Why is there so much /ss/ bait in DC stuff?

Why is there so much /ss/ bait in DC stuff?

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A shame it's Joker and not Harley.
I wonder if it's at least possible to shoop Joker out of the clean artwork.

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Because comic writers only know how to write man children getting with women, so when it's an actual child It's less difficult for them to write. Also people care less about young boys getting with older women so no one makes a fuss is Robin claps some catwomen cheeks

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It doesn't, you're just a dumb coomer and you don't belong here

They know their audience.

4U user.

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so close to perfect user. just got to get rid of the floating hand.

100 hours in ms-paint.

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very nice

DChads win again

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I love you.

I suppose the bestest case scenario now would be to get a drawfag to add in Harley in the chair where Joker would be, but that's a request for another day.

>Why is there so much /ss/ bait in DC stuff?

same reason comics even have kid side kicks. Self inserts for little boys too stupid to self insert as an adult.

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Damian and Batgirl have a fun issue too. Wish there is more.

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I might be able to Photoshop it ,i just need a pic of Harly (Torso head and arms) in somewhat the same art style or lighting.

didn't DC basically invent the underage sidekick?

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Back then Dick has to be 18 to don the robin's mask but now they just give no fuck anymore.

DC knows their fans.
And that is good.

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because from 1967 they were a mob front for like 20 years

seriously, there's a shitton of creepy Warner Bros movies from that era as well

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It exists? I only know they have good interactions in Injustice.

There needs to be a one of those celebrity crossovers between Wondy and Dolly Parton doing wholesome stuff.

Where is this from?

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I mean, look...Can't you see this a win-win-WIN scenario?

Think about it; as a superhero, your function in society is to spread hope worldwide by not only risking your life but also taking on activities to increase society's awareness towards recurring topics like enviromental protection or drug use. These ladies don't have a single moment to just lay down and rest, because who knows what Lex Luthor might be planning at the moment. This can be quite frustrating and even lead them having no time to engage in personal affairs, incluiding sexual intercourse. And for a woman reaching her late-20s, it can be a tad hard to spend years without any form of release.
And then you have the kids, dear god the kids. Do you know just how awful american sex ed can be? I'm talking schools actively pushing for abstinence without taking in consideration how horny kids can become at a certain age, all for the sake of some christianity bullshit (because let's face it, how can you still believe in Jesus when greek gods roam the earth?); its the lack of proper education that leads to teen pregnancy towards unprepared small ladies and even the transmission of STDs.
Its obvious that in the function of being humanity's caretakers, even people like Wonder Woman and Supergirl should take these matters at hands to not risk the youth into hitting rock-bottom towards dreadful scenarios; education is vital for the sustainance of a better generation for our future.
Kids get to brag about having their first time with Wonder Woman, superheroines get to have their deserved moment of leisure and sexual education gets a better approach compared to what the educational system has to offer.

I'm just saying, if I was a parent, I would 100% trust Wonder Woman in showing my kid the ropes of a healthy, fruitful sex ed session.

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>For luck?

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Names plz?

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The injustice comics. They're good. Have fun.

I think that's a Jewish joke.

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What issue is this from?

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Power Girl is ultimate shotacon.

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Friendly reminded she smooched Bruce to poison him, even though she never did it for any of her other victims.

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You spilled so much shit with your fingers that even I don't like /ss/ anymore

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>Also people care less about young boys getting with older women so...
...why is everyone on here always such a faggot about pointing out the "double standard" them? Is it jealous loli fags?

Whatever you think Yea Forums used to be like you're wrong. If anything it's tamer.

Superman and Batman #77

Why didnt Harley just rape Robin then use Right of Return to escape justice?

Does that really count if she was artificially aged and she's still young Bruce's age?

I did a thing

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My autism doesn't like that her legs are just floating. At least give her a box to stand on or something

I approve, well done

Yes. The age of the female doesn’t matter in /ss/.

It's a puberty joke, sonny.

I miss Dick and Damian working together... Why couldn't one of the new generations been this?

They know what's good

It's not like Marvel doesn't try.

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Boatloads of autistic fanart inspired by a single scene with two characters and no actual /ss/ content doesn't count, user.

Spidey also got top quality /ss/ bait on Far From Home