Is potentially cuter than Angela

>is potentially cuter than Angela
>has crush on best boy Hank
>is a better performer than Angela
>voice is equally good, both have their qualities
Why are they holding out on more Becca

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Don't you know Little Miss Perfect?

Honestly the Little Miss Perfect video is better than anything Angela had ever done

She's riding my scooter! She using my blender!

Attached: Angela's_Blender.png (1366x768, 1.5M)

OP i'm gonna have to ask how old she is

Becca I think 21, Angela turned 22 in season 3

Where have you been lady?
Actually The Caterpillar is a beautiful performance

please don't watch this. you're an adult

The crew are just based as hell

Attached: CD4z_zvUgAAfsno.jpg (1024x768, 103K)

Or season 2, I always forget how long season 1 is

Which is bullshit because Hank had two birthdays in two seasons, Angela had a birthday in a short and one episode

For once they look like normal people

Wat do you mean

I watch to fap to Tom only

he takes the longest to like

Attached: Angry_velma.png (1364x768, 1.42M)
it is still cold here

Post more screenshots of Angela as a child please

He means they don’t look like the characters from a cyberpunk movie.

You get chibi

Attached: Screenshot_20200211-081628_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 674K)

>police outfit Angela

I don't geddit

oh it's you again

Attached: thug.png (473x396, 277K)

I seriously cannot believe the episodes were taken off the channel and also they are gone forever, what? My condolences

Is this actually a decent show about racing? The Speed Racer movie is my standard of quality

>wholesome family show vs dangerous girl with penis

Attached: Screenshot_20200302-164638_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 697K)

If you are going to shill the show you should post a link to the latest episode.

I think it's the best cartoon about racing. So it's pretty good but the second season drops a bit it the writing.

Attached: meika05.jpg (590x290, 40K)

Doesn't this show have freaky lore about animals adapting to be compatible with humans? It was in the talking apps.

A super fan like you obviously has all that recorded, right?

Attached: Kramer_on_the_left_.jpg (442x545, 20K)

I have only played the Angela, Tom, and Hank apps. Maybe it is in the Ben app

Attached: Screenshot_20200208-170253_My Talking Angela.jpg (1080x2220, 870K)

It falls off a cliff TBF.

Still, it returns in 20 days so we'll finally see the remaining episodes.
and roast them!

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I would totally fuck her up the ass

I would snap one of Becca's wristbands
It's another Hank episode with no romance anywhere

I was at work sorry

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Vanthrax is hot

Attached: Tom, hand me the belt.jpg (2220x1080, 564K)

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And I, wanna hang out with you
All her songs are so wholesome

I'm sorry! I thought you actually liked this show, my mistake.

Its probably on Desuarchives. Basically it was dialogue from the talking Angela game before it was silenced.

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I need this deepest lore

My Talking Angela is just a hooker simulator but Talking Angela is a conversationalist to dig through

Attached: Screenshot_20191219-231453_My Talking Angela.jpg (1080x2220, 805K)

The show itself is very fun and cozy, gives me the funny feeling

Attached: Screenshot_20200115-085233_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 664K)

Okay yeah so you can't get information anymore, why is it even still up

I should ask the company for a log of all possible responses

Because there was a time it was just 'the show' and you weren't aware of seasons

This is the stuff

why are they so ugly?!

Glad you like it.

I want to breed both of them!

Apparently they are compatible?

They are toyetic
I really like the romance and so does my girlfriend

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I want to catch these falling stars

Attached: Screenshot_20200206-223231_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 600K)

>My Talking Angela is just a hooker simulator
lol, it’s a tamagotchi.

again?? last time coppa deleted comments on reuploaded videos which are split in three

I haven't actually checked I just heard someone hit the report button it was probably 2016