Just watched Master and Commander and I'm looking for more of the same. Is this any good or does it fall into the GoT trap of strong women everywhere
Just watched Master and Commander and I'm looking for more of the same...
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It's no where near as good as Master and Commander, and there are kind of strong women in it though every female character is just generally annoying.
bump, also interested in sail kinos besides Master and Commander
The battle scenes are some of the best I've seen
Black sails is a pretty great show, but it does sort of have stronq womenz. It's not like they do any sailing though.
It's really only worth watching for Sir Toby Stephens.
Its a classic bait and switch:
The show starts with strong male characters and tits out everywhere.
It ends with strong females saving the day, and the 'male' heroes retiring to a sugar plantation to have gay sex forever.
not. even. joking.
Black Sails is the ultimate cockblock. The entire series verge's on being absolutely based and then dies. Just fucking dies.
What the fuck. I'm not opposed to strong women I just don't want it to be forced into every scene. I'll maybe try a few episodes. What about pic related?
It's really great if you don't mind the dumb paranormal shit
Best show on TV right now is Warrior.
>Das Boot
still naval, different era, you should give it a try
Boring show loaded with boring dialogue
Entertaining show with entertaining dialogue
This was pretty good.
It's my favorite TV show of all time, some of the best writing and dialogueI have ever seen, and it ends before it can get bad.
i really need to finish watching it. the whole gay pirate subplot threw me off the first time, then I managed to go back and sit through that shit but I still got bored before seeing the whole thing
Somehow I watched the whole show and didn’t pick up on the gay plot point. It’s like my brain completely blocked it out
>some of the best writing and dialogueI have ever seen, and it ends before it can get bad.
Agree. Top 10ish show and I don't care for pirates and sailing much at all
Season 1 was slow but keep watching, rest is great
The "muh strong women" isn't that bad with Black Sails. Although the main actress isn't that great and the character can be kind of annoy but is by no means a Mary Sue character.
I think the show is worth watching for many of its flaws.
It has a faggot episode that ruins the whole fucking backstory/mystery and atmosphere. Otherwise it would have been very good. If not for moronic producers/writers adding that cringey garbage.
Watch those made for TV Horatio Hornblower movies. There are eight of them and they cover the first three Hornblower books (in chronological order).
Piratekino tbph.