I don't blame him for coming back to the comfy 40's
I don't blame him for coming back to the comfy 40's
Other urls found in this thread:
>watching capeshit
Your parents miust be so proud that their child hasn't emotionally developed past the age of 10.
LIke seriously, imagine dying in combat while cutting niggas heads off to defend your country and then you're in heaven looking down at the culmination of your legacy, and what is it doing?
Watching manlets running around greenscreens pretending to be comic book superheroes and shooting CGI beams at each other while quipping. If you could commit suicide in heaven, then you probably would at that moment. You would regret ever having children, having dozens of generations of descendants, all because of one manchild in the 21st century.
Atleast you could rest assured knowing that your genetic lineage dies with this incel ass.
yeah but he ruined everything with this
>Captain America is standing next to the time portal
>Hawkeye asks him "Are you sure you want to go back?"
>Cap takes a good look at the wakandans
>"Yeah, I'm sure"
He gets killed by the Tea Party Gang offscreen. Don't worry.
Literally nothing wrong with that. Black people have done more for America than anyone else
Did he stop 9/11?
how does cap leave, but then old cap immediately shows up, has the shield which implies he was still acting as captain america, but didn't do anything about 9/11, etc.
>"I'll change the future, we will meet again but by that time i'll already be a grand wizard"
Its canon that the first Captain America was black.
>Steve why didn't you save me if you knew what happened to me
>why didn't you stop 9/11
>It was me all along, Bucky. ME.
>Gives it to Sam
>Not to his best friend. Bucky
God, they're really hammering SJW bullshit
If you want a Black Captain America it should be Isaiah, not Falcon
>That scene where Cap is talking to uncle Ben
What a great fucking cameo
does he tell him to sell boxed rice
>Black people have done more for America than anyone else
picking cotton
why the fuck does he cuck bucky
Black women*
I wish I could join.
Take a wild guess.
What did they mean by this? Did Raimi guest write this scene?
>characters that are literally you
Is the nigger going to be the new Captain America?
>Was alive all this time
>Never occurred to him to save his friend from Nazi Brainwashing 2: Electric Boogaloo, stop the cataclysmic events like the Battle for New York or the shit with Ultron, and didn't bother to try to keep the Avengers together to avoid Civil War
Steve Rogers went back in time to drag Rosa Park's ass of that bus.
Did Bucky go back, too?
>Not if I have anything to say about it
>did kikes infiltrate the mouse decades ago?
Yup. Idk why people will think the MCU will die after Engame. We got Spider-Man (Jake kino too), Bucky, Hawkeye, Thor, Hulk, Antman, and Scarlet Witch. They have been in several movies.
Then include Iron-woman (Pepper Potts), Cap Marvel, Ms Marvel, Valkyrie, Black Panther
>You sure 'bout this, Cap?
>Yeah, I don't belong here
>Scarlet Witch
>Possible Black Widow
>Cap Marvel
>Black Panther
Trust me, the MCU isn't close to dying. Most of the names I listed are veterans. Plus, the new heroes grossed a lot of money in their solo films.
Based Jax poster
>watching capeshit
Your parents miust be so proud that their child hasn't emotionally developed past the age of 10.
LIke seriously, imagine dying in combat while cutting niggas heads off to defend your country and then you're in heaven looking down at the culmination of your legacy, and what is it doing?
Watching manlets running around greenscreens pretending to be comic book superheroes and shooting CGI beams at each other while quipping. If you could commit suicide in heaven, then you probably would at that moment. You would regret ever having children, having dozens of generations of descendants, all because of one manchild in the 21st century.
Atleast you could rest assured knowing that your genetic lineage dies with this incel ass.
Oh, Iron-woman too
>After all these years, finally a chance to fight for the right side
What was this line supposed to mean?
The last fucking thing Bucky wants is to be Captain America.
Why did the MCU completely shit on Vision? He was extremely hyped by the end of AoU and then just sorta died like a bitch in IW. They didn't even mention him in Endgame
Falcon's been cap in the comics for a while but so has Winter Soldier. Odds are, they'll just toss around the title of Cap.
I'm surprised you guys even thought Buck had a chance. That was dead to me when they called him white wolf in Black Panther.
A black man gets to be Cap.
A while man gets to be Black Panther Alter.
It's balanced like all things should be.
I thought the original line was
>"I'm going back to do the one time I missed when I was frozen."
>"And what was that Cap?"
>"Time to crack some commie skulls!"
>here's something that triggers me
>time to blame the jews!
Every single time.
>all-female Avengers
>count on it
Get your anuses ready.
because the moment cap traveled back, old cap immediately existed waiting for then in the cliff
I would leave my wife for Korra.
Old Cap planted the demolition charges in the towers, numbnuts. He's a hard-core neoconservative, now.
Like committing 50% of violent crimes?
Sure Shlomo, just a coinquidinq.
Jesus, did Raimi step in for this movie?
thats true they've ruined this country beyond repair
Imagine being so obsessed with a group of people that you spend hours making this. And what does it prove? That they're hard working, since they can get these jobs? Maybe if you guys spent a lot more time studying and working instead of complaining on the anime forum, the world would look different.
why didn't he kill baby trump?
good joke
Based Chris basically calling both sides a bunch of idiots
>what is nepotism and deception?
What good is the shield for Sam. He can fly and his wings already work as shields. Bucky could actually make much more use of it. He as before. I get why they are doing it. But when flying, what good is having this shield?
big if true
They've trained law enforcement, which is a very important job.
>Black people have done more for America than anyone else
Yeah, if we're talking about crime rates then this is indeed the case.
No. Not only that, it means he also didn't stop a truly staggering number of things over the intervening decades, including all the events that lead up to him being there to hand off his shield. He lived out his whole life, and answered all of the following:
>Bucky's capture, decades of brainwashing and experimentation, and career as HYDRA's assassin
>the murder of Tony's parents
>the continued existence of HYDRA and their infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D.
>the creation of Ultron
with, "I'm retired." What a hero.
This is why you don't let brainlets write time travel stories. There is an acceptable answer to this that makes Cap look like less of an asshole, but I'll be triple-damned if I give it up so that the hacks who wrote this shit can claim it as their own. Fuck these visionless, unimaginative assholes.
>abandoning his duty as a hero to live a selfish life in the past
What next Marvel character will be assassinated?
I, for one, support this copy pasta.
>Ben, this has to happen so Peter can become the man he's meant to be...
>I'm so sorry, Ben
>*cap pulls the balaclava back down over his face and runs away*
kek, laughed/10
That’s a drawing, not a person
only took 2 films with Black Panther for him to want to go back
9/11 was inside job, Cap probably flew the plane.
>if I had interfered it would have been worse
Korra's an Eskimo, they're Asian.
Wrong. That's something he can't know. A man like Steve Rogers doesn't stop himself from acting heroically based on what *might* be. There is an answer, but that's not it.
WTF is his problem?
Something that everyone practices, not just Jews. You don't give a good position to some stranger when your family member is a known quantity/
All of that needed to happen. He was in a closed time-loop.
Nah, they’re going to be still Falcon and Winter Soldier. They have a series coming out with that title
What happened to
>This isn't like Back to the Future
He went back in time just to keep his head down and not be noticed. Might as well have just killed himself as far as the world is concerned.
cuz nobody fades away if things change
Then why the fuck didn't he change anything if there were no consequences to the future
so they didn't fuck up all those alternate universes full of real people
>you will never see a post-frozen buck ass naked Walt charge into disney headquarters
He was secretly sick of all the niggers, cunts, and homos.
Except he did it. Why do you think there's no mentions of Trump in Avengers?
i dont get it how he was able to stay in 40s and still be alive at the end, he is lets say 35 years old and than he lives from 40s to 2025 that is 120 ...
symbolism as passing on the torch.
It’s about Chris Evans vs his latent homosexuality
my man, he could change the timeline but doing so in any significant way would have created an alternate timeline. The Old Cap we see is the one who altered nothing in the past. Cap was always meant to go back (Marvel never revealed who married Peg)
dont forget guardians. i love it that they have been joined with thor
he's a super solider man, hes super healthy for a long time.
Is Captain Kang going to get his own movies?
The supersoldier injection aged him better
>passing the torch to a character nobody cares about
So did the hammer actually give him the power of Thor or was it just a nice weapon to use?
>We got Spider-Man (Jake kino too), Bucky, Hawkeye, Thor, Hulk, Antman, and Scarlet Witch
>Built every one of your monuments, and without pay
he was able to shot lightning
Is dad not giving you the car dealership?
He killed billions...
>Cap was always meant to go back (Marvel never revealed who married Peg)
He had no reasons to abandon his duty as a hero. Cap always cared more about helping others.
But how does this work if he doesn't have super strength or whatever?
Did he just say that Left is wrong? Because both are.
Nah, dude. That doesn't work. All those alternate realities don't exist *until* they diverge. They are beyond the reach of time travel. The best time travel in a multiverse setting can do is allow you to participate in events in that newly divergent reality your presence just created. Transmigration from one reality to a completely separate one is infinitely more difficult, the sort of stuff only beings like Watchers and ludicrously advanced future tech/magic are capable of.
Most of this list are side characters, not really capable of holding down a solo movie
They can always go get him back. I mean, that has to be the main reason for Marvel studios to introduce time travel. They can have their cake and eat it too: kill off main characters and still have room for any possible future appearances.
and the right is right. he's basically a Hydra nazi irl
Because he is talking about Nancy Pelosi doing her anti American stupid shit, and the obvious bullshit of "green new deal"
What’s funny is that there really were advanced warnings about 9-11 but it all got lost in the bureaucracy.
that "Bigoted evil"tweet was in Trump's inaguration day
>giving the nigger the shield
>nobody cares about falcon
Why must bucky sleep in the cuck shed? vibranium arm and the shield would be fucking KINO for a new Captain America.
>new captain america is black
>new thor is black
avenger's phase 4 is getting as diverse as black panther
>new thor is black
wrong, she's just the queen of isgard, thor is still god of thunder.
Except he won't be back, the actor is done with the MCU. Cap abandoned his role of hero to live with his waifu, this is his ending. And then he passed the torch to Falcon because the MCU Phase 4 will be about diversity. The end.
>In Cap's paranoia with maintaining a stable timeloop, he literally commits every attocitiey needed to maitain the future
>The Vietnam War
>Kennedy's assasination
>All done by Cap to maintain the future
Great ending. We all want to come to the good old days of classic America.
>all these upset whitey replies
lmao be angry all you want they did give us the edge over other countries with free labor
>implying they won’t be back 20 years from now when disney has mastered digital actor technology
>be black
>only do something productive when forced
>it’s manual labor
Truly, they wuz kangz
it created a lot of plot holes tho
if he was back in the 40's then who was phone?
Picking cotton doesn't make up for all the trouble and damage they've caused. Probably barely covers 1/10 of it.
Cap probably got tired of taking orders from Nigg Fury
He's from the time where America still had jim crow laws
>nigger slaves built the monuments
This is your brain on the public education system.
lmao head on down to /pol/ friend as shit as they are there the reason you can sit in your dark room and pretend to be "alive"
Don't forget he already spent 65 years on ice making him nearly 200 years old.
>Note 5 in 2012
Immersion broken.
>Cap went back in time and took the Vibranium meteor from Wakanda and instead placed it in the Deep Deep South during 1855
What did Cap mean by this?
Autism level 80%
just go back to r*ddit already
Just so I'm clear on this, the Ancient One mentions why her reality needs the Time Stone, but she doesn't say anything about her reality needing the rest of them? Also, aren't there technically two of Cap's shields in existence now, or at least until he exits the present?
What is this even supposed to mean? Form a coherent sentence then come back, chimp. 10% of the population picking cotton isn't building America. You might as well say the Mexican illegals picking strawberries right now built America. It's actually even cheaper to employ them because it's not required of the employer to feed, clothe and house them - just give them a shit wage.
He didn't abandon shit, Thanos is dead.
The MCU is going to be over by 2021.
best post.
the other best thing he could've done was stop that Jewish senator from introducing he 1965 immigration act.
Not an argument. All the trouble over the past 150 years your "people" have caused was absolutely not worth the amount of cotton picked.
>Time Travel is a plot device now
>One that basically any character can use
you can't recover form this
Yes. The queen of Asgard is now the black "valkyrie" who'd spent God knows how long pressing people into slavery in the Grandmaster's gladiatorial deathmatches. How noble.
Oh wow they let Sitwell show up again? Of all characters.
>Built every one of your monuments, and without pay
Blacks were not stone masons or artists, they were slaves. Building a monument requires skill and experience. Slaves did not have those qualities. They shoveled shit, ploughed fields, and picked crops. Simple tasks they could handle with their skillset. You are objectively wrong.
Imagine living in 95% white America one day and waking up to le 56% the next.
Captain America would unironically turn against America.
>Why you givin' me your shield Cap'?
>Because after seeing what America has become, I won't be fighting for the red, white, and blue when I go back to the 40's.
well it is only useable with pym particles and we've established that hank pym would rather die then give up that secret so unless we get his blessing again its "ruled out"
Yeah, except Doom and Reed are going to part of the MCU soon so what Hank Pym wants pretty much amounts to jack shit to them.
>do a thing for free once, under penalty of death
>never work again
Gotta get back. Back to the past. Captain Rogers
When did the Vibranium meteor hit Wakanda anyway?
Yeah, I'd go back too. I just can't exactly pinpoint why....
>why are you leaving cap?
>tony may have undone thanos’ evil with the infinity gauntlet, but he couldn’t undo years of jewish subversion and societal decay, there’s only one way to stop that
>Umm Captain, this destroyer is clearly from America
>...Sink it
The Comedian is Captain America deconstructed? I like it.
True, American white crime rates are the same as Europe. But with the black population we soar higher than the sky in crime. It makes us all look like feral animals. Thank you, based blacks.
Dosen't cap age very slowly tho
>tfw want to live among white people in the 40s but also addicted to fucking black women so I'd get lynched when I quested for black booty
Ugly people?
The answer is that he stopped worse things, instead.
My boy got to titfuck Agent Carter. I don’t disagree with him in the slightest.
anyone have a link to the full movie
>Captain, what have you been doing all this time?
>/pol/ is always right
>Who’s Pole? Right about what?
Bucky was also a Soviet Assassin for several decades, whereas Sam was a goddamn war hero. Sam makes more sense.
This. Look at all of our inventions, our art, architecture. Everything. None of it was remotely affected or built by nogs.
This picture is of Detroit before negroes moved in.
The movie literally says “We CANNOT alter major events because it will irrevocably fuck things up.” Learn 2 Butterfly Effect, son.
HYDRA is just that far ahead of the curve.
Retard, the butterfly effect refers to something extremely minor changing, like the flap of a butterfly’s wings, causing a major change. If you’re going to completely disregard shit like that you might as well go all the way.
Did watch the first movie right? He served in a racially integrated unit.
As a European, it's interesting seeing that the architectural damage a massive world-spanning war causes is equal to what blacks can cause in the USA.
Wouldn't cap just simply eating and shitting, or taking up an apartment that another person was going to live in, change a lot of things through the butterfly effect?
Dirty Peggy getting super-soldier bone
Also kinda obvious he didn't want to fuck up the timeline. He can't save everybody and as far as he's concerned could've been worse. Like imagine if he saved Bucky 30 years earlier, maybe Hydra would've used the 5 others winter soldiers seen in Civil War that apparently are way more lethal than Bucky and so on
>inb4 articles: “as a POC and long time marvel fan, I find and it disturbing that the series is ending in a time period that was blatantly sexist, racist, homophobic, and transphobic”
He's 183 years old and looks like he's 60
Only Thor, Black Panther and Marvel are fine. the others = flop
> 3 hours of fanservice
It comes down to civilization vs those who destroy it. I'm proud of my European roots and I have family that fought in the 1776 revolution and civil war. It's all so tiresome.
Why wouldn’t he stay with the sexy blonde? Sure, she doesn’t have the tits Peggy has, but she’s hot as fuck.
Of course he got away, his fucking 2 is Invisibility
Wouldn't you go back?
I was wondering if someone was triggered over this.
That's a good point...you actually turned me around on that
You're on the right track. Now for the bonus round:Is the old Cap we see at the end the same man who just traveled back in time? The smart answer is "no." What makes it clear that the morons writing this shit didn't think of that is the absence of any hint of that being apparent in how the character looks or what he says. If it had occurred to them that the Old Cap *can't* be from the same reality as either of the younger Caps(pre- or post-travel), but rather the traveller from another timeline, they wouldn't have been able to resist making it obvious, thus sucking their own dicks over how clever they are.
imagine being this triggered from just seeing black guy
explains why you never get out mom's basement
The Scots invented TV
And America is built on TV
>5 years past
>Peter goes back to his high school and sees his friend who looks the exact same
I don't get it
The consistency is times worse than in JoJo but at least JoJo makes it enjoyable.
I see niggers every day when I go to work, I still don't like them. In fact the more I see them the less I like them.
>mcu tv shows confirmed canon
Feels good man.
I like how bucky gets mad cucked by a blackie, just how the russo’s want our lives to be ran, the white guy getting cucked by the black guy.
all that build you to give Bucky the shield
>all for not
cap's fight scene right after he gets thor's hammer was the only good moment desu senpai
To this day no one but Pym knows how to create Pym Particles. Hank Pym is fully capable of outsmarting Reed and Scott Lang once trounced Dr Doom really hard.
Am I the only one super disappointed by the “large scale fight” scene in endgame? Infinity War’s fight was built up and was super tense with a real sense of urgency.
Here the fight scene was just “oh everyones here better fight now!”
I think this is evidence that the original story was gonna have bucky becoming the next captain america, but to push “muh black character is as strong as the white character!” they decided to forget all the foreshadowing and just fuck it up for muh virtue points
>Endgame time travel was intended to retcon all the TV shows into irrelevancy
now, only the Disney+ shows matter
Not that hard to figure out. Im guessing he was snapped too and then unsnapped just like Peter. But overall still a dumb scene. The 5 year time skip is completely unnecessary too. I get it creates something for Tony to lose (the family hes created) but it just sucked. Weakening Thor and bloating him just for comedy really really was retarded.
>to push “muh black character is as strong as the white character!”
reminder he don need no cracka-serum, brotha is already fly
No, it's not just you.
>*sips* ah jane foster was a fine piece of ass.
what did thor mean by this
boomer thor was awesome.
Remember Sharon?
Enemies cannot attack blacktain america or be cast into the deepest depths of hell for a race fuelled attack
so will thor be in guardians 3?
Time travel doesn't necessitate multiple universes. Time travel and multiverses are both, as far as we know, pure fiction, so they don't abide by any rules.
If the past Gamora gets to live in the Future, why can't a past version of Tony?
Kinda. Was him dying really of such a big consequence in the grand scheme of things?
Why was the final fight (and the only fight) less than 20 minutes?
When will blacks do something for africa?
Why is there so much pandering to niggers and women? Fucking doctor strange had like 2 lines
What happened to Gamora? I think I blacked out for a second, did she get dusted at the end?
She died in the last movie
America peaked at 85% white
Based Cap just wanted to go back to a time he could say openly nigger again
>America peaked after killing other americans
Who the fuck are those?
Back when progressivism was at its finest. Of course
When you see present Nebula kill old Nebula without erasing herself from existence, when you see them take the pre-snap Stones without retroactively preventing the snap or collapsing reality with some sort of paradox, that tells you which version of time travel you're dealing with, and that's a multiverse. Full stop.
>both are
From your comment it seems like you are from Reddit, either that or a Disney shill
My God... I need a time machine
That jane foster was a fine piece of ass
pay attention user
Something must fly through my head but whatever happened to Cap's shield? It broke in the fight againts Thanos. I don't recalled Steve brought back with him the shield but then the Old Steve appear with a perfectly intact shield.
Old steve must have stolen it from himself? Don't think about it too hard because it doesn't make any fucking sense
They have ruined this country beyond repair in the quickest speedrun of shitty living I have ever seen.
What's so hard about making a new one? Wakanda has literal tons of vibranium.
>What's so hard about making a new one
It would require him to be captain america and it was pretty obvious he chose to just let everybody die and let hydra take over so he could get his dick wet.
So are they supposed to be in a closed loop or what? Then wouldn't Cap not have the shield?
lmao he looks like jim morrison
Is it true that hulk dabs in the movie?
Fucking this, they are haming that shit so hard.
>new captain america is black
>new thor is black and a woman
>new iron man hinted to be a woman
>that entire scene where all the female super heroes get together to emasculate Peter because hes a male
Captain America's entire shtick is MUH BUCKY and he gives the shield to a random dude he did a few missions with. That is out of character as fuck.
Did Cap took back with him a perfectly intact shield cause I don't remember. If you want to say that Cap goes to Wakanda back in the past then that just open a can of worms.
Cap returning doesn't make any sense because that means he somehow either lived an entire life in an alternate timeline without messing it up and teleported back to the right timeline when his wife died or something.
No, he does the Bolt.
I think he hooked up with peggy and just kept it on the down low
Cyclops fucking when?
But wasn't she pretty fucking essential at shield or whatever? And how would he convince her to go with him when there another captain america somewhere in that timeline?
He probably just told her the truth omitting all the bad shit that happens and lets it happen
I mean the whole point of the ending is that Cap who is normally for the greater good does something selfish. Tony, who usually does selfish shit does something for the greater good.
It's pretty fucking selfish when he steals his past girlfriend and forever fucks a timeline to be glassed by thanos because the avengers were never formed. Wait a minute, does that mean he returned AFTER the earth was destroyed in the first avengers movie?
have sex
Nevermind I don't care anymore. It makes no sense.
No he just inserts himself in and doesn't draw attention to himself. Peggy never mentions who she marrys and shes long gone into Alzheimers by the time she meets Capsicle. Everything else just played out as it originally did, he doesn't intervene.
Capsicle did fuck his own niece though.
The cap stuff is fine in the timeline really. The bigger things are:
Loki just fucking off with the tesseract at the avengers 1.
Gamora no longer in the timeline meaning the guardians don't form.
Thanos no longer in the timeline from the start of gotg.
Peggy remarried, so did Cap get cucked by future Cap?
Cap used his Notebook from Winter Soldier to profit just like Biff.
I'm going to assume that Peter Parker and all his supporting cast were conveniently snapped so none of them are weirdly 5 years older than they should be when Far from Home comes out
It was always Cap.
>yfw Cap specifically says no to telling Falcon about what happened because it’s not completely figured out yet
Lebowski Thor is best Thor
I love that idea.
>Cap becomes a billionaire and has infinite supply of hym particles
>can just keep time traveling to get it exactly right
Based as fuck
>Cap fucks niece
I watched the movie this morning. there are no post credits, but when the marvel studio logo appeared on screen at the very end I could hear the sound of hammer striking iron.[/ spoiler] anybody know what that was about? Or were my ears playing tricks on me?
It happened, I thought it was Tony banging away building the first suit in the cave in IM1
Was it this sound?
Lots of people have reported this and NOBODY KNOWS. It's all speculation.
>>Steve saved...the men who's turn out to be my husband in fact. Seems even in death Steve is still changing my life
Makes that line pretty clever in retrospect
Deus may god punish your jewish ass.
yeah infinity war is definitely better in literally every way
Now I’m fucking mad
Sounds like the ending to adult swim shows
ok so the avengers get rid of ONE THANOS
what about the thanos from all other dimensions?????
He’s literally Honkpilled captain murica
Initiate intercourse
Not just me then, thanks. My session was packed with noisy children so we couldn't be sure if we heard it right.
That would make sense, a good throwback to the movie that started it all.
underrated as fuck
I assumed it was a reference to this youtube.com
Asians, Mexicans and even the fucking Irish have done more than you, you fucking nigger slaves.
You just keep on crying and asking for reparations.
You have built nothing, not even your ancestors, as you come from the trash of west Africa.
You and your family will never stop being slaves, you fucking nigger
I would have been mad if wasn't for that. Sam was also developed as a character, it's not as if he was a random dude who just came out to get the shield in this movie.
your crack pipe must be blazing right now because I can't decipher your retarded nigger babble
Just watched the movie. Thor plays Fortnight[/ spoiler]. I have lost all respect for this character
Mike Lazzo indeed stole that
>Every neighborhood they have ever moved into or become the majority in has turned to shit
>"Black people have done more for America than anyone else"
Tell that to the newly gentrified citizens of Harlem and Oakland, Schlomo.
Sam ain’t even a super-soldier.
Bucky made more sense.
Besides, nobody is emotionally attached to him unlike Bucky.
>Imagine being so obsessed with a group of people that you spend hours making this. And what does it prove? That they're hard working, since they can get these jobs? Maybe if you guys spent a lot more time studying and working instead of complaining on the anime forum, the world would look different.
you guys are retards, he's clearly 100% saying that both Democrats and Republicans should unite against Trump for being a bigoted, angry moron
Yes, trumps entire voterbase should unite against him
I haven't seen the most obvious event caused by Steve's little trip to coochie-town.
Peggy's not gonna hook up with anyone else if he drops back into her life. Which means that Steve is mackin' on his own granddaughter in CA2 and 3.
Here's the deal:
Old Steve is most likely not the Steve we knew, but a Steve from(yet another) alternate reality, one where his shield was never broken. I say "most likely" because it's clear they didn't put much thought into it. If they had, they'd realize that there would be no reason for him to lay low for 7 decades effectively engaging in alt-self cuckery.
cuck faget
take a look at yourself, is this what you want to be?
Niece, from peggys side
But I thought they established during the Bruce and The Ancient One that time travel in their universe are sorta closed loop. Meaning you can't change the events and shit. No alternate reality bullshit.
10/10 here's your (you) user
based and redpilled.
So where can I watch a camrip of the movie?
Why didn't Steve do what anyone going to the past would do and invest in big name companies that he knows will be successful?
That fucking affirmative action . A Blackman gets the job over a more qualified Whiteman .
Its the same steve he just layed low for 70 years. Thats the whole point. He did something selfish for a change instead of waxing on about the greater good
The most incredible part of this movie is how Ant-man was not only useful, but also instrumental to the entire plot Nobody couldve guessed that.
reminder: Cyclops did nothing wrong
Yep, he is underrated even in universe they treat him like no big deal when has really good powers.
What's even the point of the Captain America shield when Wakandans literally wipe their ass with vibranium toilet paper. They're swimming in that stuff. The shield was cool when "that's all there is in the world" but now it's just pointless symbolism.
I'm going to be mad if BP hogs all the vibranium though. That would be a dick move
god tier bait
So what exactly did Captain Feminist change in this fight against Thanos?
So how did he get the shield then? That's my original question.
Absolutely nothing of value.
God I want fat Thor to fuck me so hard
Isn't the original one still out there. When tony brings it to cap in endgame he does say he 'made' it iirc
Bucky is way cooler as Winter Soldier. Sam is just a shit with wings. I guess now he can be a shit with a shield. He'll need super soldier serum or something though because cap was much more than a shield.
He did alter the past with going back. SUUUURE he didn't stop the Holocaust or killed baby Thanos, but he should be in a different timeline because in the original he didn't marry Peggy. So there is a timeline where he married Peggy and one where he didn't.
Thats stupid, Cap went back and is now an old man because the actor doesnt want to act in Marvel anymore
>Take the tragic element of Captain America never having the opportunity to dance with the love of his life away
Looks like the character has been ruined now
Peggy never says who she married and she was long gone with alzheimers when thawed cap shows up
Literally worthless. The most angry I've been at marvel is hyping up that cunt and then she just pulls at his hand and fails like every single other character. If you wanted to be pedantic you could say she saved the earth because she just catches him before he snaps again
Aren't they setting up Bucky to become White Tiger?
i fight for my people, so, yes
>marvel is now embracing the progressive bullshit from their comic department
>the same department that has gone to complete shit
Characters no one cares about. Capeshit is finally heading into a decline.
Ant-Man was more relevant to the fight, Marve should have hyped him and his second movie more.
WTF is the Bolt?
Had a nice selfie moment with the other female heroes when what we really wanted is for Black Widow[/ spoiler] to assemble there
Would it have been better if Cap was the one who made the sacrifice while Tony retires?
Then Cap can get his dance with Peggy in the afterlife.
I'd have liked that better but honestly keeping RDJ around would probably cost them buckets of money in the long term. He got paid like 40mil for the 20 mins he was in spiderman
>She prevented thanos him from snapping his fingers a second time, saving the entire universe
>She destroyed his ship almost instantly
>She saved Stark and by proxy saved the world, again
>She saved nebula and by proxy brought gamora back
Quite a lot actually. Kind of odd she was the defacto hero when she was only on screen for like 5 minutes.
Calm down, pajeet
As opposed to your lasting feats?
The only good thing is that she is potraied like a dumb "durr I'm so strong" like hulk and Thanos still wins by outsmarting her.
Wait a minute, why didn't Captain Mary Sue put on the infinity gauntlet and just snap all day if she's practically god?
she got blasted away
Robert Downey Jr. is retiring
But before, I mean there's a reality ending events happening on earth but she has to go save some space apes on another planet first? Everything that happened in the movie wouldn't if she had been at one of the three "snappenings" so much for savior of the universe, dumb cunt.
Waitaminit, how could Biff get back to Doc and Marty's 2015 after he had given the Sports Almanac to himself in 1955? Wouldn't he have come back to the changed future instead?
That movie doesn't make sense either, old Biff would have returned to his new future, not the 2015 one with Doc and Marty.