There's a big guy. In back of this plane. He's the one who's crashing it. I can see him through the hood...

There's a big guy. In back of this plane. He's the one who's crashing it. I can see him through the hood. I can see his mask.
I hope... I hope I never see that mask again, outside of a dream.

Attached: cia diner.png (1276x718, 904K)

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will this meme ever die?


no, it wont. it's official statement

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Attached: 12roundscia.jpg (1141x780, 384K)

It would be extremely painful

now someone has to make a follow-up pic with him seeing the masketta man behind the wall and falling back from shock while making the face in pic related

Attached: Wilson_punched.jpg (129x175, 7K)

someone already made it, I definitely saw it, but I've asked and asked and searched the archives and I just can't seem to find it

Sneed will never die.


Attached: 1481758719898.jpg (1229x692, 108K)