>is potentially cuter than Angela
>has crush on best boy Hank
>is a better performer than Angela
>voice is equally good, both have their qualities
Why are they holding out on more Becca
Is potentially cuter than Angela
Don't you know Little Miss Perfect?
Honestly the Little Miss Perfect video is better than anything Angela had ever done
She's riding my scooter! She using my blender!
OP i'm gonna have to ask how old she is
Becca I think 21, Angela turned 22 in season 3
Where have you been lady?
Actually The Caterpillar is a beautiful performance
please don't watch this. you're an adult
The crew are just based as hell
Or season 2, I always forget how long season 1 is
Which is bullshit because Hank had two birthdays in two seasons, Angela had a birthday in a short and one episode
For once they look like normal people
Wat do you mean
I watch to fap to Tom only
he takes the longest to like
it is still cold here
Post more screenshots of Angela as a child please
He means they don’t look like the characters from a cyberpunk movie.
You get chibi
>police outfit Angela
I don't geddit
oh it's you again
I seriously cannot believe the episodes were taken off the channel and also they are gone forever, what? My condolences
Is this actually a decent show about racing? The Speed Racer movie is my standard of quality
>wholesome family show vs dangerous girl with penis
If you are going to shill the show you should post a link to the latest episode.
I think it's the best cartoon about racing. So it's pretty good but the second season drops a bit it the writing.
Doesn't this show have freaky lore about animals adapting to be compatible with humans? It was in the talking apps.
A super fan like you obviously has all that recorded, right?
I have only played the Angela, Tom, and Hank apps. Maybe it is in the Ben app
It falls off a cliff TBF.
Still, it returns in 20 days so we'll finally see the remaining episodes.
and roast them!
I would totally fuck her up the ass
I would snap one of Becca's wristbands
It's another Hank episode with no romance anywhere
I was at work sorry
Vanthrax is hot
And I, wanna hang out with you
All her songs are so wholesome
I'm sorry! I thought you actually liked this show, my mistake.
Its probably on Desuarchives. Basically it was dialogue from the talking Angela game before it was silenced.
I need this deepest lore
My Talking Angela is just a hooker simulator but Talking Angela is a conversationalist to dig through
The show itself is very fun and cozy, gives me the funny feeling
Okay yeah so you can't get information anymore, why is it even still up
I should ask the company for a log of all possible responses
Because there was a time it was just 'the show' and you weren't aware of seasons
This is the stuff
why are they so ugly?!
Glad you like it.
I want to breed both of them!
Apparently they are compatible?
They are toyetic
I really like the romance and so does my girlfriend
I want to catch these falling stars
>My Talking Angela is just a hooker simulator
lol, it’s a tamagotchi.
again?? last time coppa deleted comments on reuploaded videos which are split in three
I haven't actually checked I just heard someone hit the report button it was probably 2016