This is what I get for waiting til the last minute to buy tickets.

>all good IMAX seats completely reserved
>even friday / sat / sun morning
>in all 10 movie theaters near me
>even the peasant 2d standard showtimes have all seats reserved
>3D still available though
>fuck 3D


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>watching capeshit
Your parents miust be so proud that their child hasn't emotionally developed past the age of 10.
LIke seriously, imagine dying in combat while cutting niggas heads off to defend your country and then you're in heaven looking down at the culmination of your legacy, and what is it doing?
Watching manlets running around greenscreens pretending to be comic book superheroes and shooting CGI beams at each other while quipping. If you could commit suicide in heaven, then you probably would at that moment. You would regret ever having children, having dozens of generations of descendants, all because of one manchild in the 21st century.
Atleast you could rest assured knowing that your genetic lineage dies with this incel ass.

Just for funzies I calculated current ticket sales at my local theater for the early weekend and 4075/4080 seats are sold for Thurs/Fri showings. If I didn't have to solve captchas to record the information I would write a script to do it for me. Would be fun to record this presale information for every movie and report to Yea Forums.

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oh no no no the autistic "DEUS VOLT" poster got exposed as the autistic manchild he is and now spams without name fagging. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>live in small city that doesn't have reserved seating
>going to have to choose between lining up 2 hours early or having the movie inevitably spoiled for me

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That's another reason why I wanna see it early. Everyone will be talking about it and purposely trying to spoil it for others.

I saw Infinity War on the Tuesday after the first weekend and still got a few things spoiled for me; you either need to have an internet blackout or see it opening weekend.

I checked all 4 theaters in my area and every single showing from Thursday through Sunday is sold out, including early mornings and midnights. What faggots.

>not just watching the camrip with your Yea Forums bros on Saturday afternoon

>imagine paying money to watch capeshit
All those CGI fights are fucking boring and lame. Last movie I saw in the movie theater was Dunkirk, that shit was tense and exciting as fuck. I'm not commenting on the quality of the actual film, but as a cinematic experience it was amazing. It was made for the cinema.

Wait until a movie that actually benefits from the big screen and big sound.

I am still waiting for something like that to come out again.

Having to wait till Sunday to see in Imax 2D, fuck 3D fucking Jews

>Thursday night, Friday, and Saturday are all sold out. The earliest I can get tix is Sunday but I would have to be in the front.
Damn it

What film?

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Why did you mention (me) ?

I'm not gonna go see the movie. I haven't watched a capeshit movie since Avengers in 2012, and I haven't seen any of the standalone spinoffs either.

>Going to see a movie on opening weekend

Reminder that if you unironically actually watch and care about the utter trash that is modern capeshit then you deserve to have it spoiled on you because you're a fucking manchild

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Jesus christ, just wait you impulsive people. I don't get why you have to watch it on the day it comes out.

I'll never watch it


>throwing a tantrum because people like movies you don’t
Who’s the man child?

Oh no, I need to purchase tickets as soon as possible! I need to buy 13 tickets too for my friends. None of them ever want to see movies with me because I get a little too... ahem... excited.. but I buy tickets for them just in case! I'll see you guys later!

Still you, I enjoy the tears of you manchildren when your capeshit gets spoiled on you
Cap goes back to the 40s by the way

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Thanks for the warning, I’ll be sure to reserve well ahead for Godzilla Kino of the Monsters

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My Nigeria.

>implying anyone is going to see that boring trash