How do I achieve this body?

Attached: thor let himself go.jpg (1378x679, 514K)

Other urls found in this thread:

geez, thor, lay off the carrots..

thor fought thanos in this state, then joined guardians of the galaxy

>Fat Thor playing fucking Fortnite and dumping the throne on lezbo valkyrie.
>Cap fucking off to fuck his waifu, dabbing on Bucky on his way out by passing the Shield over to Falcon, creating Captain Nigger.
>Tony just kinda dies.
>Hulk is a crippled zoomer sojboi by the end.
>Black Widow never got a solo movie and now just kinda decided to An Hero.
Holy fuck, this isn't a funeral - it's a fucking slaughterhouse.
At least Loki had the presence of mind to take the tesseract and dab the fuck outa' there, never looking back.

>being excited for a movie where The Hulk dabs and Thor plays fortnite
are you a literal child

oh yeah, what happens to loki now? is he still dead?

Yup, as a Dodo.

By defeating Thanos contrary to what femists predicted about Ms Marvel being the strongest and only one able to take out Thano

They didn’t even make him fat, he’s just BLOATMAX.

no one’s ever really gone

Ok now do it with cpt marvel

Red skull said Natalie isnt coming back

They present avengers cause quite the ruckus in the climax of the 2012 movie.
Loki just kinda stares at the clusterfuck, grabs the tesseract and fucks off to star his own series.

Attached: Based Loki.png (1911x813, 1.92M)


aren't they making a TV series about Loki? Maybe him getting the tesseract could playinto it

That's the one thing that's actually fairly clever. He's 'dead' in the main franchise but alive in some other dimension separate from Thor for the series.

Boomer thor carried the film

>watching capeshit
Your parents miust be so proud that their child hasn't emotionally developed past the age of 10.
LIke seriously, imagine dying in combat while cutting niggas heads off to defend your country and then you're in heaven looking down at the culmination of your legacy, and what is it doing?
Watching manlets running around greenscreens pretending to be comic book superheroes and shooting CGI beams at each other while quipping. If you could commit suicide in heaven, then you probably would at that moment. You would regret ever having children, having dozens of generations of descendants, all because of one manchild in the 21st century.
Atleast you could rest assured knowing that your genetic lineage dies with this incel ass.

Jesus Christ.
Does he stay fat the entire time?

Based 1XBET SWAT Team

>men fat stupid
>woman good stronk
>orange man bad

oh damn where is the whole movie?

Tempted to see Endgame, having not seen a new Marvel movie in 4+ years, just to see what the current state of capeshit is like these days.

Something tells me Venom or Aquaman would be more worthwhile, though.

>He's just like me

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>>Cap fucking off to fuck his waifu, dabbing on Bucky on his way out by passing the Shield over to Falcon, creating Captain Nigger.
Stay triggered white boi

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Try Chadzam

1XBET has gotta be busted by the feds at some point

Aquaman's a fun adventure.
If you're gonna watch Endgame you also have to watch Infinity war first. It's a two parter.

Just save your cash for the Joker flick.

>have to study for a big exam tomorrow for work or I'll be fired
>this appears
fug, should I watch capeshit and risk losing everything?

They have no power there.

>we are now dealing with alternative universes
One of the biggest cancers in comic books.

It's hard to say. They're a betting company that just happens to pay pirate uploaders to insert ads into the rips.

>the us government

pick one

That's actually good for a movie, they can release crazy ass flicks and never worry about breaking the continuity and pissing off "fans". They already did the hard part, which was creating a solid foundation.

You really think they're gonna mobilize the CIA to go after a chink betting company?

It's impressive how Marvel can rape their characters in different ways and normalfags will still eat it up.

Yeah, the feds do whatever the movie industry tells them to

Have you tried losing weight?

after leftist cucks triggered this white man has dreads?

>That's actually good for a movie
But bad for a story where things matter


I think I went to the toilet when the Stan Lee cameo happened, how was it?

He stole the tesaract. He could run to Thanos and warp with Him.

The feds operate domestically retard. The leaks come from abroad, and from a place that literally gives no fucks about the MPAA, because copyright doesn't exist there.
Short of a literal CIA sanctioned wetwork there's nothing to be done lawfully.

You know copyright is international thanks to treaties?

Alternative dimensions are shit and confusing. They could instead make movies and series that aren't part of the MCU. Not everything needs to be part of the same box.
I'm still waiting for a 2099 Marvel movie.

Why is it bad?

this movie made me feel like a child again
that's the best part user

Not in China retard, they aren't a signing party to none of the deals.
Why do you think they're the kings of bootlegs? They can shit them out legally with impunity.

Isn't the newest Spiderman movie about that? Didn't people love it? I don't think people really care about continuity as long as they have fun and see their heroes doing their shit.

remember when the feds domestically operated a bullet into bin ladens head

Because nothing matters thematically?

it's incredibly funny. thor went from being kinda boring and vanilla the one of the most fun characters

>this entire thread

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When I was a child I watched things like Terminator and Predator, not faggy meme movies where the characters act like millenials on social media.

You should probably tell that to china

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Why not? Do you mean you want every action to affect the Main MCU? Marvel already stablished the main characteristics of the heroes, Cap is a tight and old fashioned gentleman, Antman is a light hearted guy that alays commits crimes for good reasons, they can play with that.

>s oy

He was fun in Thor 1. Thor 2 and the Avengers movies are what tried to reduce him to vanilla. Now he's essentially a combination of Ultimate Thor and Incredible Hercules.

Why would dabbing or fortnite make you feel like a child?
I was playing GTA on dreamcast and socom2 on ps2 when I was like 7

I can walk a few squares and find a shop full of bootleg products, and I live in bumfuck nowhere, maybe it is important to the USA, but anywhere else, specially third world countries give no fucks about it, they have way more important matters than catering to big corporations.

>Why not?
Do you know how storytelling works?

I'm tired of this shit, you don't give answers and only ask stupid questions, just straight up say what you think or stop replying retard.

The God of Thunder is funny guys. I love when a major character is reduced to comic relief status.

>Feds = FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation.
They operate domestically.
>CIA = Central Intelligence Agency
A paramilitary agency specializing in covert wetworks and destabilizating regions.

Admit it, you're not a burger ain't ya?

I already said that infinite alternate universes means that nothing that happens actually matters, and you replied "why not"
I should have stopped pretending you weren't retarded right then

I disliked the new Spider-Man movie. Alternative dimensions are boring.
>I don't think people really care about continuity
This is exactly why they should make non-MCU movies. X-Men should have their own continuity, for example.

>you replied "why not"
>Why not? Do you mean you want every action to affect the Main MCU? Marvel already stablished the main characteristics of the heroes, Cap is a tight and old fashioned gentleman, Antman is a light hearted guy that alays commits crimes for good reasons, they can play with that.
fuck off

for me it was the enthusiasm that radiated from the actors and the story not taking itself seriously (even being very silly) , yet at the same time having a very strong emotional core to everything. it's an epic adventure movie with hordes of imagination, the kind that I would be sucked in as as a kid.

so much happens
some of my fav moments were thor + his mother and Tony and his father. that just happened in between.

By working out and eating healthy. Then you'd lose enough weight to achieve this from your current status.

Every character is Jar jar now user

Its capeshit the stories never matter you fucking nerd

thor had a genuine struggle
he failed to beat thanos but had the greatest chance.
its only human he became a depressed slob. even the god of thunder is human and vulnerable. yet he kicks incredible ass throughout

Xmen interactiong with the avengers on their own continuity would be cool, and they wouldn't have to worry about killing a few since it is contained on a different universe.

It's the only way to continue releasing live action movies, actors are way too old now and they can only appear in a few movies, unless you want them to start making up stories about old heroes.

I thought he just grew his beard, not became a neckbeard

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study, the movie comes out in 2 days

>this is fat
This looks like one of those strong guys from the 19th century, not fat at all.

Keep going to Disney films.

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>lezbo valkyrie
The character comes off like a bitch.
I hope they don't try to shoe horn Valk in our face she's gonna be the next Thor.