At kinoplex

>At kinoplex
>Movie ends
>Stand up and yell "CHECK PLEASE"
>The entire audience roars in laughter and gives me high five as I exit the room

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>watching movie in bed on my laptop
>movie ends
>close laptop
>throw my leftover popcorn, candy wrappers, and beverage cup on my floor

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>At kinoplex
>Movie ends
>Stand up and yell "CHECK PLEASE"
>The entire audience starts grumbling
>Guy sitting next to me gives me disgusted look
>Someone kicks my head from behind and tells me to shut the fuck up

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whos gonna clean that up?

not me that's for damn sure

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your mom eventually will die you know. Likely 30 or so years before you do, what you gonna do then?

>At the movie theater
>Movie concludes
>As I'm leaving, pretend to have a seizure in the aisle
>Crowd gasps, one woman screams
>Get up, "I'm just pretending!!"
>Hear lots of murmurs
>One teenager laughs nervously
>Exit theater pretending to be a gorilla

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>at kinoplex
>movie ends
>bumbling autist in front of me mumbles something incoherent and laughs to himself
>turns and asks me if I heard what he said
>ignore him as I put my jacket on and collect my garbage
>he clambers his way over the three rows in front of him and runs for the exit knocking several patrons over


my mom's been dead

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>At kinoplex
>Movie ends
>Stand up and yell "CHECK PLEASE"
>Man in the back yells, "What in the fuck is a check?"

>at kinoplex
>movie ends
>tell everyone in the theater they have to see the after credits scene
>there is no after credits scene

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>at kinoplex
>still have half a tub full of popcorn
>don't want to carry it with me to the trash
>they're going to clean it up anyway
>feelin' devilish.jpg
>toss it over my shoulders to create as much mess as possible

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Fourty keks!


At least the jannies at the theater actually get paid.

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>at kinoplex
>teenagers down from us keep rustling and giggling during a scary movie
>they start audibly laughing during some scenes
>guy behind me has kicked my chair at least 5 times in 20 minutes while adjusting himself
>guy in front of me tells the teenagers to shut the fuck up
>glad I didn't have to say anything, not that I would have

I don't get upset easily but how do you keep kicking the chair in front of you? I'm always super considerate when I go places. I've been to concerts and had the guy in front of me just standing in his seat while everybody else is sitting down. Who does that? I've also had an older lady sitting behind me rest her cane between my seat and the person beside me on our arm rest. Or people who put their feet up on the chairs in the middle of the theatre and you are the only other people in the theatre so you can't sit right in front of them in the prime seats so you have to sit one row below. It would be a dick move to make them lower their feet when only 6 people are in the theatre.

Fuck I hate people. I'm never going out

Based spineless user