

Attached: 75869F7D-815F-4782-88FC-7C1F03129181.jpg (750x365, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:

There's a fucking flag for autism?

Where's the cute puzzle blocks

There's a fucking pride day.

Attached: 1550120354280.jpg (640x480, 42K)

Infinitum potatoes

>autistic pride flag
the jokes write themselves.

As an Autist I wouldn't go
The gap between high and Low functioning Autists is bigger than most Normies realise

It's pretty obvious, really.
Compare her with Jane, another outsider who still manages to maintain a social life and act relatively normal despite her eccentricities and it becomes even more clear.

Damn you even type like an autist

This is amazing.

Attached: Autistically gay.png (249x243, 9K)

Wow, I feel so represented.

fucking kek’d. retarded daria is the only actually funny sjw daria headcanon.

Tumblr makes flags for everything.

>manages to maintain a social life
Daria managed a social life, she just made it a sour one.
She had no trouble communicating herself or understanding people, she just willfully chose to spend most interactions subjecting anyone in earshot to hostilities because she's grumpy.

>SJW Daria headcanon
I don’t even wanna know.

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All this flag bullshit makes me embarrassed to be autistic. The last thing I want is to be associated with queer fucks who make up flags for their attention whoring nonexistent identities

This is comedy gold, you can’t make this shit up

This. Daria could navigate nearly every social situation she was in with more grace then probably the majority of Yea Forums, and yet people still peg her as autistic because uh, monotone?

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Is it autistic to self diagnose as autistic?

>There's a fucking flag for autism?
I was thinking the same shit...

There's a flag for everything

>be introvert bordering on misanthrope
>get diagnosed with Autism instead

They just keep widening that net don't they boys?

Even for autopedophiles?

>tumblr screenshot
>scroll bar included
>extremely obvious phone posting
>most likely rage farming
double kek.

I don't see why being born psychologically crippled and doomed to have lower quality of life than normal people is something that you should be proud about.

t. an assburger

Daria doesn't come across as autistic to me, she seems alot more naturally introverted. She's actually got awesome social skills but just doesn't give a fuck and hates how inane highschool society is

reminds me of the vore pride flag

I absolutely hate this because its so stupid but I can’t necessarily disagree.
As it is with the majority of tumblr-tier headcanons about Daria. Every time I see one of you fucks saying she’s gay or fat, I laugh, but get hit with this awful moment of “makes sense I guess” immediately afterwards. Horrible.

Attached: 566CA6EE-9946-4020-A4CD-6927EA0A40B9.jpg (1280x961, 102K)

to elaborate. The fact that everyone seems to have a pride flag now

Attached: 03A8A393-7B83-4526-A304-98D635FC1C6A.png (379x473, 203K)

The original gay flag and the hetero flag are the only ones out of them that aren't absolutely awful

>Get lumped in with degenerate whitoids because they have no sense of boundaries and they keep making flags for no raisin

>Yea Forums-user, let alone Yea Forums user
fucking good one

I bet they can't wait to be told they have permission to feel better about themselves.

Kids who wank? Probably, if not you could suggest it. Regular pedos have symbols, though I’m suspicious the FBI actually made those up to try and get pedos to identify themselves.

Hey jane remember that time i kissed your boyfriend nehehehehe


> allistic people

Fuck off.

To my fellow autists, do you also find the term "neurologically atypical" really fucking condescending?



I can not believe there is a flag for autistic pride. Feels weird. Also what a shit flag in my opinion.


>When you faggotry and autism have no limits.

Attached: 1557645297882.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

>infinity chan logo on your pride flag

Stop right there.


Yeah, might as well just say "Different" """Special""" at that point.
'On the spectrum' is easiest, since it opens up the opportunity to observe you and see if you're high or low functioning

Well, at least they found a perfect symbol for autism.

>perfect symbol for autism.
>what is Sonichu?

Attached: A+picture+of+you+last+halloween+_338f84e2991af1325e4eea25c681c0a4.jpg (960x720, 250K)

I feel like this was a prank that got memed into existing.

Okay, show’s over! you guys can go back to talking about wanting to lewd underage girls now

No, this is a Jesse Moreno lewd thread now

forgot pic

Attached: 250px-JesseMoreno_01.png (250x240, 94K)

hell yeah bro

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It's not something to be proud. You really didn't do shit to be autistic. You really should be proud because of things that you've done, not just because.

But that kind of thinking triggers a lot of helpless seeking normies

your autism should make you embarassed to be autistic

for someone making fun of retards, you sure do type like an autist

You can call me anything you want so long as the checks keep showing up every month.

>people headcanoning Daria as autistic, gay, and fat makes sense
huh? No it fucking doesn’t lmao

yeah i think that was obvious at the box episode

also that i want to fuck her and every girl i've met that was like her that i also wanted to fuck was also autistic

No aspergers is the new atkins

she was high functioning autistic. She could see how normal people behave, but she refused to do it because of a neurotic adherence to "how things should be" in her head.

Thats how most high functioning people are. They know how they should act. They just have this pull not to do it. Low functioning people can't see beyond the problem.

Anyway, remember that episode with the contacts? Remember how her aunt had to talk her out of her neurosis? Daria was convinced that contacts were going to fuck up this all powerful concept of self and righteousness in her head. It took her aunt telling her "they're just fucking contacts"

Would you prefer to be called "weird fuckers"?

depends on your tone and how hot you are.

Already is one

Attached: siniristilippu.png (1024x626, 1K)

>Discover that Vore has two flags

One for Soft Vore and the other for Hard Vore

>Soft Vore Flag

Attached: Vore flag.jpg (1200x780, 42K)

>Hard Vore flag

Attached: Hard Vore flag.jpg (630x630, 80K)

>There is an autism pride flag
>It isn't just the Mojang symbol

Attached: MhnCHMVD_400x400.png (400x400, 88K)

Personally I'd call you a cunt if you called me that

I hate this pride shit. It's just something I have and it doesn't define me completely. I never mention I'm autistic unless I have to

>depends on your tone
How would you know what my tone is?


unironically yes.
At least its descriptive and accurate.

New idea for the reboot, guys!

yeah. i fucking hate all this pride/flag bullshit whatever and how tip-toey all these fucking terms try to be, it's retarded and completely pointless

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Like Chris Chan?

Everybody wants to be a special little snowflake so they can participate in the oppression olympics.

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>Thats how most high functioning people are. They know how they should act. They just have this pull not to do it.
so autism is a denomination for people that do noy want to follow social norms for personal opinions?


10/10 post

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Thete's even a flag for catholicism

>You really should be proud because of things that you've done, not just because.
Agreed. Too bad zoomer culture is all about "participation prizes."

She had cute feet.

This, this is the first I've heard of it. And why does it even remotely resemble those fag flags?

Why, just why?
t. aspie

You got a tight little manpussy on ya dontcha, it stinks nice and good

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Thanks for noticing!!

As an autist this insults me


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As another autist I concur
I fucking hate the neurodiversity movement

>a bunch of autists marching
>one accidentally touches another which sets off a series of tism rages
Jesus who thought this was an ok thing to do?

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Autist here, and I never paid attention to high and low, so spoon feed

>Aspies for Freedom
How can we even be taken seriously if these kind of organizations make these kind of names?

High functioning are those of us capable of living on our own and holding down a job. Low functioning is something along the lines of "worse than Chris Chan".

Thanks. I hate having this disorder, primarily in the fields of social interaction

It's the difference between a person who's kind of awkward and nerdy and a person who can barely speak or dress themselves.

Should'eve been red blue and white for chris chan

I'm personally okay with it, at least for me, even though it compounds introversion that I likely would have had even without the 'tism, I feel that it gives me some advantages that I'd lack without it.

Why the hell is it the infinity symbol?

You'll be autistic forever? I don't get it.

>showing pride in something you were born with and therefore made no effort to achieve
Do these people want an award for breathing too? Actually diagnosed autist here, there's nothing to be proud of whatsoever. It makes social interactions a goddamn nightmare, and I'm willing to bet a lot of these people are just LARPing as autistic for pity points like with every other mental illness. Fuck "____pride" shit, it's all a bunch of public posturing for attention seeking faggots.

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Truer words have never been spoken, user. I want to shake your fucking hand for speaking up

This is news to me as well, and I'm autistic.

Be careful with it, there's a tendency to fundamentally misunderstand things. It's where Tumblr gender came from after all. I'm spectrum adjacent and way too functional for a diagnosis but understand how the inability to read cues or even begin to comprehend how normans think is a massive barrier to basic apprehension of even the simplest shit.

This one?
It's the flag for the Vatican.
By proxy it could be assumed to be the flag of Catholics, but by that logic the flag of Mecca is the flag of Muslims.

Attached: Flag_of_the_Papal_States_(1825-1870).svg.png (1024x768, 106K)

You're telling me. I have Aspergers and a really high IQ and people mock me relentlessly wherever I go. I am high functioning, obviously. I know things like Asimov helped edit over 500 books in his lifetime and I hope someday I can leave a huge effect on the world too.

I don't "get" jokes or humor half the time, I really am like a shitty robot that's only built to obey orders.

Attached: autism.png (343x321, 153K)

But user
Don't you know?
Neuro-diversity is "progressive".

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Fucking thank you

Attached: a8f.png (500x382, 343K)

>way too functional for a diagnosis
I was diagnosed when I was very young, I don't even remember the appointments, just the name of the psychiatric clinic my parents took me to, and that's because of old bills I found cleaning up my parent's house. Apparently I've grown out of most of the issues I had over the years.
>inability to read cues
I can tell how someone is feeling by looking at their face, but fuck if I know WHY they feel the way they are.

Yeah, this was right on the money. I'm professionally diagnosed too, none of this self-diagnosis bullshit.

One day you may know but the only talent you have is saying very serious things that make them laugh.

Attached: NGM_1962_09_031_4.jpg (1342x2000, 294K)

I thought this is the flag for autism?

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No, that's the flag for obesity.

...There's actually a fat pride flag, isn't there?

75% chance yes

So what does it mean, truly, to "lack empathy?" When people say "have some empathy", don't they mean, "have some sympathy?"

Unless you guys can literally feel each other's emotions, in which case, sucks to be a non-mutant

Not sure "condescending" is the right term. But it definitely reeks of PC newspeak

Mecca has a flag? Why? Vatican City has a flag because it's an independent state

"On the spectrum" is my preferred term for it, too.
In my family, we also tend to say somebody with a few traits is " a little bit 'A' "

user, even american cities have flags

Attached: file.png (800x551, 458K)

As a fellow autist, I second this emotion

Yeah its right here

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Probably but I do know there's a movement(lol) called "Fatties Against Fascism" and it's basically morbidly obese leftists that take pride in being horrifyingly fat and taking a stand against muh nazi's. It's quite stunning and brave if you ask me.

>morbidly obese leftists that take pride in being horrifyingly fat and taking a stand against muh nazi's
Kek, I don't think they'll be doing a lot of that, desu.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, pisses me off more than my self-diagnosed friends who rail against Autism Speaks.

They call that organization a hate group. A HATE group! I would be nowhere without their kind of therapy, and these neurodiversity faggots want to keep every child with a developmental disorder in the dark. Want them to just fucking grow old and slowly outlive the people who can take care for them, and not even be cognizant enough to understand what's going on.

My parents enrolled me in ABA and other treatments. And I'm not gonna lie: it was hard. There were times where I wasn't sure I was gonna make it. Times when it felt like no matter how I tried, I couldn't learn anything. Sometimes it felt like the only thing becoming more cognizant had managed to give me were more complicated ways to be sad.

But you know what? Now I can survive on my own. Nowadays, I code databases at a hedge fund, and am able to live off of my own salary. I need to emphasize: I would be sorting cans in a fucking grocery store if I hadn't had intensive therapy for this. And these fake, self proclaimed autsists want to take that all away.

Fuck them. Fuck them all to hell. Even the ones who really do have problems don't want to get better. They just want people to feel sorry for them. This "movement" is nothing more than the mildly impaired blocking treatments for the severely impaired, and I want nothing more to do with these people.

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Being born with an inherent weakness isn't something that should be celebrated, but I don't think it should be something you actively rally against, like some "self-aware" untermensch.

Take being black. Being black leads me to think you're in like a Woke/Uncle Tom Dichotomy. On one end of the spectrum you spite society, and wear the african identity with pride, perhaps exaggerating the harm done to you. On the other end, you deny that you are treated unfairly, and deny nearly ANY wrong-doing against you.

Unfortunately, there really isn't any obvious golden mean to this sort of thing. Sometimes, yes, you will never be accepted. So I don't know. Hope for the best, expect the worst, try to keep your screaming to a minimum?

Empathy is when you can feel sorry for the person despite not experiencing their situation.

Sympathy is when you experienced the same situation as the other guy and you can feel sorry because you understand.


>The top two stripes are blue to represent NOMAPs attracted to young boys
>The bottom two stripes are pink to represent NOMAPs attracted to young girls
>The inner stripes are yellow to represent childhood and general attraction to minors, regardless of their gender
>The middle stripe is white to represent our innocence and unwillingness to offend

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>There's a flag for pedophiles
I refuse to believe this is real

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So what about us straight Autistics?

What kind of flag do we get?

You mean I'm not alone.

Do you love Kotomi Ichinose too?

>Daria is Autistic!
Well, that always went with out saying.

Attached: giphy.gif (500x330, 1016K)

Attached: 220px-Tux.png (220x261, 39K)

Oh Jesus, yes.

That's like saying that people with cerebral palsy don't want to walk for personal opinions.

Acting normal is fucking HARD!

That would be a fine mural on a downtown building. Or maybe a billboard as you enter the city. But not a flag. Yes I've seen those bad flags videos.

I'll fully admit I didn't look up whether or not it has a flag. Given it's importance as the most holy city in Islam I thought it might. But I guess city flags aren't "a thing" there. Different culture after all.

A quick google shows this one somebody came up with.
It's too busy IMO, but the color and central Kaaba are really good.

Attached: Mecca flag.png (195x129, 34K)

It's just such a vague term. Could apply to autism, schizophrenia, fetal alcohol babies, doomsday prepper anarchists, people in comas, Scientologists, and furries.
Defining typical is one challenge, and then how far out of the norm qualifies as atypical?
The medical field may have criteria, but as a phrase to get bandied about in public, its so broad as to be basically useless.

I thought that was the sign for INFINITY, sort of like OP was comparing Daria to Tulip. Of course, being autistic, I could be wrong about such things...

Attached: Tulip.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

I've been diagnosed with autism and holy shit, that is the worse flag I've ever seen.

Why are people obsessed with pride and not self respect?

Attached: seven-deadly-sins-and-seven-heavenly-virtues-3-638.jpg (638x359, 90K)

You are but puppets and marionettes in the eyes of God

Attached: flag gag.png (1280x768, 5K)

Good man user. Good man.

Tbh self-diagnosed people should be banned from getting involved in any disease/disability community or organization, they never contribute anything worthwhile to them and more often than not make things worse for people that actually suffer from it.

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All diagnosed autists, what was the hardest obstacle to overcome in your life
>it was either the ADHD that kept me from focusing on education and goals or the social awkwardness that actually caused me to lose potential friends

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i am retard wrangler. autism now has power levels vs. states of functioning.

by virtue of being able to fucking read and shit you are level one retards. if you channel your chakras and charge your masturbation crystals long enough perhaps you can finally unlock your true potential and reach level thee autism.

based neet

We have a flag?!

Do Yea Forums have a flag?

Mayor's daughter really needed a work place after getting her degree in art and the municipal dick sucker's position was already claimed by his mistress so she was appointed as the municipal flag and logo overseer.

Yes, it's description is following
>a purple horse cock standing erect on a vomit green background

do actual autists even care about this? I care more about trains or minecraft than having a fucking flag.
ADHD for me too. I kept failing the same classes for years then finally my mom took me to the doc. I'm on concerta now and I passed all my classes last semester.
I still have no friends tho but I had a ton of them before uni, so hopefully it'll get better.

This is fucking atrocious holy shit

Meh, at least it doesn't feature CITY NAME TM or look like packaging for a 80s computer unlike some burger city flags.

Attached: Provo Utah City Flag 1985-2015.png (320x185, 9K)

Neurotypical support worker here. The spectrum of people with an autism diagnosis (and with Downs, to an extent) is broad. There are people with autism like Temple Grandin capable of giving TED Talks and otherwise living more-or-less normal lives. A large section in the middle who have social disorders or obvious speech mannerisms (short sentence, problems with eye contact, one guy I loved to work with who spoke 80% in Disney movie dialogue), and then there are those who literally can't clean themselves or speak and would happily spend most of the day rotating in circles or bouncing on athletic balls.

Same with Down's l, although their "ceiling" for accomplishment isn't as high and they are typically more socially gregarious and extroverted than someone with autism. Love to make people laugh and be the center of attention, polar opposite of your average autist.

>You really should be proud because of things that you've done, not just because.
So.....people can't be proud of their nationality since they didn't do nothing for living in that nation?

Based user speaking the truth

I guess you hate americans that are proud to be americans because they didn't do shit to be born in America too

At least being American isn't a fucking curse that provides no benefits.

Tbh you should only be proud of being a citizen of your nation if you actually have served it.
>inb4 but I pay muh taxes

No it's retarded, see a doctor if you think you have it

>At least being American isn't a fucking curse that provides no benefits.
....yes it is, you european
But I pay taxes for the ones who serves

>Fuck "____pride" shit, it's all a bunch of public posturing for attention seeking faggots.

Pride stuff was born out cops and bigots going to black neighborhoods and lighting crosses on fire in yards or going to gay clubs and beating people.

It was kind of a fuck you.

It was also a response to the government ignoring aids. It was considered a gay problem. So they had parades so you could see how many people would die.

Not sure when it became pat yourself on the back mardi gras.

But the orginal point of pride was not to get special treatment. It was a fuck you to bullies.

it is to the rest of the world


I've had to read books on women. That's helped a lot. But it still makes other men uncomfortable when I talk about what I've read. Like they just know this shit by the force and spelling out how the dogfood is made just really weird them out.

And it's not red pill stuff. It's all science driven. Like to have a successful relationship you should say 5 good things to every one bad thing. Or that only 16% of women have a sex drive similar to men. Or 76% of women will not cum from penetration alone.

This stuff has been really helpful to me but these guys that have no trouble with women get really weirded out by it. Like they just use the force to know how much they can argue with their so. Or use the force to know when to move from kissing to oral to penetration.

Mother fucker, I have no force, I need to be told this shit.

Someone could make a flag for your post user, it doesn't mean anything.

I'd say being self aware and handling the tism outside of my house, looking back on my younger years I want to strangle my past self for being so fucking weird and insufferable, at least now I've mellowed out and handle it better

Have you ever wondered if testosterone makes you have adhd and autism? Like early teen boys get hit the hardest with this shit and then many people level out in their late 30s when the test drops. Women dont get diagnosed with adhd until their 30s, when their estrogen drops.

(Haaaa, is it normal to wonder these weird questions or is this more autism?)

>Do these people want an award for breathing too?
I mean... I wouldn't mind one :3

Right? There are days I would not mind like a pizza coupon.

It sounds plausible but I've all ways seen it more as boys just have more energy, I know no child wants to sit still in a class and maybe more boys get diagnosed because of it, I guess when you get older you do mellow out but it could be more about maturing then testosterone dropping

And nah it isn't autistic to think of these things really it's just theorizing in the end

If Daria IS autistic, that just makes me love her even MORE!

She probably is but not in the way people think. Her deadpan delivery is probably depression.

Her autism was her obsession with integrity and internal rules and fairness. A lot of autistic kids are like that. A strong bone deep feeling of right, wrong, fairness.

Normal people are a lot more selfish and dont have a deep sense of fairness.

This is what put her at odds with her sister a lot. Quinn didnt have a strong sense of justice. She was "normal" and had a strong desire to fit and rise through the social circles.

it's the number 8 drawn by an autistic person

I want there to be an Agoraphobia Pride March and for nobody to show up

Holy shit, that is god awful.

It's real and they're trying to rebrand themselves as MAP(minor attracted person) in an attempt to normalize it and be part of the LGBT movement.

As if autism is a real thing.

I actually do.

>Do these people want an award for breathing too?
It just stems from being brought up by parents that hated the fact that they aren't special themselves or that other parents think their children are better. So instead of teaching their offspring to stand on their own two legs to have something to be proud of. They instead instilled a sense of entitlement and victimization. Thinking they are a life long underdog. Like if you're black, gay, or woman. Not to be judged on your character or achievements, but from what you're born as.


This is the first time i’ve seen a Daria thread surpass 150 replies in a while. Good job Op, desu

I'd like to see that

Watch Boxing Daria.
the boots and the attitude
eats like shit


>mfw I’m on the spectrum and have to be associated with this shit, and the 2018 Predator.

Attached: 138A3862-3B76-4708-B322-BB6E528E37FA.jpg (826x719, 105K)

please fuck off, shill

Aspergers isn't even a thing anymore. It's been folded into Autism proper

I prefer "Touch of the 'tism"

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-18-23h22m08s722.png (896x504, 422K)

Being lost without the heavy structure of high school and losing contact with a lot of good friends because I wasn't literally forced to be with them every day. I'm nearly 24 and haven't even gotten my AA yet because having to rely on myself to attend classes while also having a job was impossible for me to do at first. I couldn't do both at a time for a long time so I bounced between periods of working and saving money and then quitting when I had enough to pay for a few classes and then went back to working, especially when I would inevitably fail some and get put in academic probation. It took me a long time to learn even a little how to balance work/school/social life/private life and even now it's lopsided. I only have a few friends and every time I see them I feel like I do something that bothers them and makes them not want to be around me even though most of the time they're the ones who invite me. I still live with my mom. I've never dated. I feel lonely, anxious, and exhausted constantly but I feel like I risk even worse feelings if i try to get out there and form new relationships.

Sorry for the blogpost.

Attached: IMG_20200225_141153.jpg (615x582, 35K)

Touch of the 'tism
Spot of the 'sperg
Dollop of the downs'
What else we got?
>rainbow flag
Fuck, we were asking for it and I didn't even realize!

Attached: by Andrew Dobson.jpg (674x366, 212K)

>Anons think these two are making fun
>they're actually celebrating that someone acknowledges them
Good for you, autistic-anons!

i mean no one’s really discussing daria but sure

What's there to discuss? She's probably high functioning. Quinn probably has minor anxiety issues and is too agreeable. That's the whole show. Jane might be high functioning depressed or have adhd because she lacks drive. All of her art is masturbatory with no effort to keep improving.

why does everything get a flag?
wouldn't it actually need to be a ribbon since it's a disorder?
You know AIDS and breast cancer and the like get ribbons so autism should be one to

Attached: high quality image.jpg (800x626, 48K)

What's that one supposed to be, edgelord pride?

I guess this doesn't mean much to me but this song was pretty chill

Attached: Daria's_Inferno.jpg (247x300, 25K)

Oh my good lord

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Always knew Diarrhea was autistic


Nah, you LOVE your country as it is your family.
I love my country, I am allowed to be not proud (especially with the fucking first minister jesus christ she's a puppet.)

What's next, STD pride day?

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All of a sudden the urge to kill have risen.

Genuine Autist here
The Blue puzzle piece is fine
Miss me with that flag shit

>What’s there to discuss
literally anything about the show?

Wouldn't be too surprised if AIDS Pride was already a thing in Commiepornia.

fuck off /pol/

I have managed to overcome my ADHD in school and have managed to get good grades throughout high school besides Algebra 2. Now it is fucking with my ability to drive and driving with my father is already a hard enough feat on it's own because he's the kind of guy who thinks I should already know driving like it's the back of my hand.

That's the burden of being the most intelligent race on the planet

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>*monotone* ow, my knees hurt

the flag makes you embarrassed to be autistic...?
The flag?
Just the flag?
You're not embarrassed about just BEING autistic?



Fuck attention whores snowflakes.

Not really
Lol, nope
Lol, nope

Hank Hill having aspergers makes a little sense though.

Attached: 1454218184624.jpg (500x381, 41K)

>literally anything about the show?

uh, I want to waifu a real girl like Jane?

>I’ve never dated
Trust me when I say: you aren’t missing anything with that. I’m in a 9 month long relationship, yet it doesn’t heal any sadness, nor bring up any social status

>autism march
This would interrupt my planned routine too much, sounds awful.

Why was this show so underrated. It’s like a female version of KOTH

>Watch Boxing Daria.
Eh, I'd chalk that up to being teenage.
Yeah, but, you know, she likes dudes.
Lol, no way. See the episode Quinn the Brain. Daria is hot.

Attached: 2x03-quinn-the-brain-daria-14733081-500-375.jpg (500x375, 62K)

You just answered your own question.

And any race, ethnicity, sex,sexual orientation, etc.
That doesn't mean you don't love who you are or what you want to be.
Americans are one of the best people I've ever met.

Before you go any further
Do ya love me?

The main theme reminds me of Walk like an Egyptian for some reason

>Why was this show so underrated.

because the show is about a plain looking smart girl that isn't fun fun super happy sunshine.

Just look at daria threads. Half of co wants to fuck quinn and the other half wants to fuck jane.

Yea Forums has shit tastes more news at 11

its not a spectrum its more like a rpg chart

Why would anyone be proud to be autistic?

Imagine being these people right now.

Attached: 227px-Metis_Blue.svg.png (227x170, 3K)

I never said she wasn’t hot, user.

>they really believe this

Attached: D95D254E-DBD9-4D3B-A78A-2D1BFD17DA4D.jpg (289x289, 24K)

Please euthanize me

of course, user

>they really believe in canon lmao xD fat titty feminist daria ftw

No, no user... GAY fat titty feminist Daria...

Don’t you talk about Daria like that. She is none of those you Seth Green lovers

>Seth Green lovers

Shit user, are you embarrassed about being a colossal faggot?

Explain more user.

only good post in the thread



This shit is why masking will forever continue and drive people to suicide.

She has strong overlap with the kinds of characters autistic people relate to and ones that are kinda written somewhat off in modern shows.

I thought they always tried for colorbar shit, this thread is the only time i've seen ones using other elements and symbols and even text

>You'll be autistic forever? I don't get it.

Do you guys think Beavis and Butt-Head are autistic too?

>Nothing, and I mean NOTHING
>a hate group. A HATE group!
i knew it was people with autism typing like this


the fact that the two symbols are leaning to one side more than the other with empty space to the right upsets my autism

you said autism twice

>an episode where Beavis and Butthead are put into an autistic class
So much potential.

>packaging for a 80s computer
hahaha jesus

what an ugly flag
did chris chan design it?

Based autist.

The prophecy is being fulfilled.

Attached: 81ce2d4c2405280fcfa14fcdc6850b92.jpg (540x648, 115K)

Bitch please, league of fatties had a far more noble cause and respectable membership than antifa's landwhale division.

In my experience they're either LARPing attention whores, or parents sniffing their own farts.

There's a fat fetish flag, it's the flag of chubby chasers but it could easily be co-opted. It's really one of those flags no one fucking uses, even more so than other Tumblr flags.

There is a bear flag, actually flown by lots of bears. That's the closest thing to a fat pride flag I see in the wild.

Attached: A3D4E82F-6C7C-4C43-9A13-2F23B5751656.png (2592x1728, 37K)

TECHNICALLY speaking Chris is kind of mid to high function he was just ruined because of how he was brought up. He probably would be somewhat functioning if he wasn't raised by Snorlax and Bob. They kind of taught him to use it as a shield and an excuse while rejecting any proper parenting techniques for a special needs child. Not to shill his poor actions or anything with that mind you, just kind of where he'd probably fall without them.

As a gay person honestly I don't really feel pride about it. I don't take much "pride" in one specific thing about me. I'm a sum of multiple parts and I'm just proud to be myself. I don't need to reaffirm or brag about that to people.

It always felt like "gay pride" is a crutch for the insecure. I'm fine with who I am I don't need to rally behind a buzzword. Pushy prideful Americans are the same way. It's one thing to love your country, but you can always tell someone wears their insecurity on their sleeve when they rally behind one specific aspect of themselves and prop it up as something that makes them special.

>As a gay person
Sure you are pal

>Lots of posts about autism and fetishes
Is there a link? And is that the reason why the thread has been going CONTINUOUSLY for 10 years now? They just hit thread 301.


Doesn’t exist m90 :(

Please keep spamming SNEED every time you see the Simpsons and call everyone an autist in the same breath


Yea Forums is basically an experiment that nobody planned or intended which discovered and realized the capabilities of weaponizing autism.

That's called an emphasis,zoomer

>Nurgle Worshipers

Always fucking hated this skit. Not because muh transfoamia or something like that, but because it just wasn’t funny. >Daria is fat and trans lol
is such a low hanging fruit and they didn't even fully capitalize on it or do something interesting with that. Fuck man, even the” Daria is a lonely cat lady” joke that I and probably a majority of other viewers were expecting would’ve been better on virtue of it not being
>haha trannies get gross surgeries haha

Do you guys think Daria look like this in real life?

Attached: 1432500178186.webm (454x692, 577K)

Daily reminder if you post on this site, you are autistic by definition. If you didn't have an AQ of atleast 25 you wouldn't have come here

>flag is not 40% wider than normal

Well to give him credit, he's gotten a plentiful harvest.

>implying Yea Forums isn’t overflowing with faggots

>Being lost without the heavy structure of high school and losing contact with a lot of good friends because I wasn't literally forced to be with them every day.
Not even autistic and i fucked up real bad by doing this.
It didn't really hit me until my senior year that I had been coasting on school to keep friends and that I just didn't interact with them outside of school. And then the thought of that made me realize how much interacting with my friends meant to me, but I still didn't keep up tabs with them once it was over.
I just haven't made friends like them in college like I had hoped, and at this point I'm hoping once I get a job after I graduate I can start heading to comicshops or libraries or fucking somewhere to find someone who likes what I like and wants to talk.
Hurts to think about this shit.

Attached: despair.jpg (924x571, 81K)

>wait a minute
>these boys aren't autistic
>they're just stupid

>Butthead hates being touched
>he speaks in monotone voice
>reaction delay
>not good with other people
Butthead is autistic, but Beavis is crazy

wtf...fags stole the rainbow, autists stole the infinity sign. Is nothing sacred?

Ok so this is from a tumblr blog called "your fave is autistic"
it says literally
every single character from anything is autistic
At first it had Naruto and I was like "yeah alright I could see someone making that connection", but it was obviously just meant to be grasping at nonexistent straws

The worst part of being a parent to an autistic child has got to be the initial standard climb in skills in the first few years, and then deterioration and regression. Their smiles and optimism, gone.

Just like homosexuality, once we find out what actually causes autism, parents are going to start selecting against it.
Also, check those quad dubs

>autistics are Yuuzhan Vong
I feel like I've just reached an eldritch truth

i can guarantee you that was made by someones parent, no autistic kid gives a shit. even downs guys dont give af, and they are pretty funny sometimes. its like we used to treat slow kids decent like in the movie the ringer, and now its like we need parades to show how brave something like the good doctor is, and that show is a fucking embarrassment. i should know, im autistic

hey Daria autists, did this song come out on your show?

We didnt stole jack shit,might as well say the channers stole the clover

is this the appropriate time to use the word garish?
I don't know what it means but when I look at that flag it's the first word that came to mind

>autistic pride day
>autistic flag
it is may i say ...... our flag .... our pride !

Attached: 1546972610045.jpg (5000x5000, 1.45M)

You should read the article instead of pasive aggresively throwing it as if it was something ridiculous. There are many sides to the debate,the issue of autism is more complex than "lulz Chris Chan wear a Pikachu medallion" or "lulz autists love Thomas the Tank Engine"

Nah,you're right

my biggest complaint about all this pride stuff is the way they coop symbols other people are using
>what color should our gay flag be?
>how about autism?

>autists stole the infinity sign
I had nothing to do with this retardation, blame libshits, not autists.