashes on her.
Nah I was with OP in the Spinel threads. He hated the idea of Spinel even being friends with Steven because that would “mess with his headcanon” or whatever and because he wanted her all to himself
He waifus Spinel hard (despite claiming to also have regular Tinder hookups despite having a waifu)
Peridot. She was originally a Diamond loyalist who was incredibly sheltered of anything that deviated from the Homeworld norm. The feelings of others she was insenitive too at first, especially due to her belief in the rigid caste structure the Gems followed. She learns what she did was wrong and apologizes for his actions, and the CGs accept her because of it. Due to welcoming her with open arms, she eventually betrays Yellow Diamond herself to protect her new friends. She's still a huge sperg, but more of a meme gremlin than Gej incel. Lapis, Steven, and Amethyst are who she is closest too, and she lives in a barn with Lapis.
>the virgin writing fanfiction
>the chad drawing fanfiction
You're a regular historian
You don't have to believe that but it's true lmao
Fair enough, but I remember that being a thing in the movie but point taken
Fucking A man you are a legendary figure!
If you keep these up, I'll fucking credit you in the FF
That art is startlingly on-model
Oops, fudged up the links. Meant to post these
I'll do Amethyst in a bit
And I admit, I'm waifu hard on Spinel, but I'm trying to actually develop a story and not just sex FF which is gonna require an understanding of the whole show, which I'm actively trying to do
Oh fuck I just found out there’s a case of coronavirus at a hospital just outside my neighborhood
That's ultra giggachad bro lol
Thank you man
Drop initials/what you wanna be credited as with the next one and I'll make sure you get your credit
Worth noting that Peridot is still as smart as ever, but she's more in tune with Earth culture thanks to said sperging about Camp Pining Hearts (more or less a daytime show).
Your pic will never happen to me
I won't move on lol
That genuinely hurt my heart
The Diamonds, I guess?
>Pink Diamond
You watched the movie.
>Rose Quartz
Pink Diamond after she got a conscious and started a war to protect the Earth from her sisters, but still with no idea what this "em-path-y" thing was until she banged Greg in the 1990s.
We already did him.
A bit of a hardass with a desire for structure and order. Tends to hide emotion, but otherwise straight-forward with everything she says. Lightning powers.
Can cause others to feel sadness whenever she does. Pretty emotional. Most outwardly nice of the three.
Control freak who can turn Gems into puppets in a hivemind, but has since stopped because Steven's presence turns her into a doting aunt. Struggles the most with respecting other lifeforms. Can be BTFO with sweet comebacks.
So Steven is a diamond then right
Is he considered an equal with them power wise?
Stronger, weaker?
Just tryna get a feel for the underlying lore
Spinel will always be the one character in SU that truly made me feel sad with her story
Very true. She's also developed the powers of Magnetism, which I also forgot to mention.
Sorry bruv, I'll make it up to you after I eat.
Thanks man, I legit almost cried and I'm about as "man" as someone can get
>So Steven is a diamond then right
>Is he considered an equal with them power wise?
His "temper tantrum Pink" mode probably puts him on-par, but it could just as easily be above considering the Future leaks. Hard to tell since he's never actually fought the Diamonds, and he prefers defensive-to-offensive combat anyway.
Also Connie was the sword while Steven was the shield
They combined would make up Rose Quartz with both her sword and shield
>combined would make up Rose Quartz
Well, literally, they would make up Stevonnie.
Thanks user, definitely helping clear some things up for me.
And what's the general consensus on sexuality within /SU/ FF?
I intend on it being fairly sexual/adult themes but don't wanna ruin it if nobody likes that
>spinelfag wants to make a fanfic just bc of how they love their waifu
This is what confuses me.
Why would they want to fuse in the first place?
I get the sexual nature of fusion, but Steven and Connie are both part human so why not just have sex?
Fusion isn't sex no matter what people will tell you and link you to pictures/gifs of the more risque dances in S1/S2. Dancing isn't needed for fusion in general really.
Bitch I'm expanding into a full fledged FF not just sex FF
Care to help?
If not kiss my ballzzz
Okay so the whole "fusion=sex" thing is basically people really wanting it to be more than what it is then, right?
Amethyst. Amethyst was born as the literal runt of the litter. She took too long to come out of the ground, and when she did, she was stunted as opposed to big and strong like other Quartz warriors, and her Kindgarden was long abandoned. She spent a lot of years alone there until the Crystals Gems found her and thought them about who and what she was. Due to coming into the group so late, as well as her previously mentioned deformities, she's always felt like the odd-gem out even amoungst her family of the CGs.
Despite this, she's often the most down to Earth Gem and embracing of human culture. Where as Pearl and Garnet are often seen as Steven's moms, Amethyst typically takes the role of his cool older sister. She can lash out against her loved ones, but she always tries to make it up to them afterward. She's probably closest with Pearl, Greg and Steven, and one of the few Gems to have a human friend outside of Gem business in Vidalia.
Fusion is an embodiment of relationship, not sex
A friendship, love, mutual interest, shared feelings, sometimes love.
Or just deliberately misinterpreting it to try and make SU/Rebecca look bad. There's a subset of jaded fans who tend to do that sort of thing. I'll spare you the details.
You're writing a fanfic.
Anything shit they give you pales into the reality that you are writing fanfiction for a cartoon for children.
That explains why she's so "sloppy", she was never really raised right.
You're fucking killing it man thank you so much
Okay so it's more of an ultimate expression of love/trust?
Okay, what a bunch of fucking bozos lol like really? That bitter?
Well first off the fanfic is not for children
Second, this is good training for screenwriting
Third, Spinel deserves to have a well written arc after the film
Fourth, and most importantly, fuck you
>Archive of Our Own
Go fucking nuts, dude, they don't give a shit. There's a good and thriving tentacle dick futa AU over there.
If you're going to detail the sexual escapades, having a lot of foreplay beforehand is an unspoken rule. Like, that's a general rule in a lot of erotica, but still.
Eh, I can't throw shade. Writing a slow burn Lumity fic right now because Amity is my daughteru. Granted, I've been keeping up with the show each week.
>is basically people really wanting it to be more than what it is then, right?
user that's everything in this show.
It's a metaphor for a relationship. For example, Steven and his father Greg's fusion (Steg Multiverse) looks like this because Steven truly sees his dad as a rockstar and their power when fused is to literally let people fly through the power of their guitar melodies. Or as Rebecca put it:
>In an interview, Rebecca Sugar stated that Steg was originally called Mr. Multiverse in some old notes from around 2013 or 2014, and was going to be in a battle of the bands episode before the idea was scrapped. In the interview, it was also mentioned that the team always intended Steg to be a combination of "Steven and Greg’s wonderful father/son, rock star/savant" relationship; "[Steg is the] ultimate ally who has all of Greg’s emotional intuition and free spirit and all of Steven’s compassion. The support that Steven gets from Greg is so grounding for him, and that character is just in a perfect position to do that for others, to just radiate support and confidence.”
It can be, yes.
Ruby and Sapphire fused for love
Steven and Connie first fused because they were just having such a great time dancing together
Steven first fused with Amethyst because of the close bond of their friendship and trust
Sometimes gems can fuse just because they share a common goal or interest. like in future with Bluebird.
Jasper once fused with a gem monster, and I'm not sure what caused that fusion to work, given it seems otherwise impossible for "Force" a fusion to happen, since it's shown that if two people cant cooperate or be in-sync with eachother, the fusion will fail and fall apart, like the introduction of Opal. And Bluebird
Homeworld used to view it as a weapon, used only to make 2 of the same kind of gem bigger and stronger instruments of war
None of your points disprove that you are writing a fanfiction for a cartoon for children.
Embrace it and own it. Nothing can be more embarrassing than that.
I wonder if a Gem could fuse with a non-human animal
Like a dog or a cat
This, don't take offense for the truth user. Embrace it, and face that part of yourself that isn't willing to admit it.
I can't confirm this but I'm pretty sure Rebecca has once stated that Steven could fuse with Lion if he wanted to.
>I'm writing a fanfic about a show I don't watch, can someone watch it for me and tell me about it?
I’m still chuckling about the Spinel threads that became a mini general finally being kicked to /trash/
That was hours ago and only 7 posts have been made on the thread
>Tentacle dick guys
Eww lol
It's not gonna be sexual escapades so much as it opens with a sexual encounter, then from there maybe allusions to sex/maybe some descriptives but I want to make a full fledged story and was wondering if sex would take people out of it.
Okaaay, I get it now
What happens to their conciousness when they fuse? Do they share the body equally or is it a dom/sub thing?
God that fucking speaks to me man.
And checked
I'm honing my craft to hopefully cash in one day, how is that lame?
Hell I made that fucking thread AND the new Spinel thread that got immediately axed
I'm still fuming about it
> it opens with a sexual encounter, then from there maybe allusions to sex/maybe some descriptives
You're fine.
I actually wonder if any threads about her have been permanently banned
Better hope she doesn’t come back and does something of significance in the last episodes or mods might not be able to contain all of the Spinel mania
>What happens to their consciousness when they fuse?
It kind of disappears, they become a new person, in a sense. They don't even necessarily share thoughts or memories aside from knowing who they came from. If a fusion is unstable in some sense, the components can speak to eachother through the fusion, like the individual minds rising to the surface briefly, but this usually precedes the fusion falling apart, or just represents some sort of internal dispute. It was kind of a dom/sub thing with Jasper and Lapis, but that was also viewed as an unhealthy fusion because it was made mutually, but forcefully held together, with two people who hated eachother.
Ruby and Sapphire have spoken to eachother through Garnet multiple times, but it's made clear that this is because they are having a strong disagreement inside of her each time this has happened. In Malachite's case, for instance, she was such an unstable fusion that she didn't even have her own voice, just Lapis and Jasper's together, and when shown the inside of her mind, it was like one person holding the other town to maintain control.
m e o w
>I'm honing my craft to hopefully cash in one day, how is that lame?
You tell me. You're ashamed to be watching the source material that you're writing about. If you're really proud of yourself here, you shouldn't be embarrassed.
Of course, personally I think all fanfiction is silly. I didn't say lame. I just don't enjoy it personally is all. You do you, user. But don't be ashamed of what you like. Own it.
Good to know, you never know how people are gonna feel yanno,?
Why are they such sissies about it? Like they're so craven that they can't even stand the sight of a /Spinel/ general?
Who fucking does that? For free no less?
That's very interesting, especially the fact that they don't really posses memories. Definitely gonna have to remember that.
What would you consider an absolute NONO within /SU/ FF?
Fair enough. Thanks user.
Why the fuck should Spinel get a general when literally no other characters from cartoons and comics get one?
Can a fusion be forced apart? Forced to stay together? Or does it NEED to be consent?
I read this in her voice
Spinel threads aren't even allowed to exist on here is what I meant
You can poof a fusion (i.e. force the gems to retreat back into their stones through damage, what you see is just a hard light projection). So far there's no way to force a fusion to stay together unless it's a cluster experiment.
They’ll be allowed again in a few days as long as you niggas don’t have them in consecutive threads for an entire week straight
Why is it a bad thing to have a consistent thread dedicated to something like that on here?
Never seen it be an issue on any other board, even considering spam.
Okay, could White Diamond hive-mind a fusion to stay together?
>Not one mention of being a fusion.
Whoops! Forgot that after the reveal that was all there was to her character.
Also do you know EEnE? Awesome show.
My last write up since she's the only other Gem I feel confident in describing accurately.
Garnet. The loving and consenting union between the stocky, skittish Ruby and the calm, cool, and collected Sapphire. Garnet is equal parts her own Gem as she is an amalgamation of the relationship between those two. She's the second longest running member of the CGs after Pearl, and was made the defacto leader of the group agter Rose Quartz' death in giving birth to Steven. She shares the consciousness of two Gems, so she's usually the most mature member of the group by default, though even she has her moments of irrationality.
Because of her role as leader, she bears the burden of being the Gem all the others look to for advice or orders during times of crisis and danger. She rarely breaks fusion, often during times of great emotional stress, or for special occasions like their wedding. Garnet is revolted by breaks of trust or forced actions, like how Pearl tricked to fuse into Sardoynx or what Homeworld was doing to shattered Gems. Garnet is the "mom" of not just Steven, but all the Crystal Gems. She has a potent, but dead pan sense of humor as well. She is close to all the CGs, but Steven and Ruby/Sapphire are of course the ones she connects with the most.
Because literally no one else does this and it’s annoying
You can’t post them constantly you need to spread this shit out
White could probably possess both gems and force them to stay fused yes, she did it to Garnet in the S5 finale.
You're a god man. A god
Would you like a credit, and if so under what handle?
The thread reached the bump limit, so they're punishing us for being popular?
Can she do that to multiple gems/potentially all of them, or is it the sort of thing that she needs to focus alot on?
Jesus /sug/ thread on /trash/ is a goddamn disaster
Dude over there is talking about killing himself once the show ends because he’ll have nothing to live for
Other dude talking about going out in a “blaze of glory”
Really gross porn everywhere
And this is where /sug/ will stay forever in a month
Would you like to be credited under a pseudonym?
Nah I'm good lol.
She apparently "spreads herself out" when possessing gems and so far we've seen her do it to a maximum of six gems (the three main CG's, Blue and Yellow Diamond and Pink Pearl). Her limits are unknown.
I don't read SU fanfics too often, so I wouldn't know what is consider a "NONO" per se, but a few more things of note regarding fusions:
While they don't hold the component parts' memories, they can know how their components felt, like Topaz knowing how much Topaz cared about Topaz. Smokey Quartz "didn't remember their name, but "felt"
like Amethyst knew it she fused with Steven, and Rainbow Quartz introduced themselves as "Rainbow 2.0" after Pearl and Steven fused, given that the fusion of Steven and Pearl made the same person as Rose and Pearl, but also different at the same time
Another is that the result is usually a combination of the component's character traits. Smokey Quartz for instance possesses a combination of Steven and Amethyst's insecurities. Steven who was struggling with who he believed he was supposed to be, holding himself to his mother's standards at the time, and Amethyst, who was struggling with her sense of self-worth, while still inheriting Amethyst's playfulness and Steven's penchant for jokes and puns.
It's happened a few times, like with Malachite during island adventure. The fusion sustained so much damage that it split apart, and Alexandrite split into Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl when their emotions were thrown into disarray by Blue Diamond. As for forcing a fusion to stay together, this has only been managed by Lapis, who forced Malachite to stay together, and fusion experiments as mentioned by the other user
Mel-user would be fine. Good luck on your fic.
Well played OP, but I see through your bait. You cleverly couched your real topic "describe the Crystal Gems" in order to create a shitposting extravaganza because different people (to use that term loosely) will interpret their favorite characters waifus differently, and take umbrage at other people's interpretations, leading to accusations of who's a true fan, who's a cuckold, who's from tumblr and who's from /pol/, and etc until we all descended into madness together. But the goose is cooked, the game is up, and you can put a tripcode on Miss Sugar
>island adventure.
Wrong episode, meant Super Watermelon Island
Jesus Christ
Okay so a "white diamond takes over all/most of the gems and forces them to fuse for a super-army" would kinda be jumping the shark then?
Could Steven be corrupted/turned evil or is that gonna get backlash?
You will be hallowed my Friend
That guy needs to get it over with it get over himself fuck lol
Possession en-masse would be a bit much yeah.
Watch it in the comfort of your room with headphones on. That's how I watch porn.
i wish my mom was as half as supportive as this
Is Steven viewed as incorruptible?
If one of the CG would be turned evil, or at least taken advantage of by evil and tricked into fighting their friends, which would it be?
White attempted to control his gem side but it blocked her attack and sent it right back at her. As for him as a whole we don't know.
/sug/ needs to be allowed back into Yea Forums on a full time basis even after the series concludes
The people on /trash/ are fucking insane
That's sad user I'm sorry
Okay, I think I have a baseline guys I'm gonna keep watching the show and taking notes
If anyone has anything else helpful to say I would greatly appreciate it
Exactly what I'm saying
Just wanted to say again thanks for all the help and thanks for stopping by!
No problem user, good luck with your writing. Let us know what you thought of the show once you're caught up. Don't forget there's a tv movie and ten out of twenty episodes of the epilogue season (SU Future) out too
I know, I'll make a post in a few days with what I've discovered and bounce some more ideas off you guys
Seriously user, thank you.
I plan on writing a (probably too long) story about SU once the show ends as well, good luck to you on yours user
Thanks user
With a little luck it'll be a great FF
Good luck to yours as well user
This thread is why Yea Forums sucks, because instead of feeding user blatantly false information so he makes an FF that's absolutely full of comedic cringe, they've just pussyed around it for 5 minutes before caving like every twat I fucked in sophmore year of college.
>this is good training for screenwriting
not unless you're writing it in screenplay format. write some original fiction.
>Ever watch EEnE? It was a good show. Anyway, Garnet is Plank
>Wanted to write up my own SU AU
>Write the basic concept
>Think up ideas for interesting character interactions
>Liking where this might go
>Begin writing the AU itself
>A couple hundred words in
>Suddenly get cold feet and stop there before going any further
Fuck why can't I see anything through
>when you live under communism and it’s dinner time