The turbo cuck conover got absolutely btfo'd and has been doing damage control on twitter ever since.
JRE debates Adam Conover on hormone therapy for trans children
Other urls found in this thread:
>damage control on twitter
Imagine making this your look and brand and getting intellectually dominated by the dude WEED AND GORILLAS guy
>The turbo cuck conover got absolutely btfo'd
It's just BTFO.
t. Tranny
>ummm I'm not an expert but I have trans friends and there's nothing wrong with giving 6 year olds hormones
>this is a liberal intellectual powerhouse
I couldn't stand this guy and take an active effort in reading all of the negative comments and things about him.
I don't mind lefties, I just hate these smug know it all types that think they know everything.
> cherry picks the one "you did a brave job" comment
> hundreds of seething trannies bitching that he did more harm than good
in these sorts of debates white men have to spend so much time explaining/signaling that they haven't lived x experience or they're not as informed as women/trannies/whoever
it makes their speech feel so bloated
Is this episode why he chose to never broadcast live anymore? so that someone else can have thr final say what gets released?
This podcast was already neutered enough as it is.
who was in wrong here?
What a fucking faggot
Kill yourself millenial loser
Joe is wasting too much time playing devil's advocate where there have been studies that pretty much confirm what any rational person already knows: The transgender phenomenon is simply a fad or a "social contagion."
The entire premise of gender being a "social construct" is a hoax conceived by the late Dr. John Money who used twin boys as an experiment to try to prove his theory correct. Both eventually committed suicide as a result of the abuse.
One down . Doesnt happen often
Its so funny that this is actually debated now and its considered controversialvor hateful if you think 7 year olds shouldn't be given loads of testosterone or estrogen or whatever. That shit can sterilize you...hkw is a child supposed to make that call? In ontario if your family denies you the ability to take your fag pills the govt can take the child away. Fucking absurd. This is part of why nobody is with the left anymore.
Wait this guy isn’t Seth rogan? Lmao I fucking thought for ages it was Seth rogan
Leftists dont usually debate anymore, they fear being exposed or putting themselves in a position in which they may be criticized. They are fundamentally cowards for the most part.
Welcome back from your two year long coma.
>left wing memes
Luckily, the left is eating another one of their own with this retard.
What the fuck is going on in this image
its the jre podcast where he has steven crowder on and repeatedly blows weed smoke in his face for an hour and berates him for not smoking it himself
>I disagree.
>I already explained why.
>There is no perfectly level playing field.
Great argument, CollegeHumor ruins everything.
>there's a lot to unpack
>first of all
>you know
>I don't really know
>The entire premise of gender being a "social construct" is a hoax conceived by the late Dr. John Money
What a fucking douche. Fuck whoever let this cunt out of his high school gym locker.
>7 year olds shouldn't be given loads of testosterone or estrogen or whatever
Doesn't happen.
he said, while regurgitating /pol/ talking points on an anonymous Haitian mud cookie baking forum
'Gender' doesn't even mean anything.
checked. based. redpilled.
And even if you try to argue that injecting kids with opposite-sex hormones makes some kind of logical sense, couldn't you just as easily argue that we should instead be injecting them with hormones that align with their biological sex so that they would feel more like the gender they were actually "assigned at birth?" Adam kept deferring to transgender "experts" and his friends when Joe would ask him about doing this stuff to children, but that's like asking a heroin addict if using heroin has made him feel better. These people are obviously not right in the head, so their opinions about what they're doing to themselves, and whether transitioning to another gender could be harmful in the long term or be appropriate for children, have to be taken with a grain of salt.
wrong transfreak
>that's like asking a heroin addict if using heroin has made him feel better
Not comparable.
>ad hominem
It’s child abuse, all for the dopamine rush of being on the right side of history. Pretty narcissistic if you ask me.
This. It's a phony word made up so people wouldn't have to use the word 'sex' in polite conversation. It does come up a fair bit. Compare:
>What's the sex of her baby?
>What's the gender of her baby?
An alternate example is in Canada. When they order a chicken breast at fried chicken places, they ask for a "keel".
Honestly if a white dude starts his sentence with "as a white man" I usually just tune out whatever he says next.
>dopamine rush of being on the right side of history
If you knew anything you'd know this is bullshit
Joe Rogan didn't DESTROY anyone. Adam is just a fucking idiot even a child could make him look dumb with nothing but FACTS and LOGIC.
The left-side-of-history is probably the worst fallacy of our time, and will probably go down in philosophy texts someday. Not for a long time though since it takes many decades for posterity to actually get a reliable account of shit that's happened in history. This negates that fallacy, by the way. Nobody walrusing leftist politics will live long enough to take credit for whatever they may bring about, barring an authoritiarian regime change that decides to liquidate them.
Before gender was co-opted by quacks masquerading under the guise of sociology, it was originally a grammatical term used to conflate nouns and adjectives with sexed objects. For example, the word "chicken" has a neutral gender, but "rooster" is masculine, and "hen" is feminine. "Blond" as masculine and "blonde" for feminine is an adjective that is gendered. Most words in Romance languages have genders, even if they are referring to inanimate objects. "Book" in Spanish is "libro," which is masculine, but "library" is "biblioteca," which is feminine.
How is it not? Both a tranny and drug addict have irregular brains. Even porn addicts have physiologically different brains from other people. The brain is a malleable organ, and someone who is emotionally invested in a subject or identity can't be expected to give a rational criticism or do unbiased research on it anyway.
No he's right. Leftists just call you racist then take the high ground. Sowell and Shapiro would mop the floor with modern day lefty intellectuals.
This sums it up perfectly
>Shapiro would mop the floor with modern day lefty intellectuals.
*blocks your path*
>baits tranny into threatening physical violence
The only thing Ben should have done was dare him to do it live on television
>ya know
>ya know
Okay, kike.
Fucking nazi how DARE you
A man who is unafraid to chop off his own dick is also unafraid of any kind of physical violence. Maybe we should be letting these people into the military after all.
>implying anybody gives a shit about le ebic gang weed
I'm a centrist Dem and it was immensely gratifying watching Joe Rogan corner Adam again and again with sound logic and research while Adam only had "but muh trans frends tell me" to fall back on
Oh right, better cut off childrens cocks then
>brings up contrapoints
Yes it does you fucking idiot.
>muh /pol/
Thanks for illustrating my point, dumbass.
What would Joey Diaz say?
>It's a "Joe dispenses fitness advice in between discussing his multiple shoulder surgeries" episode
Joe Rogan will agree with anyone's views on practically everything unless it's either weed or martial arts. He's never going to budge on the trans athlete thing, I think that video of a man identifying as a woman and then beating the shit out of an actual woman in women's UFC really bothered him.
There's a very popular TV show on TLC about a transgirl who started HRT at such a young age that his cock never grew past an inch long and thus couldn't get gender confirmation surgery without using intestinal lining. The video in OP is literally about that faggot Adam defending these practices.
>it's a Graham Hancock and/or Randall Carlson episode
>Right-wingers constantly running away from debates with Kyle Kulinski, David Pakman, and Sam Seder
What rock are you living under?
>You stop planting Gummy Bears now, or you'll go home in a Sneedbulance (formerly a Chuckbulance).
>Haitian mud cookie baking forum
its mongolian basket weaving forum u dumb nigger
I don't understand how anyone could make this argument with a straight face and be sincere about it.
>this kills the neocon
>gender confirmation surgery
What's this now? Why would you need surgery to confirm the gender, couldn't you just look?
This issue is fucking insane. Tranny shit is crazy.
ive already watched the latest Graham Hancock episode 3 times already
Lmao true. Trams people are actually very brave, nkt because of muh societal oppression which doesnt exist from the West, but because they are willing to chop their willies off. Thats fucked.
>mfw Graham Hancock says the Egyptians used psychic powers to build the pyramids
No, that's incorrect visual input and very oppressive to transfolk. The flesh must be remolded, reborn. This prison is a malleable lie.
>it's a "Graham Hancock insists archeologists are conspiring to hide knowledge from the rest of humanity" episode
He doesn't though
He also tried to argue alpha and beta doesnt exist and he got absolutely buried in that debate too. It was hard watching him crawl on his hands and knees struggling to desperately find a point.
Which right wingers? Neocons and other shills arent real right wingers. Name some. It is usually leftists who refuse to engage in debate with actual right wingers.
Kyle kulisnki is a hack now, the others are socialists too stupid to even bother researching, if you get news from them you have a totally warped view of reality based on pathos and not logos.
He's only interesting in the Alex Jones, first episode of ancient aliens sort of way. Once you realize this guy is serious you have to accept he's a retard.
He did in the last JRE episode he was on. Started talking about how people could have accessed telekinetic powers through DMT use and that's why we can't figure out how the Egyptians built them. Hancock is entertaining but he's also nuts.
>click on one 'X DESTROYS Z' link on youtube
>every video recommendation now is this
>people around you at the library think you're alt-right
Yes, joe rogan and ben shapiro and jordan peterson are definitely alt right xD
>watch a 5-minute clip of Jordan Peterson going on JRE
>recommendations full of "Right-winger you've never heard of destroys college freshman with facts and logic!" for like a week
I haven't watched the latest one but I just finished reading Fingerprints and started on Magicians and he only ever claims that they used completely practical technology and simply had access to it much earlier than people think. Maybe he got addicted to weed again and is going down the rabbit hole.
The CIA confirmed the existence of psychic powers though, specifically remote viewing.
>You merely adopted the gender. I was born into it, molded by it.
This fucking jew is such a disgusting person.
Shapiro and Peterson are right wing though. Rogan doesn't really have an ideology, he's basically just a rich agreeable boomer.
>how people could have accessed telekinetic powers through DMT use
>Juden Peterstein is right wing
Just because he's not as right wing as /pol/ doesn't mean he's not right wing at all.
which is ironic, considering the alpha/beta dynamic between joe and him.
Peterson is center-right, shapiro is a neocon zionist shill. Neither are remotely alt right.
Are you Alex Jones?
>you know
>you know
Joe should have Contrapoints on his show, she's way more educated on this subject and has made many great videos on it. I think she could really convince Joe.
It is ridiculous that this is a debate, this is kids making decisions on gender? Too the point of therapy and surgery. how the fuck can anyone remotely defend that?
>jamie pull that up
i want him to have contrapoints so everyone can see that he looks ghastly without the overblown lighting and production
No. He was Blown The Fuck and Outed
Besides being a Christian im honestly not even sure how hes right wing. He isnt a socialist, he hates marxism and the lgbt nonsense....none of these are exclusively right wing, its just that most leftists are too cowardly to call them out. I guess believing in personal responsibility and being against collectivism is considerd right wing now?
>I guess believing in personal responsibility and being against collectivism is considerd right wing now?
Unironically yes.
Contrapoints is a mentally ill retard. I cant imagine how naive you would have to be tovlisten to it.
>like uhhhh
>I guess believing in personal responsibility and being against collectivism is considerd right wing now?
Yes, generally that makes you solidly center-right in American/Canadian politics.
>ITT: people who prefer traps to have 30 years of mantest in their bodies before transitioning
>never fucked a hot af trap who's been on est since before puberty and looks hotter than most women
yall are cucks
Going to his book signing in a couple of weeks. Can't hardly wait!
you can click on "not interested" in the menu of the video thumbnail, you tech illiterate retard.
I'm so sick of hearing this same story every fucking day.
There's not a chance that would go well. Joe would immediately steer the conversation to transgender athletes, then have Jamie pull up the video of that dude nearly killing some woman in a female mma fight. He loves sports and he has two daughters, he's not going to budge on the issue.
Your sexual fetish isn't an acceptable reason to let children mutilate themselves.
>Uh so I know a lot of trans folks, right? And uh these trans folks deserve to have a say in how they uh raise their children, right? Well I have a trans friend and uh they said their child knew they were trans and uh well we should really consider trans folks and their opinions, you know?
You are mentally ill.
i like ancient aliens though
pic related is old i have upto the newest season which is 13
Based toe rogan not cucking to psychotic tranny freaks
>he starts talking about allowing 7 year olds to transition
This is beyond fucked up. My anecdotal evidence supports Rogan's response about how people who think they're trans at such an early age actually just go on to become gay men. Trying to get kids to transition while they're still so young is not only reckless and irresponsible, but quite frankly, it's also quite homophobic.
This was the show that made it so live streams no longer happen. Here's the tweet announcing it:
YouTube was threatening to ban him for Alex Jones, Elon Musk, @Jack and Adam Conover and he caved and will now allow YouTube along with their SPLC censors to review, edit and approve every episode.
liberals are pretty much right wing now, leftists are fucking insanely radical.
So your gay and like feminine men?
>If they think they're a girl, why do you have to give them hormones to make them more of a girl?
>I'm sorry I don't understand the question
Even the very first court recognized non-binary person admitted that transgenderism is bullshit.
>former PhD
What did he mean by this?
Same, It's like people always have to prove how smart they are by shitting on ancient aliens. It's a show that is interesting and while yeah probably not accurate it's fun to think "hey maybe aliens did come here before"
Both Alex and Graham have evidence to back up their claims though.
>YouTube was threatening to ban him
Where have you heard/seen this? I'm interested.
>>I'm sorry I don't understand the question
>This was the show that made it so live streams no longer happen
>and will now allow YouTube along with their SPLC censors to review, edit and approve every episode.
This is so fucking gay, fuck youtube and fuck jews
I hope Gavin wins his case against SPLC.
people are actually doing sex change operations on children?
can someone confirm this?
what the fuck is happening?
>when you're so sure of yourself and utterly, completely secure in your position that kids should be drugged up and mutilated at a young age that you can't defend any of your speaking points from the simplest of questions
Toe Rogaine makes his arguments like HRT is mostly cosmetic and mainly affects your bone structure, muscle mass, ect. permamently when taken as a child
that just cheapens his argument
what he should have mentioned is that HRT chemically castrates you
they are saying that a child is mature enough to decide it is never going to be able to reproduce before it even has any concept of what sex is, because the parents of that child convinced it that it likes dolls more than trucks
he applied for it and then pulled out I think.
Also I think a lot of the more high-profile guests prefer not having a live stream. CEOs and presidential candidates for example.
If anybody wants to see what a debate between Contrapoints and an actual conservative would look like, just look up the debate he had with the Distributist
he meant to inflate someone's credentials with a vague statement
so that person is not and was never a PhD then
I'm not sure but I think you have to be an adult to get the actual surgery. Although they are giving children hormones from an extremely young age.
My shitting on it has nothing to do with feeling smarter than it's viewers, its that it's not entertaining anymore. They stopped trying to even make sense years ago.
Someone tell me the jist pls...
Alpha Gorilla Dude Weed LMAO guys DEYSTROYS Guy With Trans Friends
>what the fuck is happening?
Elites getting what they want. You probably thought that gay marriage was a grassroots triumph of libertarian ideals, and that you are a civil rights hero.
Say what you want about ol’ Ben, that appearance will always be based
They have evidence to back up a small portion of very few of their claims.
that's pretty disappointing
>So why do you think kids should be chemically fucked up for playing with dolls when they're not even old enough to comprehend the irreparable damage it does to you
>weell ehm ah um er you see uh y'know uh excuse me for one second AAAAAAHHH that was wonderful a good debate was had by all I'm pooped
Dilate you genetic dead end.
its a good show people just like shitting on things
i never take what they say as fact but i like that they just present different idea's to the table
They have evidence to back up some of their claims and the rest is wild speculation. And to be fair to Hancock, he doesn't claim to be a scientist or an archaelogical expert of any kind.
Is Adam really that much of a fag moron? I always thought he was some kind of based jaded actor.
please go on his twitter and leave your feedback. This guy is a cuck and should be shamed
Well one is a guy who just states his views with a smug "I'm right" attitude
The other guy runs a debate platform
>its that it's not entertaining anymore. They stopped trying to even make sense years ago
I gotcha! But maybe user was just pretending to be nice as some ancient theorists believe?
It's funny how people in this thread are going on and on about Rogan being a liberal shill while over on reddit trannies are bitching about him breeding nazis.
I only saw the trans stuff. When does this discussion happen?
But they don't present different ideas, they push mainstream shit that 90% of NPCs already agree with.
>Is Adam really that much of a fag moron? I always thought he was some kind of based jaded actor.
Nobody is allowed to succeed unless they support the depopulation shit of elites.
Why don't people understand what it means for these media companies to be owned by a small number of billionaires?
What do you think they talk about at Bilderberg and other gatherings?
Too fucking based
>tfw the people who white knight are so terrifying you have to defend your fervent defense of them to them.
Used to be until this episode, now they won't be live anymore to save leftist faggots from embarrassment when people question their mental illness.
There are going to be literally thousands of kids who get absolutely ruined by this shit because they were brainwashed into believing they were "born wrong." It's genuinely depressing for me to think about. My life hasn't exactly been awesome, all things considered, but at least that shit never happened to me. Those kids are going to grow up to be incredibly bitter adults when they realize how they were tricked.
You do realize that the whole "trap" thing is a meme, right?
He's a centrist and tries to please everyone so naturally extremists on either side hate him
So that shitty show they did was real? LMFAO holy shit we're fucked.
Hancock speculates based on the findings though. It's all hard evidence. Dating on the Sphinx and Gunung Padang is undeniable. Celestial alignments on these ancient buildings is undeniable. The synchronicity in mythology, symbolism, architectural design, and even language all over the planet is undeniable. An advanced society very clearly existed around the time of the Younger Dryas.
>i like that they just present different idea's to the table
This so much
His show is nothing but "ACTUALLY DON'T HAVE KIDS, ACTUALLY DON'T GET MARRIED, ACTUALLY PAY REPARATIONS, ACTUALLY TRANS WOMYN ARE WOMYN." It's utterly safe, feel-good faux contrarianism. He acts like he's some rebel blowing minds but he's just parroting the same garbage social liberalism that you get in fucking credit card commercials now. His show should be called Adam Ruins His Dignity.
I wish one day all of reddit are doxxed.
>There are going to be literally thousands of kids who get absolutely ruined by this shit because they were brainwashed into believing they were "born wrong." It's genuinely depressing for me to think about. My life hasn't exactly been awesome, all things considered, but at least that shit never happened to me. Those kids are going to grow up to be incredibly bitter adults when they realize how they were tricked
In Canada it's now illegal to stop your 12 year old kid from being injected with testosterone if her school counselor told her she needs to identify as a man if she wants to be happy.
The first chapter of Fingerprints of the Gods is undeniable, smoking gun proof that there was an advanced civilization before ancient Egypt that was seafaring. Having maps of pre-ice Antarctica is undeniable. Unfortunately he doesn't emphasize real evidence significantly above his own speculation.
The funny thing is that if extremists want to succeed they need to play nice with centrists.
david reimer comes to mind
>leuprolide acetate or histrelin, medications that have been used for decades to delay pubertal development in children with central precocious puberty.[9] GnRH analogues offer a reversible intervention that allows youth temporary relief from an undesired, and potentially traumatic endogenous puberty. While data is sparse, preliminary results from the Netherlands indicate that behavioral problems and general psychological functioning improve
>while data is sparse
gr8 evidence u stupid cuck
I know, you're right. I stopped watching that shill a long time ago. I guess there was some pathetic part of me that imagined a bad guy producer or whatever. It sucks getting reminded we're monkeys.
Street Fighter Alpha 2
not anymore sure but they first like 5 seasons of it were great and had new idea but nowadays the eps are pretty much rehashed but i still enjoy it
legit one of the dumbest communities on the internet
im disappointed no one has even called u out on that user. cum on man
Geez, can't these retards think for themselves? I don't need no psychopath in a white robe to tell me it's sick & twisted. Mussolini was right, intelectuals get the bullet
Try telling an extremist that.
Jamie pull that up
>im disappointed no one has even called u out on that user. cum on man
I didn't know who it was.
The ultimate goal with this transgender shit is to remove the agency of parents to make choices and fully control their kids. Eventually some kike in a labcoat and their shabbos goy politician stooges are going to claim that (((science))) knows best and if your 8 year old child tells some KIKE psychiatrist that they feel like a different gender, they will be able to be coaxed by kike doctors into agreeing to their hormone mutiliation and parents will legally be unable to intervene.
This is a multifront assault on parental soverignty. They are doing the same thing with vaccines, trying to outlaw parents from making decisions for their child and allowing the state to dictate and decide.
They want the STATE to be the ultimate controller of kids because the state is already ZOGGED and corrupted, not every parent is.
These kikes are pure fucking evil. Jews are evil parasites.