There's a big guy. In back of this plane. He's the one who's crashing it. I can see him through the hood. I can see his mask.
I hope... I hope I never see that mask again, outside of a dream.
There's a big guy. In back of this plane. He's the one who's crashing it. I can see him through the hood...
Christian Baker
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Austin Nelson
will this meme ever die?
Lincoln Rogers
Gavin Scott
no, it wont. it's official statement
Mason King
Leo Sanchez
It would be extremely painful
Adam Moore
now someone has to make a follow-up pic with him seeing the masketta man behind the wall and falling back from shock while making the face in pic related
Robert Price
someone already made it, I definitely saw it, but I've asked and asked and searched the archives and I just can't seem to find it
Kevin Cruz
Sneed will never die.
Carter Jones