Since Naruto is stronger and faster than Goku has way more hax how does he fare up against superman?

Since Naruto is stronger and faster than Goku has way more hax how does he fare up against superman?

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Superman rapes him then convinces him to commit suicide

Nardo won't fight him

discussing anime characters power lvls is objectivelly stupid, DBZ, One Piece and Naruto feats are completelly inconsistent because nippons give zero fucks to consistency focusing on how look the panel would look instead, also they all intentionall avoid feats that can be measure because "it limits storytelling"

How do australians feel when they write mindless trash like this?

Just this once I'm going to speculate on this match up.
Naruto has some neat tricks and he has the power well of the nine tails backing him up.
However he is still mortal meaning he can only handle so .uch power output before his body can't take it any more.
Also, Supes has a hard counter for everyone of Naruto's skills.
Shadow clones? He uses his X-ray vision to see that they have no internal organs.
His reflexes are faster than Naruto's.
Rasengan would do bugger all to the Man of Steel.
Basically Naruto's one hope would be calling out the Kyuubi, but Supes has dealt with monsters with that kind of power before.
Really it would just be a matter of how much Superman wanted to limit collateral damage.

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before naruto could do his ninja hand signs superman already had his arms deep in his anus

never saw a bait this lazy

Can't cast sorceries and hexes if the fingers are broken
Also, can Naruto survive the vacuum of space?

Superman mangekyou sharingan?

>Stronger than Goku
>Not getting one-shot K.O. from Superman
Try harder

Naruto is literally a magic god, Superman is fucked.
Sorry, Super Retards, looks like you lose again.


Isn't he like 8? That little brat is getting a super spanking

ok you don't need to talk about your fetishes openly

13 then 16 then 18 and his current age is mid 30's I think

Please even Krypto could beat that 9tailed fox

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this shit is getting out of control

Can we all just agree to disagree?

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Everything I've seen from both characters indicates they'd get along really well. I think they'd stop fighting after a while and end with friendship.

Sasuke with the time turtle low difs Goku 9/11 of the time.

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The answer might surprise you (yes he can)

>Can't cast sorceries and hexes if the fingers are broken

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>Naruto is stronger and faster than Goku
gokubros is this true???? i thought we were /thestrongestanime/

There wouldn't even be a fight. They'd both just try to talk-no-jutsu each other

All western characters can beat eastern characters with ease. All what they have to do is A: end the fight as fast as possible before the anime's infinite scaling beats them; or B: keep dragging the fight until the anime power burst runs out; whoever fits
Stop being anti fun

Why does Superman look like he's about to find El Dorado?

That's a finger

we all know youre a gokufag


>nippons give zero fucks to consistency
kek, wester comics dot even know what that word means, unless you are talking about status quo

>Since Naruto is stronger and faster than Goku
Narutards are really delusional. Holy shit

Goku doesn’t really have any concrete speed feats to be fair

Hell, since when did Naruto have such a nose.?

He’s a good boy

For you

Superman can destroy galaxies
Naruto tops can destroy a whole village which is big but it doesn't compare

Boy didn't I tell not to bother our neighbors in Yea Forums with you power level weeb shit?

That's it I'm gonna beat ya behind!!! come here!!!

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Every iteration of Superman has been stronger than eight-gates Guy was, and since Guy is canonically the greatest martial artist to ever live in the Naruto universe we can safely assume Nardo is fucked in close combat.
Maybe he could keep Superman at a distance or bait him into a trap or something, but good luck with that against an opponent who's much faster, stronger, has extremely keen senses, and can also fly.

11, even

I like images where Superman is being nice to anime characters

I'm the feats dude over in the other thread, but I'm also a big supes fan. Honestly it depends on the version of Clark and if we consider chakra/jutsu magically based. So if he's hit with a rasengan is it treated like a physical/energy attack and thus deals with Superman's defense directly, or is it magical because of the six paths shit that's added in, therefore bypassing some of Clark's defenses. It being magic isn't an instant win, Clark can fight Shazam who basically punches magic, so eh. Naruto beats the weaker runs and animated Superman (men?), But main canon Supes we tend to see spoken about here would just outlast and pick the clones apart, them being magic would alter the difficulty from low to medium at best.

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Supes would only take a few sentences to make naruto see how wrong he is for going up against superman.

I still don't get why Yea Forums thinks Dante can beat Superman.

>the time turtle
Remember when this show was about ninja throwing knives at each other

Except chakra isn't magic, it's literally life energy. If we apply this to DC rules then Superman is chi powered as well, or at least Superbro was as his chi ended up in Kenan Kong to make him the Superman of China. Multiple versions of Superman can "see" life energy and in the end it would end up being something else he can manipulate. End result, Superman functions like he has a Sharingan and beats Naruto at his own game as you could consider his solar power as super sage mode where he's powered by a Sun instead of a Frog.

And that's fair, like I said it was mostly the God/six paths stuff that made me question it. So if he has sage mode it's basically him dealing with a pretty above average but still not entirely threatening opponent. It'd mostly be Naruto's transformation, Kurama Avatar, and clones that'd slow him down a bit but not by much. 3-4/10 difficulty, recruits him into the League afterwards for being such a team player and having a good skill set.

I can understand questioning the Six Paths stuff, but per the last arc of Naruto, all chakra came from the Tree (which also originated the Bijuu) and all of that is based on life energy as the Infinite Tsukiyomi was going to be used to pacify all of the ninja assembled for the World War to extract their chakra and kill them. In the end, it all boils down to charka, which is life energy, which is something Superman is familiar with and by DC rules does not count as magic.

He dodged lasers and lightning as a kid and can fight at ftl speeds

Nothing confirmed that behind them "looking" like lasers, which looks like any other ki attack just from a robot, while we know the Androids also use energy similar to ki later. It also exploded instead of burned or penetrated, making it less likely to be an actual light speed feat useable laser.
The stuff he did as a kid was filler, though the manga states that Popo was going to train him to dodge lightning. It could have been how he was at the end of the training, about as strong as he was when he fought Raditz.
>Fight at FTL speeds
The extremely few feats that support LS/FTL are traversal speed and reaction, not combat speed. The closest we have gotten to confirmed Lightspeed is when the gods compliment Dyspo for exceeding Lightspeed, so God Goku and those higher than that can, but that would mean anybody below, IE Z series Goku, would not be FTL.

i kinda want an edit of this where the little hands are holding a (you)

Is it true that supergirl has always been stronger superman?

Sometimes she has been stated to be, only early on and because she spent time orbiting the sun for decades asleep in her ship. But Superman has much better feats and scaling, plus has said that he could beat her if he really had to.

Not to downplay her, she near punched the antimonitor to death, outran a flash, regenerated from having no heart and a boatload of other bullshit feats, but Superman is stronger.

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Superman can't even touch Madara Uchiha, how is he going to beat Naruto

He's an amputee, he can't throw knifes with his fork hand.

Fuck I forgot to sage.

they look like they fugged

Superman stops him with words, and then he hangs out with him.

Jesus Christ, really?
Dante beats MoS/Smallville/Injustice/TAS Supes, Maybe New 52 although his speed feats are pretty good
Reeve Superman and Silver Age are basically the same thing so they stomp
Post Crisis/Rebirth Superman Stomps if no PIS allowed

if doomsday was set loose in the naruto universe who could beat him?

>New 52

All 3 of those were capable of moving planets physically and moving beyond light speed. Is Dante really that strong?

No, it's just that almost everyone likes him so barely anyone complains when he's wanked

>moving planets
that's actually pretty weak

Yes but we are talking about dante. I could bring up the fact that Smallville can time travel, New 52 manipulated an infinity and Injustice matched standard Superman in strength, but I just picked something they have in common.

Dante can't do it....

People are stupid that way

powerlevel fags are worse than /mlp/

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It's because the moderation team is either sleeping on the job or they propositate let the Death Battle threads go on because there are other stuff at stake here.

E-celeb threads are clearly against the rules and they are often flagged as such in every board, including Yea Forums. But Death Battle has been overruning this rule for years.

And because of this the quality of this board has been suffering because way too many people from their community posts here and think it's ok to shit up the board with VS threads.

I'm all for banning Death Battle for good from this entire site. Not even /trash/ should have Death Battle threads.

At least this is more relevant to Yea Forums than half of the threads I see when browsing. But you're right, DB threads tend to suck unless they're more obscure shit with actual discussion like Butcher vs Stain.

>t. Seth

They both lose to ikki

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No one because they would waste too much time monologuing

Few if anybody could defeat him physically, but there are methods of defeating unkillable or overpowered threats.
>Kaguya's All-Killing ash bones may work, as they disintegrate a target completely, even Naruto who could replace missing organs and prevent the eight gates from disintegrating Gai after he used them couldn't stop Obito from dying when he was hit by one, and she can spam them
>Atomic Dismantling may also work, it breaks down matter at an atomic level. But I think Doomsday has survived molecular attacks like that before, so maybe not
>Some of the stronger sealing jutsu like Reaper Death Seal, Six Paths Seal, and some others could seal him away and trap him, though most of those come at tremendous cost as well.
Doomsday has a mind, right? A consciousness? Maybe not a standard brain but if he has a consciousness then some of the more powerful genjutsu may work on him, though to what effect is unknown. Tsukuyomi is able to kill people but I'm unsure if killing his consciousness would work on Doomsday. The Infinite Tsukuyomi wouldn't kill but it'd likely render him immobile so long as it's active. Izanami would be interesting; it would either trap him in the loop and he would never grow and learn the errors of his ways and thus stay immobile forever, or he would actually stop wanting to kill and murder everything which would he a weird sight to see. This of course assumes genjutsu would even effect him; not because he doesn't have chakra, because in the series it can effect beings without normal chakra like animals, but because Doomsday is so biologically different from most things even in DC let alone Naruto.

Oh, also add Kakashi or Obito using Kamui to slip through Doomsday's attacks while severing and sending pieces of him into the Kamui dimension. Kamui ignores conventional defense because it's actually opening a controlled portal, and Susano'o Kakashi can use that as a blade to cut down way more powerful people whole phasing through any attacks he needs to. Really, Double Sharingan Kakashi is the most broken character in the series, it was just a temporary power up from his ghost friend.

Doomsday has adapted to Omega Beams and was able to Martian Manhunter’s psychic attacks. He was also able to break his way out of the Phantom Zone but that was the New 52 Doomsday so I’m unsure if the Post-Crisis one could

>Says this in a thread about superman

Shadow clones can eat, they have internal organs
Naruto has a jutsu that can take your powers away that the show ended up completely ignoring

This shit isn't in the manga

Preshipudden Naruto could stop a volcano

Which Madara are you talking about?


Superman blinks and the entire naruto universe dies an agonizing death. Next.

Not Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara?


Oh, like current "has adapted to a ton of shit already" Doomsday, I was more thinking a relatively fresh Doomsday like DoS.
>Omega beams
Yeah, nothing in Naruto could physically beat him if he can survive those.
>MM psychic attacks
That's tough, but beings able to fight and overpower psychic attacks in Naruto are still completely overtaken by the ones I mentioned. Depends on how strong MM's psychic powers are, I'm not entirely versed in him. Not discounting it, just don't know.
>Break out of phantom zone
On one hand that's impressive, and if he was sent completely into one dimension like the Kamui space then he'd probably break out, but I'm unsure of the stronger sealing jutsu like Reaper Death Seal since it's more akin to a magical ritual and can be used to cut down the target and seal it in multiple places at once, hence why the nine tails was cut in half and placed into two people. Not trying to wank, but a lot of people tend to break out of the phantom zone while very few have broken from the sealing jutsu I'm referring. If post crisis hasn't adapted to it then I still maintain the sealing would work.

Someone with X-ray and energy-viewing vision, Neji, couldn't tell the clones apart from the real one, and that was a less skilled child Naruto.

If he only did that in 52 then it's not exactly the same unless you're just compositing the character. Which I honestly think it's something you shoudln't do.

Also dimensions might be too far apart. If he for example breaks out of one of Kaguyas dimensions he might end up in a different one, and just run circles there.

MM jobs a lot but he’s usually able to break through psychic defenses of heroes and villains alike and even be able to scan and feel every mind on Earth

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To be fair the dimensions are referred to as different worlds, and they hop from one to another basically at Kaguya's will. Only from the final "genesis" dimension can they enter any of the others freely. So yeah, the best they could do against the stronger forms of Doomsday would be battlefield removal.
That's fair, and would rank pretty highly, especially if Doomsday can break through that. It's still a bit up for debate, an option for Naruto characters but not a viable one. Even if they could effect him it'd take the absolute strongest in the verse to really "win" a fight. Infinite Tsukuyomi was able to effect absolutely every mind on Earth, animal or human, with or without chakra, and place them in their ultimate fantasy that they not only could not escape from, but would never want to. The only way to undo it was to defeat the caster and then two with the six paths chakra hold hands and free everyone. Likewise even you yourself dying or killing the caster of Izanami will free you from it, your mind is permanently trapped unless you fundamentally change how you live your life according to how you were when you were placed in it, basically talk no jutsu as a literal weapon. I'm not saying they for sure work, but it'd come down to those two.

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Can Narulo blow up a planet by pointing at it? Because any mid tier or above DBZ character can.

>stronger and faster
Saiyan Saga Z-fighters were able to casually jog at 200kmph, they’re exponentially faster than that now.

Might work on Doomsday. His cycle of death began from all the way when he was a baby and has memory of every death. It’s been said the reason he wants to kill everything around is because he thinks it’s the only way he’ll be safe

Nah, Naruto is more like Lobo or Hitman. He starts out like a tough street punk, sees how much Superman's city loves him and then fights Luthor wearing Superman's logo on his chest.

Naruto is more likely to be killed by Lex Luthor in a fit of spite. Once Lex sees how good Naruto has it, he will kill Naruto and take Hinata as his bride and raise Boruto and Himawari as his kid.

Madara would unironically love Superman for giving him the best fight of his life. It's spelled out that Madara failed because he got addicted to the power and thrill of fighting Gai at Full Power.

He'd unironically team up with Superman to fight Darkseid, then get vaporized to spite Superman. Madara is anime Dan Turpin

>not sodoku

You had one job.

Could Madara survive Darkseid if he went all out on the guy?


A Darkseid Avatar, maybe. But definitely not true Darkseid.

Superman is boring
How would fate survive the Naruto universe
>Instead of 'not alive'
You're boring

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Fate is even more broken. Use somebody like Guy Gardner

Pretty well, he’s strong as fuck